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Characters aging?


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Alright, I KNOW that our characters aren't really aging. If we made our character look sweet, innocent and 13, she/he will stay that way forever.




And it could just be me, but, it seems like my characters are aging with each part of the class story they complete.


When I first made my Chiss Agent, she was young and innocent, or naive, whichever. She was bright eyed, optimistic and willing to do anything for Imperial Intelligence and the Empire. Then I progressed her through her class story, all the way to the end, and she just seemed to get older and older.


When she landed on Hutta, she was 20-21. having begun her training around 18. But now, (at level 50), she just seems as if she's aged to 35.


As I said, I KNOW, she hasn't changed in the way of her looks, but it's as if she's gone from young and new to everything, to a haggard old war vet.


And it's the same with my level 50 Sith Warrior. She was young and proud to be a Sith and now, it's like she's aged 20 years.


Does anyone else feel as if something like this has happened? Even my Trooper, who was 18 when she first joined Havoc Squad, seems to have suddenly aged almost a decade, and I just entered into chapter 2 of her story.

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While our characters certainly do seem to at least mature or appear to "age" due to the constant battle and travel, it's not as much as you think. It's been stated by the devs that the class stories take place over a time period of 2-5 years(the time span varies by class) so it would appear that our characters have not aged as much as they seem to have or that you believe. Edited by Temeluchus
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While our characters certainly do seem to at least mature or appear to "age" due to the constant battle and travel, it's not as much as you think. It's been stated by the devs that the class stories take place over a time period of 2-5 years(the time span varies by class) so it would appear that our characters have not aged as much as they seem to have or that you believe.


2-5 years? That's amazing. You wouldn't think that's how long they've been on their class stories, especially when you might level someone from 1-50 in say a week.


No wonder my characters SEEM to age so much. I do understand that they don't actually age or if they sort of do, it's not that much, but it's just I SWEAR, my Sith Warrior looked younger when she was level 1 to how she looks now at level 50.


Must be a combo of what they've gone through and my own perceptions of what they've gone through.



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2-5 years? That's amazing. You wouldn't think that's how long they've been on their class stories, especially when you might level someone from 1-50 in say a week.


No wonder my characters SEEM to age so much. I do understand that they don't actually age or if they sort of do, it's not that much, but it's just I SWEAR, my Sith Warrior looked younger when she was level 1 to how she looks now at level 50.


Must be a combo of what they've gone through and my own perceptions of what they've gone through.




i know, my agent main looks older too.. kinda nice. but she still has everything firm and in shape when the slave gear pops on :D

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Alright, I KNOW that our characters aren't really aging. If we made our character look sweet, innocent and 13, she/he will stay that way forever.




And it could just be me, but, it seems like my characters are aging with each part of the class story they complete.


When I first made my Chiss Agent, she was young and innocent, or naive, whichever. She was bright red eyed, optimistic and willing to do anything for Imperial Intelligence and the Empire. Then I progressed her through her class story, all the way to the end, and she just seemed to get older and older.


When she landed on Hutta, she was 20-21. having begun her training around 18. But now, (at level 50), she just seems as if she's aged to 35.


As I said, I KNOW, she hasn't changed in the way of her looks, but it's as if she's gone from young and new to everything, to a haggard old war vet.


And it's the same with my level 50 Sith Warrior. She was young and proud to be a Sith and now, it's like she's aged 20 years.


Does anyone else feel as if something like this has happened? Even my Trooper, who was 18 when she first joined Havoc Squad, seems to have suddenly aged almost a decade, and I just entered into chapter 2 of her story.


Ehhhh fixed that for ya.

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More like 2-3 years over the course of the class quest, but people can change and mature dramatically due to the situations they are put in.


Just look at the presidents, none of them kept the position without getting gray hair by the end of it.

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More like 2-3 years over the course of the class quest, but people can change and mature dramatically due to the situations they are put in.


Just look at the presidents, none of them kept the position without getting gray hair by the end of it.


You should see the before and after pictures of some of those guys. They look like completely different people.


On topic, it might have something to do with armor as well.

