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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





#1 - I do enjoy the game. Mostly. There is a significant lack of things to do at higher levels, though.


#2 - As stated by others: Leveling alts is great for their class story. Beyond that, though, it's the same thing over and over again. The worlds seem sparse.


#3 - Lack of people. I play late at night and my server is dead. During prime time it seems there's plenty of people on the fleet, but nothing really going on in the game.


#4 - This one is going to sound weird. I realize the game is called "Star WARS", but even in war there's some pleasures to be found. This seems like one long grind from 1 - 50. Isn't there a pleasure planet for a little R & R?


#5 - The more I craft, the more I hate to craft. In WoW I spent a lot of time harvesting mats, but could do it while I was adventuring. I could fly to the city and take 10 minutes or so and knock out the crafting I needed to get done. Here? Oh my gosh, craft 5 things and 8 minutes a pop, then have to Reverse Engineer them and HOPE you get a proc. Then start the process over, but now it takes much longer. Or, worse, you get a proc, but it's not the one you want/need.


That said, I think the game has untapped potential, but it needs to step up and deliver.


I did unsub. After the free 30 days I'm officially done. Though the reasons listed above are big, they aren't my primary. My better half got hours cut at work and we're cutting back on some of our pleasure activities. The game, unfortunately, doesn't hold enough interest to warrant the $15 a month right now. I do hope to be back in the future, though, so, no, you cannot have my stuff. :)

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Well, I still have an active subscription but I'm seriously considering the option to unsubscibe. I still rely on BW so I'm going to maintain the subscription active for another month, but I'm not sure I'll do it again if I won't see something changing in the near future.

BTW, the reasons why I could unsubscribe are:


1)OPEN PVP. Yes, everybody knew that SWTOR was mainly PvE oriented, but there's a great difference between a game PvE oriented with PvP content and a game PvE oriented with a ridicolous PvP content. I think that removing Ilum from the game has been a great mistake and the bleeding of subscriptions started here. Even if buggy, with flaws and somewhat non sense, Ilum PvP was an alternative for PvP lovers. In my guild, even people who hates PvP spent some night on Ilum while they never played WZ. Instead of completely erasing the reasons for playing PvP on Ilum, I would have introduced more quests to play also on Tatooine PvP area... BTW, I'm looking forward to the so claimed "Open PvP revamp". Sometimes ago, BW told us that 1.3 should have been oriented to the PvP, now it seems they changed idea (looking at rumors about 1.3) so I'm quite worried about BW strategy for the game.

2)WZ and Ranked WZ. By now, at least on my server, 50+ WZs are going to die. Very few people still play WZ, and frequently they are organized in premades. This means that "casual" players, or people that has just capped 50, aren't tempted to play WZ because there's no way they can enjoy against full WH and well organized premades. This is bringing WZs to death. IMHO BW should introduce ranked WZ (maybe cross server) now, and remove to chance to group in "normal" WZ, at least they should reduce the number of players in normal WZ groups up to 2, no more 4.

3) I'm not enjoying so much with PvE endgame content. I still prefer to reroll a new PG to see new classes and new storylines instead of playing operations and HM ops. I know this is my point of view and I don't claim this as an absolute truth, but concerning PvE I would prefer new classes, new storylines, new planets and new quests instead of new endgame operations and flashpoints.


That's all folks... As you can see, IMHO the game lacks mainly for the PvP side so I really hope that BW will find a solution ASAP.

Sorry for my bad english :)

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4. No "races."

-That's right. We get to pick a human, or a painted human. Mirilian? Nope sorry, human painted green with squares on their faces. But hey, good start on the Twi'leks with the handlebars. Too bad their animations and everything else about them is human. Same height/weight, same animations, same look in armor, same voice actors. Admit it, we only got one "race" to choose from. Zero variety. No wonder there was so little talk about which "races" would be introduced into the game... they were still trying to figure out how many different ways they could paint the humans and hope people wouldn't really notice.


Not one of my biggest issues, but this.

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1. Not enough friends remain


2. pvp sopped being fun. Balance seems impossible for bioware


3.Without a regular pve raid group the endvame dailies are meaningkess waste of time


4. Friends I hax were scattered across servers. No xfers. No population problem addressed


5. Lack of Multi Spec made pvp and pve not viable to play on same chars to keep boredom away.


I still occasionally read forums because I love parts of the game and it has become habit to be involved with it even if I have not logged on in 3 weeks.

