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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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That way, people won't need to make absurd threads about RAGE QUUUUIIITTT!!


Sure there are those extreme posts like this but I see far far more constructive, logical, thoughtful critiques. The way you present the argument would make one think that all you see are the rage quitters and the issues are all imagined by a few delusional souls...

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But WHY the onus on the PAYING CUSTOMER and NOT the management that made these poor decisions?


Doesn't make sense. Sure, they can re-roll but why is the onus on them. The failure here is not on the customer but rather the poor management decision. If you order something and get something else, who's fault is it? Why should the customer have to bite the bullet for management shortcomings?


I really do not understand this logic at all and is baffling.


The failure is from the customers who were raging at Bioware to open more servers. Bioware delivered. End of story

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The failure is from the customers who were raging at Bioware to open more servers. Bioware delivered. End of story



Ahhh I see.


EVERY customer complained so of course it is EVERY customers' fault.


Makes sense.

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Read my post more carefully. I did not use the word EVERY


Yes but EVERY customer on EVERY low pop server is being punished.


Once again, why should ALL PAYING CUSTOMERS who had absolutely NOTHING to do with EAoware opening 200+ servers have to pay for management's poor decision?


Answer the question logically please.


P.S. The way you word it and your logical conclusion would have to assume that you mean EVERY even if you do not use the term.

Edited by Monave
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I unsubbed yesterday. I have about 35 days.


1) PvE content is not accessible. There aren't people around to do FPs and the FPs are too long for my taste.


2) I've gotten bored of the PvP as most matches are decided by gear, not decisions.


3) No world PvP


4) Stories starting getting cheesy, especially after realizing the decisions I made had no impact on the overall story.


5) Not much to do at 50 and I got bored leveling my alts.

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Constructive feedback is only constructive if BW listens which they do not.


1) Customer Service its just so ... well lets face it there is none in this game.

2) Class balancing ... do I need to go into detail.

3) Dead servers ... beggining of summer is to little to late.

4) Destruction of healing classes ... you may not agree but I really don't care what you think.

5) GZ ... I get the impression he's a spoiled brat with little to no real MMO knowledge.

6) Boring ... yip thats it plain flat out boring.

7) Illum ... so few games have a zone dedicated to open PvP why neglect it and leave it to decay ?

8) Customers are not aloud to have an opinion that they may not agree with.

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Read my post more carefully. I did not use the word EVERY


Yes but EVERY customer on EVERY low pop server is being punished.


Once again, why should ALL PAYING CUSTOMERS who had absolutely NOTHING to do with EAoware opening 200+ servers have to pay for management's poor decision?


Answer the question logically please.


P.S. The way you word it and your logical conclusion would have to assume that you mean EVERY even if you do not use the term.



Still waiting on your answer or you out of one liners?

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I so badly want to love this game, I did the pre-order/early access and sat here with a grin doing the intro on my first jedi but it's becoming a chore now. I'd honestly take nge swg over things as they are and do it gladly, man I miss that game.


Unsub'd a couple days ago with 23 days left


1. Bugs, bugs, bugs...resetting npcs, vanishing npcs, unresponsive companions, missing sound/voices, 2-5 daily crashes, constant lag (I've watched it climb over 300000ms and suddenly drop back to 200ish followed by an explosion of lagged red combat text over my corpse), character stuck running, abilities not firing but cooldown still activating....and so on.


2. PVP balance or lack of, being forced to play class x,y,z to be competitive in pvp and getting steamrolled for playing the class I'd enjoy because it's not fotm.


3. Dead server with no ability to transfer, I know it's coming but I'm not gonna p**s away money on an eventually considering all the other issues with the game.


4. Everyone I know has already quit the game out of boredom, combined with no.3 it means I have to following. I've ground out my alts to see the storylines, I'm so sick of doing the same quests over and over that re-rolling on a new server isn't an option.


5. Can't think of anything else at the moment.

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In unsub'ed two weeks ago. I don't even know how much time I have left...


1) No flashpoint finder. My time is worth more than sitting around spamming chat channels. Being able to queue for a warzone and then continuing questing or whatever you want to do is easy and helpful. A flashpoint finder not being part of 1.1 or 1.2 is inexcusable. I know it's coming for 1.3, but I'll be gone by then.


2) Space Combat just a repetitive mess. The shooter on rails experiment failed miserably. How many times can you fly the exact same space mission without gouging your eyes out.


3) Lack of World PvP. I know they tried with Ilum, but it was a failure. Now we're left with playing the same warzones over and over again. I'm not a fan of the new PvP zone.