Edited by Velaran
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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, so you guys mean that they actually LOOK different in the cutscenes?

I mean it's a cool idea but I can't say I've ever noticed it myself.

Is there any way we could see a before/after screenshot? This tempts me to do a repeatable quest at low level, take a screenshot, and then do the same cutscene in the same gear after hitting 50.

Maybe it's the appearance change from dark side points doing it? And is the change showing up in the character select screen?


Anyway I had always assumed that the quest story takes place over the course of like, a few weeks! I think it's weird they'd make it as long as it is. I mean, most of our class story objectives have to be done NOW. (Someone has to be saved, so you wait 2 months to save them? :confused:) I mean sure, if space travel took a lot longer, maybe... but the canon kinda established that it doesn't take weeks or months to get to a planet.


Even after the class missions on a planet, the call to go to the next planet is usually pretty pressing. So where's all the gap time?

Edited by Stenrik
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Wow, so you guys mean that they actually LOOK different in the cutscenes?

I mean it's a cool idea but I can't say I've ever noticed it myself.

Is there any way we could see a before/after screenshot? This tempts me to do a repeatable quest at low level, take a screenshot, and then do the same cutscene in the same gear after hitting 50.

Maybe it's the appearance change from dark side points doing it? And is the change showing up in the character select screen?


Anyway I had always assumed that the quest story takes place over the course of like, a few weeks! I think it's weird they'd make it as long as it is. I mean, most of our class story objectives have to be done NOW. (Someone has to be saved, so you wait 2 months to save them? :confused:) I mean sure, if space travel took a lot longer, maybe... but the canon kinda established that it doesn't take weeks or months to get to a planet.


Even after the class missions on a planet, the call to go to the next planet is usually pretty pressing. So where's all the gap time?


Imagine the planets far bigger than they are in game. The distances far larger.


There is a consular quest on Taris where you have to search for a missing expedition. Ingame you will find them within an hour (or within 10 minutes if you skip sidequests). But searching for a missing expedition on taris could take a week or longer in reality.


Or on republic Balmorra



There is a quest were you help the republic attack Sobrik Spaceport. After the quest they say: "The fighting will go on for a few days, but we will win." The next guy in the quest chain says: "We have captured Sobrik."



1-2 month per planet fits, I think. Space travel will take a few days to a few weeks, I think, depending on the distance. (Act 1 = 1 year; Act 2+3 = 1 year).


And of course on a search and rescue mission you have to save the person now. But expect it to take longer than five minutes. Maybe it takes half a day and after that you are so exausted that you can't just go on fighting. You probably have to rest for the rest of the day.

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Wow, so you guys mean that they actually LOOK different in the cutscenes?

I mean it's a cool idea but I can't say I've ever noticed it myself.

Is there any way we could see a before/after screenshot? This tempts me to do a repeatable quest at low level, take a screenshot, and then do the same cutscene in the same gear after hitting 50.

Maybe it's the appearance change from dark side points doing it? And is the change showing up in the character select screen?


Technically, they don't change at all. If you made your character look like a 14 year old, they'll stay that way forever. It's more of a perception to me personally. I know my Sith Warrior is the same girl I made on day one, she never changed hair, or makeup, or anything. But...take a look at these before and after pics and you'll notice a change. As I said, body wise, nothing changed, but...


Sith Warrior in her 20s http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-02-04_11_53_10_523079.jpg


Sith Warrior at 50 http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-05-13_13_24_49_125557.jpg


Imperial Agent in her teens http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-03-01_15_08_47_402320.jpg


IA in her late 40s http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-04-07_09_08_45_550225.jpg


IA at 50 http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-05-24_23_31_47_675683.jpg


Sith Inquisitor at 13 http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-02-25_03_59_28_926253.jpg


Sith Inquisitor at 36 http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-05-13_13_25_03_287367.jpg


Jedi Knight at 10ish http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-04-21_08_34_26_715624.jpg


Jedi Knight at 36 http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-05-22_00_40_46_943490.jpg


So they don't REALLY age of course, but with everything they're going through in the 1-5 years since you were a level 1 newbie (insert class) alot has changed.


