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My server is dead - we need transfers now, not in early summer

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We don't actually advertise our channel through the boards. We whisper each and every one of the 50's on the server and tell them about the channel and how to get to it.


I think you misunderstand me entirely though. It sounds like you want us to be welcoming new players into our dead server. That can't be further from the truth. It's a trap! We want to be more like these guys so we don't feel like these guys

Yah, I get that. I just don't personally think that transfers are the one thing that is needed to create a better community - it is one thing, certainly, but it would be in vain if it stood alone.

Edited by Sotof
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No. Summer starts at the start of June and ends at the end of August. Basic knowledge.


As others have pointed out before me, the one lacking basic knowledge here is you I'm afraid.


The accepted summer start date for the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere is 20th or 21st June.

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The problem is their long term planning model must be nonexistent. Modern MMOs have server transfers and many of them are instant. They should have thought about this before developing 1.2, since thats where they say the problem is at with transfers. Very poorly run IMO.
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The tech is ALREADY HERE as evidence by the recent transfers. Like the OP says, there is ZERO reason for BW to delay this. All they are doing is just losing more subs.


It's been stated time and time again, especially by APAC players who were transferred that it was done manually, not by an automated system. Even so, the transfers took almost a week in time. They have all the reason in the world to delay this feature. They want to insure that it works with very little chance of issues. What is it with the "gimmeNOW" mentality of some players in these forums. I would rather wait for new content than reap the consequences of untested content and lose my character during a transfer, only to wait a month to get him back because, guess what? Everyone else is losing characters!


Worst part is that because you aren't getting what you want at your leisure, then it's some sort of conspiracy theory that bioware is just holding on because (insert insane convoluted idea to satisfy your unhappiness). We got into this mess in the first place because the community DEMANDED and THREATENED unsubbing and RUSHED the process of getting new servers when the game launched that they rolled out servers to appeal the pitchfork and burning torches crowd we have right now. Next thing you know, we have a bunch of empty servers. And here we are again DEMANDING, THREATENING unsubbing RUSHING the process, and if they listen, a month later we'll be here, again, thousands of threads about an issue the angry masses fail to realize they caused themselves. Let them do their job, let them test away, and get it down right. Give them credit that they're actually doing something about the problem rather than staying silent for another three months.The gaming industry needs to come up with the cure for Special Snowflake seriously.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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You really want them to rush on this? It is pretty important that they get this feature right. You do not want to make a transfer and find out your character is missing somewhere and cannot play it.


This is not a feature you want bugs in, so yes it should be delayed as much as possible so it is RIGHT.


omg they wait till summer this game will be more dead then it is they have had plenty of time to do this come on they did it for asia that went fine so we need it soon not wait till summmer at the end of may if i do not see it i will be gone and my friends not to mention lots of other people

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omg they wait till summer this game will be more dead then it is they have had plenty of time to do this come on they did it for asia that went fine so we need it soon not wait till summmer at the end of may if i do not see it i will be gone and my friends not to mention lots of other people


Bye bye.

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your implying that server transfers will fix your lower population on your server


it wont,have fun when its even more lower pop cuz the community is so obsessed with high population servers in this game

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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your implying that server transfers will fix your lower population on your server


it wont,have fun when its even more lower pop cuz the community is so obsessed with high population servers in this game


Oh no it won't save the server. However, what it will do is allow us to flee these decrepit servers before they suck away our very souls! We will then all migrate to on of the top 4 servers and give thanks to the gods if we ever have a queue.


Playing on a low population server is awful. It is so awful that most people on low population servers would be blissfully overjoyed if they were on a server that had even a 1-hour queue time to log in.


The dessicated husk of a server that remains after transfers go into effect can then be cremated, like it deserves.

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I would love a better community, but as with building all things, you need the raw materials. People are the raw material of a community, and unfortunately, we lack even that on my, and many other, servers :(

Yeah. Of course transfers are needed too! :) Just, not alone.

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ok let's all look at trion and what they did a month after launch they had char transfer's in and free every 7 days you can transfer to another shard. to be honest bioware has no clue what to do and not enough people to get stuff done summer will be to late for this game with so many dead server's and more everyday
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It doesn't matter that they did them manually, what matters is that they did them at all. If you are on a server that is dead (like in the screenshot) and given the choice of not being able to play because no one is there or not being able to play because there is a chance your character will get stuck in limbo, only a moron would choose the former.
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It doesn't matter that they did them manually, what matters is that they did them at all. If you are on a server that is dead (like in the screenshot) and given the choice of not being able to play because no one is there or not being able to play because there is a chance your character will get stuck in limbo, only a moron would choose the former.


Why not just reroll on a heavier populated server? I mean if it bothers you that much and you feel bored reroll on another server and level up a guy. It takes no time to level up once youve done it with a character. You can pvp your way instead of pve if you want on fatman for instance. There are choices out there for you at the moment. You just refuse to take advantage of them. Do not tell me how hard it is blah blah to start over. This game isnt even 6 months old. It will take no time to get back where you were on the original server.

