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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I think we're arguing the same thing here, my mistake.


Which now makes me wonder if the original poster I was responding to was implying that only people with a recurring subscription setup should have the right to post on the forums, that it doesn't matter if you have a current subscription still running, only if you have a recurring one set up.

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I have 44? some odd days left. I unsubbed for a variety of reasons, mostly because this game isn't for me. I have been waiting for this game for years and its just kind of shocking to me that I don't really enjoy it.


So I post here and there, maybe looking for something to either validate my exit or make me want to return.


Are you for real ? Don't you have a mind and taste of your own ? o.O

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Are you for real ? Don't you have a mind and taste of your own ? o.O


There's a reason why people read magazines or read reviews you know. People don't live in closed in boxes, there's interaction and exchanges of opinions. Sometimes you look for inspiration or validation in what people say, think, feel, or write.

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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While im still subscribed, I have had a steady decline in interest in SWTOR.


1. First and fore most the servers are dead. I understand that you need alot of servers at launch but to not be prepaired for this drop off is unexcuseable. Mergers are needed not just transfers.


2. Daily Comendations. The most uninspired aspect of this game. They are boring, easy, and not fun. The mods are pointless being the recruit armor is still sufficient to run HM until you get full tionese/columi. It would be much more fun to do a quest line that lead you to the level 50 flashpoints to get the relics, implants, and ears. This way i feel like i earned it and not that the game owed me it for mind numbing grinding.


3.Static Enviorment. The game does not feel alive to me. Worlds are very linear, which is a problem in many games. I dont feel like there is an adventurers choice in which worlds you can go to. Also there is no reason to leave the fleet at 50. More dynamic events are needed. imperial or republic invasions. things that encourage PVP on all the planets like monthly or weekly events that reward with faction bonuses.


4.Poor armor art. this Is more a taster thing but as a jedi shadow i do not feel like a stealth assassin and agent of the jedi order. i feel like an idiot. Best way to solve this is and appearance tab. this way i can have the stats and bonuses i worked hard to get and look different from every other person in the game.


5."Fluff"dates. The legacy system is nothing but fluff to me. I will say it does give incentive to play multiple characters ut because of 1-3 its just not fun to do atm. I would like to see events that lead to large updates like how rift did. it was fun and got alot of people into one area for massive pve and pvp.


In the end SWTOR feels very cookie cutter to me where the few "unique" things it offers are fluff. The story aspect of the game is very good but I never felt like i was being rewarded for my amazing accomplishments. I hope BioWare looks at these post and realize that almost everyone who has done something constructive are saying the same things. Oh well maybe im just too old for these games.

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18 days left, will not renew. Top 5 reasons:


1. MMO - Maybe its me but where's the 1st 'M'?

2. Paying a monthly fee to play a Single Player game? No thanks.

3. Far too easy HMs & OPs;

4. No end game content, once you're 50 boredom is upon you;

5. Go to 1.



Keef - Lvl 50 Jug/Tank

Griso - Lvl 50 Merc/DPS

Ellroy - Lvl 50 Op/DPS

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Just canceled my subscription. Same reasons as everyone else:


1) Dead server (Master Dorak). Couldn't get PVP going on a Friday night. Not enough people for OPS or FPs.


2) The fix for the search features of the GTN broke the GTN. Nothing on it, nothing sells. Also because of #1.


3) End Game - Just hit 50 a couple of weeks ago, and I realized what a grind it is going to be to gear up for PVP. I love PVP, and the pre 50 PVP was at least balanced across levels. Now I'm the newbie 50, and these daily runs are just nuts.

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1. Server merges


I place this at the top because it would solve the most problems in one fell swoop. There are too few players spread out over too many servers, this means that the 4 mans and raid instances get very little use compared to what they deserve. By merging servers the population would be much denser which means higher possibility of grouping and a better hive society where the auction houses, crafters, raiders, hardcore gamers and casuals would thrive due to the increased collection of resources spread out on each server.


