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Everything posted by SEGMENTUM

  1. They don't show up for me, even after fixing them, maybe it's bugged or BW just thought nobody would notice. Anyway... in the Ord Mantell cantina, there's a song on the jukebox called "For the Republic", I think I recognize it from KOTOR. The same track also plays when doing the bonus quest in Sobrik, when you have to reprogram the imperial cantina sound system. Oteg mentions a Republic ship named Onasi in Maelstrom, During one of the early BH quests on Hutta you can mimic Calo Nord with the countdown thing. The "Knight of the Republic" title of the JK may be a not-so-subtle reference too. During the Consular story there's an ambassador/senator guy from Manaan in your ship. Also all the Kolto abilities. The high-level Guardian helms may be modeled after the headgear in KOTOR, both are goggles/visors of some sort.
  2. First of all: it's not fair to compare the platforming in TOR to Mario. Mario games have sophisticated jumping physics, very tight controls and much more varied level design because it IS a platformer game, jumping around is the meat of the game. In TOR, there's no inertia, you can't adjust jumping height, there are no advanced techniques, the list goes on, but on the other hand the "levels" are much simpler than those of Mario. However the chief problem of the jumping controls in TOR is the delay. If you jump while standing still, there's a noticeably delay. Now, the delay is much smaller when you run and jump, but it's still there and makes precise platforming annoying. It's there to make the jumping seem more realistic, after all in real life people don't just instantly jump without bending their legs first. And don't give me that "lightsabers and force lightning isn't realistic either" crap, you know what I'm talking about. I can appreciate this little detail, but it clashes with the fact that you need to do a lot of jumping around in the world to get your guy up to par. Of course, you don't "have" to min-max.. but if you're doing endgame you SHOULD. Can you imagine playing Mario with a delay in the jumping? It'd be incredibly annoying. Another thing that irks me is the incompetent collision detection. When you collide with a wall midair, you should just stop and fall, but sometimes you bounce all over the place and fall into square one or get stuck and get teleported back shortly. It's the crudest fix for flawed collision detection I've ever seen and that kind of "rewinding back in time to the spot you were in a moment ago" fits Prince of Persia more than it does TOR. But that's beside the point. Basically what I'm saying.. if you need to precisely jump around a lot in the game, you'd better make the controls tight. Because nothing's more annoying than struggling with controls.
  3. Yeah, it's a cool hat, I'd use it if I wouldn't have the Viper helm already. http://i.imgur.com/eaMUF.jpg I have the set shirt and pants here, so not much originality there. Do the set bonuses transfer over to the new custom if the original item was acquired post-1.2? I'm thinking of the Death's Claw chest, the Spider pants and containment officer gloves and boots... playing dress-up will be much more fun when/if 1.3 arrives. Here I have (dura)steel-tipped boots for maximum-pain dirty kicks. Spider gloves for the wrist computer thing, it has that Dash Rendar thing going on. The flaps on the sides are a bit tacky though. The belt is from the legacy vendor. The helm is the aforementioned Viper helm, it's an unique as I call them (world drop, custom, no mods by default, class-restricted) and very rare. The pistol is a Power Blaster, a lv50 world drop normal custom, pretty common. It's got that low, kinda roaring sound, decent, and I'm constantly hunting new custom weapons. There's at least one pistol from the Voss comms I haven't got yet, it's too bad the only reliable comm sources are unsoloable H4 quests.
  4. Holosmuggler Summons a handsome holo-copy of yourself that distracts enemies.
  5. For unarmed dueling I guess... before you pretty much just jumped around and used whatever abilities were usable. I've heard of some people trying out gimmick leveling builds where you go unarmed and primarily use the unarmed attacks. Scrapper is supposed to be rather decent at it.
  6. Which campaign relic is the best for a DF scoundrel? Does the internal proc one consume Hemo charges?
  7. I've only played two classes (and specs) in endgame but DF scoundrel can be really hard in PVE. There's no proc abilities but you have a strict rotation to keep up which can be very difficult due to all the other stuff going on and the lackluster UI (UH only has the tiny buff icon among all your other buffs, and your DOT icons are buried among all the others). And even if you're 100% optimal a Sentinel will thrash you in DPS every time, or so I've heard.
