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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Both me and the wife just unsubdued from the game. We have 87 days of play time remaining.


The reason is simple we live on Tarro Blood that is where we went as a guild. Nobody is my guild is playing not one person. Who wantts to pay 15 bucks a month for a single player game.


I am not going to re-roll, what would be the point, I done all the story lines to finish. Why would I want to re-roll on another server. Why grind up daily mission marks to get gear good enough to do op groups with when nobody is running them. Yes server merges might bring back playing with groups, but you still have the problem that caused folks to unsub, and that is a quality mmo, when in all honesty it is a single player game. Well I can go play skyrim or something.


I wish you guys luck i'm done.

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I unsubed a few days before my free time started. But, when they applyed the free time anyway, I decided to give it a full shot. They gave me the time, so I felt I owed them at least a try. I wanted very much to like this game as I played Galaxies for years and years but all of it together just makes a game-breaker for me.


1. Combat system. Irks my skin when I see a 'trash" NPC heal and I can not as a Guard. (WoW Warrior). All the misfires that resets the global and nothing happens, no damage, no animation, just the global cooldown. Now the latest is the animation happens, no damage, and the special lights again up after the animation and the global is completed. The inherent lag associalted with the combat system in just about every fashion, even on an Alienware and a dedicated T1 line. I recently went back to STO and the Cryptic engine is way more responsive and that is basicly no compliment to the Cryptic engine what-so-ever. Seems like 100 specials (4 tool bars anyway) and hardly nothing lights up. Cool-downs are WAY too long for just about ANY situation in this game other than a 1v1. Just why have a global cool-down in the 1st place anyway? Your still restricted by the action/focus bar, it all just seems redundant.


2. Targeting system. Clicking like a mad-man on an NPC and still the tool bars are greyed out. The final straw was when I finaly found a group for a HM and in the middle of 20+ NPCs and all I got was greyed out toolbars. Tab wouldn't work, clicking wouldn't work, the system is just terrible and very probably the worst targeting system I think I've ever played in a game and this would include the NES as well. I had to tell the group I couldn't help them and get another tank. They promplty kicked me.


3. Programed Difficulty. I still haven't quite figured out if the total game difficulty is way off or if the Guard class is just that broken. I got a sage to about 26 and it seems "easy-mode" compared to the 50 Guard with all daily gear with rakata implants. I don't think I've died with the sage even once as yet but the guard falls over at what seems like the slightest touch. They have pigeoned holed Guard into using 1 pet, the healer, due to the fact that the Guard has no class heals. I concur with others here who did not like the NERFs included in 1.2 for healers and even noticed it on my very low level sage. The sage uses about 5 buttons total and the Guard has to have keybinds all over the board.


4. EVERYTHING is LINEAR. Leveling, gear progression, world gameplay, path to get anywhere, what you do and where you can do it, gear itself, and even the builds within the classes. Use their method of you simply can not progress in their game. SW:TOR NEVER felt like "my game", it felt like it was their game and I was just playing in it. Massive credit sinks for just about everything altho I've found game currency means absolutly NOTHING at end game. Crafting is a basic joke. Another vendor system, hand in this, get that. And when you reach daily status even the crafting vendor goes out the window in favor of drops/grind gear.


5. Population. Was in a guild that died a tragic death very quickly at launch. No1 was on except the core crew I brought with me from SWG. Found out later that GL re-rolled to Fatman and didn't even bother letting the rest of us know. So we started our own, built it to 38 and watched it die on the vine. Now, it's just basicly 3 or less on at any given time. Not even enough to get a FP or even a 4 man heroic going. Altho, I believe the population issues are a symptom and not the main problem. If there was a game here that people actualy felt like playing there simply wouldn't be a population problem. BioWare really needs to fix why all these people are leaving in droves or the population problems will still be there after free transfers and merges. The merged servers will simply die out as well.


