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Companion Ages....


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Its also worth mentioning that the span of the class stories (from starter planet through Ilum/black hole) spans around 3 years or so according to some NPC chatterings, (and with there are time lapses between each act.) So the companions would technically be aging as you go on through the game too. Edited by thepilk
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I realize the codex has some ages listed, but to me, this is how I figure some of them...


















I probably forgot someone, but thats cause its either a late hour, or the fact that I haven't played that class...but this is what I think. Perhaps some of them seem older to me, cause I'm in my 40's...

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I realize the codex has some ages listed, but to me, this is how I figure some of them...


















I probably forgot someone, but thats cause its either a late hour, or the fact that I haven't played that class...but this is what I think. Perhaps some of them seem older to me, cause I'm in my 40's...


Seems very reasonable. That means my BH is probably too old for Mako. (But she's just so adorable...)


Other than that, people seem to be saying that Corso is younger, but I just don't think he looks 19.

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Seems very reasonable. That means my BH is probably too old for Mako. (But she's just so adorable...)


Other than that, people seem to be saying that Corso is younger, but I just don't think he looks 19.


People might think Corso is younger, but without revealing too much, once you start talking with him, you realize he's been around more than he initially lets on, or what you'd think. He's not just a farmboy, I find.


As for you being too old for Mako, I wouldn't worry about it, if you're happy, and the pixels are happy, then more power to ya, lol. (Plus I think she has Daddy issues, lol) :D

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People might think Corso is younger, but without revealing too much, once you start talking with him, you realize he's been around more than he initially lets on, or what you'd think. He's not just a farmboy, I find.


I fully agree, after doing the full romance with Corso, I just cannot see him as young as 19. Hell I'd put him as old as 25 even, to hell with what the Codex says. Maybe because I'm about to turn 30, but 19 is still such a baby, but 25 is still young in my books, young enough to still be an idealist, like what Corso is. He's done some living, he's already been engaged once before, he was in the peace core and had been working with Viidu long enough to gain trust and respect....it takes time to do that. For me 19 just isn't realistic.

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I fully agree, after doing the full romance with Corso, I just cannot see him as young as 19. Hell I'd put him as old as 25 even, to hell with what the Codex says. Maybe because I'm about to turn 30, but 19 is still such a baby, but 25 is still young in my books, young enough to still be an idealist, like what Corso is. He's done some living, he's already been engaged once before, he was in the peace core and had been working with Viidu long enough to gain trust and respect....it takes time to do that. For me 19 just isn't realistic.


It is easier to trust a wide eyed kid than an adult.

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aside from a few like vette, i'm glad LI's are getting older

cause frankly, so are we


what is it with jrpg's and the protaganists getting younger and younger?!

remember final fantasy II ? iv? edge being 26 kept getting called "young"

now 26 in an rpg is the grizzled veteran role


this game is a nice change of pace

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Legacy definitely helps with the feeling of being older in the game too.


My bounty hunter and Torian have a daughter (level 14 Jedi Shadow). Since my Bounty hunter was about 18-20 on Hutta, after she and Torian married, I'd say she was about 19-21. And since I CAN'T deal with relationships with men younger than I in real life (personal thing not a bad thing), I put Torian as at the very least, a year older than she is. So since my Jedi Shadow was young (about 17-18 (even as level 14), that would make my BH about 36 now and Torian 37 now. (Yes, this is head canon not like fact)


My Sith Warrior and Quinn have a daughter (level 48 Smuggler...Quinn damn near died of a heart attack at that fact), and my Sith was 17-18 on Korriban, I'd say she's about 20 when she marries Quinn (damn man took FOREVER to get with the program) and he's like 30-35 when you meet him, so my Smuggler, who was 20-21 on Ord Mantell would make HER about 24 by the end of Act III (I finished 4 class stories already...sheesh). So my Sith in my head, is 44 and Quinn is 59 (all in my head...even got him the Grey haired look from Ilum >.<)


My Chiss Agent is 21 on Hutta, and about 22 when she meets Vector, who is 26. They have a daughter, who's a Jedi Knight, level 26. My Jedi began at 16-17. So by the time my Jedi Knight is level 26, she's around 18. So my Agent is now 40 and Vector is 44 (in my head).


And also the fact that they SEEM to be getting older for real in the game as you progress (I swear by all that's Holy, they really ARE getting to be old farts...war does that to ya!) it makes sense in my head. (Even though I KNOW they're not actually aging as you play them via Character Select screen)

Edited by Eanelinea
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And also the fact that they SEEM to be getting older for real in the game as you progress (I swear by all that's Holy, they really ARE getting to be old farts...war does that to ya!) it makes sense in my head. (Even though I KNOW they're not actually aging as you play them via Character Select screen)


it could just be me, but i swear my agent (family matriarch) has develloped marionette lines..

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Now, Torian, I'd say is between 18 and 19. But when my Bounty hunter calls him 'kid' it makes my head canon explode. Because I prefer my men older than me or my characters. (My real life husband is 2 years older than me). So, if Torian is 18-19 and my BH calls him a kid, she couldn't be older than 20 and I wanted her to be about 18-20 herself.


Mandalorians become adults at 13, so he could very well be younger than 20. I'd say about 17-18 based on his personality and looks, and he has had a short life as well. A non-Mandalorian would consider him a kid. :D

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Mandalorians become adults at 13, so he could very well be younger than 20. I'd say about 17-18 based on his personality and looks, and he has had a short life as well. A non-Mandalorian would consider him a kid. :D


fits with my half chiss BH then, as im sure she still matured faster than a human would.

i don;t mind if hes younger than her tho, as he does fit the "trophy" toy role quite well for my amazon BH

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Mako and Jaessa sound and act like they aren't even 18. :o


I would prefer if there were some older female companions too. It is strange that they didn't make one older and one younger female companion per class since you usually have two romance options.

Edited by Path-x
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Heh. I WISH!!! Not even a SINGLE FLIRT OPTION with her through all of Chapter 1! :p



I'm just hoping they do some serious storyline additions for Chapter 4 SI that makes Zash hot and romanceable. :D


For the ladies as well! I love Zash, she seems nice and friendly even if a little insane. I totally want to have a hot girl-girl fling with her.

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I realize the codex has some ages listed, but to me, this is how I figure some of them...


















I probably forgot someone, but thats cause its either a late hour, or the fact that I haven't played that class...but this is what I think. Perhaps some of them seem older to me, cause I'm in my 40's...

That looks about right.


I'd add Akaavi's age as early 30s as well. I also think Vette might be 21, but she just has a small body type and reduce Quinn's age to 32-33.

Edited by Morlaak
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