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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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3) Entire game economy and achievement mechanics were warped to fix the wealthy exploiter problem. Being required to spend upwards of 1 million credits to change a set of gear around is just what everyone wants/needs from their MMO experience, in order to justify having to grind dailies for a week or two to cover the costs.


Though I believe that your statement arguing that Bioware does not care about it's subscribers is absurd , the bolded statement shown here touches the surface of a very real issue that I believe is a deterrent to many newer players attempting to fully enjoy all that the game has to offer.


Personally, I enjoy the game very much. I'm a guild leader at present, raid leader, avid player. However, the one glaring issue that has continually put that bee in my bonnet has been crafting, not in how it applies to end game, but the player just attempting to level up while producing their own gear or gear for alts.


After much fan testing, reporting, the RNG rate, in relation to RE, was altered. That was a great step. However, there still lies a major issue with missions. To the leveling player RE means nothing if they cannot obtain the mats in a reasonable enough time to craft items prior to exceeding the level in which they can utilize them.


I've tested this extensively and posted numbers demonstrating mean averages with up to 4 to1 variations between such things as companion gifts and underworld metal missions. I've spent more time then I care to admit (much to the amusement of my guild-mates) logging off and on, jumping in and out of my ship, noting how difficult it is to obtain applicable missions for an established level, or the required mats from each mission (Mutagenic paste or Neurochemical Extract mean of 7 to 1 respectively) . I've seen the cost of equipping a character in blue gear for two levels exceed several hundred thousand credits based on the sheer number of missions required to obtain the mats. I've experienced time sinks (utilizing alt crafting to fully equip a character) of up to 12 hours for two levels that can be exceeded in 4 to 8 hours.


Crafting is, whether acknowledged or not, a very strong, integral part of the game from the players point of view. It is, in my opinion, a key aspect in preventing boredom. Tuned as it is currently, it is not only failing to fulfill its potential, but introducing an element of frustration for that leveling player.


This aspect of the game should not, and cannot simply be set up as a random time sink, then tossed aside in any sort of cavalier manner. Tuning it is no less important then tuning raid content. A serious examination of the system, at the leveling stages, seems warranted, and would be in their best interest. From there, a more serious look at end game crafting from a more experienced perspective should be conducted in order to fulfill the potential that this basic design could achieve. That could begin with reviewing whether or not companion gift missions should be pulled right out of the mix and given their own separate missions so as not to overwhelm and dominate the mission book.


As I've always maintained, the design is exemplary, but the implementation is holding it back.



Edited by Blackardin
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1. ilum sucked

2. warzones sucks

3. pve? why? lol

4. crafting sucks


im gone as well as my guildies. thanks for the 30 free days though. looks good to fake sub numbers for may.

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I pre-ordered, played in the Beta's and currently am sub'd till almost the July. Ive quit for the following reasons.


1.) Lack of people on servers. Why have 75 or more servers in a game with so few people? Start merging now. Dont bring out a paid transfer system because its stupid to charge the players $15 to move to a populated server. We did not open the abundant servers and spread everyone out to where its almost impossible to group for anything. I play MMO's to hang with friends and make new ones. Hard to do when all your friend bounce and theres not many others on to become friends with.



2.) Lack of common MMO features. Horrible GTN that is stupid to try and use. No LFG. WZ's being pug v/s premade non-stop.


3.) I personally dont care a single bit about lore, story lines etc. Im here to play. Im sick and tired of having to listen to the same friggin stories in FP's. It should be 1 and done to not hear again on the same character. Its a waste of my time.


4.) Load times. I have a very strong system and these load times are just dumb. Every other MMO / FPS i play that requires stronger systems run flawlessly and load 10X faster. I purchased an SSD setup for a reason.


5.) Horrible graphics engine, need i say more.


I have more reasons, but those are the major ones for me.

Edited by LexiCazam
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The fact that 90% of the servers are ghost towns. This is unacceptable, players have difficult times finding groups, and suffer from warzone queues over an hour long.