It seems to me that TOR is just another WoW clone destined to follow the sucess, or lack of it, that all the other WoW clones have done thru the years. I have no idea if BioWare Austin will take this statement as a insult or not, but your game is just so messed up via design that I've went back to the F2P-ed, NGE-ed, P2W-ed STO and I gave everything away when I left there for here. SW:TOR is just that terrible of a design.

Edited by Esquire
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I just canceled my sub right now. I had 2 main reasons doing it, therefore I won't list any further reasons than those 2:


1. Dropping player numbers


I started out playing on Gnawers Roost (EU), one of the biggest german PvP realms at launch. It went down all along to 50-60 players at prime time on both sides together now. I rerolled like 2 Months after the launch to the biggest german PvP server by that time called "Jarkai's Sword". I had a blast for like 2 months. But now after the release of Tera and D3 the population was cutted down to half and continues dropping right as I type this.

I just don't feel like I want to reroll once again just to find out that new server will die too.


2. Lack of action from Bioware regarding the most crucial issues


Bioware simply doesn't seem to realize what should be the highest priority right now, which is indeed transfers/merges. I'm waiting since I left Gnawers Roost and that was almost 4 months ago, since this wasn't the first server dying.




I loved and still love this game, but without anyone to play with it's plainly boring. The biggest pushback for me was a yellow post clarifying that transfers don't necessarily come along with 1.3. It's leading me to the conclusion that they will take even longer and i strongly doubt anyone will be left on my server by that time.

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I let the game go about 2 months ago. Right now I'm playing D3 and Champions Online both F2P and have more people online that this game. With Champions I'm an OG Life time sub so they give me free game credits every month, so even the micro transactions don't cost me anything.


Everyone knows it's all about the gear and the gear in this game (at least on the pub side) is just ugly. I mean its really bad, bad, bad...did I say bad.


Listen to your customers or go out of business, period there is nothing else. My god I'm sure they could merge the servers in a nano second just prefix the legacy name with the name of the server the person is coming from or just fking get rid of it for now. I'm a 20 year IT vet Database Pro hire me and I'll move the data for you. It's not rocket science.


I watched Cryptic Studios go down in flames for the same reasons and this game is headed in the same direction.

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What else is there to say after so many eligible reasons to unsub the game. I can only concur to what many already written. Anyhow here's my 2 cents. I happily like games that are fun and willingly can pay allot for it. Although I stop the moment a game ends deliver any kind of entertainment. A game that bring frustration, boredom or even at the end the lack of fun is doomed to die. It's just a simple fact. BW knows this and they also know their game was old at release date both in technology and also the game engine was clearly outdated in features and options. Just before release date I had just played another BW game, Mass Effect. Great game for it's time. Outdated at 2011. Anyhow, What had changed in swtor?. It was bigger, better and wait? Something was missing or set to wrong pace.


1) Happy to fire up my Sorcerer I landed a Dromund Kaas and in a blink I was lv20. What did I do wrong? I just completed the quests and I already passed 40% of the levels and still standing on the 2nd planet. Levelling is going too fast! How to stop myself from levelling??? I can't park in the cantina nor on the ship as they provide me with rested xp. The only solution was parking outside outdoor. It was no problem as no planet provide any dynamic cluster of mobs wandering around. Space quests I had to drop completely. PvP the same. Xp flow too great. I wanted to let this game last at least some time, I thought. I was wrong. Without any chance to stop the xp flow I ended up reaching lv50 before I reached the 2nd visit at Quesh. That ruined the game completely setting xp flow to Vanilla pace from start.


2) Besides xp flow there was something else that started to build up a big frustration and still are to a even greater deal. Loading screens! Omg, at least I have some kind of rather new comp, but still I wait every time between elevators, area switches and planet jumps. So many loading screens before you actually reach the point to do the daily quests you actually waste you evening looking at a progress bar or realise you got disconnected and have to do the same process all over again. Rethink transports inside the game and between dailys. Example is Fleet -> Correllia. I believe it's now some 5 loading screens and some 5-15min before I can start playing after I logged on an already emptied server with very few players on it. Things like this kills any game.