4) World Zone design makes you feel like your in a cave where you only have one or two possible exits. Sure, the occasional zone where you have one passage to go from zone to zone is fine, but there are no open zones. I know this isn't new for a Bioware game, but it still stinks


5) The # of times I have loading screens during a play season is just bad design.


6) VO stuff should have been restricted to main story line and maybe operations / flashpoints. It just gets annoying with the side quests especially when you are going through them for the 4th time.


7) NO innovation with the End game. It's raiding, Instanced PvP, and daily quests all with the gear grind in mind. If I wanted that, I would have continued to play WoW.


There are more on my list, but it comes down to, the annoying things out weigh the fun things. I'm not sorry I purchased the game or anything like that. To me, it's just disappointing that Bioware missed such a huge opportunity. I'll move onto D3 or Torchlight 2 and then almost certainly GW2.

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Dead servers and just bored with the game. No character could hold my attention in the fun department to keep me leveling. So:


Leveling Pace: It is not the length, just the way it works. Too many skills early on, very little to look forward to skill wise after 20.


Dead Servers: I have rerolled so many servers, they have good pop but then drop. Take The Harbringer for example. They had around 190 consistently on fleet during peek. Now we see maybe 120 or less. After midnight it gets real quiet.


Gear:It is either boring or ugly, aesthetics mean a lot in a game.


Combat: Just another game that you select an ability and wait. I knew this coming in, but was hoping something a little different. I was mistaken.


Too many common zones. Need more separate leveling experience. Not just for faction but for races. After the starting planet, it gets to be the same as everyone else, regardless of faction.


Player quality: Poor, Bio you really need to enforce your rule set. If something is reported do something about it, otherwise people like me who do follow your TOS just quit.


Flashpoints: Too easy and just not fun. After the first two flashpoints, the story seems to slowly disappear.


Choices: Mean nothing in this game, and even less with the latest patch.


I want to keep playing, love the IP. However, just too many issues to keep me subscribing.


Flashpoint Finder: Really, nothing for this? Should have been in at release, at the very least 1.2. Bioware you really need to check your egos and realize what people want. and not try to patch it in at a later point when it will probably be too late.


Cross Realm WZ and FP: Something else that should exist at launch. Sadly it was not.


Followed this game since news was leaked. Subbed in the forums when I finally had something to post, which was still early in the process. I wanted to LOVE this game, but alas I do not. You could have done something special Bioware.


I also believe these failures have to do with pressure from EA. Every MMO they get involved with is just bleh...

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Pretty much all my reasons stem from one single, huge problem: A DEAD OR DYING SERVER.


Very long PvP queues and getting groups for FPs take forever if they happen at all.


Result is frustration. I won't pay for that.

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Unsubbed about amonth ago and returned to WoW. I still have game time left however I wont be using it. This is my list after some time and space to get perspective on where ToR went wrong for me.


1) Story was interesting, however after the first 50 I made I found myself spacebaring through content way more often then listening to it. By my 4th 50 I didnt care at all about story content, was fed up with finding necessary 'datacrons' and thought the worlds seemed very tunneled. Suggestion: More focus on opening areas. The game is so tunneled it is painful. With as big as the planets are the zones still feel tiny after a couple run throughs. Add quest areas, and.achieves.for going off the beaten path that are unique.


2) Animations are not more important than character responsiveness. This I have to bold. When I was playing this game I felt a huge disconnect between me casting a spell and it actually occuring. I hated this, it made me insane. I literally sat down and timed how long it took my 'instant' HoT to tick on my operative and it took literally no less than 4 seconds. This is longer than casting an actual heal. While I understand there will be some delay, a 4 second delay to watch a probe come down from the air to tick on a player during pvp is frustrating to say the least. While this is the most obvious example I can give, it is apparent on every level of gameplay for me at least. While some people may not notice this. I challenge you to go play WoW. I was shocked when I went back to WoW at how accustomed I had become to frantically mashing a key praying for it to go off, compared to WoW where you press the key and the spell goes off. Suggestion: I honestly dont know how to fix this. Maybe this is just one of those things that is going to have to be a learning curve for future mmo developers.


3) No variety to pvp. I love mmo pvp. I understand it wont always be balanced and that there are usually 'fotm.' However I have to ask myself why BioWare nerfs, buffs classes like they do. It appears they dont know how to find a happy medium. I never played a sorc, but the nerf they incurred was silly. Did they play the class before they decided to nerf it into the ground? Then the buff that operative/smuggler healers got made them god like. I dont understand the reason the nerfs/buffs were so huge. For a game thats pitch line is basically to become 'one' with your character the balancing favors abandoning your hard work on whatever class you choose to be your main for whatever fotm is current. This is not how gameplay should go, slight nerfs and buffs to bring things into balance. Not so hard you destroy a whole class. Suggestion: Dont bring the hammer and listen to your pvp players. They tell you when its wrong. And for that matter, dont just rely on test center, PLAY THE CLASSES YOU NERF AND BUFF so you can have a realistic handle on what you're changing.