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My sub runs out in 44 days, and I'll probably be canceling for a while.


My 5 reasons:

  • I'll probably get flamed for this, but PvE content is too inaccessible. I don't mean the lack of a dungeon tool, I mean the difficulty, bugs, and time required do not justify the rewards. The first tier of PvE felt just right in terms of difficulty. Everything released since launch (Kaon, Karagga's, and beyond) seem overtuned imo.
  • Crafting is still not viable. In spite of claims from Bioware that patch 1.2 would make crafting profitable, the lack of set bonuses on Tionese/Columi/Rakata armorings killed interest in the Augmented Orange system.
  • Lack of server transfers and merges. How any MMO can launch without these systems in place is mindblowing to me, especially when it comes to PTS testing.
  • Not enough character slots per server. I'm an altoholic, and the Legacy system is more or less restricting us to 8 character slots. Sixteen per server should be the minimum, or legacy should be account wide so that the bonuses affect all our characters, not just those on a single server.
  • Load times. Way too long, and way too frequent.


I may come back again someday, but who knows.


The above generally is why I'm not returning, oh and lack of players. On the other hand my system is old and playing outdoors is horrible. Fps goes from 50+ to .2 in an instant so often that it's not even fun. Playing inside is never an issue. I think they have some issues to work out for the planets especially for lower end systems. Hopefully by the time I can get a new pc this will all be a memory.


Good game I hope they fix the main issues and merge servers or something big, because otherwise this is going to end up the next WAR.

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Bioware did the impossible, they make a MMO and convert in a single player with fees!

i only have 1 reason and is my server is dead and after a lot of hours lvl 85 in pvp i will not reroll so if they didnt fix this problem i will not come back and i will look for another mmo .

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Let me begin by saying that I knew this was more of a "PvE" centric game when released.


However, for any MMO to retain my $15 a month, the game MUST have a PvP Endgame that MATTERS. Thats why I never really played WoW either...its PvP doesnt affect endgame at all cept for climbing a ladder, and thats not endgame enough for me


So games like DAoC, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, all 3 of these games have endgame PvP that matters. The outcomes of battles in RvR/PvP effect your guild status if your guild loses a keep it owns, gives buffs for owning a certain number of keeps/bases/supply lines to name just a few. Your faction doesnt own any bases? Well then you cant do endgame PvE until you get some of them back.


So these 3 games have my interest, SWtoR would need. MAJOR overhaul to even.come close to retaining my sub

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So many people were looking forward to 1.2. What could bioware be cooking now? New and exciting worlds? More fun things to do? New features that we didn't expect?


When 1.2 finally hit with Legacy, I feel as though it was met with a huge "Oh... So THAT'S the direction this game is going," and people started dropping like flies.


The amount of emphasis placed on Legacy is absolutely absurd for the amount of playtime / enjoyment it brings to players. Myself, and everyone else in my guild, opened the Legacy tab on the first day of 1.2, made our family trees then never touched that screen again. I'm talking about months upon months of hard work by the Devs.... for what? 5 minutes of gameplay met with an overwhelming "Meh"?


Legacy itself isn't a "bad" idea, but IMO it's what is killing the game. It sounded cool before, but once the man behind the curtain was revealed, it's evident that Legacy doesn't provide any meaningful content at end-game.


What bioware needs to do is put in time wasters that don't feel like time wasters. This doesn't have to be world pvp. It can be as simple as adding a dueling area to each major city, or re-working crafting so that it's not just afk farming after clicking one button (who the hell thought of that?). In WoW, players spent ungodly amounts of time exploring the vast world looking for herbs, mines, and the like. Every game has issues and everyone complains about having more things to do, but these activities that actually do benefit your character, even in a small way, allow players to feel like their time isn't wasted when they're online.


I'm in Black Hole/Rakata, have every slot augmented, including bracers and belt, and the only upgrades I can get now are in the Ops we run two days a week. Aside from those, there is nothing for me to do in the game. No farming, aside from tedious dailies, no point in running flashpoints, and PVP is an unattractive zergy grindfest.