3) Oki, now I Finally reached lv50 and what to do? I expect allot and was given loads of options. Flashpoints, Operations and World bosses. I could even hunt down the Datacrons that was missing and those oversized ships. Credits was never a problem, when slicing was completely broken. I send a comp to gain more credits. You could just have inserted a salary system instead for just being active player. It could have provided the same result. Give players so much credits they never have to worry about going broke. Good plan, but failed horribly. It killed the fun in crafting, farming or even the excitement in saving credits for something nice and pretty item you could feel proud working hard for. Now all the credits was making anything in the game a no brainier to get. Unfunny and killed the game-value completely.


4) I almost forgot the game engine. A great old single player game like Mass effect shouldn't deliver a game value close to swtor. Even with so many years behind it still manage to be fun where swtor fails. Dialogue system is great the first 3 planets and through flash point BT. After allot of quests later I wanted to put dialogues at auto, but was forced to 'space bar' myself through the storytelling. Something good is great when it comes in normal portions. If you overwhelm the player with too many or much of the same thing it gets tedious and boring. Every dialogue started to pile up with frustration when you always had to listen to it every time. There are no way to skip it completely or turn it off. Frustration is something bad for any game, devs.


5) Oki, so now to the adventure. Great planets and so many different planets. I just want to explore them and beyond. Fail again. Planets are limited in exploring. There are a few places to travel but nothing beyond the quest area. It's not a planet. It's just a oversized room with very little to offer besides some quests. What brings me back to the planet? The planet quest line and the bonus quest line and possibly some daily quests. It could have made a difference, but since xp flow was too great the planets kinda passed by like yesterdays news. Once lv50 what reason is there to travel back to a dead planet? I certainly don't go there because the loading time for 15min and then do a daily that takes 5min to do to port back to Fleet. Planets and designs around it. Rework the theme and stuff to do on each planet once you hit lv50. To me the planet designs are a big disappointment. Give me a reason to re-visit planets at lv50 or drop them completely.


Perhaps all of you don't agree with me, but this is my five reasons I will unsub unless BW changes the game soon and fast.



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1) Unbalance classes(tank dps making the most dmg with heavy armor)

2) too expensive items (legacy)

3) No enough high lvl content (pretty much pvp,flashpoint and operation)

4) Too long leveling

5) Not enough people to do things with

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Where exactly this article says that Rift uses Hero Engine?


Then its my bad. I could have sworn thats what it said when I looked at it. Lesson to self - NEVER post anyting after a few beers until sober. lol.


Well the engine that they(RIFT) use is very good indeed. I dont think the Hero engine is cut out for MMO gaming. Its too clunky and the staple function of an MMO - is Massve Multiplayers and we all know that when theres around 20 people, the game stutters and lags up.

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I bid you farewell. We didn't last as long as I thought we would...that's just how things go sometimes I guess. Don't be sad...please don't cry. It's not you, it's me. Even though you don't have a whole lot to you...you're not very deep and your personality is...eh. We had our good times. Now it's time to move on and meet other people. PLEASE, stop yelling at me! I told you it's me and not you! What do you want me to do!? Sit there and play your few warzone maps over and over and over? Sit in your fleet in the meantime? That's getting really boring. I need more in my life. I'm sorry baby, it just gets old. There's just no flare in our relationship anymore. Maybe I'll come back to see you one day, but you have to grow.





Update: This post was closed / deleted within 5 minutes of its posting. If you want me to be more detailed and constructive...well here goes:


SWTOR lacks endgame content. Actually, It kind of lacks content throughout. There are dead servers all over the place...and there isn't even a cross server queue system. PvP became a joke. The disparity between the "lowbie" bracket and the 50 bracket is redonkulous. People who grinded gear pre 1.2 were basically smacked in the face with the pvp gear changes. I wasted time and effort. For these reasons, and many more, my subscription has been canceled. If I can think of more I'll go ahead and put them up here to keep this thread constructive.