Anyway I had always assumed that the quest story takes place over the course of like, a few weeks! I think it's weird they'd make it as long as it is. I mean, most of our class story objectives have to be done NOW. (Someone has to be saved, so you wait 2 months to save them? :confused:) I mean sure, if space travel took a lot longer, maybe... but the canon kinda established that it doesn't take weeks or months to get to a planet.


Even after the class missions on a planet, the call to go to the next planet is usually pretty pressing. So where's all the gap time?


Well, for YOU, the quest line only takes a few weeks. For your Characters, it's over the course of 1-5 years depending on who you play, how you RP, etc. Plus as a person above me said, the planets are actually bigger than YOU see them as a player.


My Smuggler's ship, when I see it in REAL time (while I'm playing normally) looks tiny compared to how it's shown in this cut scene http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-05-13_12_00_53_639899.jpg


What I'm seeing in that cut scene is how OUR characters are actually seeing the ship. We see it as a quarter of that size when playing normally.

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Yeah, I mean, I understand how planets are bigger than how we perceive them and how imagination is required to bridge the gap between game and reality. I do that all the time, imagining that my character is off doing stuff while I'm logged out. However, I still think 5 years is too long when it comes to these stories. Maybe a few months, but at least in the storylines I've played, there's always some sense of urgency in each objective. Sure I can see my characters doing SOME side activities in between planets, but for no longer than a few days, maybe a week.


I know this isn't a major issue but I think that Bioware should have given more signs about the passage of time in the dialogue, like NPC's getting impatient, asking where I've been, telling me they're glad to see me after it's been so long, etc... Currently the only way it's shown that a lot of time has passed is with companion romance. I mean, marriage doesn't tend to happen after just a couple weeks of dating. :p


Anyway, I"m thinking that maybe the game cutscenes use more dramatic and moody lighting (like strong light from above) which automatically makes characters appear older, even when the mesh is the same.

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Yeah, I mean, I understand how planets are bigger than how we perceive them and how imagination is required to bridge the gap between game and reality. I do that all the time, imagining that my character is off doing stuff while I'm logged out. However, I still think 5 years is too long when it comes to these stories. Maybe a few months, but at least in the storylines I've played, there's always some sense of urgency in each objective. Sure I can see my characters doing SOME side activities in between planets, but for no longer than a few days, maybe a week.


I know this isn't a major issue but I think that Bioware should have given more signs about the passage of time in the dialogue, like NPC's getting impatient, asking where I've been, telling me they're glad to see me after it's been so long, etc... Currently the only way it's shown that a lot of time has passed is with companion romance. I mean, marriage doesn't tend to happen after just a couple weeks of dating. :p


Anyway, I"m thinking that maybe the game cutscenes use more dramatic and moody lighting (like strong light from above) which automatically makes characters appear older, even when the mesh is the same.


What class did you play?

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What class did you play?


Smuggler all to the end, but I have a bounty hunter and trooper, both nearing the end of act 1. I also have alts of all the other classes except counselor. They're all fairly low level (think, second planet).


All of the stories I've seen have had some kind of big objective going on, which gives me the sense that my character shouldn't be wasting his/her time as they complete them.


I do think the Smuggler one was a little slower paced in act 1, as I was just trying to find my ship, I didn't have anyone telling me "you gotta find your ship for me now or else." Acts 2 and 3 were different though. The force users I've played have felt a little slower so far.


Bounty hunter, trooper, and agent do not seem like they have the luxury of time to waste. They all have an event (like great hunt) or a superior giving them orders for what they need to do, and soon.

Edited by Stenrik
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Smuggler all to the end, but I have a bounty hunter and trooper, both nearing the end of act 1. I also have alts of all the other classes except counselor. They're all fairly low level (think, second planet).


All of the stories I've seen have had some kind of big objective going on, which gives me the sense that my character shouldn't be wasting his/her time as they complete them.


I do think the Smuggler one was a little slower paced in act 1, as I was just trying to find my ship, I didn't have anyone telling me "you gotta find your ship for me now or else." Acts 2 and 3 were different though. The force users I've played have felt a little slower so far.


