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Update on world PvP?


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Can we please get an update on what is going to happen with world pvp? I'm a DAoC/Warhammer vet and really miss the meaningful fighting over world objectives. While warzones can be fun for a time, I find myself wanting something else after running 4-5 of them in a day and that used to be Ilum until it became de-incentivized. I know that another game is coming out soon that offers this type of play but I'm really hoping that SWTOR can give it to us as well, and relatively soon, as I prefer the SWTOR world over the other. Even a 32 vs 32 warzone to hold me over until some type of world pvp can be implemented would be good as well.


I'm not looking for a detailed breakdown as to what is being done, but some type of update to let us know that it is on the way with a hint as to what it's going to be.

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Great question!


And please...if you do answer Bioware, stop being purposefully vague. We're customers and you run a business. We're asking you for an answer. If you can't provide more than 'soon' or 'it's coming', don't bother pretending to answer it.

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The answer is find another MMO **cough GW2 cough** that has designed a game to cater to PvP players who want small scale and massive Server Vs Server Vs Server game play.


This is a PvE game for kids who like glow sticks!

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The answer is find another MMO **cough GW2 cough** that has designed a game to cater to PvP players who want small scale and massive Server Vs Server Vs Server game play.


This is a PvE game for kids who like glow sticks!


And the PVP/PVE hybrid instanced gear chasers..

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Correction.... Old people and glow sticks. I've met a few if 30+s on here. So much better than CoD. I hate the 12 year old hate party. I still have faith in the the old bioware. Had great stuff in the past and you think about the details in this game aren't bad. They are just swinging the population. World war, I can see in the future will be crazy events and not Illum base fishing. Keep the faith.
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Correction.... Old people and glow sticks. I've met a few if 30+s on here. So much better than CoD. I hate the 12 year old hate party. I still have faith in the the old bioware. Had great stuff in the past and you think about the details in this game aren't bad. They are just swinging the population. World war, I can see in the future will be crazy events and not Illum base fishing. Keep the faith.


Lemme ask (and I do not mean this in a rude way),


Why? Why should I keep the faith when they go out of their way to REMOVE PvP content and flat out ignore EVERY PvP related question in the Q&As? What gives you hope? What makes you think they'll fix it? Last I heard, they "didn't have the tech" to release anything for open world PvP. I don't know what the eff that means, but it sounds like it's not something they're even working on yet. Ford doesn't have the tech for a flying car...that leads me to believe I won't see it any time soon.

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I am a huge fan of World PvP, but after witnessing the terrible amount of lag that comes with it here in TOR, I'm not sure how BW will be able to do anything to promote it. As of now PvP is based on a reward type system, and when those rewards can be farmed in open world (like it used to be with Valor/kills), many will exploit it and the QQ will rain down upon us. I hate the gear grind in this game like no other, I hate the fact that WPvP is pretty much dead, and most of all I hate the PvP Dev team working (more like failing) on the PvP in this game. I'm utterly bored after 4 1/2 months here, as I can only run the same WZ's so many times. If they can get World PvP going again, that be awesome, but I just don't have any confidence at all in this team whatsoever.
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I am a huge fan of World PvP, but after witnessing the terrible amount of lag that comes with it here in TOR, I'm not sure how BW will be able to do anything to promote it. As of now PvP is based on a reward type system, and when those rewards can be farmed in open world (like it used to be with Valor/kills), many will exploit it and the QQ will rain down upon us. I hate the gear grind in this game like no other, I hate the fact that WPvP is pretty much dead, and most of all I hate the PvP Dev team working (more like failing) on the PvP in this game. I'm utterly bored after 4 1/2 months here, as I can only run the same WZ's so many times. If they can get World PvP going again, that be awesome, but I just don't have any confidence at all in this team whatsoever.


To avoid the same farming that happened on Ilum, they need to make ALL PvP rewards consumable and/or time limited use. That creates a CONTINUAL need to participate.

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To avoid the same farming that happened on Ilum, they need to make ALL PvP rewards consumable and/or time limited use. That creates a CONTINUAL need to participate.


If it were me, I'd remove ALL PvP rewards from the game, and allow the crafters to make the high end armor/weapons, etc, etc. Not only would this stimulate the economy a bit, but it would get more people in the same gear faster, and allow for peeps to just be able to jump into PvP without months of stupid azz grinding. The incentive to PvP in this game has always been about rewards, and much less focused on faction domination. H3ll, even SOE realized this at one point, and did away with it.

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I'm not really trying to get a debate here as to what is wrong or what is missing in PvP. We all have our own opinions as to what they are, all I'm asking for is some kind of update as to what we can expect or if we can even expect anything. I don't mind picking up GW2 and playing it for my PvP fix as it has no monthly charge, but I'd rather that SWTOR offered me something as I prefer to play just 1 MMO at a time.
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I'm a DAoC/Warhammer vet and really miss the meaningful fighting over world objectives.