The typical answer is to make a new character on a higher population server, but it shouldn't have to be that way. Most servers are dead. People who come back to login to their characters only to find there's only 2 other people on the planet, well, I can't blame them for unsubbing and quitting.

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1. Dead servers

2. Terrible game core optimization( i played from Launch with 20 fps on mid-range system)

3. Dead world ... no desire to return to the old location and even no why

4. Where is world pvp massive battles, etc? Where is the war between the Republic and the Empire? I do not see it!

5. Game about Star wars but without open space? Are you kidding me?

Edited by Deathmond
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As of right now all ive done is cancel my recurring sub, im still here until June at least but i've been annoyed enough with the game to cancel the recurring sub which is a big deal for me - here are my reasons why


1/ Open world PVP was a flop and WZ's arent my idea of PVP


The PVP implementation of this game makes me sad, Ilum was a failure before it had begun because it went at day one to a single zone (when SWG moved to Restuss and the static bases it was after years of PVP anywhere after that PVP outside of those zones was rare) and Ilum was poorly implemented and laggy as hell and is now mothballed, Warzones where you cant queue a whole group of guildies and after close to 5 months are still left with people who cant/wont play objectively is terrible, add to that we have a 3 in 4 chance of playing same faction which means we're highly likely to queue guildie against guildie and its just not fun.


2/ Expertise/Gear Grind/TTK


My main (most geared/ranked toon) is a Commando, geared for DPS - which is largely a joke now as more and more Marauders and Shadow Tanks/Juggernauts are able to put out much more DPS with few to no inductions and interrupt most of a commandos DPS moves - i've tried multiple specs for my Commando but i'm not really suited to play healer and assault spec is better on a vanguard than a commando - I'm currently looking at my other 50's and lowbies trying to decide which one to level and gear but i'm angry that i'm being forced off my main.


Expertise gear is a stupid system, coupled with lots of my gripes listed in #1 - you need the gear but your progression is hindered by the random aspect of the Q system - will you get a full team? will you get 4 bads along with your premade? will you get the 3 guys who always quit mid way through? also being on a low pop server Queues are slow most of the day, the need for expertise gear (not recruit, it blows) requires me to throw myself into WZ's over and over during my time in game which make them even more boring.


3/ Friends leaving


As a guild leader, it was a lot of work keeping our guild together in the years it took from us leaving SWG to starting TOR, we had people in LOTRO or WOW or STO but never all of us together, since December i've seen out large active group of friends thin out because they went from being super excited about this game and PVP servers and protecting our levelers and raiding cities and starports to being boxed in and rarely bothered by opposing faction - they felt like they were playing a single player game most of the time they loaded into a planet and were the only person there.


4/ Credit Sinks/Legacy


Im a PVPer by nature but in previous MMOs ive made the mistake of only having one character at max level so this time i leveled multiples, somewhat accidentally ended up with 3 50's quite early on in the game which gave me a high legacy level so i was interested/excited when legacy came around but it ended up being a bunch of fluff that wasnt worth the price that was being charged for it, i've seen people here (and ive been one of them) insisting that its easy to make credits in the game but ive come to realise its not about ease its about the time invested, what do you give up on doing because you have to farm credits to remod your armor (costs the better part of 200k to move War Hero stuff into an augmented peice)


5/ Community


It just doesnt feel like a server community to me and BW seems to have gone out of their way to make that so, no cross faction tells, no true server forums even same faction doesnt have any real community because there is no server wide chat channel - If i logged on today and BW had merged my server with another one it wouldnt be instantly noticable nor would it be a particular shame - i have no connection to the server im playing on or the people outside of my guild who play there

Edited by EzronDax
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I closed two accounts yesterday and this is why:


1. I am on a dead server and I refuse to start over somewhere else.

2. Cross server LFG features have not been added yet.

3. Crafting is boring and isn't worth leveling.

4. Space is on rails and uses the same skin at higher levels.

5. No open world to explore.

6. No ship interior customization. There is no use to have ships if you can't decorate them.

7. Not enough companion customization options.

8. The economy is the worst that I have seen in an mmo.


I have many more complaints, but there is no reason to stomp something when it is down already. They will basically have to do quite a few more major patches/expansions before I will consider coming back. It's a shame too considering that I have been following this game since it was in the rumor phase.