4) Variety. There is none. Everyone looks the same. Armor isnt unique. Even with the orange gear it feels limited to e. The world gets stale very quickly.


5) No reason to raid/flashpoint. This game gave me zero incentive to participate in these activities. First off, the trouble it took to put together a fp group and travel back to the fleet just made it not worth while after the first time leveling. Second, the gear wasnt worth it to me. Why bother? Leveling was so easy it wasnt worth the trouble when I knew the blues I was going to get would be replaced in the blink of an eye on a different planet. (This goes to leveling difficulty, which was a joke. I knew people who damn near had level 50's in the first week of early release.) Next raiding offered nothing that really made me want to do it. First where were the interesting mounts that made me go 'Oh! I have to have that!' In WoW for example, I see a guy standing in the middle of Orgrimar glowing yellow. On inspection he has Tabard of the Lightbringer. I think to myself, thats flashy! I want to show off like that... Thus motivation to raid. I didnt see anyone with anything in this game that made me go, 'Oh! I has to have!' Suggestion: More flash. This game is in need of shiny baubles to attain via pve. Little things to make it more interesting. Maybe appearence items, or cool skills you get like the legacy skills you can only attain from raiding? Idk... Something is better than nothing.


6) Lastly this games economy was awful. Why did I bother crafting? I didnt make money from it. I didnt sell anything I made. Even my augmented Warhero armor I crafted I couldnt sell. It felt entirely pointless.


All in all these were the main game breakers for me. While I know most wont read. Its my opinion on the matter.

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My sub runs out in 44 days, and I'll probably be canceling for a while.


My 5 reasons:

  • I'll probably get flamed for this, but PvE content is too inaccessible. I don't mean the lack of a dungeon tool, I mean the difficulty, bugs, and time required do not justify the rewards. The first tier of PvE felt just right in terms of difficulty. Everything released since launch (Kaon, Karagga's, and beyond) seem overtuned imo.
  • Crafting is still not viable. In spite of claims from Bioware that patch 1.2 would make crafting profitable, the lack of set bonuses on Tionese/Columi/Rakata armorings killed interest in the Augmented Orange system.
  • Lack of server transfers and merges. How any MMO can launch without these systems in place is mindblowing to me, especially when it comes to PTS testing.
  • Not enough character slots per server. I'm an altoholic, and the Legacy system is more or less restricting us to 8 character slots. Sixteen per server should be the minimum, or legacy should be account wide so that the bonuses affect all our characters, not just those on a single server.
  • Load times. Way too long, and way too frequent.


I may come back again someday, but who knows.


Pretty much sums it up for me...But especially the 1st point...No flame here at all...I think you nailed it...:cool:

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im actually continuing my sub. at least for while. but its mainly because the 1-50 content is good enough where i can justify that. if it wasnt for my interest in the class stories.. id have cancelled my sub as well. why? the following:


lack of an LFG system. there really needed to be one from the beginning, and there is no excuse for this being left out.. especially for a game released in 2011.


world feels empty. even during the first month, i felt pretty much alone for most of my questing time in the game. it was about impossible to find a group for a heroic 4. not because people werent interested.. but because there was hardly any people.


i also wanted to try some of the flashpoints not named esseles or black talon (both great). however this was also impossible unless i waited for 30 min or so, and a lot of times longer. if i wanted to do a flashpoint in 'that other game', as DPS i will admit it took some time (usually not more than 15 minutes though).. but at least i could could quest or whatever while i waited. in TOR, its watch the chat box time on the fleet.. yay.


and really thats it. pvp is fine. crafting is fine, and the 1-50 content is perfect. just implement an lfg system, do something about the server populations, keep making flashpoints, and the game will stay competitive.

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I have not unsubscribed yet however i am deeply considering because here is why


1. The story is cool and all but after it what are you nothing it all means nothing.

2. Also the romance with the companions ends quickly and it all means nothing again.

3. PVP is ruined every patch they ruin so many classes.

4. 1.2 broke sorc healing so badly it is laughable.

5. The legacy system takes a long tim to get (this is a good thing) however the rewards you have to buy cost waay to much.

