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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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If in v1.3 the sound issue is not fixed it will be also my number 1 reason to rage quite.

Bioware introduce a bug in v1.2 and lacks the ability to address it properly or at least communicate well about a possible resolution.

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Good Morning All


Yesterday I unsubscribed two accounts....the number one main reason was the lack of people to interact with on our Server.....it is a real shame as I love this game but I just could not justify the cost......I really hope EA/BW do something constructive in respect to regaining a larger customer base as this game has potential.


Anyways thats my view, maybe in a few months I will come back and the population will have increased significantly but I have my doubts.


Have a nice day folks



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Enough is enough. Instead of giving 5 reasons, I'll take the liberty to post the same message I wrote to Bioware when I decided to cancel my sub. I add a couple of references to other posts and comments.



From the first moment, I noticed the game was severely lacking in the aspects that have defined the MMORPG genre in the last 15 years. To put it briefly, those aspects are the ones which provide the player with the notion that he is immersed in a breathing, living world where he can develop a unique career through unique decisions, with proper systems and mechanics that encourage socializing and community making. [i even created a thread months ago, sharing my concerns and asking for suggestions, tried to be constructive, you know: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=289349]


I find the game linear, shallow, limited and mind numbing. A pretty carcass with no soul, that it is. I gave you the benefit of the doubt for 6 months, I have been very patient [Check my post history, hehehe]. Now, what I see at this point of the road is that you have no intention of adding some soul to this dead carcass, to put it in a poetic fashion. On the contrary, your "big plans" for the upcoming future is just to add more linear and mind-numbing content (ops, warzones, on trail quests...) into this dead and mind numbing mechanics for the sole sake of the grind. How fun! Like Bretch put it: "try, try again, fail again, fail better"


Do you want a suggestion? Study the classics, the games that defined the genre: Neverwinter Nights (the first one), Ultima Online, Everquest, Asheron's Call, Star Wars Galaxies.


Kind regards, wish you luck (honestly)




I should add that targeting the casual gamers was a terrible, short termish business decision.


In my definition, the difference between "casual" and "hardcore" is not based on the time you commit to the game, it's an attitude towards gaming instead. Let me explain:


- The casual looks for a time-killer, no brainer game where not too many intellectual efforts and role playing capabilities are asked, nor heavy punishments are inflicted (no big consecuences to the player's actions). Examples of casual oriented games: Diablo, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty.


- The hardcore fundamentally looks for a game where he can walk in his character's shoes and see through his eyes. More concentration, consistency and effort is required to play in "hardcore mode". EDIT: Examples of hardcore oriented games: Ultima Online, Star War Galaxies, Battlefield 3


The main point here is the type of player that is going to support a game on the long term are the hardcores because they have the commitment and implication as, after all, their characters are part of their personality ;). They not only sustain the game, they are the ones who create guilds, forums, blogs, etc... But, of course, you need to have a game with sufficient depth to appeal the hardcores. Definitely, not the case with SWTOR :(

Edited by Suturi
missed something
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1. Lack of challange in endgame PvE.


2. No LFG function at all. (looks like 2000 A.D called, and wanted their LFG global menu back)


3. STILL no ranked pvp, or even world pvp for crap sake.


Game needed another six months development before launch, still feels like an incomplete MMO for 2012.


I might come back in 5-6 months.

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my subscription runs out tomorrow. the game is too linear in pretty much every respect, if you don't do Operations all you can do is level alts or grind dailies, given how linear leveling is playing alts was no fun, the personal storyline for my character felt like forced roleplaying for dummies, for optimum char progress you are forced to either go max dark or light side, the playable races aren't varied enough, lfg tool and many other basic staple MMO tools are missing. the game just wasn't as much fun as I hoped it would be. Was nice to level to 50 once and I wish I could have played more Flashpoints (server was too dead for that) but I feel like I have beaten the game and I'm just throwing my money away at this point if I'd continue my subscription.
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Having played my first subscribed MMORPG I realize why I cancelled my sub today.


