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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Retired Scoundrel here, will give you my reasons in no particular order...


1.) World pvp is not a priority for this development team- After setting foot on Ilum for the first time, it became clear that the Hero Engine could not handle any kind of large scale pvp battles I have enjoyed thoroughly in other games.


2.) Horrendous lack of faction balance- If you played on a balanced server, you were the lucky few. I played republic on dark reaper, with a laughable amount of Empire to Republic. It made Ilum an even worse scenario than it was due to technical issues. The other thing that might be even more laughable, is that you got nothing for killing another player an ANY OTHER PLANET.


3.) Quest zones that did not overlap and over use of instancing(sharding)- This basically led to the feeling that you were alone in the universe. I went from 1-50 three times and I could count on my right hand the amount of the opposite faction I saw. I didn't even see many of my own (including fleet)


4.) No LFG tool/ Flashpoint quests that are buggy and confusing- In space, no one can hear you LFG!! j/k but seriously, no one wants to spend 45 mins shouting in the general and LFG channel on the fleet. This situation exacerbated by the fact I played republic and there were 22 people in said fleet. This situation got better when I joined a large guild, but leveling up for my first time, it was frustrating. There were also some times when I was on at 9am eastern and I would have loved to just jump into a que and get some instant action.


5.) The severe lack of diversity when it comes to warzones- If you cannot tell by my post, I am primarily a pvp player. The fact there were only 3 warzones for months wore many of us out quite quickly. If you add that to the fact that one of those warzones is the worst game type/map that is horribly biased against certain classes and their skill sets you get a lot of annoyed players. The lack of bracketing in the lower levels made pvping on most toons before level 25 laughable. I mean seriously, do you think a bolster is gonna make any difference when a level 49 is attacking a level 10? I could stomach it, because I loved my scoundrel and I really enjoyed healing in the two warzones I enjoyed, but along came 1.2 and the launch of STAR WARS: MODERN WARFARE 3, and I was dying instantly far to much for being guarded and wearing full battlemaster ( and a few pieces of war hero) gear.


As you can see I did not even get into the pve side (yes, I also raided and cleared the majority of content available) . The raids had broken fights that stayed that way far too long (Soa anyone?) and there was just not much gear progression to speak of. I loved my guild, I played with some great people that I miss talking to on a daily basis, but all of these things together were just too much to stomach.


These are just one mans opinions, I am not trying to discourage anyone from playing this game, as it does still have some good things to offer, but as a pvper it could not hold my attention long-term.


My girlfriend and I are playing Aion while eagerly awaiting the launch of Guild Wars 2.

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- Hero Engine is GARBAGE. IT'S GARBAGE (YES, I DEVELOP GAMES) Real game developers write their own engine, especially for an MMO. Bioware coders are pathetic and should be working help desk, not development.


- EA sucks; "Where great studios go to die" -- FOR SURE.


- It's obvious "Bean Counters" are running the show now.


- Bioware co-founders are greedy sellouts and are the ones to blame, ultimately.


... don't even get me started on what's wrong with the game. You can't polish a turd.


Bioware, you are dead to me. CURSE YOU EA! BURN IN HELL!!!!!

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My five, from least annoying to gamebreaking:


5) A frustrating UI designed by people who probably make really good smart phone apps.


4) Over 200 realm servers at launch? Really? You needed, like, 50. The total lack of realm merging is like a death knell for the game. At this point, even character transfers wouldn't be enough; we'd all be hopping from server to server in an equally-thinly-spread cloud.


3) No way for newer players to "catch up" to gear requirements of endgame raiding. You have to keep climbing the exact same ladder that everybody before you did, *if* you can find people willing to run older raids. No way of reaching the ever-moving goalposts. (It took WoW about 5 years to finally get this right, with the ability to use daily grindable tokens/points to buy gear comparable to the previous raid gear. New players get ready to raid quickly.)


2) Lack of any kind of group-finder tool. Shipping with an "LFG" field in the /who window that let you type several lines of text, but could only display as much as "LFG for " before cutting off text, was facepalmworthy.


1) Graphical glitches, system lockups, even BSODs. Only from this game.


