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Premades are responsible for failed MMOs


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lol, okay


Luke Skywalker- alone, no father no mother, no sister....aunt and uncle dead...gets trained by Obi Wan to use the force to face Vader 1vs1


Han Solo- had a companion but more like a pet that did no dmg, Solo killed Greedo 1 vs 1


Bobo Fett- solo Bounty Hunter, catching people solo


Vader- didn't send the Storm Troopers in for aggro then jump out of stealth and back stab anyone....he didn't KITE and yell "heal me"


This game is based on Story ie Character development.



Now look at New Star Wars...bunch of CGI, 100 jedi arena fighting robots, all these crap acrobatic moves (leap), speed run(where was that >New Hope?), abuse of force push(knocking over 20 robots), blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada


complete CRAP


Best part of the new star wars were the solo 1 vs 1 fighting scenes(yoda vs dooky, Maul vs Jin, Anikan vs Obi)


Where are the Premades in Star Wars Lore?


Fine. maybe premade groups must all be Troopers. That way they can't synergize with other classes




really Devs..is this Star Wars or Not?


I got a laugh out of the OP, and had my suspicions. Now I'm sure he is a Jedi Master Troll.

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"Well, bye!" I quit, Premades 1-Me 0




Is there no way to design a game where players can play with each other w/o OP benefits from the synergy between classes?


Guarding healers, chain stun locks, friendly pulling, group speed burst,tandem sleep darts,..etc,etc....exploited skills.


Is it that hard to see how PvE skills will be abused in PvP?


Maybe i should just play FPS's...head shot's kill..EVERYONE..but this Jug+healer taking on 4 dps...is IMO a completely broken and abused model.


Excuse me, but aren't more people playing Solo (solo WZ ques) than Group ques(premade)?


So PVP devs design PvP where group play trumps all? Seems Bass Ackwards.



How about tanks can only guard themselves? balance around take less dmg/do less dmg....take more dmg/do more dmg


Maybe Healers' Healing should come directly from their own HP...let them have 31 pt skills that give them +500 endurance or 20k HP, but every time that they Heal it comes directly from their pool and they only can heal others, only dmg they do replenishes their own HP. (just a thought)


In my view, PvP is broken if 8 random ACs =/= 8 other random ACs


I don't exactly know why people say that there shouldn't' be 1 vs 1 balance without synergies, besides their own bias...But I've got too little time to waste on FOTM builds and tag teaming stunlocks.


see yall around..for maybe 46 more days. but I don't want to see another 2Jug/2OP healers with 4 assassins or marauders picking up the slack....from the boards, I can see I am not alone. From the ques and quits, i can see that I am not alone.


So go ahead and make your snide comments, how everyone from 14 to 60 y/o should be playing in premades to have "fun", or whatever ridiculous justification you have concocted to justify broken. I don't care anymore, i'm out.



LOL I have to agree. It's not "unfair" for people to play in premades but it is certainly a screwing to those of us who don't have the luxury of scheduling play time when it's good for a group of people and then getting to play uninterrupted.


But I do agree that synergies between classes has gotten ridiculous in MMOs. 2 players should equal twice the effectiveness, not 2.5 or even 3 times the effectiveness.


The amount of people that play in premade groups is so miniscule to the amount of people that play solo. However the problem lately is that people aren't queing solo anymore and you end up with a bulk of premades. Not by choice but because solo'rs are driven away by the hopelessness of it.


Add to the fact that too many of these premades are the cheaters aforementioned in a few of the other threads in this forum and you get a clear picture of why less and less people are queing for warzones.

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On a side note, I solo que all the time... probably more than I get in my guilds premade, and still win much more often than I lose. HOW can this be, you ask? It's easy, go in with a plan, a tactic, mark healers, pass the ball, position yourself, rotate nodes, etc, etc.


TL;DR? L2P you f*cking scrub. Also mail me your stuff...



yeah, I got full BM, I got 2 of the +41 expertise crystals in place..... I kill 1 vs 1....it's the scrubs with their "HELP ME WITH THIS GUY" when they 2-3 my defenseless Gunslinger like they are so cool.(Oh your pyro/Jugg/tanksin combo can beat a Slinger, such ******es)


the only matches I(my side) lose in hutball are 1-1(great games) or 6-0(premade bull crap)

In evitably many players on the premade teams are moving MUCH faster, and appear to be glitching all over the map.