MMO and RPG don't belong in the same gamespace. You can't do true "role" playing when the story line calls you the special person and everyone just happens to be just as special as you.






one of the many downfalls to this game, i just got a wow time card :(

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my subscription runs out tomorrow. the game is too linear in pretty much every respect, if you don't do Operations all you can do is level alts or grind dailies, given how linear leveling is playing alts was no fun, the personal storyline for my character felt like forced roleplaying for dummies, for optimum char progress you are forced to either go max dark or light side, the playable races aren't varied enough, lfg tool and many other basic staple MMO tools are missing. the game just wasn't as much fun as I hoped it would be. Was nice to level to 50 once and I wish I could have played more Flashpoints (server was too dead for that) but I feel like I have beaten the game and I'm just throwing my money away at this point if I'd continue my subscription.


exactly how i feel

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I began to play SW:TOR cause I'm really SW fanboy. I grow up watching the movies, playing the games and everything else.


I knew, since the beginning, that SW:TOR would be a WoW clone, with a SW theme and with all that dialogue/story thing - the Bioware's best signature. So, I found that would be a very cool game, and It really is!


But there's a problem: once you reach the level cap, there's nothing else to do! It's simple. I can't do daylies cause I don't like daylie quests: looks repetitive, boring to the bones... I wanna play to see interesting things, not the have a "second job" in a virtual world.


I really love to play with other, and even better if i don't know the other players. The actual LFG tool system from WoW is just fantastic. But SWTOR don't have a LFG system and the wors part is: the servers are DEAD! There's no one else to play with you.


So, cause of this, I'm leaving for now... maybe I can go back someday...

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I played WoW for about 6 years and mostly raided (PVE). I joined a pvp arena team once but never played, dabbled in battlegrounds but nothing serious. Yet something happened with TOR, I got massively addicted to the warzones. My wife and I would spend hours a day PVP'n and would squeal with delight when Huttball came up. She would yell Huuuuuuutttballl! Then 1.2 landed and it all came to an end. As a sage I couldn't keep myself alive let alone try and save others. Even if I focused on 1 person I couldn't keep him/her alive even if they were fighting one enemy. I persevered thinking BW would see the error of their ways but alas no large change (dont count relic/arena nerf). I'll never understand why such massive changes were made to PVP, I could forgive the waste of time grinding BM gear. But the hugely reduced TTK is baffling. Oh well, when I lost complete interest my wife and best friend also cancelled. I've gone back to World of Tanks and good old PS3/Xbox.
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Here is where i stand with swtor. I love swtor but hate EA. i love Mass effect but hate BW. all i can say is you do not really listen to the players of the game. See ya when 600,000 more unsub and you close the doors on everyone that put there hard earn money into the game ..
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Posted this in another thread but I think it is relevant to this discussion.

Reasons I used to play (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story was interesting

2. Companions were interesting liked the romance but wish it were same gendered as well

3. The scenery was nice on the planets (albeit static)

4. It's Star Wars. If it wasn't for this I would have quit long before I did.

5. Cinematics were good (although sometimes they could be buggy)

6. Legacy was cool

7. Personal ship was a nice idea

8. I liked that I could use crafting mats that were in my hanger bay

9. Datacrons

10. Codex


Reasons I quit (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story lacked real choices (didn't go through all of them but the stories I did see lacked any meaningful choice)

2. Class story on republic side was boring (I wanted to play a Jedi Knight but couldn't stand the story)

3. Lack of exploration (some of the planets like Coruscant or Nar Shadaa are just hallways)

4. The planets are very static with no weather, no day/night cycles, and the mobs just stand there waiting to die

5.The music is good, for the small amount of time it plays, but on every planet I have to listen to the sound of my speeder for just about the whole time I am there.

6. OPs are easy, when you don't hit bugs, and gear from them is way too easy to get

7. I can't level alts, after leveling a character on each faction, without having to replay the same story in the same order. Yes there are class quests, but they are far and few between.

8. PVP is gear based without it you get slaughtered. Didn't mind 1-49, though it got tedious playing the same warzones again and again. It is also unbalanced, not that I expected it to be as it is a difficult thing to do.

9. World PVP happened to me exactly once while leveling.

10. cant swim all the water features are shallow

11. No x-server LFG

12. Extreme population problems and lack of action to correct it

13. The game runs terribly and graphics aren't that good

14. Combat is not very fluid and there are ability delays

15. The game copies heavily from WoW

16. No same gender romance options

17. Lack of in game combat logs

18. Lack of addons. Some people hate them but for people with disabilities it can be very beneficial and allow them a much better gameplay experience. I'm not disabled I just saw a post about this and it made me realize how it could allow much better access to the game and content for some people.