I actually haven't unsubbed, but may do so depending on how fun D3 is, and definitely will once GW2 comes out.

Edited by Samwiseee
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1) End game Content is not challenging. The Operations are a joke, and you can do Story/Normal with next to no gear or get friends to carry you. Therefore making all of the flashpoints totally useless...hmm lets see do a normal/hard mode operation and get columi/rakata all run long in about an hour....or do ONE hard mode and get 1 possible chance at end for same time investment. Dailies are important but travel blows I refuse to do them just dont care enough. If you are not a total bad you dont need all that stuff anyway.

2) Immersion blows, I hate sitting on fleet, and I hate traveling even more. Dailies are pure pain, I didnt even mind doing dailies in other games these just piss me off.

3) Population problems. Now this is not biowares fault but whiny players sit in your queue and like it stop begging for servers. All those that begged for servers quit anyway cause they are just a casual player. If you so casual should just wait a week and it will die down they ALWAYS do.

4) Maintaining a guild is tough, with endgame not being exciting I have seen tons of players come and go in first 3 months more then I have ever seen in any game ever and I have ran guilds in many big name games this type of issue did not come up right away.

5) No real reason to sign on after Dailies are done. The codex is buggy, social was buggy from launch till 50 for me, then while gearing no social was awarded in hard modes. I would totally go get all those achieves if they meant ANYTHING or gave some sort of E-Peen status but its just a personal log for now...def not going to bust my hump when who knows when they will implement achieve system the eluded to.


All in all nobody i mean NOBODY wanted this game to be amazing as I did. I have been waiting since announce for this following EVERYTHING i research, I do social media I promote sites...it just has no umph. No bigger fanboy then me but im also a realist and the game does not give me that warm feeling inside. Its a hot GF with a bad personality.

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Its team unfriendly, dont get me wrong I usually just duo but a 4 person team is just too small, I had that stuff back on the Nintendo 64 why stick with it on a MMO? Theres nothing "massive" about a 4 man team.


Flashpoints are both boring and too easy, in Warhammer the dungeons were buggy and often frustrating but there was a real sense of acheivement and reward when you took out a boss, just dont feel that here.


1.2 PvP is a bad joke, really no need to go into detail on that, theres enough threads on it already.


The game itself is to easy and simplistic to the point of irrelevence, ONE stat per class? Crit and surge affects damage AND heal. There is no scope for building a set of gear to suit a different spec because the game doesnt support it.


The game has some really nice points and I forked out on 2 CE boxes as I had great hope for the game but after playing it for a few months it became clear that it isnt a MMO, its a small scale console game very much in Biowares usual vein.

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I have not unsubscribed from SWTOR, but my sub will lapse once Guild Wars 2 is released, and the 3 main reasons that I will likely shelve (not abandon) this game have a lot to do with that one (and other titles).


1) SWTOR lacks polish in vanilla...


Mounting glitches, terribly buggy and restrictive terrain, glitches in the cinematics, armor clipping (how is this even possible at this point with almost exclusively "human" races?), being ejected from my pilot's seat every time I use the map, random companion armor and weapon disappearances, medium textures on "high" settings, occasionally strange mob behavior, killer elevators, bugs with class quests and companion interactions, and so on.


After having gone through the GW2 beta and kicking around in TERA for a bit, and even playing a little APB Reloaded (lol) and Conan for the past few days, I have been reminded of how few of the above problems these other games have. In GW2, if you see a branch sticking out from a floating piece of terrain... you can jump to it. In SWTOR, on the other hand, I know for sure that I will hit an object wall and fall to my death.


2) The game is devoid of differentiating features beyond cinematics...


The warzones are simply Warcraft battlegrounds with fresh skins. No, I do not have an issue with this beyond the fact that there is literally no PvP alternative. There is no RvR, no World PvP, no open objectives, no layers... you just queue up and grind 'em out.


The leveling is typical "Go here and get that" stuff, but without any depth - in GW2, when I complete a quest, the NPC actually goes and does things. If I bring him meat, he cooks it... if I fetch honey, she glazes the ham with it... if he says he's going to run to the next town, go figure, he does.


And as for the space combat, that's a fun side game, but it can hardly hold my attention for more than a couple of missions at a time, because although the environments change, literally nothing else does.