Voidstar 90% of my losses are 1-0(pre-made zerg fest, stealth exploit, unkillable(w/o 4 dps focus) kiting healers)


Civil war the losses are 320-0 against the stupid freaking premades with their exploits of team to keep others from capping by using their timed 99% mitigation so that others can speed bike down.....Speed rushers for interference who can stealth and continue to interfere(sleep dart spamming punks).....Tank mid who eats all dmg and kills the enemies energy bars...Stealthed healers hiding on the sides....and tank sins popping CDs killing and kiting and hiding.

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The main reason premades beat pugs is because they have better players.


That is so not true I don't even know where to begin. I've been on both sides of the fence, only solo ques, and only premade ques. Believe me when I tell you that most premades consist of people who are just as bad as PUGs, the only reason they win is because they have microphones.

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Just add integrated voice chat to the swtor client and you will make huge strides towards equalizing pugs vs. premades. Huge.


people obviously must have never ran pve content that much.voice chat doesnt really make anything better


not to mention,i would quit this game day 1 of bioware implementing some voice chat system in there game.unless i didnt have to hear a bunch of mouthbreathers everytime i pvp'd

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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show me on the doll where the bad operative/scoundrel stun locked you OP


get some new material


How many premades even have a concealment operative? Putz, those run as healers now.

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Just add integrated voice chat to the swtor client and you will make huge strides towards equalizing pugs vs. premades. Huge.


It would be a large step, but it wouldn't fix it. You'd still have trolly pugs etc. The only way to truly balance it is to just make premades get their own que. Which is what they're doing.

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I thought this post was sarcastically making fun of bads who think cooperating is "unfair", until about half way down.


for those not wanting to waste their time, TLDR: boohoo, teamgames suck. boohoo, i don't win in pvp by being bad and randomly flailing on my keyboard without context

Edited by Ahhmyface
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Dear Mr Troll,


Just because you call them exploits does not make them so.


If a pug tank puts guard on you and uses his taunts and cc to keep you alive, are you going to refuse to heal him and yourself? If you do, then by your definition you are using and condoning exploitive gameplay.

Edited by Sporticus
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premade has the right to exist as much as PUG... OP you can't blame premade to play togheter and Premade supporter have to stop say "get a friend" it just show attitude and stupidity


they are different playstyle different then yours and both has to be respect i dont get why people is so ignorant nowday.


the blame is to put on Bioware that put them together. they think they will lose "less" people putting them togheter (since every MMO almost has them togheter) then making queue a little longer for both dividing them


true is that if queue would be divided PUG wouldnt have NO problem as queue since a lot of people that wasnt queueing at all because of premade would start queueing (and if a premade get bored of waiting break up and became PUG!)... on the other hand Premade queue would suffer a great deal (and premade are 80% of the forum people can u imagine the forum flame ahahhaha)


would you pick up 5 random person on the street and play vs an NBA team? would it be fun? would it have any sense? this is what pug vs premade people that is coordinated and trained together vs random people nobody would want to go see a match like that because is NO FUN.


Quite the game all right it's the RIGHT thing to do but dont blame PREMADE blame BW

Edited by Pekish
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I have yet to see this particular gripe manifest in-game. Yes, at some hours you will be queued repeatedly against the same premade and it causes rage in all of us. But overall, there is a good number of premades running during peak hours but solos continue to queue.


The only real issue in TOR PvP is the ghost town servers. All the other gripes are more perception than reality.

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This. Server populations are too small.... even the hugely populated servers like Fatman really don't have a huge enough population to support several premades per side, along with several PuGs per side, thus maintaining a healthy balance of both premades and PUGs.


I don't understand enough about computers and server loads to know WHY servers seem to be capped so low.... but really the only fix for it that I can see is to implement cross-server WZ ques ASAP.


I've unsubbed, but still have like 50 days left..... I'm hoping I get a chance to play cross-server before my time runs out.


My sneaking suspicion is that it will be implemented shortly AFTER everyone's free month runs out.... thus attempting to squeeze one more month out of people's pockets. Its sad they have to dangle that carrot like that


The low concurrent cap is probably there to instill a sense of community. But community comes second to enjoyability. You probably have no idea who are the 'premades' you play against in Starcraft 2. It doesn't matter because as long as the game matches you up to a good match, it's more important that you play against guys who you might never see again but give you a good fight, then clownstomping or be clownstomped by guys you know well.

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I can understand why people are so frustrated. I queue solo.

On my server there are 2 Rep guilds that run premades everyday from around 6-7pm to late night. Unfortunatlly I havn't seen any premades on Empire side and we're constantly being oblitarated by those 2 premades EVERY SINGLE DAY. And ofcourse all of them WH geared.

I know premades are suprefun, got my share of this. But seriously, pugs must fight with pugs and premades fight premades. Maybe ranked WZ will fix it but I seriously doubt that.