6. What is it the legacy system really does alot of the stuff seems pointless.

7. Why is it the companions rarely interact with eachother in Kotor they were always talking to eachother.

8. If this is Kotor 3 why is it missing important kotor features.

9. Why is it the devs rarely give good feed back or give us some heads up what we should expect in some upcoming updates. Do we even know when 1.3 will be released and when they get the Rated Warzones.

10. Can they even make expansions for this game adding new classes or more to the story will take forever.


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Hello all...


So I unsubscribed today (have 90ish days left on my current subscription but meh). Rather than piece meal the reasons why I'm simply going to cut and paste the message a wrote in the free text field from the unsubscribe page. It's a little on the long side but I think it's a worthwhile read.









Well I'm going to be honest with you. I've concluded that no matter how much I try to enjoy ToR, ultimately, what I'm looking for is an updated "SWG2", Pre-CU, persistent world, sandbox style MMORPG.


I thought I could give another WoW style Themepark MMO a try, I really did. "Maybe you'd get it more right than Blizzard did" I'd think to myself, and to some degree you did. I certainly found the Star Wars skin far more compelling than the nonsense cartoony D&D skin of WoW. And Yes, to some degree the voice acting and "story" aspect was cool but after a while I found myself spamming spacebar out of repetition.


The best insight I can give you as to why I chose to end my subscription is by telling you a real world in game example of something that actually happened to me while I was leveling.


I remember the feeling I got when I exited the spaceport on Nar Shaddaa for the first time. That initial reveal of the bright-lights world of Nar Shaddaa gave me goosebumps. It was truly breathtaking. As I completed that world and continued levelling my Sith Warrior over the days and weeks to come, I moved on to other worlds. Many planets later I reminiced about that feeling I got when I first saw Nar Shaddaa several weeks prior and found myself asking, "As much as I enjoyed the feeling and atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa, what possible reason would I ever have to re-visit that world? I'm way over-leveled for it now as I approach Lvl50. There's not much I would be able to do there except perhaps go ganking lowbees which isn't my style. I'd basically just have to go there and look around, taking in the gated sites and sounds as a third party observer and then leave after that got boring. This isn't a persistent world" I thought to myself. Effectively what that meant was that Nar Shaddaa was basically cut off to me unless I chose to re-roll an alt, and then once completed that world would be cut off to that character, and so on and so forth.


I would almost say it's analogous to playing Kotor/KotorII, completing an area, moving on, then deciding for whatever reason to backtrack to a previously cleared/completed area just to look around the empty hallways. Somewhat pointless imho.


I appreciate that you're furiously trying to add endgame content. I get that. But at the end of the day that's not what I'm looking for. What I'm looking for is a persistent Star Wars sandbox world where I can do or be whatever I want to be. Whether that meant leading a quiet life as a moisture farmer on some forgotten corner of Tatooine or battling Nightsisters and Rancors until my fingers bled on Dathomir. Some may find that underwhelming. That's fine. But that's what made SWG so unique and so compelling for me. No one laid out what I had to be or should be doing. I could do or not do whatever I wanted.


I have been looking for that experience since Nov 15th, 2005. A persistent Star Wars world where I could do as much or as little as I wanted and just exist. Unfortunately ToR is not that type of experience and I understand that it isn't that way because it didn't occur to you to make it that way. You chose a different path by design, and that's fine.


If at some point in the future Bioware does choose to make a sandbox/updated SWG2 game, let me know and I'd be happy to beta-test for you as I did back in 2003 for SOE. You'd basically have a customer for life assuming you BUILT UPON AND IMPROVED the original SWG Pre-CU experience.


Here's Hoping!

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This game has absolutely ZERO depth as a game intended to be played in the longer term. None. I played a game previously for several years. This one I've struggled to stay interested in for six months. It's just so... Sterile. So... Simplistic. So... Lifeless. I could go into detail but most of my issues have been covered several times over by others.


I'm unsubscribed with some remaining time now. I may uninstall it soon to free up some room on my drive.


This ! I played EQ2 for 5 years, Asherons Call for 4 years, already bored here . Pitiful dead walled in tiny "worlds". FPs are fun the first couple times, the class storys are interesting...till your finished. Feels like a single player game.

And little stuff...no day/night, no weather, mobs just standing around in groups of 3 or 4...really ? 2012 and you can't do any better than that ?

I actually feel for Bioware/EA, they are stuck. They simply cannot make major changes at this point and even something as straight forward as server mergers/transfers is taking FAR too long. I really wanted to like this game, to make it my new long term home but its just too "narrow" too confining too lifeless.