Edit: Another issue with this game:


Serious lack of in-game and out of game customer support. One more thing...the forum moderators are redonkulous as well. So swift to take threads down where people are asking for help rather than to, at the very least, point them in the correct direction for an answer. God forbid you help. Moderate away, moderator. Your job must be extremely satisfying.

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I unsubscribed...last Friday? I honestly didn't think I would, but I'm not even playing the game anymore and I need to free up $15 for my folks (yes they're paying for it).



1) Hard to get into content - I play, or played rather, on Hyperspace Cannon and it was just a miracle to actually find a group for any flashpoint or hell, the heroic dailies. I wasn't even able to do the end game Ops because it was so hard. Sure I was in a guild, but they were either unresponsive, not online, or busy in their own FPs/Ops. Yes I was also being lazy and playing other games too, but that's how I really play games. I don't stay focused on one game for hours upon hours. I gotta take breaks.


2) Leveling - While BioWare can say leveling characters is the best part of the game and a lot of people can say that, I will pretty much semi-agree. I got only one character to max level and after that, I just didn't want to get any other character to it, at least Republic. I've done all the planet side quests once, why oh why would I want to do them again? I want to just see the class stories, but I HAVE to do the side quests. Yes I know that's like every other RPG and what not, but the side quests in this game are just so dull after a while. I was having fun with my Imperial...until it just got repetitive again.


3) Legacy/Character Slots - My biggest issue with this game is the legacy system. Sure it's cool, but it's just a huge credit sink. Even then, by the time the system came out, I had almost all of my character slots full. Putting the legacy system out so late just seems pointless to me now. The legacy system still isn't even that great to me aside from the character slot problem. I just found little use for it.


4) Had no one to play with - A bit personal on my part, but also goes back to my first point. I was going into the game with the thought that my friends were going to play this game. And they did...for a while. Then they stopped playing and going to other things. The main friend that I was leveling multiple characters with started playing Final Fantasy XI while staying sub'd to this. I couldn't level the characters I wanted to because I wanted to stay with him else he get mad at me (petty but we're quite good friends). I had other friends who started playing the game, but they wanted to be on higher pop servers, so they didn't play on mine. I didn't even want to play on that server BECAUSE of the legacy system. It was pointless. My legacy is already high level and good to go on this server, why switch to another where I don't have one?


5) Other games had my interest - To cap it off, and like it says, other games just had my interest. I was playing Heroes of Newerth 10x more than TOR. I'm playing Diablo 3 at the moment and that's way more fun than TOR. There's just a lot more things I can do at the moment then sit on the space station and just watch chat roll by.


And I know I may get flamed for this considering the 1.3 update reveal, but I'm pretty sure I could enjoy WoW more than this due to an actual group finder. I'm probably not coming back for 1.3 to be honest. There's no new content. Yes I can start accessing the current content with the group finder, but it's set to server-side, something I just don't think is a good idea AT THE MOMENT. With most servers having dismal populations, it's almost going to be just as hard to find groups. Maybe easier, but...we'll see.

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I havent unsubbed yet, but I quit logging in about 10 days ago. With server transfers and a decent LFG tool, I'd consider getting active again, but otherwise I've got my fingers crossed for GW2. Shame, as there were aspects of SWTOR i liked a lot more than some competitors, but the parts I don't like just became more glaring with each passing day.
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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.


1: Item customization ends at 50. I had an outfit i loved on my juggernaut but was faced with sets at 50 that dident allow total customization (This was an enormeous disappointment for me)


2: Endgame was just a copy paste from World of Warcraft .... Flashpoints = Dungeons. Operations = Raids .... need one say more?