  8. Heh, Operative is Agent Secret?
  9. I made a second video to show off the blasters' sounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hEZFHhGU9U The first part of the video and the entirety of its predecessor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfTplkCTcG0) is just rifles if that's your thing. Hope it's helpful to other sound enthusiasts.
  10. I just got done with a second blaster video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hEZFHhGU9U Mostly it's just pistols, but there are 4 orange rifles too. Check out the first video if you haven't, it's all about rifles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfTplkCTcG0 Hope you find it helpful, I find the sound the most important feature of a weapon and just having to buy and try each and every blaster personally gets costly.
  11. I'd be interested in seeing Kashyyk, and Manaan if there's more underwater stuff instead of running around topside playing detective. Underwater bases, Deus Ex style. Would also be a nice place to introduce swimming. The game kind of lacks a lava planet. I'd like to see one. Also, since time is frozen, why not have new zones in old planets where the time of the day is different? I want to see the "dark side" of the planets for once. But leave the goofy droid flashlights out.
  12. Being able to move the resource bar independently (right now it's integrated into your portrait) More actionbars, more slots. I've ran out of space already.
  13. I have a somewhat different spec with Scar Tissue, and my rotation is: 1. SF 2. Pugnacity 3. Blaster Whip 4. Shrap Bomb, Vital Shot, Hemo (still figuring out the best order for this) 5. Blaster Whip 6. Wounding Shots x 2 Backblast, Sabotage Charge or Quickshot as filler when you have energy to burn and don't need to reapply dots or use BW. Basically just have SB and VS (not nice try versions if possible) up, Hemo and 2 UH charges, then burn it down with Wounding Shots. I've pretty much never seen PVE DD scoundrels (especially DF) discussed so I've came up with this myself. Haven't been able to test it in a life-fire exercise yet.
  14. Some pieces seem to be just rare world drops.. I have the gloves but I don't remember where I got them from. What I'm hunting for right now is the Viper set, and the helm especially.
  15. I thought it might be interesting to collect and list old stuff from the betas that was changed or removed. The only betas I got into were the two weekends, so this is second-hand info. Characters General -You used to be able to pick a background for your character, like in Mass Effect. A known background for Troopers was "The Merc". Backgrounds were reportedly removed because testers complained the choices being too limiting. -Sprint had to be activated every time you got out of combat. -There were a lot more titles in general, for instance you got the "Paladin of House Organa" title from Republic Alderaan quests. Each alignment tier also had its own title. -Classes didn't have a primary stat, so you probably had to have a mix of stats to be optimal (mixing Aim and Cunning for a trooper, for instance). Presence used to be the healer stat but it still improved companions. Classes Trooper -Ammo system used to be different, you regenerated ammo by using an ability, "Quick Reload" which had a short cooldown and generated a few ammo. Passive ammo regeneration was nonexistent or very slow. -Stockstrike did a stun/knockdown and had a longer cooldown. -Troopers had a high level ability called "Call Reinforcements" which probably summoned a few trooper NPCs to fight for you for a short time. -The class overall probably used to be more ranged -"Fortification" had a different spell animation, the trooper shot a burst into the air with their gun. This was visible in the old Taral V developer walkthrough. Some companions still use this animation for their buffs, as well as some NPC classes. -The Vanguard AC was called Specialist for a long time. -Combat Support Cell used to be called Kolto Shell and just increased healing done. -Cells used to change the color of your blaster bolts, as shown in the Esseles developer playthrough. -Not sure about this one: Tactics used to be the Trooper shared tree, instead of Assault Specialist. Old Vanguard talent trees (spoilered for length): Bounty Hunter -The animation of "Death from Above" was different: the BH would fire with their blaster(s) and finish with a missile before landing. Just shooting the ground yet doing massive AOE damage was kind of awkward, so it was