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Unsubbed but watching forums for change. I agree game is lifeless lacks depth on any level. Toons all look the same. Story dies at 50. Nazi forum mods. No reason to act as a guild. Pvp started ok but most changes in1.2 killed it for me. No world to explore nothing to collect outside of datacrons. No hidden quests or anything really..Dead GTN, Boring crafting, It would have been ok if targeting solo play with a friend. Alot could have been overlooked but grinding credits for stuff not worth the credits etc etc just isnt my thing (and I usually like grinding coin in games) No global chat, world feels dead even for a solo play game. If life begins at 50 in the rl world it dies in SWTOR.

Legacy system kinda meh and nothing I want to aim for in it Also hate the story lines wich were touted as awesome prelaunch just kinda stop with nowhere to go.


Waiting patiently for the secret world. Its gotta be better then logging in then wondering why I did

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just unsubscribed.


i don't get a kick out of saying this because i do like the game and i still think it has potential (after all, in another mmo i also took a break from it for about 6 months yet after that returned an played for another 2 years).


1. dead servers. can't really stand doing more dailies and space missions.


2. crafting. again, why can't i RE my own crafted custom lightsabers? you promised a lot, then came and gave "clarifications" that what you promised was misinterpreted. well then - ok, i misinterpreted, so i really don't like the limited and unbalanced (some professions are worth a lot more than the others) crafting system. i like the core, but it needs a lot more work. also, on dead servers, crafters cannot benefit from their time invested simply because there are no customers, no raw materials and so on.


3. customer service. no need to expand here i believe.


4. QA/Testing. It's unacceptable for you to ignore PTS, for a product with 160+M $ to have such an incompetent development/testing/QA department. not once very visible and easy to spot bugs passed to the live servers.


5. maintenance. it's not acceptable to screw customer's prime times, be them NA, EU or AU&OC. you guys need to find a way (and there are several suggestions) to improve on this.


6. beautiful scenery (except ilum and maybe hoth - just to much white and it really hurts my eyes, although i admit it's not unlike i would have imagined it from the movies) but static. too static. nothing ever changes. you do the bonus quests and - nothing. the enemies are still there, you don't have any feeling of achievement (for example, in WotLK there was this quest line in which you had to liberate some zones in order to get to the Champion's Arena (or whatever it was called) - which was intense and nice).


7. "highest quality of service". i can't shake this, really. you justified a lot of your decisions with this. now, where is it?


8. did i mention... dead servers? i'll buy now a single player game with a co-op option, without a monthly subscription and with a universe i love nearly as much as Star Wars. SW:TOR was meant to be an MMO. dead servers != MMO.

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I haven't unsubscribed, but the idea's on the table. I really like this game, and want to continue liking it, but of course it's up to BW to pick up the pace a little and deliver. Here's my humble list:


1. Servers!!! Just like EVERYONE, this needs to be fixed. The game's a ghost town. It was so awesome in beta and just after launch seeing so many people! I don't mind having to compete/wait for respawns to finish my quests-- I actually like it. The game feels alive that way. And of course all the other issues like not being able to group for content, uber long pvp queue times, etc... are also reasons to address this. I don't know is transfers are going to fix the problem, nor can I say that mergers are the best option either (I don't want to lose my name for some toons, for example) but *something* needs to be done.


2. PVP: Come on! This is WAR! Why on earth do Repub and Emp quest in different areas most of the time? Throw us at each other! Let's have some world pvp!!!


3. PVE: I love the stories/quests, but it *does* get a little repetitive having to repeat the same grind for each alt. It would be nice if there were more planets/areas to quest in and different chains to follow. I know that would mean doubling your content, which doesn't seem reasonable, but maybe add some different content to your planets... IE, when you arrive on Alderaan, you could choose a house to quest for and support. But that of course would means adding tons of new content, which means more voiceovers, more time... and probably not realistic :(


4. Legacy: First, I LOVE it. I think it's a great idea that gave this game an awesome uniqueness. But of course, you gotta execute well. I don't feel you're supporting it logistically. Example: you have to lvl a toon to 50 to unlock that race for other alts. Fine. But with 8 toons max, not entirely reasonable. I want a Chiss Jedi (and a Sith pureblood Jedi would also rock). To have them both, that's 4 slots. And since this came late, I have 5 slots already taken by toons I don't want to delete (and shouldn't have to). So that's what I mean by great idea, but not logistically supported. And that list can go on... But I feel BW gets the point. I'm not the only one posting on this, lol.


4.5: Crafting and Legacy: I love the crafting system. No complaints. But it *is* a pain in the neck to manage between alts... why couldn't you guys have a common Legacy bank? I know it's been posted about before, so I just want to be another voice shouting out for some more attention to it.