19. No alien species, I mean seriously they are all pretty much recolored humans. Would have liked to see Togruta, Cathar, or Trandoshans as playable.

20. Character customization is seriously lacking; a lot of clones.

21. No way of character customization changes after creation; ie changing hairstyles or adding scars.

22. Nothing to in end-game that is non-combat like pazaak, swoop racing, or pod racing

23. No chat bubbles

24. Can't sit in chairs

25. Space Combat is unintuitive and on rails

26.Crafting is almost useless and is going to be even worse in next patch

27. Lack of intuitive guild features

28. The amount of bugs and the time it is taking to fix them

29. Gear design was terrible (I liked the gear I got in the beginning better then tier gear)

30. Can't have my companions in my legacy tree; this is a very bad oversight.

31. Social points were a good idea but they are poorly implemented.

32. No reputation grinds; it adds to re-playability and can give cool non-combat rewards

33. Can't customize my ship

34. Too many loading screens

35.The fleet was poorly done all the vendors on the fleet should be on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant. Also the Republic fleet looks terrible.

36. The GTN

37. Customer service; they had closed many of my tickets without resolving them. Also the hoth incident where they called players liars and fraudulent.


Sad part is I could probably think of more if I thought about it but I feel this is enough. I really tried to like this game but as it is I would rather wait. If they change some things for the better I will come back and play again. For now I am gonna keep my eye on GW2 and since it has no sub fee I will be able to come back and play this as well, if they make some changes.


agreed. this list resembles my reasons for quitting. can someone just bring back SWG PRE-NGE?


EDIT: seriously, if it takes so long for chat bubbles(obviously still has not been implemented) what makes anyone think they will fix much more complex and serious issues sometime soon especially with the recent lay offs of a portion of the Austin staff.

Edited by Lammer
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Well for me it was the fact that behind the story and Star Wars licence lie the same mechanics of WoW.

I mean not just combat, although it;s almost identical down to talent trees, but the grind, endless running and questing. I'm tired of the same formula that's being used in MMORPGs for the past 7 years and the fact that this game doesn't change a cent in them (I condiser story and crafting as non-essential gameplay mechanics as you spend most of the time fighting) is a huge letdown for me.

This game is supposed to be short but after level 10 when you quit starting area, the mechanics really start to be annoying because the story and leveling slows down and the grind becomes more apparent.

I quit WoW because it became boring gameplay-wise. No wonder I quit this too.

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I never imagined that I'd be posting in this type of thread as an unsubscriber - at least this early into the life of the game. However, two weeks ago I pulled the trigger and canceled my subscription (my wife's as well) and I wanted to just share why I did so.


The problem lies in that BioWare failed to make the gameplay different from World of Warcraft. So those that quit World of Warcraft due to being bored with it will be bored once they've done the same thing in SW:TOR. The other problem is the features that SW:TOR does has are bug ridden and half of what WoW offers. So you are not going to pull WoW players away with a re-skinned version of WoW with half of the features.


My specific reasons for quitting:


1. Operations are uneventful - much like WoW's are. Pre-release all we heard is "We don't want everyone beating on one large boss". What did we get? Everyone beating on one large boss with exception two a few "puzzle" encounters that still some end with beating on my large boss (ala Minesweeper). What did I expect? I expected a story driven Operation with encounters that do not get boring after 2 or 3 times of beating them. An example?


Start off on Fleet and you are instructed to make your way to "Space Station X" to help defend off (opposite faction) forces. In route the operation would be attacked and must fight their way to docking with the space station. Now this could even be done "cheaply" by making it a single player experience on the way to "Space Station X", but ideally it would be a multiplayer space battle where two of the ships are setup as "tanks, two are setup as "healers" (i..e shield regen/repair) and the rest are designated as "DPS". The end result could be still a "big boss", that when defeated crashes on to the nearby "Planet Y". Dock with the "Space Station X" and collect loot.