I learned quite a while ago that the key to enjoying MMOs is to erase any and all expectations that they will come close to DAOC.

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If it were me, I'd remove ALL PvP rewards from the game, and allow the crafters to make the high end armor/weapons, etc, etc. Not only would this stimulate the economy a bit, but it would get more people in the same gear faster, and allow for peeps to just be able to jump into PvP without months of stupid azz grinding. The incentive to PvP in this game has always been about rewards, and much less focused on faction domination. H3ll, even SOE realized this at one point, and did away with it.


It doesn't take months of grinding to get BM and how can you consider faction domination to be a realistic aim in a game with only two factions where most players play both sides and can switch ad-nauseum to the side thats currently winning (a-la Warhammer) and has no balancing mechanics for faction population?


Open world pvp doesn't work with 2 factions unless you limit participating numbers or instance it, at either point it ceases to be open world.


Pre-1.2 Ilum is a prime example of how bad it can be.

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It doesn't take months of grinding to get BM and how can you consider faction domination to be a realistic aim in a game with only two factions where most players play both sides and can switch ad-nauseum to the side thats currently winning (a-la Warhammer) and has no balancing mechanics for faction population?


Open world pvp doesn't work with 2 factions unless you limit participating numbers or instance it, at either point it ceases to be open world.


Pre-1.2 Ilum is a prime example of how bad it can be.


Grinding BM did take months, once upon a time here, however the current grind is for WH armor...which in fact will take most months. PvP types will always grind for the better gear, which is sorta my point here, the grind needs to go and the incentive to PvP needs to centered on having fun.


And no, Open World PvP works just fine with 2 factions, only carebears cry about numbers. Ilum Pre 1.2 was only bad due to the horrendous lag (as I mentioned already), and because most were grinding rewards (which I mentioned already)...you remove those 2 elements (which I stated earlier), Open World PvP would be pretty fun. Sorry, but numbers just don't bother me at all.

Edited by Pistols
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Don't get me wrong, I love open world pvp, and it does need fixed. And making a better(than early Illum), will take some time to create, the new warzone is a good reference of an idea to get people out of bases. I'm very hopefull, and I really have fun with this game. I'm not an ole school mmo'r. I played swg till nge, and just didn't like wow. The pvp gear grind is forever for you guys that have to have it. It's made hard to keep you busy and when its too over powered, they'll make it easy to get hero just like BM gear to even it all out. (Or sorted ranks to keep ya busy). They gotta keep casuals subscribed too, these games are big money makers, gotta get that money.


As for Bio not paying attention, hi screener!, I'm betting they are there but responding to everyone and tipping hats to things that come do not benefit the company and only hurt it, especially with direct competition lurking in the immediate future, one of which from EA. It's business, I get it and ill keep subscribing until that day and look forward to upcoming stuff, until that day, which is the got ya formula. FYI, I'm not trying to sing kumbaya, I detest that commie crap, but you should be happy paying SWTOR, its a very cool game.


Try not to be negative, its a game, have fun while you can. Burning yourself out isn't fun, nor a game. Force be with ya!

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Grinding BM did take months, once upon a time here, however the current grind is for WH armor...which in fact will take most months. PvP types will always grind for the better gear, which is sorta my point here, the grind needs to go and the incentive to PvP needs to centered on having fun.

And no, Open World PvP works just fine with 2 factions, only carebears cry about numbers. Ilum Pre 1.2 was only bad due to the horrendous lag (as I mentioned already), and because most were grinding rewards (which I mentioned already)...you remove those 2 elements (which I stated earlier), Open World PvP would be pretty fun. Sorry, but numbers just don't bother me at all.


Are you implying the never ending path of gear progression, grind-a-thon, Asian model MMO, and the ability to /flex said gear acquired, in a capitol area, is not fun???


Come on man get with the times.... GRIND, consume, GRIND, consume, GRIND some more... that is the current MMO model.

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Are you implying the never ending path of gear progression, grind-a-thon, Asian model MMO, and the ability to /flex said gear acquired, in a capitol area, is not fun???


Come on man get with the times.... GRIND, consume, GRIND, consume, GRIND some more... that is the current MMO model.


That is what you call, "hitting the nail on the head" my friend! Yahzee.

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Ilum was terrible even before they removed the boxes/kill quests.


World PvP needs self balancing mechanics since nobody can controll population imbalances. In most games, they have you attack a keep/castle or something. The keep has powerful NPCs inside to aid the defenders. This means the weaker faction can hide in their keep taking pot-shots at the attackers. Wow gave bolstering buffs. Point is, you need something to keep it interesting for the smaller side.

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