changed to just missiles. I think the Trooper equivalent was changed to "Mortar Volley" at the same time, even though sweeping gunfire and a grenade finish would have looked better since the caster isn't elevated like in DFA. Smuggler -"Take Cover" worked with corners too, not just chest-high obstacles. -Smugglers had a "suppressing fire" ability similar in appearance to the one the "Suppressive Assault" NPC class uses in the final game. Crew Skills -I'm not sure about this one but I think Cybertech was able to make wrist and belt armor for non-Force users. Perhaps this explains the absence of craftable belts and bracers in the final game. -Slicing was a huge money maker, to the point that that if someone asked how to make money, they were told to pick up slicing. -The item modification system was more robust, AFAIK all items in the game could be modified and their mods taken out. Some screenshots, not taken by me: http://i.imgur.com/2Q2K0.jpg Shows an old character creation screen, plus the background selection. The info box is the Trooper's but the selected class and the model shown is a Bounty Hunter. http://i.imgur.com/tiOdu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QZNdm.jpg http://i.imgur.com/rDU5x.jpg Shots of Hutta. http://i.imgur.com/grZtp.jpg The old inventory and character sheet. http://i.imgur.com/iw5Fu.jpg The old spellbook. http://i.imgur.com/78ztb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Dp3H8.jpg A vendor. Note the "Agility" stat, perhaps the old name for Aim? http://i.imgur.com/aFapb.jpg Shows items that can be reworked somehow into usable equipment. Possibly similar to the broken items found in Warhammer Online. http://i.imgur.com/KAywJ.jpg The old map.
  16. It's simple: add quest reward preview. If you know you'll get something good from doing the quest, you're much more likely to actively seek a group for that quest. Right now there's no indication as to what the reward will be, and with the incomplete online databases, I'd rather keep leveling than LFG for a group quest that may or may not give something worthwhile as the reward.
  17. Please do not compare datacron hunting to Super Mario, Mario's jumping controls are infinitely more precise and polished. I just wish they'd let you buy the stats from datacrons for like 500k for all your characters or something. It's not that I don't like exploring; if the datacrons were stat-boost-free I'd gladly go seek them out without a guide. But this is a multiplayer game, and I don't want to be crippled by the lack of datacron boosts.
  18. At ~100k a piece and with no augment slot, I'd rather save my money and wait until they either remove augment slots altogether or enable crafters to augment existing items.
  19. Blasters have different sounds, the auto attack and at least Full Auto utilize the weapon's own sound.
  20. The FPS doesn't really bother me (still too low) but the insane loading is unacceptable. Loading screens can take up to ten minutes and even after that it's not done loading and gameplay is interrupted by stuttering constantly. Every time a new sound or a character appears, the game stops to load for a few seconds. The first fight in a session is a slide show because it has to load everything. It's unbelievable, it's like everything's being read from a CD. No other game I've played does this.
  21. One man's trash, another's treasure I guess. I think the green shirt you get at the end of Ord Mantell has the same look also but it'd be pretty hard to RE.
  22. Does there exist a lookalike of the new Smuggler's Renowned Jacket (http://i.imgur.com/mMddj.png) that you can buy from the legacy vendors? I like the look but 150k is a lot of money for something that doesn't even have an augment slot.
  23. Laff looks like the money missions are now only good for leveling the skill level at a slightly lower cost. Although you get mats from the other crew missions which you can sell. Guess tech parts are way to go now, but the sub-50 ones are probably worthless.
  24. I'd like being able to move the resource bar; I like the "Retro" preset otherwise but the ammo bar is really out of the way so I'd have to constantly look at the corner of the screen.
  25. Republic, rifle instead of dinky pistol, not awkwardly holding your left arm out all the time, no swiss army left wrist (swiss army rifle is much cooler), cooler armor, cooler ship, BH VA tries too hard, lightning > fire, even Stockstrike is better than the ridiculous Shoryuken...
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