Bounty hunter, trooper, and agent do not seem like they have the luxury of time to waste. They all have an event (like great hunt) or a superior giving them orders for what they need to do, and soon.


Well, yeah, the sense of urgency is there. But even if it was OMG RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAAHHHH! it'd still take you a few 'hours' to go and do the thing. Plus, you get I think a few weeks off between Acts. (Yeah, to you it's like 10 minutes max, but to your characters it's like a week or two to chillax.

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Well, yeah, the sense of urgency is there. But even if it was OMG RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAAHHHH! it'd still take you a few 'hours' to go and do the thing. Plus, you get I think a few weeks off between Acts. (Yeah, to you it's like 10 minutes max, but to your characters it's like a week or two to chillax.


not to mention the time in space travel.

my toons keep the bars well stocked for space travel. lots of stupid drinking games have ensued. 'ghoul lokin may-or-may not be used as a rodeo bull, that carbonite man on the mantis may-or-may not be abused to all ends (mentioned this in head cannon, it usually involves sharpies, construction paper party hat cutouts glued on, and blizz being hung on his protruding fingers by the belt) and a certain kitty may-or-may not be contstantly verbally abused for being a frigid little tom

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I know my characters FEEL older, more jaded, wiser maybe, but defintely like they've been through the ringer once they've made it to 50. They question stuff more. And it's funny because most of my characters start off with a kind of gung-ho let's get 'em attitude, professional, do-the-right-thing, and they all turn out semi-paranoid and mouthy. Oh wait...that sounds familiar...
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I know my characters FEEL older, more jaded, wiser maybe, but defintely like they've been through the ringer once they've made it to 50. They question stuff more. And it's funny because most of my characters start off with a kind of gung-ho let's get 'em attitude, professional, do-the-right-thing, and they all turn out semi-paranoid and mouthy. Oh wait...that sounds familiar...


My smuggler was kind of the opposite. Started out paranoid, mouthy, and very greedy, but became more interested in helping others as time wore on and his eyes were opened to what was happening around him. Total LS/DS alignment is totally neutral at 50.

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Smuggler all to the end, but I have a bounty hunter and trooper, both nearing the end of act 1. I also have alts of all the other classes except counselor. They're all fairly low level (think, second planet).


All of the stories I've seen have had some kind of big objective going on, which gives me the sense that my character shouldn't be wasting his/her time as they complete them.


I do think the Smuggler one was a little slower paced in act 1, as I was just trying to find my ship, I didn't have anyone telling me "you gotta find your ship for me now or else." Acts 2 and 3 were different though. The force users I've played have felt a little slower so far.


Bounty hunter, trooper, and agent do not seem like they have the luxury of time to waste. They all have an event (like great hunt) or a superior giving them orders for what they need to do, and soon.


I have just watched the Trooper story on Taris and Nar Shadda. Taris could easily be around a month.




-searching for the patrols and freeing those the scavangers captured - 1-2 weeks

-reaching the imperial base - a few days

-going to needles lab - a week (Dorne even says: "Stock up munitions and supplies before entering the area.")




Nar Shadda seems to take place within a week. It's much faster because you can taxi to all the locations. But Nar Shadda is an exeption.

Tatooine and Alderaan seem to take as much time as Taris.


So with 7 weeks in hyperspace, we have 5 month. Coruscant took maybe a week. I don't know, guess we have to assume the trooper was on Ord Mantell for half a year, fighting Seps offscreen.

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My smuggler was kind of the opposite. Started out paranoid, mouthy, and very greedy, but became more interested in helping others as time wore on and his eyes were opened to what was happening around him. Total LS/DS alignment is totally neutral at 50.


Yeah, I agree with you on this, and I guess I sort of felt like the story nudges you in that sort of direction...like the smuggler is intended to change a lot. Mine started out very eager to prove herself, very generous, very hotheaded. By the end she is a lot more sober and quiet, less snarky and a lot less eager to pull out her gun. It did feel like she was very different from when she started, just because of the way she was talking.