5. "MMO Variety" I'm not a pro gamer, so I don't know how to call it, but I switched to MMO's in recent years because I love the variety they *potentially* offer a player: you can customize appearance, you can heal/tank/dps... etc... all the way down to mounts and pets. It's one thing I say that linear games lack... you just play through the storyline, the way the designer intended. That's one of the reasons I LOVE Final Fantasy 5... I loved the job system. I remember back when the western world got its hands on that gem like 12 years ago or so... I remember loving the fact that I could customize my team the way I wanted (now of course you had to be strategic with your jobs to play effectively, but that's a whole other can of worms...) Anyway, when I realized that MMO's allowed personalization and variety to the way you play, and what you play, and how you play it, I signed up. So I think that BW needs to add tons more "random stuff" so to say, so that the game has more variety. IE, barber shop, more gear designs, more mounts... that list can go on to infinity as well.


5.5: That darned hood toggle!! What happened? Some months ago people were up in arms about it, and I believed in one of your early Q&A's you promised it, or something super similar, was on the way. WHERE IS IT and WHEN will it come???


Lastly, BW, I'm no programmer/developer, and know what it's like for people who don't know how to do your job tell you how to do it... so I don't mean to come off that way... but please, though, you gotta pick up the slack a bit and deliver faster. If it takes months and months for things like a guild bank and ranked pvp, then the game will die before these promises can be fulfilled. And no one wants that, especially me. I love this game. SO much better than the competition... but my love is fading, albeit slowly, but it's fading nonetheless. I'm running out of things to do and places to explore...

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Canceled my sub two times already. First time because my old server died. Now, after i moved to another server with friends, just because this game is boring.

I like my smuggler, i like my talents and abilities, I realy like warzone design - thats why i`m still here.


1. Story: lacks depth, logic and choice, too heroic, too stratiforward, can`t surprise. I waited this game because of story. "If this game will fail in endgame i`ll just start making alts" - that was my plan, in fact I just spaced half of my story to play WZ`s.


2. Travelling stupidity: your ship is a place where you can click on a map... thats all, fleetpass cd is just a joke, orbital stations is design failure and had to be removed in beta, planet loading times are horrble, quick travel becomes nearly useless at 50. Some games are limiting fast travel to encourage (force) people to explore game worlds. Whats the reason of any limitations if there is no world to explore, only cinematic railroad?


3. Targeting: I played many MMOs, mostly for PvP and never seen such a horrible targeting system before. Targeting with mouse mostly based on luck. targeting with TAB is just broken. Targeting is your main enemy in WZs.


3. Daily routine... i mean quests: ranging from boring to annoyng, there is no story, no progress, just the same quests over and over and over again, there is no real reason to do it... and there is nothing else to do while you are in WZ queue.


4. Matchmaking. Playing 3vs8, premade vs random, 5 healers vs pure dps group.... are u kidding? 5+ min queues in prime time (my server is full). No Xserver WZs.


5. Broken game economy. No reason to save money. No reason to level your crew skills (exept biochem as it provides unique skillbased rewards).


6. Legacy failure. No real reason to get any rewards there. Unless you are bored and have nothing else to do.


7. Never tried PVE as there is no LFG tool.

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I bought a 6 month sub so i'm still technically subbed, but I don't think i'm going to renew at this point unless something drastically changes. Here's my reasons for leaving:


1. No LFG tool. There were literally dozens of threads in beta asking for a LFG tool, but unfortunately they listened to the very vocal minority that said it would ruin the game. I have no reason to do the dailies anymore. I have the new campaign relic, I have the daily speeder, and I have over 10 million credits, the only thing I have to do at end-game is PvP or run HM's and OP's. I actually enjoy running those, but even on the second highest pop server it takes me over an hour to get enough people who are geared and have time. I've even tried to get learning groups together so I can teach people how ops work and help them gear up, that takes even longer because many people are scared of the entry barrier.


2. PvP is a mess. The resolve system doesn't work. It sounded cool in theory but it's time to scrap it. Being CC"d for 8-10 seconds is no fun, even if you aren't killed. Being rooted for 20-30 seconds with no way to ever move is also no fun. I think I could enjoy the 4 maps we currently have if we had a decent DR system.


World PvP is non-existent. To be honest I didn't even know i liked world PvP until I played GW2, now I understand why people are always wanting it. Ilum was a joke, but world PvP can be a blast. Honestly, just copy and paste what GW2 is doing and that would be perfect.