2. Server transfers


Server transfers could potentially help band-aiding the lack of players on each server, but it is not a viable solution over the long term. Personally, it would increase my chances of re-subscribing and I know that is how many people feel. It would also help in bringing players that know each other together instead of having to constantly reroll because some people wanted to try a higher population server (this is only being strengthened by the low-population-too-many-servers ratio).


3. Improved LFG tool


I have been playing MMOs for almost 10 years. I have played World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and many more. I have been there since the moment those games came online and I have suffered through months (for some even years) of playing through their baby-period, but at this point it shouldn't feel as bad as a game launched 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years MMOs have grown incredibly with server transfer, server merges, more and more intricate LFG tools, browser purchases of in-game items, cross-server systems, hot fix systems etc. Because of all these advancements I can't bring myself to justify it anymore that a game requires several years to get out, what is now, very basic services and systems.

I am strongly against WoW's LFD and LFR because of the inherent social a**hattery that comes along with it (over-entitlement, ninja looting, no reprecussions, will never see the other players again, and the like), however, right now I have to agree with the pro-LFDers that this is the best course of action for this game. WoW made the mistake of introducing LFD when it was at it's peak of 12 million players, when they should have put it in if they landed on 2-3 million and below. Cross-server systems for grouping only works properly when there are too many servers with too few players, just like how SWTOR is now. I am proud of BioWare for sticking to their guns to keep a decent enough environment and not make the mistake WoW did by introducing this, but that doesn't work with so few players (the need for such a system is substantially increased when there is no server merges, at least as far as we have been told about the things to come in the future).

Back to the baby-phase.

Since I have gone through it so many times, I personally feel that I can't go through it again and I have only WoW (and in smaller parts Rift) to thank for this horrible state-of-mind I am currently in. Finding groups with so few players is absolutely agonizing (if I try hard to find a group, I'll get one in 10 minutes, but the days I feel up to that are rare and far apart).


4. Lack of proper communication


BioWare were very active at the start, but recently there have been less and less of communication about time lines, ideas and plans, or any sign at all that they are actually listening aside from that idiotic bot message that pops up on the forums when they close a thread. This is a minor point, but it is frustrating nonetheless.


SWTOR is an absolutely amazing game, great story, great voice acting, great IP, and an absolutely tremendous potential, however there are those little things that is holding so many people back. These 4 things are the only things BioWare has to do to bring myself and many more players back, most likely new players as well.


Points 1 and 2 pretty much cover it for me...WHEN i have people to play with, i love this game. Not rerolling a 4th time however

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For me, the big problem I have with the game is that it's extremely roleplayer-unfriendly; there's a severe lack of options for roleplayers, from character customization to in-world activities that enhance roleplay. Any time you develop a game around such a cherished and canon-rich franchise as Star Wars, you have to account for the roleplayers, but I feel as if the team has largely ignored this section of players for the usual reason--we're a minority or niche group.


Being told you exist as part of a minority group does little to inspire confidence, yet this is precisely what the team does when they make statements like these (in reference to chat bubbles):

They’ll be coming soon, but in priority, the GUI team is focused first on GUI customization. I'll have a better idea of timing once we get past that. And yes, for people who hate them, whenever we do them, they'll be toggleable.


Saying nothing of the fact that we're now past GUI customization, the statement about "priority" speaks volumes. The team likes to proclaim that they support all play types--PvE, PvP, RP--yet the evidence is in the pudding (awful expression). They gave us the Legacy System which was supposedly a big boost for roleplayers, but I find myself scratching my head at this one. Where is the support for roleplay?


Is it the family tree that you can't share or include your friends in?


The emotes you have to unlock by grinding credits or social points?


Is it the species unlocks which also require grinding content which is not roleplay?


The usual retort to any argument in support of roleplay features is usually this: "Roleplayers can use their imagination and willful suspension of disbelief, why can't you?" To which I reply, "My imagination is free. What's the point of a monthly subscription to use it?"


I get that development is costly and time-consuming. I get that there's a whole larger section of players out there who don't care for roleplay, but the roleplaying community is only asking for things which any player can use to their benefit (or toggle off if they choose): chat bubbles, sitting in chairs, shareable biography page, more numerous animated emotes, shareable family tree (now that we have one), sociable mini-games, and some more in-game locations for roleplaying.