I definitely did feel like the smuggler story took place over a shorter amount of time, dunno why. I had always thought it was like, 2 months! I kind of liked the thought that she married a guy she only knew for 6 weeks. It's very much something she would do.

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Yeah, I agree with you on this, and I guess I sort of felt like the story nudges you in that sort of direction...like the smuggler is intended to change a lot. Mine started out very eager to prove herself, very generous, very hotheaded. By the end she is a lot more sober and quiet, less snarky and a lot less eager to pull out her gun. It did feel like she was very different from when she started, just because of the way she was talking.


I definitely did feel like the smuggler story took place over a shorter amount of time, dunno why. I had always thought it was like, 2 months! I kind of liked the thought that she married a guy she only knew for 6 weeks. It's very much something she would do.


my agent started out pure robotic obediant, by-the-book chissness. then kaliyo taught her to get a bit of a 'tude and be full of herself. Then vector... those big, beady, buggy puppy eyes. screams of pain and pleading for life never swayed her. Insults and guilt trips never did ether.... but just his very gentle, subtle, barely noticeable " that wasn't very nice of you, agent ; ; " made her heart soften like ice cream to a flamethrower ( well not really, she had more reasons, but seeing those little black eyes light up with glee as she saved lives and won over hoardes for the empire made for great positive re-enforcement). Then the drain bamm..er brain dammage happened... and now she has giggle fits and strips at innapropriate times.

Edited by Crezelle
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My agent started out more neutral, but I ended up pretty light-side. The story really leads you into redefining your character and thinking about who they are as a person, which I liked. Vector influenced me somewhat as well since I just couldn't bear to upset him! The worst was when:



I decided to kill that hostage on Belsavis. My minions weren't supposed to get in trouble like that and I felt like I had to clean up the mess. So I shot him. Aaaaaand the camera panned out to show my agent and Vector standing side-by-side next to the guy's dead body. Vector's looking down all forlorn and says, "We saw hostages killed sometimes while in the diplomatic service. Disturbed us then too." I was like, "Arghhhhh! I'm so sorry Vector!" Way to go Bioware for milking that one and making me feel guilty!



So I started slamming the esc key just to do it all over, which he liked a lot. Even backed me up with a "Her order was clear!" when I made my decision and no one else in the room liked it.


Ah, the things my agent would do for Vector. He keeps her from going off the deep end I guess.

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My agent started out more neutral, but I ended up pretty light-side. The story really leads you into redefining your character and thinking about who they are as a person, which I liked. Vector influenced me somewhat as well since I just couldn't bear to upset him! The worst was when:



I decided to kill that hostage on Belsavis. My minions weren't supposed to get in trouble like that and I felt like I had to clean up the mess. So I shot him. Aaaaaand the camera panned out to show my agent and Vector standing side-by-side next to the guy's dead body. Vector's looking down all forlorn and says, "We saw hostages killed sometimes while in the diplomatic service. Disturbed us then too." I was like, "Arghhhhh! I'm so sorry Vector!" Way to go Bioware for milking that one and making me feel guilty!



So I started slamming the esc key just to do it all over, which he liked a lot. Even backed me up with a "Her order was clear!" when I made my decision and no one else in the room liked it.


Ah, the things my agent would do for Vector. He keeps her from going off the deep end I guess.


Yes he does. Man, we NEED more LI interaction. Vector deserves about as many FTBs as my JK got with Doc. (And let me tell you, there were ALOT!)

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Yes he does. Man, we NEED more LI interaction. Vector deserves about as many FTBs as my JK got with Doc. (And let me tell you, there were ALOT!)


trust me, in my head cannon/imagination land, he needs stims to stay in comission for fieldwork between quests


and now im getting the urge to roll a sniper just to see his other convo options, as i coulodnt even bear making him sad. i actually have his dialogue on tatooine but i dont know how to splice the bits together for youtube

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I would actually like my companions to follow up on the baby making. If Jaesa is so eager to train our children then maybe BW could create a pregnancy option at Legacy 50? That would finally justify Legacy grinding to 50 if it was the only way to have children with our romance companions.
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