Before the haters and fanbois start frothing about "obviously it's bad hardware", lemme be clear on that last point. Everything is patched to the latest version. I can run all of the following:

  • Firefox, with movie plugins
  • iTunes
  • several Cygwin apps
  • fullscreen windowed WoW
  • a VirtualBox virtual machine running Linux, in turn running a graphical desktop

And I can run all these things at the same time, with not the slightest graphics hitch. Not even a rendering artifact, let alone complete system lockups or bluescreens.


Or, I can run nothing at all except SWTOR, at graphics settings so low it's nearly ASCII art, and the computer will be unstable within an hour.


The retardedly bad load times didn't help either. Reading from game data files... to write back to a cache file, and then reading the cache file into memory? ***?

Edited by Farmbuyer
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I like the game. My favorite parts of the game are PvP, flashpoints, and the main story quests. I am the type of person who likes to roll lots of alts as opposed to grinding end game gear.


I'm not a huge fan of the space combat (anymore, it was definitely fun for a while) and the shared world quests (though they were also fun the first two times through).


Sadly, my server doesn't have the population to support PvP and gathering flashpoint groups at this point. And I'm tired of the shared world quests, so I'm going to unsub until I see it is easier to get PvP and flashpoint groups together.


Great game, I'll be back when I can play the way I want to.

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1. Server merges


I place this at the top because it would solve the most problems in one fell swoop. There are too few players spread out over too many servers, this means that the 4 mans and raid instances get very little use compared to what they deserve. By merging servers the population would be much denser which means higher possibility of grouping and a better hive society where the auction houses, crafters, raiders, hardcore gamers and casuals would thrive due to the increased collection of resources spread out on each server.


2. Server transfers


Server transfers could potentially help band-aiding the lack of players on each server, but it is not a viable solution over the long term. Personally, it would increase my chances of re-subscribing and I know that is how many people feel. It would also help in bringing players that know each other together instead of having to constantly reroll because some people wanted to try a higher population server (this is only being strengthened by the low-population-too-many-servers ratio).


3. Improved LFG tool


I have been playing MMOs for almost 10 years. I have played World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and many more. I have been there since the moment those games came online and I have suffered through months (for some even years) of playing through their baby-period, but at this point it shouldn't feel as bad as a game launched 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years MMOs have grown incredibly with server transfer, server merges, more and more intricate LFG tools, browser purchases of in-game items, cross-server systems, hot fix systems etc. Because of all these advancements I can't bring myself to justify it anymore that a game requires several years to get out, what is now, very basic services and systems.

I am strongly against WoW's LFD and LFR because of the inherent social a**hattery that comes along with it (over-entitlement, ninja looting, no reprecussions, will never see the other players again, and the like), however, right now I have to agree with the pro-LFDers that this is the best course of action for this game. WoW made the mistake of introducing LFD when it was at it's peak of 12 million players, when they should have put it in if they landed on 2-3 million and below. Cross-server systems for grouping only works properly when there are too many servers with too few players, just like how SWTOR is now. I am proud of BioWare for sticking to their guns to keep a decent enough environment and not make the mistake WoW did by introducing this, but that doesn't work with so few players (the need for such a system is substantially increased when there is no server merges, at least as far as we have been told about the things to come in the future).

Back to the baby-phase.

Since I have gone through it so many times, I personally feel that I can't go through it again and I have only WoW (and in smaller parts Rift) to thank for this horrible state-of-mind I am currently in. Finding groups with so few players is absolutely agonizing (if I try hard to find a group, I'll get one in 10 minutes, but the days I feel up to that are rare and far apart).


4. Lack of proper communication


BioWare were very active at the start, but recently there have been less and less of communication about time lines, ideas and plans, or any sign at all that they are actually listening aside from that idiotic bot message that pops up on the forums when they close a thread. This is a minor point, but it is frustrating nonetheless.


SWTOR is an absolutely amazing game, great story, great voice acting, great IP, and an absolutely tremendous potential, however there are those little things that is holding so many people back. These 4 things are the only things BioWare has to do to bring myself and many more players back, most likely new players as well.


Server Merges.....Server Merges....Server Merges.....SAY IT BIOWARE.....Server Merges..... It is the only way to slow the bleeding.