So dear Bioware, all this can be solved by simply combining 3-5 servers into one Battlegroup. This will considerably lower queue time and insure people face various opponents, not constant Recruit/BM pugs vs WH premades.


P.S. And I REALLY would like to see some 16vs16 (or at least 12vs12) Warzones, coz 8vs8 isn't enough entertainment.

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So you're upset that a group of players decide to play together, communicate with and help each other to do group content in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game...





Aaalllrrriiiggghhhtttyyy then...

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I understand what you are saying but you are missing the key Issue: MOTIVATION


premade has the right to exist as much as PUG... OP you can't blame premade to play togheter and Premade supporter have to stop say "get a friend" it just show attitude and stupidity


The premade players become premade to win...win is their only goal, win at all costs


Like the Steroids in Baseball, it's about success...that's all...don't believ the other crap it's all smoke and mirrors trying to hide their MOTIVATION.


This Motivation makes it okay in their minds to hack and exploit as well.


they are different playstyle different then yours and both has to be respect i dont get why people is so ignorant nowday.


the blame is to put on Bioware that put them together. they think they will lose "less" people putting them togheter (since every MMO almost has them togheter) then making queue a little longer for both dividing them


true is that if queue would be divided PUG wouldnt have NO problem


that's were you ideal misses what the premade mentality will do


They will NOT QUE GROUP...they will synchronize SOLO ques...because they want to God mode PWN NOOBS...they don't want competition...why in Open world is it 5-6 vs 1-2?


The GANG thug mentality is what a premade is....there is no NOBILITY in them....why do you think most are Sith to begin with? It speaks volumes.

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"Well, bye!" I quit, Premades 1-Me 0




Is there no way to design a game where players can play with each other w/o OP benefits from the synergy between classes?


Guarding healers, chain stun locks, friendly pulling, group speed burst,tandem sleep darts,..etc,etc....exploited skills.


Is it that hard to see how PvE skills will be abused in PvP?


Maybe i should just play FPS's...head shot's kill..EVERYONE..but this Jug+healer taking on 4 dps...is IMO a completely broken and abused model.


Excuse me, but aren't more people playing Solo (solo WZ ques) than Group ques(premade)?


So PVP devs design PvP where group play trumps all? Seems Bass Ackwards.



How about tanks can only guard themselves? balance around take less dmg/do less dmg....take more dmg/do more dmg


Maybe Healers' Healing should come directly from their own HP...let them have 31 pt skills that give them +500 endurance or 20k HP, but every time that they Heal it comes directly from their pool and they only can heal others, only dmg they do replenishes their own HP. (just a thought)


In my view, PvP is broken if 8 random ACs =/= 8 other random ACs


I don't exactly know why people say that there shouldn't' be 1 vs 1 balance without synergies, besides their own bias...But I've got too little time to waste on FOTM builds and tag teaming stunlocks.


see yall around..for maybe 46 more days. but I don't want to see another 2Jug/2OP healers with 4 assassins or marauders picking up the slack....from the boards, I can see I am not alone. From the ques and quits, i can see that I am not alone.


So go ahead and make your snide comments, how everyone from 14 to 60 y/o should be playing in premades to have "fun", or whatever ridiculous justification you have concocted to justify broken. I don't care anymore, i'm out.


I bolded the most important part of this post, This is basically the point of his post that everyone should of gotten too and said, Gee.. this guy is an idiot for sure...

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Maybe i should just play FPS's...head shot's kill.


Yes, you should. Especially if what you really want MMO PVP to be is simple deathmatch or free for all brawls.


Don't let the door hit your *** on the way out.

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I can understand why people are so frustrated. I queue solo.

On my server there are 2 Rep guilds that run premades everyday from around 6-7pm to late night. Unfortunatlly I havn't seen any premades on Empire side and we're constantly being oblitarated by those 2 premades EVERY SINGLE DAY. And ofcourse all of them WH geared.

I know premades are suprefun, got my share of this. But seriously, pugs must fight with pugs and premades fight premades. Maybe ranked WZ will fix it but I seriously doubt that.


So dear Bioware, all this can be solved by simply combining 3-5 servers into one Battlegroup. This will considerably lower queue time and insure people face various opponents, not constant Recruit/BM pugs vs WH premades.


P.S. And I REALLY would like to see some 16vs16 (or at least 12vs12) Warzones, coz 8vs8 isn't enough entertainment.


There was 12v12 in beta for a bit. The devs said they wanted 8v8 because then "individual play can make more of an impact." I think the real reason was that this engine can't handle it though lol.

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