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I finally just told my buddies, this cant go on any longer. Were on the Naddist Rebels server, and it royally sucks. Its dead and boring. I knew if another couple weeks go by, myself and my buds would quit. So i just said, lets just reroll on the most populated server, get on opposite faction, and enjoy a fresh spin on game.


Well guess what, were having a blast! We went from a dead server, dead faction (republic)...to a living server, thriving faction....actually this server both factions are jam packed...its amazing. I feel like at launch day, its exciting, and feel no regrets.....and the best part?


Ill transfer my beast characters from the dead server to this one when it allows it, and in meantime im having fun and making a new beast character.


Win - Win


Try it?


(Old server average fleet 30, average 2nd planet 15 --- new server average fleet 200, average second planet 100)

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Amazing how some people seem to think implementing server transfers is rocket science i wonder how GW2 managed to get working instant transfers on there EARLY OPEN BETA must be mind boggling for some of you to think about.
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Amazing how some people seem to think implementing server transfers is rocket science i wonder how GW2 managed to get working instant transfers on there EARLY OPEN BETA must be mind boggling for some of you to think about.


Probably because their Dev Team planned ahead for the contingency. BW honestly acts blind sided when things like server transfers, when they've been a present and necessary function for most MMOs for years. Its the same with cross server WZs and LFG function. Its like it never even occurred to BW that these would be necessary, and so here we are 5 months later without any of these standard functions in game yet.

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Amazing how some people seem to think implementing server transfers is rocket science i wonder how GW2 managed to get working instant transfers on there EARLY OPEN BETA must be mind boggling for some of you to think about.


I think you should go play GW2 right now. Oh wait its not out yet and wont be until end of June at the earliest (no set in stone date from them but they are aiming for June 26th according to what Ive read). By the time it comes out SWTOR will also have the same thing.

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You're being naive. The tech is there. The only reason they are holding it back is to wait for summer breaks to start so they can see how much of the population comes back to properly decide which servers need the free transfer, otherwise they'll be in the exact same situation as they are now.


Well-reasoned and probably correct. What a surprise, it's all about money and has nothing to do with improving the quality of life of the steady players.

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Why not just reroll on a heavier populated server? I mean if it bothers you that much and you feel bored reroll on another server and level up a guy. It takes no time to level up once youve done it with a character. You can pvp your way instead of pve if you want on fatman for instance. There are choices out there for you at the moment. You just refuse to take advantage of them. Do not tell me how hard it is blah blah to start over. This game isnt even 6 months old. It will take no time to get back where you were on the original server.


Maybe some people spent way too much time developing their main char to just start over? It took me months to reach valor 85 and I'm not far from full war hero set so why the hell I would want to start again from scratch?

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Okay, let's say they rushed the transfers.


Oops, all your characters get deleted. We can rebuild them. We have the technology. Several weeks later after many other "accidents" suffered by other players during transfer, your characters are restored. Will you still be subscribed then?


As such BioWare wants to take all the time it needs to ensure that the transfers lead to as few problems as possible.


BS! they just di transfers for the Aussies! Stop making up excuses these are well payed highly intelligent people! there system should not delete anything and simply copy to start with so the risk is mitigated. I can thing of multple ways you can prevent char from being deleted or even if they are having a back up of the data in place to resolve the issue.

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Why not just reroll on a heavier populated server? I mean if it bothers you that much and you feel bored reroll on another server and level up a guy. It takes no time to level up once youve done it with a character. You can pvp your way instead of pve if you want on fatman for instance. There are choices out there for you at the moment. You just refuse to take advantage of them. Do not tell me how hard it is blah blah to start over. This game isnt even 6 months old. It will take no time to get back where you were on the original server.


I want to punch a kitten everytime someone tells people to re-roll. If by "take no time" you mean "take about 600 hours to get back to where you started, which at that point will put you ~600 hrs behind in the gear grind for 50's WZ's compared to everyone else who wasn't forced to re-roll, all at the same time not gaining any new legacy", then ya, it will hardly take any time at all. I don't want to level alts, I don't want to redo the valor and PvP gear grind once I get to 50, and I don't want to lose out on legacy and the missed 50's dailies until I get back to 50 for all the cash..


Don't tout re-rolls like they are the end-all ultimate solution to everything when they really shouldn't even be a serious consideration for a player since its BW responsibility to manage player populations and keep a healthy environment for as many of their paying customers as possible, i.e. every single one of them (at least in regards to population numbers, brush the QQ about Ops and Mara's under the table for all I care).


My server isn't even that bad. We got ~30-45 min queues in the morning, but other than that they usually pop pretty quick. I don't need a transfer but I certainly wouldn't mind getting them. That doesn't mean I can't sympathize with all those people on lower pop servers who literally can't play their characters anymore. Anyone who doesn't think that is a problem and something that should have been addressed last month, is either a) a total moron blissfully going about their way on The Fatman with blinders on to all their surroundings, b) an introverted egoist who is probably so self-delusional that they are convinced the only reason their server is full is because people joined it for the express reason of playing with them, or c) someone who re-rolled themselves, thus missing out on all the stuff I mentioned above and trying to get other people in the same boat. Misery loves company.

Edited by BrotardNosef
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