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UI Feature Feedback Request


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Hello Amber,


I hope life is treating you well.


My wife and I both play healers and one of the areas we both feel is dramatically lacking is the inability to have mouse over macros. We don't specifically want macros but, we'd very much like to be able to hover our mouse over a party member's unit frame and have key bound abilities automatically target the unit our mouse is hovering over.


As a programmer I'd think this feature would pretty low hanging fruit.


And lastly as a GM and Raid Leader I'd like to see something very similar to WoW's WorldMarkers implemented. If you are unfamiliar with these they allowed you to essentially place pillars of light of various colors on the ground very much like marking targets but marking specific world locations. I'm not sure if this falls inline with what your asking but it does fall into the UI so I figured Id throw it out there.

Edited by sonickat
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I'd like to see the x, y option so that I can perfectly position my UI. Takes me hrs right now to line the darn pixels up.


I agree. I love the new UI customization, but it needs some options for aligning elements, like a coordinates option, a snap-to-element option, and a snap-to-grid option. Think Visio for the UI.

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sure this has been said before but cant be said enough. Please let use resize buffs/debuffs. even better, let us resize specific buffs/debuffs (the ones we care about). scoundrel heals is a pain without this. so are other classes that get proced attacks.
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The biggest problems for me so far have been the little things.


I'd like some basic macro options. And when I say that I mean like wow's macro system.


For instance, for whatever reason I find my abilities targeting dead mobs, not losing target after defeating a mob, or randomly targeting my companion, In wow, this would be a simple fix, because it happens there occasionally too,


I looks like:



/targetenemy [dead] [help]

/cast Project


I could also use macros to reduce the number of actual key combinations I need to press. For instance, I will never need to taunt in stealth, or stealth in combat. I could take those 4 abilities and make the two buttons with some like.



/cast [combat] Force Cloak; Stealth





/cleartarget [stealth]

/targetenemy [stealth]

/cast [stealth] Mind Maze; [@mouseover, harm] [] Mind Control


That last one even includes the option to just mouseover the target to taunt. I use this on all my tanks in wow. There is also a version I would use to clear targets and target nearest enemy in wow that would make roaming through a pack of mobs much less of a click fest. Right now, I mind maze and immediately click to detarget, because I want it to be ready to target something else.


Action bar pageing based on stance/stealth/cover would be great additions and you could include those conidtionals in you macro system as well. Paging to a different action bar while stealth or while pressing shift. This is all stuff that could make the game play much smoother for me.


I'm not asking for super macros like the SWG or Rift. But macros were even in EQ.


The lack of macros is the single biggest issue I have with the game. The game is playable however cumbersome, but macros could allow for a much smoother play experience given the number of abilities one has to manage.


Also, some sort of ability flash on procs like particle acceleration or 3 stacks of harness shadows. Preferably visible on the button and on the screen with an aura or some such. The little yellow flash for particle acceleration is easy to get lost in all the spell effects. And Kinetic ward is only visible at 8 stacks. And that is a very important thing to keep up along with the tank debuffs.


Conveying important information in tiny little boxes just doesn't work well. I want to see combat, not buff/debuff bars. Maybe some colored dots over nameplates for tank debuffs or something. But I feel like I've stepped back 5 or 6 years with the user interface.


All that said. The new changes were awesome. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with next.

Edited by Vikken
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I'd like to be able to change the ability icons. Many classes have similar abilities with different icons, and many of the icons are also reused for other class for completely different abilities. I'd like to be able to change them my self to make playing multiple classes easier.


Also, ability icons for /emotes would be nice, especially /doublelasers.

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Honestly, I can deal with just about anything, but the only feature I really care about (and have ever cared about) is Target of Focus Target.


There is Focus Target and there is Target of Target, but not Target of Focus Target. I am a healer, so I am rarely targeting the boss directly, so I focus target it, but it is very, very, very useful for me to know who the boss is targeting. This is doubly important with all of the bosses that now require tank swaps.


I can understand the logic behind most of the design choices I have seen (even the sage regen nerf *sniff*), but that oversight boggles me.

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Release the UI API to the modding community, and do it yesterday.


No matter what you guys do to the UI you will never touch the custumization imagination your entire community could bring.


1.2 was nice, but not close to what anyone coming from (the game that will not be named) will tolerate for long.


/bump!!!! A thousand times /bump.

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You desperately need the ability to make the chat box click through. The idea of having it up top was great, except I always end up clicking on the corner while trying to click on enemies. This is make or break for tanks.


Also, z-indexing of GUI elements, and snapping to center/corner/other ui element.

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Please let us save our keybinds to a local file. It is a major pain to recreate them everytime we create a new character.


THIS! I ended up having to spend an hour writing down keybinds and what general skill they do, to make everything the same from alt to alt (I currently have 5 so far, with plans for more.) It kind of drives me nuts to not have them uniform. My speed pad buttons are bound differently then what they are labeled (even the D pad was changed) and it makes it a pain to remember what key was what.


Also, as it's most likely been mentioned, moving windows while OUT of UI customization would be great. As would resizing while out of customization.