If roleplay is supported in this game, it should get some priority. Once we have the tools to do what we do, we're an extremely loyal group of players who can hunker down and weather just about anything the game throws at us. As it is, SWTOR doesn't give us enough.

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I play since day 1. I have one legacy at level 25 on a server and another legacy level 33 on TotFN

Currently i have 2 Operative lvl (50), 1 trooper (50), 1 Bountyhunter (50), 1 Sorceror (50), 1 Maurauder (50), 1 Shadow *** (50), 1 Sage (35), 1 Jedi Assassin (37), and some other around the 20ies (1 PT and 1 Sniper).

I play alot and i played most mmorpgs (if not all) in the last 10 years . I'm 30 years old and have a lot of free time.

I usually enjoy both Pve and Pvp and i played in many good guilds in my mmorpg past.

I loved Bioware and still do.. mostly.

I unsubbed and wont come back for sometime , these are my 5 reason.


1 : No Addons - (mostly no way to track many things i found really fun in a competitive game like DPS death hits maxhit maxcrit all this stuff) -the combat log u added is a complete joke from a to z.

2 : No cross server PVP or PVE meaning queues are always too long and finding groups for pve is boring as hell)

3 : Targeting system still broken after 5 months. For healers is a pain , for melees is a pain , for ranged too. (Still i cant see my HOTs on the unitframes with my operatives... have fun refreshing hots without ui.)

4 : Expertise ruin games to people like me who enjoy both pve and pvp and feels punishing to want to play both. (Pvp shouldnt be a gear grind in the first place, that is something good only for PVe)

5: Because of the forementioned problems Pve is so easy is sad. Tank and spank everywhere with a bit of jumping here and there.


I'll add a 6th cause i feel to: You never said anything "real" regarding this problems wich i found my main reason for unsubbing. On the contrary on some point the game is goin in the opposite way.

Edited by Sbolla
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Here are my reasons:


1) This game just does not seem like an MMO. There is no incentive to group. As a single player game it is not bad at all, but it is not really an MMO in the truest sense.

2) Not enough social play. I came from SWG where there were so many options for social play that I am spoiled. TOR is combat centric, which is fine, but I would love to have some non-combat options as well.

3) Do not enjoy the "On the Rails" type of play. It is themepark to the nth degree. I like more freedom in my play.

4) Not a big fan of the The Old Republic Era. I am one of those Old Fogies who saw the Original Trliogy in the theater. Back when Star Wars was not "Episode 4". I do not really get into this era and have no desire to play a Jedi.

5) I came from SWG and cannot help making comparisons. I understand that it is not really fair but I played that game for 7 years and that is my reference for really being able to "live" in the Star Wars Universe. TOR just does not do that for me. But at least I gave it a try and did not dismiss it outright.


Edit: In reading through the thread some more I see a common theme of Sever Merges or Free transfers. population is a key issue for any MMO. I think that the quicker they can get a system in place to address population issues the better. I know that DCUO benefitted greatly from moving to a Megaserver concept as opposed to separate servers. STO and EVE both benefit from being one large server from their outet. Empty servers give the impression to new players that the game is not successful, whicoh si not an impression you want new players to have.


That being said, even if population problems are adressed there seems little reason to group in the game as it is except for flashpoints


So those are my reasons. Please note that it is all just my personal opinions for why I do not enjoy the game and should not be seen as some indictment that TOR is a failure. I really hoped I could enjoy the game as much as my friends. But it was not to be. To those that enjoy the game I say more power to you and I hope you can continue to play it for as long as I got to play SWG.


As to why I still come here and view the forums and comment? I am always interested to see what changes might come to the game that would make me interested in re-subbing. I still have a few friends that play so I can come back and join them if I feel inclined.


Best of luck to all those that enjoy the game.