After meeting with the "Space Station X" captain at the docking bay you learn the command room has been overrun and you must retake it. This could be a gauntlet run with TONS of mobs and if you do not move fast enough they will come at you from behind. One you reach the command room and face off with two bosses. You split the Operation into two groups where one of the bosses begins to run to escape to the ship and that group(s) must fight back to the docking bay defending off waves of attacks from the bosses orders. Once in the docking bay that group must defeat the boss. The other group is fighting the remaining boss (simultaneously) that is throwing objects through the glass making someone run the computer to shut the emergency panels. Of course they can be other mechanics, but you get the idea. Once defeated, meet in docking bay - collect loot.


Now you must take the drop ship down to "Planet X". The drop ship down could have bonus objectives for destroying stuff that if accomplished you get extra badges or chest of loot. Once on the ground members are split up into combat (land and air) vehicles as well as mech-type suits. This time you are fighting you are fighting your way to the ground based command center that has been overrun. Basically the air units have to bombard particular ground based units (maybe shields?) while the ground based units clear objectives. Once all objectives have been cleared - collect loot at command center entrance.


Upon entering the command center you are automatically starting in the main room with a final boss. First part of the fight is a standard tank and spank, but then phase 2 he tries to escape to his robot-vehicle where the groups need to split up to do different roles. Basically the area is a power-area with large transformers. As he moves around the room one set of people need to clear out the adds near the transformers and then when he is near you set off a charge and clear the area which electrocutes him bringing down his defenses (similar to Kephess). Add in some other mechanics where people could occupy turrets and such. Once dead - collect loot. The End.


What is different about this? With all of the vehicle type mechanics you are not necessarily tied into a role. Who is to say a tank could not hope in a dps based vehicle/ship or a healer in a tank vehicle/ship. Or the split group fight on the ship with the two bosses in different areas doing different things. There are SOO many options that people can go through that it would take numerous runs to really experience them all - that is not even including Hard and Nightmare modes.


Also with Operations. Why do developers feature them being able to make decent amounts of money? There are people that ONLY want to raid when they reach 50. Why couldn't there be bounty missions for money instead of badges OR be able to trade in badges for credits. This leads me on too...


2. Same ole grind - that people HATE. Let's see what is there to do at 50.. Operations. Done. Rest of the days? Do your dailies so that you can EVEN afford those idiotic high priced Legacy unlocks that you ALREADY unlocked by spending absorbent amounts of time playing the game in general. Perhaps if dailies were more random in the objectives or hell even cycled through certain ones it would not be so bad, but no.. It is the same missions on the same planets. Every. Single. Time. Do we HAVE to do dailies? No, but why do Flashpoints? Badges for gear you already get in Operations? For Social Points that doesn't buy you anything useful?


You would have been MUCH better off BioWare reducing the number of "world quest" and making the story quest line the bulk of the leveling experience with dynamic areas around in game similar to Warhammer's Public Quest, RIFT's or Guild Wars 2 version of the same thing. The class stories are great and perhaps the leveling should have been slowed down some so you did not have people beating all 8 classes within 3 months of release. You could still have the Legacy perks for helping with speeding it up, but with those it is WAY to fast.


3. Crew Skills - FABULOUS concept; poor implementation. Yes, I am a former SWG player as well as EQ, DaoC, WAR, AoC, EVE and several others. Of all of the games I appreciate the ones with crafting in a player based economy. Where nearly EVERYTHING is player made. I believe BioWare really missed out on this genre of gamers from SWG and that even people from non-player driven economy games would have appreciated it more than a copy and paste of what so many other games have already done. This could even be done without the complexity of SWG's resource harvesting AND done with companions - or hired help. I can understand if BioWare did not want to liter the worlds with harvesters, but who says people have to see those? You already have "virtual" planets that are instances that we really don't visit we just visit portions of them. Why not be able to send companions to other planets to collect vast amounts of resources over longer periods of time. Don't want to use up your companions? Well why not have the ability to hire harvesters or companion-like NPC's that we can pay for 12, 24, 48, 72 hours worth of services to gather resources. The cost of these would be the baseline prices for the resources on the auction houses.


