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My server is dead - we need transfers now, not in early summer

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Oh, you bought an MMO on launch day, randomly picked a server, powered multiple chars up to max level, and then realized your server was low pop?


It sounds like you have never played an MMO before. You should probably wait a week or two before going HAM and blindly leveling characters to max level.


On a less duck-headed note: Server x-fers are coming, of course they need to build more infrastructure for this. Copying a character is easy, deciding which servers get free transfers to where, when a server gets closed forever, what the website interface will look like, what to charge, how many x-fers to allow, prepping customer service to be inundated with complaints/questions/issues, hiring more people to do so.... that is much harder.



Game development doesn't happen by flipping a switch, especially when it is a service based game.

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Maybe some people spent way too much time developing their main char to just start over? It took me months to reach valor 85 and I'm not far from full war hero set so why the hell I would want to start again from scratch?


This game will be around for years.

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Well then I guess you wait on the transfers. I dont see what the big deal is. You wont take long at all to get back seeing as you are on a heavily populated server. What took 600 hrs (doubt its that long lol people tend to exaggerate) prob take like 60 on fatman where you dont wait for WZs. Also is all you ever want to do simply work one guy to 50 and thats it? No wonder you arent happy.

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Judging by your behaviuor on this topic, you are either trolling or you're playing on Nadd/Fatman and you're so afraid of the people that might transfer and make you wait more in queue.


No i play on a light pop server by choice. I dont want to be on a high pop server. Now if I did want to instead of whining about things I cannot change I would just reroll.

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I'm sorry, but there is no reason they shouldn't be able to do transfers right away. Do you expect us to believe that there was no contingency for a potential need to move characters? Especially when opening that many servers?


Maybe they didn't have a plan. BW has been reactive rather than proactive so far. Maybe this is no different :(

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Well then I guess you wait on the transfers. I dont see what the big deal is. You wont take long at all to get back seeing as you are on a heavily populated server. What took 600 hrs (doubt its that long lol people tend to exaggerate) prob take like 60 on fatman where you dont wait for WZs. Also is all you ever want to do simply work one guy to 50 and thats it? No wonder you arent happy.


25 days of playtime (when last I checked a week or so ago) x 24 hrs in a day = 600 hrs, and I still don't have all the War Hero pieces. That's with reasonable q times since the times when I can play my server has a healthy population. Yes all I want to do is get on person to 50, and have that person be in best-in-slot for every slot with all the legacy unlocks. That doesn't happen overnight and is what keeps me playing, not clicking conversation wheels and watching exquisitely voice-acted cutscenes (or spacebaring through them), or killing mobs with the AI of a rock from lvl 1-49 so I can get roflstomped in recruit gear by everyone else who has full WH when I get back to 50.


Regardless, I'm not complaining about my server, just acknowledging the incredibly obvious fact to anyone with 2 brain-cells to put together that BW needs to do something about server populations. Are you of the A, B, or C category good sir?

Edited by BrotardNosef
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You keep telling them this but they ignore it. For the wider system they need it to be automated. That or you will be waiting a month for your transfer.


There's nothing technically difficult about server transfers. Characters and legacy's are all just stored in databases.


Any delay with bringing it online is a matter of policy and timing considerations, like determining how to handle legacy and character name conflicts. I also expect that they are more focused on getting the LFG tool up and running first, since that will alleviate some of the low pop server issues on it's own.

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Judging by your behaviuor on this topic, you are either trolling or you're playing on Nadd/Fatman and you're so afraid of the people that might transfer and make you wait more in queue.


No he just argues with anyone about anything and usualy agaisnt common sense.

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There's nothing technically difficult about server transfers. Characters and legacy's are all just stored in databases.


Any delay with bringing it online is a matter of policy and timing considerations, like determining how to handle legacy and character name conflicts. I also expect that they are more focused on getting the LFG tool up and running first, since that will alleviate some of the low pop server issues on it's own.


The pve lfg tool is not cross server, it will do nothing for the low pop servers. now if they had put them in 3 or 4 months ago it might have stopped so many people from leaving but who knows.


But it also doesnt mean the devs arent focusing on the lfg tool, its not like they havent made extremely poor desisions in the past.

Edited by Mallorik
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It's pretty "funny" that alot of players are leaving because other players left. If they just had transfers / mergers / or didn't cave in to the "open more servers" whining, alot more people would be playing.
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it's pretty "funny" that alot of players are leaving because other players left. If they just had transfers / mergers / or didn't cave in to the "open more servers" whining, alot more people would be playing.


^^^ qft

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Transfers are done - I have recently transferred from US server to my new Oceanic server and it was problem free.


The issue for you guys is this, the transfer process has only been developed to the point where it can be done manually by technical staff at BW - as stated in the APAC transfer FAQ prior to our own transfers.