3) The endgame is horribly repetitive...


Let's face it... it's the same thing... day in and day out. Really nothing else needs to be said. Those who have been there for a while can likely fully attest to this.


So... that's it?


Yeah, pretty much. I like SWTOR. It's a fun title. Is it the long-term MMO home that I was hoping it would be? Well, probably not until the first expansion(s). Let's hope they rock our world, because if BW can sew up the wounds and provide something new that will grab me by the balls and won't let go, you can be sure that I'll be back in a jiffy... along with a slew of other people who really want this game to be our top destination.


I dislike elves and magic somewhat, and the fact that a game featuring all that noise is currently appealing to me more than SWTOR is both unwelcome and deeply confusing. It has lead me to question my MMO orientation.

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1. Low Population Server

2. Zone/Planet Instancing - Might be ok if the huge planets at least held more people before spawning instances. But most worlds feel dead to me even when some were "full".

3. PvP Server is meaningless - Game design works hard to discourage open world pvp.

4. RvR was flop and then just removed.

5. Lack of content for lvl 50s.

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5) The game was really buggy and some class quests were bugged since Beta. A good example was the BH Chapter 1 story quest at the end.


4) Patches that added more bugs. That one was kinda weird. I know some bugs get through but really big bugs? Then they don't get hot fixed?


3) Space Missions were bland and tedious. It was like a dumb downed version of Star Fox but not as fun. With patch 1.2 Space Missions started earlier on for some reason making you miss certain things at the start of some missions.


2) You can't do things on your own, except Space Missions. I both loved and hated this. I loved it cause you could level with friends to do missions and story stuff. The whole point of an MMO is to have fun with people online. I hated it cause sometimes your friends are not around all the time. A LOT of the missions and story missions CANNOT be soloed. This was also bad for people who were in zones with barely any other people in it.


1) 1.2 was underwhelming. I was excited to have all these new features. Then after looking at 1.2, the Legacy stuff was just utterly cosmetic. Don't get me wrong, the cosmetic stuff was cool but after seeing that stuff like "XP boost" and "early mounts" were going to be in 1.3 instead, I felt a little sad.


Kinda related to the top 5 but personally I had an argument with a friend who played this game. I liked leveling with them. Doing flashpoints and warzones with them. I made them mad and now I don't see a reason to stay. For me, they were the reason the game was fun. Sure I could make a new friends but it just doesn't feel the same as before.


I loved this game. No I don't want to see it fail. I wanted it to be awesome. It probably is still awesome to some but not me.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





Ironic how people who can't see this game for what it is want insight into peoples eyes who can. :csw_r2d2:

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Also - why the heck do threads that ask these things exist at all? Are these people writing a paper and need a semi-reliable peek into their decisions?


I often wonder this as well.


Usually people don't put anything in their post other than, "I heard this..... tell me what you think". It does sound a little bit like I'm being asked interview questions by a reporter.

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I unsubbed in early march and filled out the Q&A that I was emailed by BW. I recently resubbed during the rakghoul event.


reasons I unsubbed in the first place.

1. Mass Effect 3. It is more of a BioWare game then this. Bioware single-player is damn near unparalleled with Elder Scrolls rpg's their only competition.

2. Ilum pvp died, it was the most fun feature for me in this game post 50. Forced groups like operations are not as fun as open instance types. When anyone can join and have fun, the overall game is more fun IMO

3.Flashpoint gear grind, collecting crystals to get gear, and I did multiple flashpoints and never got anything useful.

4.Valor grind to get battlemaster caused me to quit. If I got to grind for months to get something, then I will look at other video games to play. This is not the only game on the market.

5.Lack of customization.


reasons I resubbed

1. Rakghoul event and free pet plus the extra month of game time. yup they got me.

2. Finished Mass Effect 3.

3. My fiance plays more so I get to co-op the entire game with her. The day this game implements a team finder that allows you to play the entire game together is the day everyone realizes it is not a SINGLE-PLAYER GAME BUT A CO-OP GAME

4.Legacy unlocks, I now have a incentive to play other toons.

5. Story is classic BW, and now that Mass Effect is over, I need my BW fix.

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Ironic how people who can't see this game for what it is want insight into peoples eyes who can. :csw_r2d2:

How is that ironic?