Cross-server PvE and PvP content so... as even more people leave the population loss won't be so devestating.


You know it's just possible that if you do server merges and cross-server content people may return!

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I've played since October 2011 (in BETA), and overall I enjoy the game. However, there are currently few to no players on any server that I've invested in. The times I log on to Hyperspace Cannon, there are now about 2-12 people on the Imperial or Republic Fleet stations.


This game is fun, but without people its a tedious bore. If you've already done all the main planet quests before, there's nothing new keeping you moving forward. In every other game, when content ran low, you always had a community to fall back on and play with. That's not here. EA counted its chickens before they hatched by having so many servers that people are now in MMO diaspora. 25+ servers in light pop? Really?


I will probably unsubscribe at the end of this month, as I have better games to play which, may not be as long, but are more engaging and cheaper. If I can get a great game on sale for 5$, SWTOR should offer me something more for my $180 a year. I may return in August or next expansion release, or I will resubscribe when the game goes Free-to-Play.


Inadequacies about the game (in order of importance):


1. Lack of players.


2. Leveling/experiencing class story is too slow after your first few characters. There need to be more faster leveling perks for players who have beaten the game before. Either that, or we need more variable 1-49 content.


3. Stop skimping. I can tell that, in everything you (EA) do, you're trying to save money while fitting us with the bill. The game has no soul, because its motivated by money and aimed at us keeping here for as long as possible, at minimal cost to EA.


4. No opportunities for exploration. Game is on rails the whole way.


5. The game lacks atmosphere, interesting places, and interesting level design. Don't recycle the same sets over and over.

Edited by Lu_Bei
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Sadly I too unsubbed my account and my GF's account. My reasons? All have been stated here. Lack of Content at 50. Poor path to gear, Itemization, and of for love of God, the zone times! Please fire everyone left and get someone who understands that I dont want to wait around 'loading' my game to play my game. I have a home built system that is FAR more than enough for this game. I play on 'great' settings and get little to no lag, yet m LOAD times are unacceptable! Its just no excuse for a modern game. Yeah I am angry and bored and have little desire to log in. I am off to play another game and take my money with me.:(
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The current state of this game is really worrying me… I had high hopes for it and really thought Bioware would succeed in their vision, since they had so much passion with KOTOR and making TOR its successor (there might still be a flicker of hope).


I am still subbed at the moment, but the following are just some of the things that have bothered me since Beta (along with some ideas).


1. Extreme loading times: The long and excessive loading times are a major issue with SWTOR. When you have to zone upwards of 4 times to get to your ship and to another planet, it becomes no fun and frustrating very fast.


2. Lack of true exploration and the lack of “standard” interactive MMORPG elements: There are thousands of chairs in the game but none to sit in other than the one that takes you 4-5 loading screens to get to…


Using EQ, SWG and WoW as examples; I could wander off to the middle of nowhere and find a small spot of my own and watch the day change to night. And even though there were hundreds of players on, I would still feel a sense of exploration. In this game, you know exactly why there are no players around…, because there are no players on…


The planet Nar Shaddaa has so much potential to be more than it is at the moment. This planet could have been a major social hub for players; with Cosmetic Parlors (barber shop/plastic surgery), gambling, drinking, live dancers, arena matches (KOTOR1) and all around decadence (it’s a bloody gangster planet for crying out loud). Instead, it just felt like Coruscant by night.


3. Graphics Engine/Character Selection/Creation: I was never a fan of the choice of stylized graphics, but decided to give it a try. The Character Creator was/is still a major negative for me. I still don’t understand why Cathar was not a species of choice over “Cyborg”, which should have been a cosmetic trait added to any race (cybernetic eye/lekku/arm/leg for example).


The current design of twi’leks (the twitching, feather-light lekku and the decision to have them stick out of hoods/helms) turned me off from wanting to play one. Sith purebloods have only ONE face per gender, with the ridges and lips being the only change to the character’s head model.


4. My ship is not my own: Definitely one of my major issues with Class ships is that they need to be given freedom to be customized, inside and out (think themes from Fallout 3 or Commander Shepard’s quarters in ME2). I don’t really care for the frozen Han Solo in my cargo hold, and would like to feel like I am at home in my ship, and not on a transport shuttle. Let me assign my companions to pilot duty, ship maintanace and such, and not just stand around looking pretty (or pretty ugly in Skadge and Khem Val’s cases). I would also not like to take off and land EVERY time I enter my ship.