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You know when it's time to go, it's time to go. They never intended for hardcores to stick around forever. They had no intention of rolling out constant content for the people who play all day and night. They are content to let those players quit and come back later when new stuff is added. The difficulty and pace of content is suited more towards the majority of the market, not the 10% or less of the most demanding players.


Now I stick around because I have plenty to do. I can spend hours a day working on leveling an alt, crafting, dailies, a Warzone, or just socializing. Somewhere they stated the average play time was over 4 hours a day. That's a lot of people wasting a lot of their life here. There are days I only log in for 10 mins, just to check my sales.



Here's some insight into Walton's thinking on this


Lesson Nine


He then suggested something even more controversial -- "Let 'em quit." He warned of making promises for features in patches that would never come to fruition (or do so far down the line the promises don't matter anymore.) "City Of Heroes taught me this before WoW -- a game that you finished and felt good and you'd re-up." But with other games "they quit because they'd stayed too long... the only way for them to escape was to demonize the game."


His personal experience is that he'll drop in and out of WoW at a whim with no ill feeling. However, he didn't think it was relevant that WoW doesn't delete inactive characters -- the "namespace" freed by deleting characters makes them worth deleting. He warned gamers get dissatisfied "if it takes more than three tries before they can have a name that they want."



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I honestly fail to see what can be gained by this thread.


We know what the major complaints are and most of them are valid.


There should have been x-server pvp and a x-server lfg tool implemented at release. They were warned in beta by myself and others and they chose not to do this based on their idea of how they wanted their game to be played and their own vision of how players would behave. They were wrong.


They instead chose to design end game around the fleet and provided a tepid lfg tool that nobody liked (well somebody must have liked it.) Again, many of us warned them in beta and they chose to take a chance on this system. I myself started a thread on the beta forums many many months ago lamenting the possibility that most of the pve flashpoints they had designed would be missed because of the way groups were formed and I wasn't the only one concerned. It was clear very early that their vision wasn't working but for some reason, we still don't have either of these things.


Those complaints are entirely valid and I myself wonder what are they thinking by not having these features in...yesterday.


Don't get me wrong. I also have reservations about x-server lfg but the outcry is clear. The desire for this has been clear from the very beginning and up to this point, hasn't born any fruit.


This complaint and a couple of others are completely and totally valid and good feedback can be gleaned from threads about these issues. Thing is..these threads already exist.


What threads like this one amount to, and this has been born out by this thread, vividly, is every single complaint under the sun from, "my gear is ugly," to, "I hate the music," being dragged out and beaten like a dead horse.


You can't possibly get any good feedback from a general complaint thread such as this. You will get post after post of people complaining about their own personal issues and grinding their own individual axes.

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I am not un subbing, but if i ever do it will be for the following reasons:


1. Nerfs: When we have been playing our characters for the past 5 months is not nice at all to need to relearn how to play it because of all the changes they introduce with the last patch, specially in the pvp department... I think most people would agree that pvp before patch 1.2 (1.1.5) was good, but then the hammer dropped down and most of us had to re learn how play our characters.


