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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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My question for the Q&A is a simple one, do you have any plans to change the speeder from the collector's edition to scale with riding level?? I mean come on we spent 150 bucks for those extra little perks and it's an awesome looking speeder but it's a shame we only get to use it from level 25 to level 40. Please make this happen.





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Could you please share details on your plans for chat bubbles? It's been way too quiet with no news about chat bubbles whatsoever since you announced that they were coming right after the UI customization Update in 1.2. (and the brief mention at the guild summit doesn't count, as you guys didn't really talk much about them), which has many players worried you are bumping this feature and other RP features further down the shedule in favor of yet more PVP love...
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I've noticed class quests were reset for some classes, but not all. For example, I team up with my husband's Jedi Sage and he had to re-do his class quests on Balmorra, but I didn't have to re-do mine on my Commando. We noticed this after patch 1.2. The question is, why were some class quests reset while others weren't? Not that I'm complaining, just curious.
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Other than the character transfers you have planned for the summer, are there any plans to merge some servers as one so no server ends up completely empty when everyone begins to transfer?


Also will you have a visible way of seeing how many players are on each faction to help us choose a server?

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Are there any plans to allow Twi'leks to use hoods/certain headgear? I can see how designing around 'lekku' would be tricky as shown in beta stages and for a time when the lekku was glitching out of the back of hoods etc. But there have been some great suggestions made on the forum on how to tackle this - particularly with hoods, making the lekku come forward over your shoulder and poking out of the hood.


As an aside to this, will Twi'leks get the option to customise the positioning of their lekku at some point? Such as one wrapped round the neck and another that is forward over the shoulder for example.

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Since I have been playing really actively since the beggining of the game I allready have 7 characters. With the patch 1.2 and species unlock I had to delete some of them, to make space for my newly unlocked species. And sice you want to "add new species this year" I have to ask... can't you add few character slots to our accounts? lets say... 2? or rather 8? You would make our lives soooo much easier...
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Are there any plans to make a SWTOR applet for the Logitech G510 and/or other similar devices that have the LCD display? It would be really cool to have some of the in game info available by just glancing down at the keyboard. Edited by alechunter
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I know that social armour is having the armour restrictions removed sometime soon so that they can be worn by anyone for any role. While this is fantastic, I do have a question about the craftable/loot orange moddable gear. At the Guild Summit, Daniel Erickson during the Roleplaying presentation gave the impression that all moddable gear, and not just social gear, would do this. Could someone clarify this for me, and either confirm or deny that this is something you want to eventually do to the gear?
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When can we get servers merged and/or server transfers? I'm tired of trying to play on a dead server, and since I can't keep my legacy points if I start another character on another server, I don't want to move servers and lose those points/abilities.
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You have mentioned DPS, healing and tanking "targets" as objective methods of balancing the roles in the game. Are there hybrid targets (e.g. healing&dps spec) as well? It seems some hybrid specs are viable on certain classes and out of the question on others. I suppose this has to do with objectively balancing lower tier skills across the classes.
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One guild feature I really like from some other MMO (which I won't mention here), is the concept of a common handle shared between all a given player's characters on a given server. This is handy for the Guildmaster because you can tell at a glance that Plugh the Trooper Vangard is the same player who is sometimes XYZZY the Jedi Sage.


This makes it easier to get to know the players on your guild (and I'm trying to use Member Notes for this with limited success).


It occurs to me that if there was some sort of common item... like maybe a legacy name... :) It could provide the basis of just such a guild tool.. it just needs to be leveraged a bit.



Sector Thirty One ANTKB - Dreshdae Cantina - Republic

Sector Thirty One A N T K B - Dreshdae Cantina - Empire

Edited by Lurchicus
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My question has to do with the "Space" aspect of the game. Specifically, what I wan to know is what, if anything, will be done with the "Space" part of this mmo or will it continue to be just Arcade style missions and cut scenes when traveling from planet to planet? My reason for asking is that "Space" in this game seems...like an after thought. Which is kind of weird because how can you have Star Wars without stars? If, you pick my question for the Q&A can you please be as specific as possible? Thank You.
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Do you have plans to give development tools to community so people could help creating new stuff for this game?


Just look at UT2004, it was big success and I cannot see why would not work in MMO. People could build maps for pvp, armoires, new weapons, spiders, planets, buildings, etc.

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Might it ever be possible to connect your legacy family tree to another player's? For example, right now, I can list one of my alts as an "ally", even though those two characters can never be in the game simultaneously. I'd much rather have the ability to mark my friend''s character as an ally/sibling/etc. since we play together often.
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Bioware, why have you chosen to go with individual server transfers over server merges? I personally think that this will only be worse for my low pop server infinity gate, no one in my guild is leaving, but i'm pretty sure half the remaining people not in my guild will be. My server will be a ghost town because everyone left for a higher pop server. Why not just merge the low pop servers and fix all those peoples problems simultaneously?
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In a game that actively encourages players to have multiple characters having a limit on characters and not accounts in a guild has most large groups needing to create "alt guilds" splitting their community in two or in some cases three. Does the Bioware team have plans to implement account limits on guild membership or an increase to the size of guilds.
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Have you ever played Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire? That's not the question though. Each time I go to a taxi vendor, and is put on a speeder bike, I want to shoot stuff like I did in the speeder bike level there. Can we have something like that?
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Are there plans to introduce a greater variety of mounts sometime soon? All the mounts in this game are speeders. I think this doesn't take full advantage of the star wars universe. Why not have Banthas, walkers, or Basilisk War Droids (for Mandalorian bounty hunters!) as mounts?
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