Edited by Boscohark
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My top 5 reasons


1: Freedom


This is the most important part. In swtor, you have to follow the same paths on different planets to get to your mission objective after which you either follow the same route back or you fast travel away which can only be done every 30 minutes. The amount of space on the planets is very little as well and the worst part comes when there are "exhaustion zones" present. Very little freedom


2: Story


You advertised with this a lot. Sadly though, only the class stories (which apart from the starter planets takes up only 10% of the content) is each time different. So we are expected to do the same quests / flashpoints / warzones / space missions each and every time again when we want to do another story? I expected much more class story and much less sidequests / planetary quest lines. Even though some republic / empire stories on some planets are nice, doing them again and again isn't what we are after.


3: Space combat


Like I mentioned earlier, there is very little freedom. This is especially the case in space. It's on rails and it's timed. On some missions, I have 2 minutes left with all the objectives completed but because you put a timer on this thing, I need to keep flying to get my xp bonus and comms. Other then that, having to fly around the way you designed it is a slap in the face. Where is my swg x-wing? Much better.


4: Gear


So after I follow the story I am supposed to grind for gear that I didn't design and most often really don't like? I might as well just quit because hey.. why really do any pvp or pve if all I get is gear that I don't want to wear. I have played so many games before, I no longer care about the best gear.


5: Content


After all the voice overs and things you put in. There is really very little to do in this game. The planets are small, there is limited content and it is build around content we know from every other mmo out there. So you brought story but ones you have done the story it's nothing more then WoW? Well, all other games are like wow these days. I don't care what comes up, I hear about GW2 or something? I really don't care either. If you want my opinion.. they all suck. Everyone of them because... they all copy the same thing.


Sandbox mmo's which are currently a "thing of the past" have content and I hope some developers realize that they have a place in the current mmo market. A spot that needs to be filled.


Thank you

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im sorry to say i too have unsubbed. (about a week ago)


i currently still have 40+ days on my account and i am still logging in, just not for long any more.


i still enjoy the game, although i am finding it near impossible to try to level yet another alt. and this is my problem. the short version is i levelled a sorc on a pve server with a friend, i did the pve thing for a bit and then i heard my old mates from wow had started playing. i've known these guys for years through wow and playing half-life together before that so i jumped at the chance to rekindle some of the old wow fun. unfortunately they'd rolled republic. i stuck it out (god imp. err EVERYTHING is so better designed) and ended up with a near WH sage, good gear, and all that. pld mostly pvp with a few of the guys and did a couple of ops. then the problems started...


our GM disappeared to play mass effect 3 and no one left could be arsed to take command (the rest of us were burnt out of that from wow raiding, heh) this coupled with some poison from a couple of people who pld the game to just rubbish it and people started disappearing back to WoT or eve or even pandapowaa wow.


the few that were left tried to stick it out but at the same time (couple of weeks/a month after 1.2) all the decent rep. pvpers just stopped playing. my non-guild friends list was looking bare and we started getting ***** in wz's. i spent 2 weeks with the same pvp daily. was soul destroying. the 3 or 4 of us left in guild simply cant be everywhere in a wz, we had to rely on others and it was painful. no calls for inc, people running away from doors/not guarding etc.. basics.


in the end we were talking about quitting and then someone had an idea to reroll on a high pop pvp server. initially this was met with some enthusiasm.. however, come the 2nd or 3rd day everyone suddenly came to the realisation that that meant levelling another char. no one could be bothered. i certainly wasnt going to level my 3rd caster so i rolled an op. and as nice as it is, its not my sorc or sage and levelling is dull now.


when we 1st rerolled there were like 8-15 of us online. within 3 days that dropped to 3 and now i barely see more than that, if any.


so yeh, i still enjoy the game but i play these games to play with friends.. no friends playing, i wont either.


if there were open server transfers so i could port my sorc over and they could port their US server imp. chars perhaps there'd be 20+ people more still playing.. but who knows for sure.



i cant really name 6 reasons i can only name 1. my friends stopped playing and so i have too.

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1) learn from mistakes of the past - cataclysmic changes, nge fails, and 1.2. Overhauling classes less than 6 months into a launch is a terrible idea. Folks chose classes based on beta experience and levelling experience, just to have (operative and bh) dps nerfed repeatedly. These and the healer changes were clearly reactionary and not well considered given the drastic shift they caused from the product your launch audience bought.


