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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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In the case that the Devs are still looking for feedback from this thread, I believe that Manaan or Kamino make the most sense (assuming that at this point in time, Kamino is populated by the Kaminoans and they are cloners just like in the movies).


I think that Manaan should be added because of the same conflict that existed in KotOR. It's the only natural source of kolto. Thus, obviously, both the empire and the republic would want to control it as best they could. The Manaan situation in KotOR was never actually resolved, to my knowledge (when you reveal that the Sith are brainwashing the young Selkath and eventually plan to conquer Manaan). Assuming the Sith were not banned from the planet, there would still be diplomatic conflict between the two sides, similar to the situation on Voss (though somewhat different). No outright conflict, but necessity of diplomacy, because of the native laws. While there could be secret conflict (as there was in the Voss story) it would be in secret.


Kamino would also be a good world to add, assuming that the Kaminoans have already discovered the process of cloning. This gives the planet two possible stories. The first is that the Kaminoans have already discovered cloning, and both the empire and the republic want to gain an edge in the war. Side-quests could have to do with gaining favor with the Kaminoans to sway them to your faction (ie helping them out by killing their enemies, etc). I do not believe any native enemies of the Kaminoans have been introduced into Star Wars lore as of yet, but it is an opportunity for such. The second possibility of the Kamino storyline is that the Kaminoans have just started researching and testing the cloning process, and you're sent to help them, or to make sure they side with your faction. If this was the case, it would also present a very interesting Imperial Agent story (becoming a mole in their research team in order to steal the cloning process information when possible).

The obvious problem with Kamino, though, is the doors. Considering the torrential downpoor of Kamino, doors are clearly a necessity (at least between the interior and exterior of the building). SWToR currently does not have a system where players can open and close doors automatically (ie motion detection, etc) and it would be annoying, to say the least, if another player kept closing doors in your face (if it was manual). So that leaves us with two options. Obviously players are going to need to dock their ships somewhere, so either they dock them outside, and go through a door into the building (while still in the instance) and then exit the instance, or simply have hangars in the facility and never have players set foot outside of it (which makes sense, because there's really no reason for anyone to be outside the building except to arrive/leave).


Alternatively, one or both of these planets would do just fine as daily areas. I've really wanted a city type daily area that isn't bombed out and decimated (like Corellia).

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Dathomir - Nightsisters and Rancors galore !


Dantooine - Jedi enclave in the aftermath of KotOR, Rakatan technology, more Revan backstory


Yavin 4 - buried flagship of Naga Sadow, fallen jedi Exar Kun, Massassi warriors


Kashyyyk - Wroshyr Forest in the aftermath of KotOR (and a new playable race perhaps ? :) )

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i knwo what your thinking... not another desert planet, but this one has spice :p


time to be serious /seriousface


kessel + Kashyyk are my top 2


kashyyk- explore shadowlands, have an open world raid with encounters and what nto in shadow lands.

imperial is enslaving the wookies, republic freeing them, PVP daily: fight other players to capture Wookies, Wookies can be turned in to your factions representative for Commendations, i think its a great idea


Kessel: New space mission: Kessel Run, New PVP, catch the spice smugglers, anybody on kessel can grab a loaf of spice and try to make it to their ship, other side of the planet, no quick travel, you are flagged, when you pop into stealth while carrying spice you can use you stealth moves, but can still be seen


kill spice smuggling players/smuggle spice for commendations.

Story: The Empire/Republic have discovered a new way of synthesizing powerful combat adrenals from (not venom but) spice! go get some and infiltrate scientists rooms and what not to discover how


world boss can be a black sun commander, + secret Crystal Spider boss


Spider works like dreadtooth, Stalking through massive tunnel system that makes up kessel, when you use chemically enhanced spice on it it gets stronger, 'roided Crystal spider :p, sorta like the deal with dredtooth.

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Dathomir - Nightsisters and Rancors galore !


Kashyyyk - Wroshyr Forest in the aftermath of KotOR (and a new playable race perhaps ? :) )


Nightsisters don't exist yet so going there wouldn't be for them.


we aren't going to be playing Wookiees ever as they don't speak Basic.

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