On another note; we should have no need to take a shuttle to a planet when our “highly advanced and heavily armed and armored ships can be used to a much better effect. During fleet mission Ops/FPs, a Social Point dice roll could be used for the group to see whose ship will be the one in the cinematic and land on a planet or be the command center for holocalls with mission NPCs. That way, players get to see inside of your ship and interact with it (that is, if we were to get to customize it).


Another nice thing would be to have class quests intertwine with class ships. For example; a jedi or trooper needs to sneak into Imperial territory and the only way to do that would be by Smuggler transport. There could be a GTN-like bounty board where players ask for transport, and the smuggler/bounty hunter or such accepts it like a quest. Upon completion, everyone gets a reward in the form a large amount of social points/Legacy points (which could lead to SP/LP being a form of currency to purchase Social/Legacy items instead of millions of credits).


5. Legacy System: The Legacy System, in its current form, just seems more of another money sink and carrot-on-a-stick grind. Also, I don’t want to play “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” or be “my cousins, sister’s, brother-in-laws, best friend’s, father’s, aunt”. Surnames should not have been tacked onto the Legacy System. I would have liked my human, rattataki or chiss, etcetera, to each have their own Legacy and surname if I wanted it that way.

Edited by Ossian
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1) Graphical glitches, system lockups, even BSODs. Only from this game.


Before the haters and fanbois start frothing about "obviously it's bad hardware", lemme be clear on that last point. Everything is patched to the latest version. I can run all of the following:

  • Firefox, with movie plugins
  • iTunes
  • several Cygwin apps
  • fullscreen windowed WoW
  • a VirtualBox virtual machine running Linux, in turn running a graphical desktop

And I can run all these things at the same time, with not the slightest graphics hitch. Not even a rendering artifact, let alone complete system lockups or bluescreens.


Or, I can run nothing at all except SWTOR, at graphics settings so low it's nearly ASCII art, and the computer will be unstable within an hour.


The retardedly bad load times didn't help either. Reading from game data files... to write back to a cache file, and then reading the cache file into memory? ***?


I'm unsubscribing too, and I haven't had a crash bug since BETA. I get character lockups sometimes in Huttball (falling through the world), but its been awhile. Ever since the patch a few weeks ago, I can play and minimize with no problems. Artifacts are rare for me. Do you have an ATI Radeon? If so, that's why.


I'd say the game's graphics engine is a bit badly implemented, or at least, its very funky when it comes to certain hardware. But its a hardware problem nonetheless.

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You mean another Dragon Age II or Mass Effect III scenario where Bioware blames the fans rather than looking in the mirror?


Yeah. I shouldn't be surprised, really. After the whole ME 3 circus of Bioware blaming the gamers (not to mention outright lying, hiding information, being vague about everything) seeing it repeat itself here is just tiring. I used to really like Bioware - I've been a fan since playing Baldur's Gate back in the day - but no matter how much I liked them, I'm sick of being lied to, given vague (and usually unfulfilled) promises, and ultimately insulted. You pushed your sloppily thrown together ME 3 out the door too quickly, along with SWTOR -and then had the gall to blame the gamers who paid for it. Well, it has certainly ensured that I'll never buy a Bioware product until it has been in the market for months and thoroughly reviewed by real gamers, not "professional" shills. If I can buy it used, all the better.


If this sounds angry and vindictive...well, I am angry. After Bioware's treatment of its customers and fanbase lately, I think I have a right to be. Not that they'll care - they sold out to the tune of EA's money.

Edited by Robert_Guiscard
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I have not unsubscribed, but I have been spending most of my time in Diablo III, and it is really underscoring the quality of life issues and lack of polish on SW:TOR, especially the loading times, but even little things like the unavoidable 'allow modifications' prompt when launching.
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I believe you've hit the entire problem with SW:TOR. It's the basic design mentality and/or mindset of the lead developers/producers that is 100% of the problem with subs, the game, what is being added, and what is being taken away (NERFed/CHANGED).