2) underpromise and overdeliver - basic service 101. "we'll have ranked warzones in 1.2." oops. My guild is gone to tera due to this, once again short sighted and reactionary decision, to install part of the pvp changes (expertise/gear) but not the ranked warzones.


3) the legacy system is a wonderful idea and provides some great tools for altaholics. Unfortunately i don't know what class you're going to completely alter next so i'm afraid to level another character to 50.


4) are you selling a product or a service? If you said a product you're wrong. You marketed this game as being groundbreaking for immersive, story driven, fully voiced pve content. You threw in a little pvp as well because that's expected in mmos.


The game has been live for nearly 5 months and we've seen minimal new content. All we've really seen is some (but not all) bugs fixed and wildly overreactionary "math" changes. This game will survive and thrive only by delivering on the content (service) promise in return for the $15/month fee. Again - underpromise and overdeliver.


5) class balance changes and gear griding are no substitute for content. While $15 is a bargain for the entertainment value, paying customers have vastly higher expectations than their f2p comrades. Show more business sense than soe (who still employees smedley last i checked) and make appropriate staffing changes to get your product back to the experience your customers paid for. I quit wow because i refuse to pay a subscription to repeat dailies ad nauseum to get gear you will then obsolete in 30-60 days. Fool me once, shame on you . . .



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This should be stickied and bolder at the top of the list. Nothing I've read has been more accurate or true.


There's a lot of garbage information on these forums, but this hits home. And just to state I had such high hopes for this game like many, but I can't help but feel like 1.3 is completely inaccurate since there are SO many others like me who've unsubbed, have pending subscriptions for XX amount of days but don't/haven't played.

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Well do you know the feeling when something disasterous happens, a car crash for example, and people gather around to have a look. That is the feeling that makes me come check out the forums now and again.


Top 5 reasons, in no particular order, to why I left.


- Loading screens...

At start I could deal with it, but having to load the same planet again and again everytime i left a wz really got to me in the end. I basically also avoided travelling to other planets since I couldn't be bothered going through the same routine well known to and described by many over and over again.


- Lifeless environments...

Invisible walls, no open world, never running into players of the opposite faction, hallways upon hallways of repetative combat routines.


- Endgame issues...

Too few bosses per operation, too many bugged bosses per operation. I only kind of liked hutball for PvP but some new arenas to play it in would have been nice. Badly implemented gearcarousel... Too easy to gear up by doing fp's. No open world PvP whatso ever, I mean there isn't even a way to get to the opposite factions capital.

Mainly the lack of bosses though, 5 per operation which you have the honor of beating on 3 difficulty settings. Make it 15 different encounters for one operation and I might stay interested. I won't be getting into mechanic but the exact same enrage mechanic for every boss in the entire game, realy? I'll stop here this could be endless.


- I don't make alts pure for the fun of making alts...

If I make alts it is to enjoy the endgame content with it or to support my main or group I'm playing with. But well my previous reason sums up why there was no point. At that point I could just go play some singleplayer game instead.


- Features...

Not being able to whisper ppl through the guildroster.

The GTN filter systemn.


... and I just ran out of time. Bye.

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Most of us have unsubbed because, well lets face it, our servers are dead and we CANT PLAY!

So, in the meantime, Bioware decides to give us a FREE 30 days, which of course, 75% of the population cant even enjoy because, as stated just a moment ago, OUR SERVERS ARE DEAD. If you are like me, I havent even played an hour of time since they gave us these 30 days of free time for the fact that when I do login there are:


a.) Nobody to get a flashpoint group together

b.) pvp ques just arent popping in a reasonible time frame (I waited 1hr 24minutes and left the que).



I really think that once these server transfers land, it would be in the best interest of Bioware to re-issue 30 additional days as we HOPE that where ever in gods creation our characters end up, that there actually be a population of sorts that would offer us the ability to again play again.