Then crafted items? It can be the same as the system is currently moving with reverse engineering with the chance of crit, but I do not believe it should always be a random roll, but rather the more you make the more "experience" you gain in making certain items (i.e. weapons, heavy armor, etc.). As you gain more experience the chance of crit greatly increases. End game operations can still drop gear, but like now it should be reverse engineered and be able to be sold. Completely open and player driven market.


4. Servers. Will you people EVER learn. How many MMO's now has launched with ridiculous queues, opened more servers and then when the game dies down they are left with TOO MANY EMPTY SERVERS! If EVE can handle over 60,000 concurrent users with their server setup there MUST be a way for you to work your magic to even make fewer servers that can handle 50,000 concurrent users. You already use instances for overflow on planets you can use this same technology as that is really how EVE gets away with it since they have so many flipping "instances" or areas in space.


The one point that I am proud to see you stick to (hopefully it will stay this way) is with cross server grouping. It is a community killer and I witnessed it first hand on the Elune launch server in WoW. Please do not cave to the rants and complaints on this topic. Get the bigger picture resolved of setting up a proper server infrastructure. If you do get close to leaning on that option I have an alternative for you.


Take several severs (more the better) and combine them into "battlegroups" similar to what WoW does for their cross server crap, but make them seem more like a single server. So not only flashpoints/instances are cross server, but so is all planet and fleet areas. So I could be running around and see someone from The Fatman server while I am on Tarro Blood. I never understood why game companies wanted to use first names as unique identifiers instead of something similar to what Guild Wars 2 is doing with unique numbers along with player names. However, what you could do to make the unique identifier is tie in the players name with the server they are on. So I would be Xasis.Tarro Blood to send a message to. With this you could open up the possibility of sharing not only instances, but also GTN's, guilds plus groups.


5. Guilds make or break games. You started off like a champion with the pre-registration for guilds. However, even that was not an ideal system since I'd gamble to say 40-60% of the guilds did not stick to the assigned servers. I know we personally moved because we were in the "large" guild category (since you sorted by guild size) and we did not care for the guilds that we would be running around with. Thankfully we did as we've heard horror stories from that particular server. You should have made it more complete and flexible for guilds to be matched up with similar personalities as other guilds to be on the same server.


Now on to in-game functionality or rather lack thereof. Yay, you gave us banks 3 or 4 months AFTER the release of the game, but we don't have simple mechanics like guild emailing, calendars or leveling which is pretty fundamental in MMO's these days. The guild ship idea is great and I hope you can make something of it, but unfortunately it won't be in the lifetime of my account. Some other ideas that would be nice (especially given my earlier recommendation of player driven economy) would be vendors guild members as well as work orders that could be placed on the GTN.


6. Space Combat. I will admit I was the first to be excited and then utterly pissed when you announced space combat being like StarFox 64. However, after playing it I did enjoy it. BUT it is still missing a large portion of what space should be. Space should be able free flight and finding hot spots that have encounters like your current space missions. it really needs a mixture of both including multplayer, which I think you are already working on so I will leave it at that.


7. PvE and PvP DON'T MIX!!!! I will say that I am not a big PvP fan. What makes me dislike it even more is when you cannot balance a skill around both PvE and PvP so the end result is ALWAYS nerfing it for both which ultimately hurts the larger part of your audience - PvE. Either make skills that react different when attacking players or NPC's or make different skill sets all together. Combined they simply do not work and it just pisses off the larger audience when you have to nerf it.


8. Gear Artwork. Please fire the people that are responsible for the art of the gear sets. At least the end game stuff. That is all to be said about that.


If you want to hire someone with real ideas about MMO's please send me an email.

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I've been ready to bail on this GITCHED OUT GAME for awhile now. More so since 1.2 bombed. Face it, you realsed an Incomplete Game, and obviously can't figure out how to edit/correct anything! My favorite example is: I'm a PvP War-Hero / Conquerer that never recieved his Battle Master title... and after three seperate tickets, all I got from you was an email that basically said "We have no clue, tough ****, keep paying us money"... NO!


But the worst example is your post 1.2 SOUND GLITCH. Stop blaming it on Sound cards that worked PERFECT with your game prior to said patch. Your game is failing and 1.3 offers little salvation and probably more bugs then improvements. Blizzard and Diablo 3 already stole most of the old WoW crowd away. Guild Wars 2 is right around the corner and that game in beta is way more polished then SWTOR is today, or ever will be.