BioWare/EA let the wrong people go. Instead of the worker bees that were just following orders and doing what they were told, these guys who made the wrong decisions in the 1st place needed to reap the rewards of their so-called sucesses and/or the lack of it. And TOR will suffer further until some1 at the head of BioWare gets smart and does exactly that. Until then? It will just be more of the same. Spin, such as "hey we're going to give you super-servers" as a way of explaining how the server counts go from 200 to 20 or 10. Just like "the NGE is the best thing since sliced bread".


I must agree.

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I have officially uninstalled the game.


It is just time for me to let go of the game. I was really excited about this game for years upon finding out it was being made. I followed it religiously and although I had many people tell me that this was just going to be a PVE wow clone I held true in hopes that BW would deliver something stellar. Unfortunately, Stellar is not how I would describe the game nor my experience in it for the last 5 months.


I have been playing MMO's for over 10 years and have seen so many rise and fall. So many come out with "new" concepts and ideas in which the company believes they are going to revolutionize the genre. SWTOR was the biggest hype for any MMO I have seen in a long while. While Swtor did do something new within their legacy system and the fully voiced systems. These are not enough for me to continue to pay for the games. Specially while servers and populations continue to dwindle.


But I will list the top reasons as to why I will not continue to play and pay for this game.


1. full on lack of pvp content. BW even stated themselves they had no idea that pvp was going to be so big? That statement in itself irritates the hell out of me. It shows that BW clearly didn't pay any attention to its fans and players who constantly blew the forums up about PvP. Which continues to transcend into the actual launch with ILum. Which, if we look at this objectively, BW didn't really expand the pvp portion of the game until they realized that they needed it. Came up with some weak a*s idea (illum) it failed so hard that now it is basically removed. leaving PvP players with only WZ grind of huttball over and over to do. Granted there is more variety in the matches now, still grinding the same 4 wz's over and over is hella boring. End conclusion pvp in swtor is by far the worst pvp I have experienced in some time.


2. Story shoved down my throat and forced to re-roll. Ya I realize this game was marketed as story driven and choice matters. The fact of the matter is choice does not matter. And you will encounter the same quests and world arcs. The only story that is different is class. Im sorry but you guys are crazy. So I make the 4 main classes on empire. The only difference is the class story for each class. Everything else you will grind 4 times over. Same for republic. Now you wont have the same NPC's on the different factions but if you roll a trooper and smuggler and knight and consular you are going to do all the same quests on any given planet along with the world arc's only thing different is your class story.

Now hey, sure its better than in wow or most other mmo's. But really we end up grinding the same stuff over and over in this game. It's just the voice is supposed to make it better. Nah man, cause to be honest most of the ppl space bar through your story. And the fact that this game promotes you playing other a new class after you max you main. Is not what I am into. I tried too I did re-roll. It was pretty much exactly the same as the 1st toon I made.


3. Your system for pvp gear just plain sucks and the best part is you know it sux and you keep adding more crappy versions of the same crappy system. I don't know how to fix your system but I don't like it and it is not enjoyable for me.


4. Things that should be in this game at launch are still not here nearly 6 months into this game. From guildbanks (we just got) to lfg to rated wz's to freaking queing as a group. All of this is still not here in the game. And quite honestly it should have been here since launch. Now I do understand how this works. Much like the rest of your game. You need to delay us as much as possible or slow us down as much as possible because your game is not complete and you don't want us to know. Why else do you have us going from a planet to a orbital station to our ship to a orbital station to a planet. It's to slow us down. Make us spend more time. LFG tools would make people clear your lack of content faster than they already have leaving them with not much left to do.

You game was not complete or even close when it launched and it was apparent. Hence systems that are considered staple to MMO"s were left out in order to finish the game and slow player progression as much as possible while you scramble to complete the game.


5. This is now one of the biggest reasons I am leaving the game. BW lack of communication to its community about the game and its issues and what they are going to do. This stems from the massive hype of pre-order (holiday 11) to grace periods. To the shifty dropping rated 8hrs b4 1.2 . To the lack of communication to the community about the dead servers and lack of player population. Coming soon is not what your dwindling community wants or needs.