I would suggest that the logistics of providing manual server transfers for the US and EU servers would be prohibitive due to the vastly bigger number of customers requiring a transfer.


I wonder what they will do for dormant accounts once everyone has moved off certain servers...


AND ill give you the advice that every US player gives me when ever I complain how BW does their down time in my prime time 2 times a week .... don't be so entitled and just deal with it. it will happen when it does, be patient...

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Transfers are done - I have recently transferred from US server to my new Oceanic server and it was problem free.


The issue for you guys is this, the transfer process has only been developed to the point where it can be done manually by technical staff at BW - as stated in the APAC transfer FAQ prior to our own transfers.


I would suggest that the logistics of providing manual server transfers for the US and EU servers would be prohibitive due to the vastly bigger number of customers requiring a transfer.


I wonder what they will do for dormant accounts once everyone has moved off certain servers...


AND ill give you the advice that every US player gives me when ever I complain how BW does their down time in my prime time 2 times a week .... don't be so entitled and just deal with it. it will happen when it does, be patient...


I just hope they have everyone they can working on it, because right now no other projects matter at all.

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Okay, let's say they rushed the transfers.


Oops, all your characters get deleted. We can rebuild them. We have the technology. Several weeks later after many other "accidents" suffered by other players during transfer, your characters are restored. Will you still be subscribed then?


As such BioWare wants to take all the time it needs to ensure that the transfers lead to as few problems as possible.



Seriously????? R u durp? Transfers and the tech is there!!! They just transferred the Aussies with the service. Man stupid people piss me off.

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AND ill give you the advice that every US player gives me when ever I complain how BW does their down time in my prime time 2 times a week .... don't be so entitled and just deal with it. it will happen when it does, be patient...


I'm confused on how maintenance and server transfers relate to each other. I do understand that until BioWare releases the transfers we have to be patient and deal with the situation, but until then a lot of people are irritated at it. You could have taken your own advice earlier and been patient for the SWTOR release in your region but you decided to go for it before then. More power to you and I'm glad you had the chance to play the game but then you also were given special treatment to migrate to your lower latency servers because of your choice.


So this seems strange to me because you were allowed to migrate to a "better" server and because of this migration, along with others, the US servers are emptying out. Now this might be because people are getting tired of the game or because of other players getting manual transfers to their preferred servers. Now that the situation for your region is "solved" priority should be for the rest of the players. The fact remains that servers are losing their player base and people are not happy about it.


Solve the problem as quickly as possible and stop forcing players to pay for sub-standard service. Some will agree with me in that I decided to pay for a Massively Multiplayer Online experience versus a slow decay.

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I play on a RP server that was consistently heavy but never full at launch.


It isn't as bleak as the poor guy that posted a screenshot of him alone on his fleet, but my server feels like a ghosttown now. Log in at 11pm (eastern, server-time) and the fleet has maybe 30 people on it. Log on at 5pm and it's the same thing. Late at night there are about a dozen people around or less. Any time someone makes a comment about it in chat, random "defenders" pop out of the woodwork to say that it isn't so bad at peak times.


"Peak times" is about a one-two-hour window the fleet has about 50-60 people.


Any time I'm on Ilum, I'm the only person on Ilum.


There's no M in this MMO. Hell, 80% of the time, the central social/launching hub for my faction has fewer people on it than a match of Tribes. It's really sad.

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Everyone demanding character transfers ASAP should remember that we got into this mess because BW listened to everyone at launch screaming that we needed MORE servers or the game was doooomed.




I never said this ......I thought it was a dumb move in the first place. When bad code exists on the backend ya fix it, not open up 100 servers.... ITs like a flat tire, you don't ride the rim till the car breaks down, you pull over and fix the friggen thing.....can somEone say EPIC PHAIL

Edited by UnmarkedFaith
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I don't know whats the reason of not implementing server transfer so far and I don't rly care. BW knew that there are huge server problems for months now and they just ignore that. Hell they put some silly stuffs more priority then on server transfer (screw pets, screw color of "Press spacebar to continue" :p).

I should have listened to my RLF with whom i started to play this game, every1 of us experienced mmo player (8y+ in mmo worlds). In February they canceled sub and they were smart if u ask me. They told me that 1.2 with that rate will not come before April, that we can forget transfers till 1.4 and that we can just forget mergers like ever. I'm rly asking myself if they were prophets :o

If BW rly thinks that ppl will stay till "EARLY SUMMER" they are wrong. When i read that transfer will be so late I went to account page and press that small X on sub tab.

Don't get me wrong I love Star Wars but I won't pay for single player game.

If they think some ppl will come back untill early summer then they need to see brain surger.

I'm giving this game 11 more days untill Diablo 3 comes out and if transfer/merge ain't up untill then BB swtor community.

Btw i'm also from Trayus Academy tonight on prime time: Imp side 53 lvl 50 online rep side 17 lvl 50 online. Only 1 wz group was up all the time.

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