But my hat is still off to you. You made a very good MMO,but the most flawed, and thus worst i've played. If it wasn't for the PvP, I would have bailed in Feb. And from what i saw in 1.3 patch notes, your killing that now too.

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I'm on fence, Not playing, but am also very busy right now and really thereisnt a whole lot else out there. Im play D3, but meh.


1. My main on dead server- Fixed with server transfers hopefully, unless those bleed too.

2. The worlds are just an area to level in. And then never to return too.Also there isnt much exploration, world are just a maze with high walls for the most part. I also never seem to know where the hell I am by looking at my surroundings I look at my map and know how to get back but its just a blurry mess. I want to belong there and take things in. I think the maps make that hard. Maps work for getting around, but they all look the same.

3.Too themepark, no since of choice. This could change.


4. I like the game, but am not hooked.

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I remember the day i fought tooth and nail for this game, i looked at the un-sub whiners and said, you are just too spoiled. I was right and i was wrong. I was right because i felt truly that they were really crying over spilled milk, never pointed out the true issues that slap you in the face each day. NONE of the un-sub whiners really came out and said it.... "Bioware just really doesnt care". Sure they said it, but not in so few words. Bioware has done nothing but lie to the community every day. When they say that they care and its really all about the players, its a lie. Its really about the $$$ and they are losing it as well as mine.


Why do I say this now after what 8 months of supporting this title? its simple, Every week usually we get patch notes on what they fixed address ect... EVERY week however its notes on things i never even noticed were broken, where things that are blatantly broken go un touched. seriously how hard is it to fix the ticket system. each time i log in i see my tickets say unread, when really i have read them 100 times. or how about when i go to the jedi temple and go to leave because my QT is on cooldown but the taxi driod says all waypoints are out of range? these are things i notice and i put a bug report and a ticket in each time. but somehow bioware seems to think it is appropriate to fix a bug that apparently makes your companion's head disappear. Something i have NEVER seen on any of my characters alts or other players encountered in game. Several ability bugs on classes i have never heard about. it seems like every week they are micro nerfing rather than fixing the damn game! How is it ok for this, when i cant go into EV and the boss dies properly everytime?! why must i watch annihilation droid bug out and loop his death over and over again making it impossible to progress. Why is it ok that when i am in a group in an area by myself and my party mates are off world, on their way or whatever, that my companions will not stay summoned. Why is it ok that in that situation if i aggro im on my own? i either have to run or die trying? thats a pretty game breaking bug, certainly not cosmetic like dissapearing heads, and by the way im not discounting that the invisible headless companions existed, im just saying that it probably happend while that companion was using headgear that was broken cosmetically. i dont know i dont work BW's helpdesk. I am not a protocol droid.


now whenever someone starts complaining about bugs in this manner they, say "whats important to you is not important to other players"

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



1.) Dead Server. I wasted money. My pappy didn't teach me to waste.

2.) Little to no information from BW regarding when we can get moved from said Dead Servers. (Until...like...yesterday?)

3.) 1.2 took Champion and Battlemaster vendors away. No biggie really. But I've got 500 Champion comms and a Battlemaster token that just rotted. Had no clue the patch was going live. So now I get to click->sell Champ comm-> open inventory -> click credit box......500 times. Seriously? Listing this reason as poorly impemented functionality that may be tested even worse.

4.) Faction imbalance is the number 1 reason my server died...no joke. Not totally Biowares fault imo...but not a good gaming experience either.

5.) Nerfs and major changes in functioning game play just to appease the forum QQ'rs.

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I never imagined that I'd be posting in this type of thread as an unsubscriber - at least this early into the life of the game. However, two weeks ago I pulled the trigger and canceled my subscription (my wife's as well) and I wanted to just share why I did so.




If you want to hire someone with real ideas about MMO's please send me an email.