You gave us a free 30 days for your miff up but most of those players would not have resubed to the game because of the miff up. We now stand @ the end of the 30 days free and I am sure there is a huge portion of your player base that is not coming back in June. WHY? because we don't know what we are coming back for. And update that will fix the game in 3 months? Dead servers. For me your talk has now fallen on deaf ears. You have lost this sub and the chances of me coming back are slim to none.


I will say this though. You created the best sinlge player online rpg. This is not a mmo. and huttball is not pvp.

You raised the bar with the voice acting. I will miss it in other mmo games as I am sure no other company will spend the obscene amount of cash on voice acting they will prolly actually spend it on the development of the game.


I do with you the best BW although I see you with as many subs as rift in about a year. I loves star wars and always will and I had mad respect for BW until this game oh ya and ME3.


To all the players that love this game. Good on you love it and play it. Hopefully they people that stay will really give BW and EA some insight to what they want from this game and hopefully bw gives it you.

Have a great summer everyone.

And to real pvp players.


See ya in gw2

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I have officially uninstalled the game.


Snippiy snip


See ya in gw2


I never make 'I quit' posts when I actually leave a game, I just go.


I dont normally have much time for people that make them or what they have to say.


BUT you wrote a really good one there, got all your points across very well and props to you for making it.


would be happy if I bumped into you in GW2

Edited by Lurchy
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My sub runs out in 44 days, and I'll probably be canceling for a while.


My 5 reasons:

  • I'll probably get flamed for this, but PvE content is too inaccessible. I don't mean the lack of a dungeon tool, I mean the difficulty, bugs, and time required do not justify the rewards. The first tier of PvE felt just right in terms of difficulty. Everything released since launch (Kaon, Karagga's, and beyond) seem overtuned imo.
  • Crafting is still not viable. In spite of claims from Bioware that patch 1.2 would make crafting profitable, the lack of set bonuses on Tionese/Columi/Rakata armorings killed interest in the Augmented Orange system.
  • Lack of server transfers and merges. How any MMO can launch without these systems in place is mindblowing to me, especially when it comes to PTS testing.
  • Not enough character slots per server. I'm an altoholic, and the Legacy system is more or less restricting us to 8 character slots. Sixteen per server should be the minimum, or legacy should be account wide so that the bonuses affect all our characters, not just those on a single server.
  • Load times. Way too long, and way too frequent.


I may come back again someday, but who knows.



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I have also unsubbed even though my account is still running until July.


It's hard to describe why for me. I love Star Wars way beyond this game and I enjoyed Kotor 1 and 2. I was looking forward to this game, I read the Revan book, the Deceived book etc.


And then I played the game and overall I have to say... I just wasn't feeling it. I enjoyed reading the books and watching the cinematic trailers more than I enjoyed playing the game.


It never gripped me. Before SWTOR I played WOW with hardcore raiding, first kills etc. But with Dragon Soul I was so sick of it, I really wanted to quit and do something else. I was secretly glad when the guild disbanded barely into Dragon Soul.


Then SWTOR. Questing was never my favourite thing in MMOs, but you have to do it. I never raided because it was just me and my friends who wanted to go casual and we were 4 people.


We never tried to find others to go raiding with or do flashpoints with. None of us felt posting in the fleet and looking for strangers.


I started missing the little things, things that never really mattered but were an easy way to pass the time between raids in WOW. The Dungeon finder, the 1-click 1 minute Invite Battlegrounds, the reputation grinding, the deciding which awful achievement you might try next if you're really bored and approaching 14k achievement points.


I don't know why, but when I wasn't doing a flashpoint in SWTOR I was always bored. But I'll admit I didn't try really hard to change that.


No, wait, I loved the space combat to my own surprise! The only thing that ever excited me was buying the Imperial pilot set for my toon which you can get via collecting about 1k flight commendations (if I remember correctly). But it was over way too quickly and no new space combat missions were ever introduced. Best thing about the game if you ask me and I would have never thought I'd like that.


The game just has no long-term motivation for me.


We've admitted defeat and resubbed WOW now (admittedly one of us 4 never much liked SWTOR anyway and would always leave little hints). Being a casual in WOW, I can work on getting the Bloodthirsty (250k HK) and other stupid things you don't need but kind of want.