3: Long wait for the legacy system, and when it came out it was woefully disappointing.


4: I came back for a little while, played merc as arsenal ... and then they change the Visuals on the Tracer missles which were awesome, based on the vocal minority on the forums. You dont change a main ability like that without giving people the option to keep using the old animation... you dont...


5: this is by far the least important reason... And i guess bioware dident rly have controle over it... But i went on a RP PVP server because i wanted mature people on the server i was going to play ... and boy was i woefully disappointed .... :(


The only way im coming back to ToR is if they fix my nr 1 (absolute must) and at least think of a new and creative way to get gear at 50 without copy pasting WoW. The rest is less important ... Although my nr 4 did piss me off (and thats an understatement)


Edit: I stick around cuz .. Dunno i guess it makes me sad that this game with a lot of potential went down the tube.

Edited by MadBelgian
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I played the game from headstart and initially enjoyed it. However, after reaching 50 on my first toon I rapidly lost interest. I haven't played since mid-February, although my sub only expired in April and even then I got 30 days free which I think is also about to expire.


Main reasons for leaving:


1) Lack of things to do at 50. I feel there isn't enough content to keep paying $15/month after reaching level 50. I spent most of my time at 50 queuing for Hutball. I resubbed to Rift after I left this game and between raids, expert dungeons, zone events, weeklies, dailies and PVP I barely have enough time each week to get everything done that I want to do . I find Rift offers much better value for my subscription fee.


2) I found healing very dull in this game. In fact in general I found the classes to be fairly bland, nothing stood out to me as being amazingly original or fun to play. I think Lotro's Minstrel and Rift's Cleric are way more fun to play as healers, they are easier to respec between heal/DPS and have more utility and options for healing.


3) 1.2 Commando nerf - was hoping they would give healing a boost but instead they went the other way, pretty much ended any interest I had in coming back.


4) No economy: pointless crafting and rubbish AH.


5) I don't like the graphical style chosen for the game and the travel times/loading screens are awful.


I have no plans to return at the moment, but will keep an eye on how the game develops.

Edited by Batou
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Thinking about unsubbing, becaus eof various reasons.

One thing i notice is that i reffer to my toon by the name i gave him, which shows how weak the bond between me and my character is.

Normally i talk about my toon as if he was me not just some avatar, but in this game im having trouble connecting to him and i just can't figure out why.

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No craft economy: (for exsample requirement valor lvl for crafred orange BM and WH items, cyber tech on high lvl not demanded.)

Too many times/loading screens for simple travel.

No dual spec (see on Rift they have 5!!! )

No transfer

Long time with game update.

disbalance between force and tech users.

There is no free choice of currency of payment of game, you compelled to pay 18,6usd for which game and 15usd there is a lot of.

And again f***** requirement valor lvl for pve items... :(

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Since I use pre-paid game time cards, I can't exactly "unsub" and take an exit survey, but I did uninstall the game...


1.) BW's lack of presence in the "community"

2.) Customization is lacking

3.) The phrase "Working as intended"

4.) No point in joining a guild

5.) No need to interact with others while leveling

6.) Huge emphasis on rerolling alts, but that's painfully boring except for the class stuff

7.) Giving me 30 free days to pad their quarterly report is sad

8.) Low population

9.) Not an MMO warranting a subscription

10.) GTN is comically bad

11.) End game gear is atrocious

12.) All my friends left

13.) My guild(s) quit

14.) Smuggler/IA cover is still broken

15.) PVP is lackluster


I guess that'll do for the topic of this thread. This game still has potential, but if BW/EA keep stringing people along the way they seem to be doing now, I doubt it'll take long before more people start speaking with their wallets. The amount of content, fixes, and fluff needed to keep people interested for a long time is only growing so BW definitely needs to step their game up.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.