3. Legacy was disappointing. The idea of the legacy rewards system was great. Even after 50 you could progress your character further over a long period of time. It boasted things like new abilities, upgrades, etc. What you delivered was a terrible credit black hole of worthlessness. Do something exciting, make upgrades for existing abilities, they don't have to be power upgrades, make them visual upgrades, make us stand out for being a higher legacy. Also put in some useful upgrades, the ones in 1.3 look promising, but i'm not sure they are ever coming.


4. Linear non-repeatable content. For a game that encourages making alts more then any game i've ever played, you'd think at least the content would be a little less linear and have some replay value. This unfortunately is not the case. All the quests are virtually identical from planet to planet (except class stories, those are good) and there is absolutely no choice as to where you get to level. Every republic player goes to the same planets in the same order and does the same quests for every character. To remedy this you would need to double the amount of planets and give us multiple options like in other MMO's. However it is too late for that, you focused too much on voice acting for that to ever be a reality. Another less costly option would be to include level scaling so you scaled to the level of the planet you were on and still got XP. however to do this you would need repeatable content and still more zones.


5. Loading screens. In a typical 2 hour play session I spend 20-30 minutes looking at loading screens. It simply is not acceptable. I've played lots of other games, MMO's and non-MMO's and have never had to load this much. I don't know what the problem is, but unless the performance is greatly improved and the loading screens reduced by a significant amount it just isn't worth it.


6. Dead world. The world feels dead, lifeless, unimaginative. I was so happy when I found a battle between republic and imperial NPC's on Ilum, they were hiding behind boxes and shooting at each other. I finally thought I found life in the game... then I killed the imperial NPC's... the republic just kept shooting at those boxes. It was just a static animation, they didn't care if there were imperials to shoot at or not, they shot regardless. Picture this:


the imperials are coming. To prepare for the assault a quest appears in a small fort to gather supplies for the coming invasion. You have 30 minutes before they arrive, you need to upgrade the bases defenses. You start gathering the necessary supplies and as you hit certain thresholds the walls are upgraded, there are turrets added, more defenders come. At the end of the 30 minutes the imperials arrive in force. They manage to smash down your gate and are pouring into your base. Depending on how fast you kill them more and more of your fort is destroyed. They come in waves and waves until finally you kill off the last of them. Now you need to repair. Hunt down the imperials that fled and retake the supplies they stole. Gather raw materials from the surrounding countryside. Rebuild the base. Now we need to plan a counter attack. The imperials have fled to a nearby bunker. We need to train some recruits, gather machinery to build weapons. Once you have enough firepower and troops you set out in a caravan towards the imperial base. Along the way you encounter ambushes you have to fight off until you arrive at their base. Once there you have to kill their defenders and capture key points in the base. If you manage to succeed they retreat to their larger base which was previously inaccessible. You can now raid that base since they had to open the gate to retreat there. At the end of that labyrinth of a base is the commander of the planet who is now a world boss that can be killed for unique loot.


Of course all this happened because you( and your friends) were there to defend against the initial assault, if you weren't there then the imperials would have wiped out the republic base, taken it over and started sending out troops further into republic territory until they tried to capture the next base.


This is an example of how I imagined a living world. As some of you may know, this is a very real chain of events from a level 20 zone in GW2. This is not some made up fantasy, this is reality. This is one of the "smaller" event chains in GW2, and a great example of how a living world should feel.

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1. Boring PVE content - as in, only few bosses are actually interesting. Puzzle one, I believe it's called "Replicator" and the 1 vs 1 bosses after the Pillars in EV. Council or whatever. Everything else is based on "Moar Dots herp derp or he'll enrage". Everything's on Enrage here, there's nothing smart about the PVE content, there are no depleting resources that when run out make the fight impossible to complete, nothing actually innovative. PVE designers are bad.

2. Overtuning characters. Instead of balancing the classes by slightly changing their power we get hit by nerfs all across the board - like Healers, not only almost every ability we had was nerfed, but also Expertise made it worse for us, on top of that we get a flat -30% during Warzones to healing. Healers get treated like trash in this game, and it's clear to me. If the devs had any brains they'd nerf a few abilities and leave it, then test it and see if more are required.


3. FPS issues. Horrible, Horrible graphic engine. My PC runs this game better when the settings are set to High, which is hilarious, therefore putting it on Low will not boost the FPS, it lowers it even further. I wont mention other problems but basically - It's really really horrible.


4. Team developing this game is in my opinion one of the worst. We've got Warhammer rejects that are doing the exact same things to this game that they were doing to Warhammer (the bad things), one bad decision after another is made, no communication, vague responses, nothing worth reading is given to us.