2. Crafting: In every mmo this is one of the huge areas, here is not. Its just useless... Some very bad decisions have been made... no one crafts stuff because it is not profitable... missions cost to much money and time and no one will buy your stuff cause you can get better stuff from dailies, pvp, flashpoints, operations, etc... Its more profitable to sell the crafting mats rather than crafting items. Another thing, purple recipes dropped from operations and flashpoints are bind on acquired, and the item you can craft can only be used by the crafter... this is just plain stupid... Crafters need set bonus armors, with recipes being acquired through missions and that can be sold in the GTN... maybe then should not be ad good as rakata stuff, but maybe equal to tionese, but with different bonuses, and that you can craft different ones for same classes but with different looks, we need to stop the CLONE PARADE... its just no cool to see everyone looking the same, despise they are wearing different armors like tionese, columni and rakata... And last you guys at BIOWARE need to fire the person who is in charge of designing the armors, they are by far the worst looking armors i have seen in all my mmo life... i have been playing mmos for the past 10 years and this game has the worst looking armor sets i have ever seen... The armor sets introduced with patch 1.2 are terrible... i have come to a point that in my healer i am not getting my columni/rakata just because it looks horrible...


3. Guild: they are so poorly developed... no guild mail, no guild objectives, no guild ship or base, no guild missions, no nothing... We only have a MOTD and guild list... ohh i forgot about the guild bank that they introduced 5 months later, when it had to be there from day 1. Guilds are huge part of mmos and should receive a lot of love in the up coming patches. Give people in guilds stuff to do together.


4. Legacy: I was excited with this... but i got disappointed with it... My legacy lvl gives me noting... right now it is at lvl 22 and i have't bough a single thing from the legacy system because everything cost stupids amounts of money... This was a mistake!!! Why introduce a new system just to slave it to our economy and to proportions when only the wealthy players can acquire the stuff... I have a lot of alts and i like to maximize my companion relationships so i do a lot of missions trying to get gifts, so i have never had more than 700k credits on any of my toons, so i haven't bought any of the legacy unlocks and will not do it in the near future cause i don't see how i can do that by playing only a couple of hours a day. Family tree gives you nothing... no bonus of any kind... So my alt is the son of my main, and i get nothing... its useless... the same goes for the other stuff... STOP THE MONEY GRIND NOW! LEGACY STUFF SHOULD BE ACQUIRED THROUGH LEGACY POINTS AND UNLOCKED BY LEGACY LEVELS!!!


5. Companion Customization: I hate that with my Jedi Knight i end up using DOC all of the time because he "the" healer... I started a relationship with Kira Carsen and followed it until the point i was going to marry it, but she spends all the times doing missions and in my ship... I would have loved to made her my healer so she could follow me into battle and do epic stuff... and why not: she is a consular but devs decided she had to be a shadow and not a sage... I Think that Advance Classes you be picked for our companions too... I would love to be able to pick the skill (from a skill pool) i want my companion to have... We are told that our character has a lot of impact on our companion life, to the point it makes him follow us and leaving his old life behind him, so are we not allow to determine how should he follow us...


6. End game content: This needs to be accessible to all the population and not only for the hardcore players... I will never support in this game that the new operations introduced with the new patches have to be more and more and more difficult and complex, so only the most experienced players can do them and enjoy them... This mmo was suppose to be based on story, so there is where all the fuzz should be putted. Example: The Eseless/The Black Talon Flashpoint is one of the best... why? because of the story, not because it was hard to do and complex to solve... The casual player populations is about 85% of the total, leaving the other 15% to hardcore player, but developers are satisfying them instead of the mayority of the population. And in my opinion, this is why most of the mmos fails.

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Played beta, sub expiring soon, not renewing.


Problems I have:

  • Load times
  • Subpar graphics
  • Lack of basic MMO features (dungeon finder)
  • Dead servers, lack of transfer/merges
  • Inability to balance classes properly
  • Leveling is a linear, uninteresting, dull grind.
  • PvE risk vs reward is not worth it, too difficult to form groups on dead servers.
  • Lack of World PvP venues, devs giving up on Ilum.
  • Making valor useless in PvP was not a good move IMO.
  • Gear looks awful
  • I'm already Legacy 35, I'm not here to grind credits so I can buy minor aesthetic or useless upgrades.
  • EA's bad PR moves, and awful reputation as a company.