HINT: we would be able to to fit more then just 2 windows on the screen at once. Making it easier to check armor between vault, inventory and paper doll.

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The best would be an assist window. Like the nameplate of the player we select in the group as the "Assist Target" will show in a corner of our screen and his target right next to it. That way we can simply click and his target directly and start shooting! And we'll see it when he changes target ...

I'm refering to this system in LOTR online which was immensly useful in pvp for focus.

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Resize inventory pane, vendor pane, player preview pane, and character sheet.


Improve preview rendering to HI-Def, along with that resizing.


Please, please, please go back and look at Kotor's Character sheet it is far better than what we have in SWTOR regarding Avatar rendering Light Side/ Darkside affecting Visuals.


Sparkly snowing white butterflys rising for LS'ers and Dark Red and Black smoke descending for DS'ers.



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--What I see over and over in about 50 different ways: an "align" tool. Align to another object. Snap to grid. Etc.

--Being able to link items together so if you move one, you move all linked.

--COPY to clipboard from chat window (so U can easily check a url when someone posts one

I'm sure i can think of others but this would help.

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Well, you asked for it...

  • Mouseover Macro for Healing... please
  • Rollover Transparency for UI Elements
  • Anchoring of Elements to each other, like target-of-target to target frame
  • A simple macro language... there are so many abilities that keybinds cannot work
  • Some kind of Threat/Aggro Indicator
  • Configurable Floating Health bars. Let me map the class icon the the end of a bar, not stack it on top. I play 16:9, not 9:16, vertical realestate is valuable.
  • Lock/ClickThrough setting for chatbox.
  • Context sensitive relevant filters for vendors. Like the Mods vendor... Mods/Hilts/Armoring/Barrels /Enhancements
  • Lock Abilities Bar, so I stop accidentally dragging abilities off in combat :eek:
  • Configurable Portraits to have the bars Top/Bottom and Left/Right


And a simple plea...

Allow the community API access. The crowdsourced elements made available will develop things much faster than any team inside Bioware.

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1. Would like to be able to flip all action bars horizontal. Never was a fan of vertical bars on the side of the screen.

2. Would like to be able to make elements disappear in combat if I so desire.

3. Would like to have the option to have NO portraits, just names, and the appropriate bars to go with each player/target.

4. Stacking group members on top of each other in a block with companions beside them.

5. PLEASE, please let us be able to drag windows around to spots we want them. ie for crafting/vendor/inventory etc

6. Oh how I wish we could mark spots on the map so we can show people in our group where to go for something.

7. ClickThrough and fades in combat options for the chat box.

Edited by AltAddicted
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1 - some form of mouseover interaction with the Ops frame rather than having to click on each member in the frame before casting.

2 - Target of Focus Target frame

3 - adjustable buff/debuff bars (filter based on one/other/something else)

4 - All other UI windows to have adjustable positions (bag, bank, char screen etc)

5 - clickable map to show points of interest to team mates.

6 - Colour cordinated Ops frame based on class, Adv Class or mmo trinity)

7 - all frames able to lock or align with each other both virtically and horizontally

8 - More quickslots or option to have more than 12 slots per quickslot.

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The 1.2 UI is a great advance, no question.


Would be nice to have more than 2 overlapping, moveable windows (like on PTS before 1.2 was released to public),

also a snap to grid would help. For ppl who arent able to locate the xml files under ~\ AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings\GUIProfiles an import/export dialog might help too.


Anyway, I would strongly suggest to put no priority in this. Other topics are burning under the nails, like server transfer, a bunch of pvp issues etc. I hardly can imagine any new ui feature that will keep a single subscription or would be a reason to spend more time online.



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Of course, complete XML customization by the users would be perfect.


Barring that :

- allow us to scale up the icon size for our own debuffs on the target (a 100% to 300% slider would be nice), since we have no way of knowing if a dot belongs to us or to someone else

- allow us to scale up the icon size for our procs, and/or provide a really obvious, customizable graphical effect. Your nice little effects on the character don't work, there's no way we can notice them in the middle of a serious fight


Not quite as important, but I'd appreciate to be able to move the affection gain popups, they keep appearing over the subtitles text, and it's annoying.

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I agree with a lot of the suggestions here, but the ones that would be a high priority and really nice in my opinion are:


*GTN - shift-click to populate item name

*Legacy - shared bank

*Keybindings export to a file and between characters

*999 material stack size.

*Buff/Debuff icon sizing & filtering. ESPECIALLY for self-proc buffs/timered class ability buffs, those should frankly have their own little spot with sizing options.

*Inventory/bank search by item name (partial matches, and perhaps a dropdown to filter by "equippable" or "crafting material" etc. being highlighted).

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Mission tracking improvements:


Hide heroic missions if you're not in a group.

Hide Flashpoint missions if you're not in Fleet.

Hide other planet's missions if you're not on that planet.

Hide bonus missions if you're not very close to the correct spot for them.

Order displayed missions based on how close you're to them.

Place heroic missions at the top if you're in a group.

Place some marker next to missions that you're about to out-level and put them at the very top.

Edited by tkinnunzero
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