Maybe I've become lazy. I like things like cross-server battlegrounds, the dungeon finder, reputation grinding and that achievement popping up when you get it. I also like that I have my UI set up exactly the way I want it and that I have mouse-over macros for healing and several spells bound into a macro via alt, strg shift etc simply for saving room in my bars and I don't have to click around like a maniac (I hated that in SWTOR).


I have difficulty deciding whether or not SWTOR was too much like WOW (but not the same) or not enough like WOW.


I just wasn't feeling it and I so wanted to. Oh, well.

Edited by Encanis
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Took my last 2 subs and dropped them today.


1) Rigid, Themepark world/quest Design killed replayability and exploration.

2) Space Game and housing no good.

3) Crafting not interesting.


PvP was fun.

Character graphics were good.

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I can only second much of the sentiment in this thread. Especially the huge feeling of disappointment for such an unpolished and obviously cookie-cutter game. Having unlocked in SWG nine years ago and leaving when they closed the servers, I was shocked at this game in comparison. The level of detail and complexity of the game system in SWG made it one of the best online games ever made, and this group didn't even come - not even remotely - close. Also, something is wrong with the graphics engine, and so ultimately they couldn't even put a compelling Star Wars skin on the rudimentary scaffolding. It cost me several hundred dollars to experience this debacle, so I will be circumspect with regards to pre-ordering or even buying EA games in the future.


And yeah, I had a free slot/elder jedi (Valcyn to Starsider) with thousand of items (many extremely rare) and many achievements in SWG, and am an avid, active gamer -




SWGemu, that's where I am now. check it out!

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I never make 'I quit' posts when I actually leave a game, I just go.


I dont normally have much time for people that make them or what they have to say.


BUT you wrote a really good one there, got all your points across very well and props to you for making it.


would be happy if I bumped into you in GW2


Thanks man, I usually leave as well. But I felt I needed to give some feedback as to why I am leaving because I really did want to love and play this game for a long time. And I am angered that I promoted it so so many people saying it was going to be awesome and then to have it end up in the state that it is.

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If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



I've not unsubbed yet but i'm considering at the moment after barely playing the game over the last few weeks but i'll list the reasons why i've lost interest.


1. Gear Grinding: I hate it. I don't get to play for hours and hours every day so I'm always going to be behind on gear and therefore i'm always going to struggle to be competative. I was just about to start collecting battlemaster gear when they upped it to warlord. No doubt if I carry on and get to warlord it will just be in time for the next set of armour to come out. That's just not fun for me.

2. Lack of LFG: Due to the type of work I do I can't commit to being online at a certain time and be able to be around for hours at a time, so its extremley hard for me to do Operations. In fact, since launch, i've managed 1 end game Op.

3. Repetative Play: Same mob configuartions over and over again. It's very uninspiring. Daily Missions. Good god how mind numbingly dull. The same thing every day.

4. Low populations: I love pvp but 1 game an hour at times is just not good enough and then I find i'm almost always up against a warlord level premade and 1 uncompetative game an hour isnt cool.


well I dont have 5 reasons actually but the above is enough. Uncompetative, occasional pvp and lack of interesting pve gameplay.


I'm probably going to have a to take a pay cut in the next couple of months so the boss can keep his salary nice and high and i'll need to cut costs. With so many free to play games now I finding it hard to justify paying for a game that is becoming less and less fun with each major patch.

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After you get bored by another elve MMO, I'll see you in Secret World


I dunno secret world has some interesting features but it currently looks far from a completed MMO. I may try it in a beta and if it seems like it will be fun I may give it a whirl

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I have also unsubbed even though my account is still running until July.


It's hard to describe why for me. I love Star Wars way beyond this game and I enjoyed Kotor 1 and 2. I was looking forward to this game, I read the Revan book, the Deceived book etc.


And then I played the game and overall I have to say... I just wasn't feeling it. I enjoyed reading the books and watching the cinematic trailers more than I enjoyed playing the game.


It never gripped me. The game just has no long-term motivation for me. .


Good post Encanis. In addition to my specific reasons posted earlier in this forum, I agree completely with you here.


*edited to reflect correct name of referenced poster*

Edited by SabaccPlayer
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