Some of us really want to enjoy SWTOR, but can't, because there's all this fail staring us in the face. I hate to say it, but it seems like those who really enjoy SWTOR don't have much MMO experience, and those who have serious gripes with it do. That's not an insult to this game's loyalists, just an observation I've made.


I like SWTOR. I still play it. However, it didn't take me long to realize that there wasn't much there that could hold onto me once I had plowed through the content once. In order for most MMO players to really enjoy what they're doing, they have to see the horizon... the bright sunrise ahead. Unfortunately, this game feels stagnant, and it feels that way because although it is diverse, the offerings are, well, unpolished.

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How is that ironic?


Some of us really want to enjoy SWTOR, but can't, because there's all this fail staring us in the face. I hate to say it, but it seems like those who really enjoy SWTOR don't have much MMO experience, and those who have serious gripes with it do. That's not an insult to this game's loyalists, just an observation I've made.


I like SWTOR. I still play it. However, it didn't take me long to realize that there wasn't much there that could hold onto me once I had plowed through the content once. In order for most MMO players to really enjoy what they're doing, they have to see the horizon... the bright sunrise ahead. Unfortunately, this game feels stagnant, and it feels that way because although it is diverse, the offerings are, well, unpolished.


And you wont get to see that sunrise anytime soon in SWTOR, or the moon - In fact since late Dec 2011, the Star Wars Universe lost all sense of day and night... just shades of gray to cover over the widening cracks :D

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I am still subbed, but if I were to quit it would be these reasons.


1)Too Linear - There are practically no sandbox elements of the game, each quest and each conversation is so tightly scripted that it offers little opportunities to make cool discoveries or go exploring. Everything seems so planned, as if I am playing a single player game.


2)Terrible Space combat - Its almost an insult to claim this game has space combat and than pass that blatant rip off of StarFox.


3)Dead Servers - This shouldn't have even been a problem if EA/BW properly planned for the initial surge during launch and then rolled back to normalize.


4)Unimpressive Professions - Professions in this game are laughable. The harvesting nodes looked they were implemented as an after though.


But most importantly:


5)EA/BW Lack of Communication - This is an MMO; its an on going world of which we, the players, partake in your, EA/BW's, world. We share it and we should be able to talk about it. Or at least see what you guys are talking about. The silence from EA/BW is unbelievable.

Edited by AnoriOlko
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I hate to say it, but it seems like those who really enjoy SWTOR don't have much MMO experience, and those who have serious gripes with it do. That's not an insult to this game's loyalists, just an observation I've made.


I like SWTOR. I still play it. However, it didn't take me long to realize that there wasn't much there that could hold onto me once I had plowed through the content once. In order for most MMO players to really enjoy what they're doing, they have to see the horizon... the bright sunrise ahead. unpolished.


1. Your observation is biased as well as not taking into context other variables and therefore is invalid. I played my first MMO in 03. Everquest and then I purchased City of Heroes. I have played FF 11, Guild Wars, Champions Online and DFO for more then a few months. Which is more then a trial period. I have also tried out Vindictus, LOTRO, DCU online and WOW. My fiance has considerably less MMO experience then me, she has only played Champions Online(from begining to the end) and DFO. We both like this game for the story. And I also like it because I love Star Wars and Bioware. So my point is the amount of experience you have has nothing to do with liking a game or experience playing a certain genre. As a gamer for more then 2 decades, I have noticed an games success depends on having casuals and hardcore players both into playing the game.


2. You are spot on about having to wait for more content to enjoy a MMO. As gamers we finish games at a faster rate then a person who does not game often. It is kind of like "working ourselves out of a job." If this was a single-player, we would shelve the game and look for a new purchase. If it was a console multi-player we would play the same content over and over until the developers began working on a sequel. In a MMO we have to just wait for new content to be released.

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Your observation is biased as well as not taking into context other variables and therefore is invalid.

So... my opinion is invalid?


Stopped reading there, fanboy. I'm knocking out honest criticism while explaining that I still play this game for the elements that I do enjoy, but you clearly "love Star Wars and Bioware" (your words) too much to get that without having your feathers ruffled and taking it personally... for some reason.

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