Most importantly: less patient friends have quit before me due to combination of above reasons and things stated in other posts.


All in all, I can take my $15 a month and spend it on a different game that doesn't have all these problems.


I LOVE the Star Wars franchise, from Ep 4-6, 1-3, and even Clone Wars cartoons. I LOVE the MMO genre as well, but cannot justify paying to play this subpar game, especially when most servers are EMPTY!


D3, GW2, LoL = free

WoW = same cost, with more features, more players, higher density populations (even on their low pop servers).

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Basically what i see here is bunch of people stating problems, but not giving ideas on how to fix them. A bad example of a response to this thread:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to do the lower level ones anymore, BW fix it!"


And a good one:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to go to the lower level ones anymore. Why dont you give rewards such as a point system allowing you to purchase gear."


It's obvious to anyone who's played an MMO in the last decade what this game's shortcomings are, and what needs to be done about it.


The devs have addressed about every single one of the issues mentioned in this thread with 'We plan on addressing that in the future. It's in the plan!'. They don't need our constructive feedback, since the only constructive feedback the devs need is a simple 'Bring your game up to 2012 standards.'

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I honestly fail to see what can be gained by this thread.


We know what the major complaints are and most of them are valid.


There should have been x-server pvp and a x-server lfg tool implemented at release. They were warned in beta by myself and others and they chose not to do this based on their idea of how they wanted their game to be played and their own vision of how players would behave. They were wrong.


They instead chose to design end game around the fleet and provided a tepid lfg tool that nobody liked (well somebody must have liked it.) Again, many of us warned them in beta and they chose to take a chance on this system. I myself started a thread on the beta forums many many months ago lamenting the possibility that most of the pve flashpoints they had designed would be missed because of the way groups were formed and I wasn't the only one concerned. It was clear very early that their vision wasn't working but for some reason, we still don't have either of these things.


Those complaints are entirely valid and I myself wonder what are they thinking by not having these features in...yesterday.


Don't get me wrong. I also have reservations about x-server lfg but the outcry is clear. The desire for this has been clear from the very beginning and up to this point, hasn't born any fruit.


This complaint and a couple of others are completely and totally valid and good feedback can be gleaned from threads about these issues. Thing is..these threads already exist.


What threads like this one amount to, and this has been born out by this thread, vividly, is every single complaint under the sun from, "my gear is ugly," to, "I hate the music," being dragged out and beaten like a dead horse.


You can't possibly get any good feedback from a general complaint thread such as this. You will get post after post of people complaining about their own personal issues and grinding their own individual axes.


If you care about the game and want to see it here next year people need to keep complaining until bioware gets it. As far as i know they still do not get it at all.


They still refuse the idea of a cross server lfg tool because of the same inane belief that some players still have about it ruining a community (that a game where you only need 8 people to do everything will never have) and their game is going to die if they hold on to that rediculous belief. They need to get their mission plan reworked, they cant have a game that caters to casuals then refuse to implement one of the most important tools for a casual mmo.


And just a week or two ago one of their lead devs said that "server merges werent a priority" if more than half of your servers have so few people on them that other people are quitting then what the hell would have to happen to make those a priority?

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Basically what i see here is bunch of people stating problems, but not giving ideas on how to fix them. A bad example of a response to this thread:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to do the lower level ones anymore, BW fix it!"


And a good one:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to go to the lower level ones anymore. Why dont you give rewards such as a point system allowing you to purchase gear."

Oh I am sorry, Am I employed by Bioware? Am I supposed to do their job for them?

And for the record I gave them PLENTY of good ideas which were simply discarded. My word does not matter, me saying "Bioware, this is going to backfire, don't" means absolutely nothing, so please don't bother lecturing us.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Jadenfango

Basically what i see here is bunch of people stating problems, but not giving ideas on how to fix them. A bad example of a response to this thread:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to do the lower level ones anymore, BW fix it!"