5. Overhyping every upcoming content. Making all those stupid videos and talking about "oh it's going to be so cool!" on Guild Summits (or should I call them "kissass summits", and then releasing half of what they promised or nothing at all (Ranked warzones, half of legacy is not finished).



Also, no real attempt to fix the empty servers. My guild died twice. Most of the best players didn't even resubscribe after the first free month - they aren't paying for playing a Beta game. Second bunch of great players just sort of stopped logging in at some point, because the game is lacking a lot of content and there's nothing that's really worth any grind. You can't go on a planet and relax while collecting Biochem samples or stuff like that. There are too many mobs around, but also it's just somehow... not interesting cos you wont earn any money for what you sell on the GTN.


Anyway, to hell with this game, honestly. 3 years of waiting like an idiot, saying "Bioware CANNOT possibly mess this up" and being a fanboy, buying 3 month sub, trying HARD to like the game, and then after losing a lot of faith in it I get kicked in the teeth - my Commando Medic gets shafted, murdered, destroyed and no longer fun. And the funny thing is, after all those mini patches and people posting their combat logs on the forums saying that the class is basically doing about 400HPS less than any other healing class we haven't even seen one tiny buff, not even "now you run 1% faster" or ANYTHING for that matter. I hope this game dies, I really do, because whoever nerfed my class this badly shouldn't be working in the gaming industry,. I wish you the worst.


About your point 3.

If your FPS is not improving when lowering details or resolution, then your processor is bottle necking your graphics card.

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This, could be the best post i this forum I've read since December.


The constructive critics to the game are (most of them) real and must be seen by Bioware and EA and, if they really want to save this game from the oblivion , do something to mend it.


1.st LACK OF REAL WORLD FEELING : this is something everyone says, is true and a pain, this game is not sta wars , maybe tatoinne looks like star wars, even the bakground of Alderaan could be ... but worlds like Balmorra, Belsavis, the road called Quesh ... even the over populated Hoth. Everything looks the same, not starwars in anyway. Te NPCs , the mobs, even the random creatures are so lame, so "patrolling area".

No weather, no day and night, no light effects, no forests, no seas...just walls and roads...

The only planet I enjoyed was Korriban and the first time I see Nar Shadda ...I'm still wondering why

The main problem isthe feeling of be palying in a chinesse or turkish version of star wars ,it looks like but is not.


2nd LACK OF CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION: The character creation is a shame, is the worst I've ever seen since DDo , all the toons looks the same, wear the same and have the same companions. Here is something you can add to your failure of Legay system.

a) A-tab (apparence tab) like SWG or DCUo where you can dress as you want for apparence and equip the clothes you have for stats.

b) Let us use our alts as companions ,when reach level 50. Thsi will be something new and original of the game and you can be proud of have a feature no other game has. (You can pay me for the idea but not with free months thanks, I will not play this gam again in my life)

How you can enjoy your toon if you cant do what you want ? Ok maybe many people like to be a red huma, a blue human or a white human, but many others like to be a Ithorian , a rodian , a sullustan a trandoshan , a wookie ... dude features other games had, back at 2003!!


3rd. OPEN PVP and factions: Can someone tell me why are 2 factions in this game if you cant interact with the other in anyway?, even the warzones are same faction combat nowdays!!. The problem with this is , this game doesnt need 2 factions as none of our actions has a real impact in the world. Missions are istanced, npcs insta respawn , planets doesnt change at all , there is no war happening anywhere, even corellia warzone looks like a barren place and Illum, dont make me talk about illum with those static warmachines ... that was bad joke.


4th. BORING: The game is boring, boring till death , is so easy and static that is boring, you dont have any reason to visit the planets, you dont need to gather resources to do things, you dont need gear, items or visit places because is useless , when you finish the supermario datacron thing is over. And thanks good , because the worlds are so ugly and lifeless that is nice not need to see it again.


5th SPACE: No words for this, star wars without aliens and without space ... dudes what a fail.



And you can go on with many other things like npc invasions, housing, economy, crafting, collections, flashpoints, boring stories , bugs...but those are my reasons for cancel...for the second time tbh and this time definitive.


My hope is the Secret World , if is more of the same I think mmorpgs are done for me till someone understand that what we want is live in a real star wars second life world , get up in tatoinne, travel to coruscant, hunt jedis, learn the ways of the force, smuggle with spice , fight against the empire or finish the rebellion...not enter in a council as other 1,3m of players , wear the same war hero vest like 1,3 m of players ...


REAL WORLD FEELING BW!!!!!, you failed us.

Edited by _Zhatan_
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