:(The real shame is that his wife actually loves the game but he cancelled her sub anyway:( What a meanie

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i had an unfinished thought, about bugs in my last wall of text.... on the whole bugs thing that some bugs may be important to me but not to others, i am quite sure the EV boss glitching out really takes away from the immersion and you have to wait a week to try again and hope he doesnt glitch out again. or how about the companion bug, i know how anti social players are in SWTOR. you are frequently on your own, but in the off chance your heart is warm and you want to help someone out, you may be frustrating that player because their companion doesnt work properly. Oh wait lets say you are crafting and your active companion happens to be really good with X craft... you send him/her/it out and are like poop i need that guy for dalies, owell ill just summon a different companion... better hope you dont zone, because then you lose the ability to summon them. unless you have another free companion.


you cant tell me these bugs are insignificant! these are game breaking bugs that have been ignored fro 8 months or more! baby names and invisible heads are NOT more important than these! broken flashpoints things that people see everyday! these need to be addressed. however they are ignored.


lets talk about lies too i didnt get into that. Guild summit All the senior staff agreed there would not be any MAJOR credit sinks in 1.2 because the average player has roughly 1million credits in their bankroll... and that MOST of the legacy unlocks would be free.... That my friends was a bald face LIE! Almost ALL of the Legacy unlocks are credit sinks! what didnt we have to pay for? lvl 50 race. and valor unarmed abilities. not quite sure if there was something else but, apparently a lvl 20 legacy character with that 1million bankroll now has to zero out his balance for a full set of legacy gear for an alt. cant unlock anything after that. im sorry the the cost for most of the minor legacy things is ABSURD! i understand the GTN legacy unlock was supposed to be outrageous, fine i can live with that. but EVERYTHING ABSURD!?


i have several choice words i would LOVE to say, but they are explicit in nature!

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Well, I am not going to list all the reasons for quitting SWTOR. I have listed them in other threads, all of which have been locked or deleted. It seems that the forum moderators REALLY do not like folks saying 'bad' things of a detailed nature about SWTOR.


My playing duo partner and I are moving on from SWTOR near the end of this month. Our accounts are canceled, and we will not be coming back. I am sure the SWTOR Fan-Boyz will be happy to hear that, as they won't have to see, or respond to, my negative posts about SWTOR anymore.


There is a new game coming out later this year (have been in the Beta). If I were to characterize EQ1 as MMO 1.0, and WoW as MMO 2.0, this new game is going to be MMO 3.0. It is really gathering up all the best of all the current and past MMOs and making a truly new MMO experience.


For those of you that just HAVE to have Star Wars, I wish you well, and enjoy the game.


For those of you that are looking for something really new, fresh, and different?

Come join us in GW2.

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Well, I am not going to list all the reasons for quitting SWTOR. I have listed them in other threads, all of which have been locked or deleted. It seems that the forum moderators REALLY do not like folks saying 'bad' things of a detailed nature about SWTOR.


My playing duo partner and I are moving on from SWTOR near the end of this month. Our accounts are canceled, and we will not be coming back. I am sure the SWTOR Fan-Boyz will be happy to hear that, as they won't have to see, or respond to, my negative posts about SWTOR anymore.


There is a new game coming out later this year (have been in the Beta). If I were to characterize EQ1 as MMO 1.0, and WoW as MMO 2.0, this new game is going to be MMO 3.0. It is really gathering up all the best of all the current and past MMOs and making a truly new MMO experience.


For those of you that just HAVE to have Star Wars, I wish you well, and enjoy the game.


For those of you that are looking for something really new, fresh, and different?

Come join us in GW2.


The Moderators like to consolidate the posts into a few instead of having a bunch of other ones. I am sure you could have posted in this thread the detailed reasons for quitting and they would not have deleted them. GW2 is going to be MMO 3.0? That would mean it will bury WOW as WOW buried EQ1. If you think that is going happen.....dream on..:p


My reasons for canceling next month will be primarly the lack of a feature to help my char get into end game content. And the upcoming transfers and the same server LFG tool is not going to do that. :cool:

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game?


1. Not enough people

2. Not worth paying a subscription if there's no one to play with. '

3. If you pay for subscriptions, the developers are making more money too make new content, why do they release such **** content? Looking for some ****** stuff you know, More customization

4. I wanted my Sorcerer or any of my other characters to be a boss and wear a mask and hood at the same time, like in the Republic beginning scene where you see them having masks and hoods on, But i couldn't even do that.

5. My last day was yesterday.


Why do you stick around?

Waiting for it to be free to play so i can go back and play.

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