And a good one:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to go to the lower level ones anymore. Why dont you give rewards such as a point system allowing you to purchase gear."


Oh I am sorry, Am I employed by Bioware? Am I supposed to do their job for them?

And for the record I gave them PLENTY of good ideas which were simply discarded. My word does not matter, me saying "Bioware, this is going to backfire, don't" means absolutely nothing, so please don't bother lecturing us.


Its clear that Jadenfango didn't even bother to read all replies, and instead of helping he does the very same he it criticizing, but instead of the game he does it to the player.


I've read almost every post of this thread and there are people who are suggesting new ideas.

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1) dead server (mb not so dead, but no guilds with hardcore pve = dead for me)

2) optimization issues

3) horrible optimization

4) i hate optimization in this game

5) optimization are bad

Edited by Radlance
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I have two accounts, one was for my grandson. For those that say it wasn't intended for "hardcores" well my grandson isn't hardcore and neither am I at this point. My son also closed his account, mostly because of the PvP issues. My grandsons account is the one that I closed. Mine may follow, if it does it will be for the same reasons as my grandson.


Both my grandson and I have played a number of MMOs and still play WoW. In fact he went back to WoW (more things to do and more people.)


1. No X-Server queues for LFG/LFR WZs. I was a hardcore raider for years in WoW and other MMOs. Now I play much more casually. I find cross server queues very valuable as a more casual player. When I log on to play, I want to play, not stand around trying to get a group together. For me this is mostly about WZs since I've done a total of 4 OPs, 3 of them Hardmodes, and completed all of them the first try. I don't find the OPs either challenging or engaging on a graphics level.


2. Server Populations - I don't think free transfers will solve the problem unless they are very well managed. But even on my server, which is much better than most so far as population goes, I've never played an MMO that feels less like an MMO than this one. Higher sever populations may help this at least a bit.


3. Really nothing interesting to explore and even early on when our sever was full I seldom met people when questing. After having leveled 3 50s and on my 4th I've had exactly 3 open world PvP encounters and I'm on a PvP server.


4. Crafting - While I initially liked the companion gathering/crafting one thing it has done is eliminate a time sink, gathering, which is one less thing to do when I log on those lazy days and just want to spend some time mindlessly exploring and gathering. Not to mention that the scenery, limited areas to explore, etc give planet hopping absolutely no appeal. I would also help if I could actually sell a meaningful number of items.


5. PvP - While I like some things about PvP they need to make smaller changes, have a bit bigger maps, and some larger group WZs. There are lots of bugs, but I can live with some bugs if they continue to fix them and address the other issues.


There are things like the story driven quest lines, companions in general and other things I like about this game which is why I'm still here. But I've been logging on less and less so hopefully things will change for the better and I'll have a reason to renew my subscription.

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I quit the game last week and even though i got the free month left i wont bother playing


my reasons are


- My server is dead now, the AH is empty, pvp queues can take 2 hours in off peak times and maybe 20-30 mins in peak times and you will always face the same group, And we have no xfers or merges to fix this problem

- Bioware says FU you pvpers, stuff like removing rated wz the day before 1.2 is not a good sign

- GW2 and Diablo 3 are on the way

- EA sucks

- I thought SWTOR was suppose to innovate the mmorpg genre? Didnt that what the devs said years back? all it did was take WoW, slap on Star Wars and added in more story.

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Unsubscribed already weeks before Legacy 1.2


Now with the free month I got 40 days remaining with my game time card.




1. PLANETS FEEL DEAD AND STATIC, nothing happening there which makes the worlds feel alive. No day / night / weather changes. Static mobs, static animals not giving a sense of immersion.


2. LOW PLAYER POPULATIONS. I thought this game will be "massive multiplayer". Planets are not populated like it should be in a modern MMO. I expected this game to be more server-shards sandbox style plus theme park rides.