1. Although the community is on my server (Mask of Nihilus repub) has many nice folks, it's population has gone from launch day (3-5 instances per world) down to 5-15 folks per world and 10-30 on the fleet at any given time. Even during peak hours the fleet might have ~40-60 folks? Plummeting server pops hurt when one is rerolling because there is no one to do heroics or FPs with.

2. The lack of exploration is pretty rough. If I see a mountain, canyon, river, ocean, etc etc in the distance I want to go see it first hand and get to the peak, reach the lowest pt, or swim (yes I said swim) out to the potential island. Near impossible to get from pt A to pt B without following the linear path they set up (aka roads).

3. Space combat is a nightmare. It was fun from the start but quickly lost it's luster after a few play throughs.

4. The lvling process and end-game were just far too easy. Our guild only raids 2x a week for 3hrs in a sitting and we did just fine pounding through most of the content on HM within a few months. They should have never allowed easy mode raids imho.

5. The lack of world contact with the alternate faction was a bit disappointing. Mind you I play on a PvE server, because I don't like getting ganked at a moments notice, but providing I did feel like engaging the enemy whilst roaming about questing I could not have done so. I had but maybe 20-30 opportunities on the "shared" worlds.


Now to why I continue to play. I paid for a 6month sub and I will play it out, all the while hoping the game might improve. I have seen some evidence to suggest that will happen, but not enough to resub. Perhaps I will keep up via the dev tracker and TorWars fansite, but D3 is here and GW2 in on it's way so I am likely to devote more time checking out what is up and coming and hack and slashing to pass the time. Coupled with a RL it is hard to devote too much time to hopes and wishes: I prefer results.

I am happy others are so smitten with the game though. BW worked hard to make a very entertaining single player experience, it is just not worth $15 a month to me to see the rest of the class story arcs.

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I'm considering unsubbing for the following reasons: -


Nerf Wars - Tired already of sweeping class changes in a game that's only 5 months old. Symptomatic of this are numerous broken skill trees, pointless skills and FOTM classes that are just awaiting the next round of nerfs.... ad infinitum.


Ranked PvP/WZ's - Where are they?


Replayability - Too linear, there is no replayability other than the class quests. My keyboard is crying from spacebar fatigue. Quesh? Really, why did you bother? It looks and feels really half arsed...


Crafting - this still seems that this was conceived one Friday afternoon after an extended liquid lunch down the local pub. It's poor. Start again, preferrably when the dev team is sober.


Cosmetics/Customisation - Why is do all republic toons look like they are wearing a potato sack? Consular gear, urgh, why didn't you just go with the paisley smoking jacket and slippers? At least this would have felt inkeeping with the male consular voice actor. Smugglers either look like Barnacle Boy or Huggy Bear. I wanna look like the Fonz ....


Just a few of my increasing list of gripes.

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I unsubscribed yesterday actually and I was pretty disappointed because subscription just renewed.


My Reasons are pretty simple


1. Game is way too boring... I believe that Bioware messed up from the beginning because leveling was WAY too fast. I have 4 level 50 characters and I feel no sense of accomplishment for doing anything in this game really lol. (I just kinda wish leveling was only a tad less brutal than Vanilla WoWs leveling) It wouldn't be so bad but now Bioware put themselves in a hole that is going to be rough to come out of. The community wants MORE and we will keep wanting more because we hit a brick wall at 50. There is like nothing to do in this game other than pvp and the same lame Ops. (gets old after a while)


2. I think there are alot of small things that this game is missing that I won't get too much into. This game does have potential to be good but I personally don't feel it will reach it because its starting in a hole. Subscribers are going down, I will commend the awesome job that was done with the voice acting and the different story lines though. Its just when you hit 50 the enjoyment of this game decreases over time and there is no quick fix to that.

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1.3 dont come with ranked WZ


LFG that is server only

more legacy useless crap


in a few words game will be the same after 1.3 .. they are not changing anything for good.. or even bad, so im done

already give them time..

anyway, later peeps, catch you in other games

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