If I am wrong then please justify why you think so as I find it hard to believe that we all should resub just to server transfer and find out that the server our characters end up on becomes just another barren wasteland in a few weeks.


Also to answer some posts about 1.3, its not going to draw everyone back, your out of your mind if you believe this.

Bioware labeled 1.2 as the god send of patches that was going to FIX this game, when in fact it had the opposite effect. Personally, I think 1.3 is going to be of no greater quality.


Didnt you get the memo? We're all on a sinking ship here, and there arent enough life boats! SAVE US!

Edited by UnmarkedFaith
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1) Learn from mistakes of the past - Cataclysmic changes, NGE fails, and 1.2. Overhauling classes less than 6 months into a launch is a terrible idea. Folks chose classes based on beta experience and levelling experience, just to have (Operative and BH) dps nerfed repeatedly. These and the healer changes were clearly reactionary and not well considered given the drastic shift they caused from the product your launch audience bought.


2) Underpromise and overdeliver - basic service 101. "We'll have ranked warzones in 1.2." Oops. My guild is gone to Tera due to this, once again short sighted and reactionary decision, to install part of the PvP changes (expertise/gear) but not the ranked warzones.


3) The Legacy system is a wonderful idea and provides some great tools for altaholics. Unfortunately I don't know what class you're going to completely alter next so I'm afraid to level another character to 50.


4) Are you selling a product or a service? If you said a product you're wrong. You marketed this game as being groundbreaking for immersive, story driven, fully voiced PvE content. You threw in a little PvP as well because that's expected in MMOs.


The game has been live for nearly 5 months and we've seen minimal new content. All we've really seen is some (but not all) bugs fixed and wildly overreactionary "math" changes. This game will survive and thrive only by delivering on the content (service) promise in return for the $15/month fee. Again - underpromise and overdeliver.


5) Class balance changes and gear griding are no substitute for content. While $15 is a bargain for the entertainment value, paying customers have vastly higher expectations than their f2p comrades. Show more business sense than SOE (who still employees Smedley last I checked) and make appropriate staffing changes to get your product back to the experience your customers paid for. I quit WoW because I refuse to pay a subscription to repeat dailies ad nauseum to get gear you will then obsolete in 30-60 days. Fool me once, shame on you . . .


Epic post, bro. Constructively critical, no malice, bitterness. Exactly the sort of thing BW needs to see and take to heart.


I don't think they WILL, but kudos all the same.

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I have already cancelled my subscription.


Here's why:

1. The endless dialog scenes and cinematic scenes has me mashing my space bar. I don't need to see the same "Take off" scene every time I get on my ship and fly to a new zone. I don't need all the dialog scenes whenever I pick up or turn in a quest. Just put the quest up in it's entirety and let me hit one button to accept.

2. As many other people have surely said, the low populated realms. I can't get a group for a silly heroic let alone a flashpoint. Not gonna beat that horse any further....nuff said.

3. I seen a few "medium" populated realms but can't transfer my character to them. It was suggested that I simply roll a new toon on one of those realms and thereby scrap the toon I already got and wasting my time.

4. PvP.......everybody is playing the "flavor of the month". This is nothing new. Different game, same problem.


I have 2 weeks left on my play time but yet have no desire to log in and play. I got my trooper up to level 32 and I guess that's where he'll be until they make some improvements or until I can transfer him to a more populated server, I will gladly pay for that service like all the other games out there.


I have read a few threads where people want MORE story content. I'm just one person but I don't play any of these MMO's for the story, I could care less. When I want a story I read a book or watch a movie. When I play a game I want to play the game and not be bogged down by endless dialog scenes.

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The reason I unsubbed was due to MMO burn-out. New MMO's are popping up left and right now and they are starting to become like Bubble-Yum gum. Sure its full of flavor and satisfaction at first with a new piece, but that new flavor dies off way too quickly and you realize your getting tired of chewing something that lost its charm. So you bounce to a new piece and start all over. It is easy to get burned-out after awhile and I think many others who are leaving this game in my opinion may also be afflicted by this.


The game does have faults but I don't think I can fault the game this time for my decision to leave.

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