3. GRAPHICS -- textures and details are sub par and spaceship animations are not good. Cutscenes are directed quite boring, more like a Nickelodeon kids TV series than a 200 Million dollar game based on a movie blockbuster.


4. THE RAILSHOOTER. Where is space exploration in a sandbox universe, trading, upgrading my ship, encountering enemies, mining asteroids, space PvP, my own personal customizable ship or selling stuff on a server wide trade network? No where. Lame.


5. THERE IS VERY LITTLE TO DO IN THIS GAME except killing mobs, killing mobs, again, and again, and the mobs are standing around in groups, waiting to be killed, doing nothing. Lame. Where are the populated worlds or intelligent, interactive NPCs, or droids reacting to emotes, or fun minigames? A working Nar Shaddaa Casino? Walking into a Huttball Arena and watching games live? Betting on the results? No where. Lame.


If BW works on these areas, I´ll certainly resubscribe, but that will probaby take some years until TOR 3.0 or 5.0


Anyway, I want to conclude with the regular optimistic sentence "THIS GAME HAS POTENTIAL"...

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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If you care about the game and want to see it here next year people need to keep complaining until bioware gets it. As far as i know they still do not get it at all.


I'm not one to defend Bioware, but I'm pretty sure they get it.


They spent 6 years of development making levels 1-49 outstanding, and they now need to cram a decade's worth of MMO development into level 50 within the next few months.


And while I'm patient, the barriers to PvE content at the moment are preventing me from enjoying the game. I've taken the reasonable approach of stopping payment until this game is finished with it's beta and has all the features a modern MMO should have.

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I'm not one to defend Bioware, but I'm pretty sure they get it.


They spent 6 years of development making levels 1-49 outstanding, and they now need to cram a decade's worth of MMO development into level 50 within the next few months.


And while I'm patient, the barriers to PvE content at the moment are preventing me from enjoying the game. I've taken the reasonable approach of stopping payment until this game is finished with it's beta and has all the features a modern MMO should have.


Then i guess we can agree to disagree, when they say things like no cross server lfg tool (name a sucessful mmo without one) and that server mergers arent a priority i get nervous and think that these devs are not living in the real world.

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My 5 reasons why I unsubscribed


1) Game is too easy. Leveling is too fast. Game is too linear.

2) I don't grind...anything...anymore. I've played lots of mmos and it didn't take long to understand that I will not fall for the endgame grind trap ever again (eg. artificially prolonging my subscription just to get money from me every month). Once the main content is done...I'm done. It just so happens that it takes VERY LITTLE time to go through the content in this game.

3) Not interested in raiding (it's a grind in disguise). Not interested in PVP (it's a grind in disguise). Not interested in min/maxing my character or legacies (it's a grind in disguise). Not interested in dailies (I think I'm more interested in putting a bullet to my head than doing dailies), Etc.

4) I don't like how the legacy system was brought in late. I'd already leveled up a bunch of alts and missed out on some interesting class/race combos. To be honest it pissed me off that I would have to delete some alts to start over (all 8 slots were created at launch and alt leveling began then).

5) Summer is coming. You're nuts to be sitting inside and playing ANYTHING during the summer.


6) Subscribing to an mmo is not a requirement. There are SO many other good games to play out there, why should I lock myself in to just ONE. That has always boggle my mind about mmo players. Bored? Cancel!!!! There's ZERO obligation to stay and waste your life away. It's just a game.


Oh and let me add 7) Continual balancing BS to satiate PVP morons in a PVE game will get me to quit a game every...single...time. You want PVP? Go play MW3, CS, etc.


I will be back this fall though, assuming there's something worth coming back for.

Edited by Thradar
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in order


1. DTC since 1.2

2.BW gave up on world PvP (ilum/tatooine)

3. PvP is horrible

4.Besides doing dailys (don't bother w/dailys atm have plenty of creds for repairs if needed), Ops (2nights a week), nothing for me to do.

5. Shard mergers should have happen months ago.

Edited by Wetworks
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