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Server population is dropping...


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I quit the game weeks ago, but unfortunately for me BW gave me a free 30 days...which I've only used to make this one post. I have no plans to ever re-visit this game, but I'm sure BW will give out another free 30 days to players to pump up their numbers for this quarters subscription numbers...


That makes you wonder about all the ways they are counting their "active" subscribers. Are they counting ALL accounts with active, paying subscriptions? Or maybe just those with game time left on their account, irrespective of whether or not they are still subscribed? TBH, I think that its the latter, and that those '1.3 million' they released last time were much lower than they let on. One can only imagine at the number of actively paying subscribers NOW...

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That makes you wonder about all the ways they are counting their "active" subscribers. Are they counting ALL accounts with active, paying subscriptions? Or maybe just those with game time left on their account, irrespective of whether or not they are still subscribed? TBH, I think that its the latter, and that those '1.3 million' they released last time were much lower than they let on. One can only imagine at the number of actively paying subscribers NOW...


My guess is its about 750k to a million, they did launch in a bunch of new countries. 500k wouldn't surprise me either.

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IDK what game you are playing, but 98% of the March 1.3million subbers are clearly not online anymore. In fact if I had to take a rough guess as to how many active players there are, (subs don't mean a ton in the grand scheme of things as eventually folks quit paying or their 6month runs out [i pt to myself here]) I would say 200k in NA. IDK about the EU numbers or Asian numbers, but it is clear to me most of the NA servers are basically toast.

MMOs get one chance to make a first impression. Launch was smooth: the rest has been a serious cluster ****.


200K in NA alone? I give it 300K for NA/EU together, and that is going for the high side.

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Welcome to the forums, where 2% of the playerbase discuss how every single player thinks the game is dying and 98% are too busy playing to post, read or care!


6 pages of perma light servers (out of 7 pages total) says otherwise.


They are lucky Tor-Status can't actually drill down to see how *** empty all of these servers actually are.

This game is unfortunately going to need the greatest merge in the hisotry of MMOs - from 120 down to like 12. It didn't HAVE to be this one, but Bioware is incompetent, and they've reaped what they've sown.

Edited by islander
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Please, please, please, merge servers! I hate logging on and finding 1-8 people in any given area. I started toons on Fatman just so I could group. I want this MMO to succeed and now in order to accomplish this BioWare MUST MERGE SERVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this game!!!
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6 pages of perma light servers (out of 7 pages total) says otherwise.


They are lucky Tor-Status can't actually drill down to see how *** empty all of these servers actually are.

This game is unfortunately going to need the greatest merge in the hisotry of MMOs - from 120 down to like 12. It didn't HAVE to be this one, but Bioware is incompetent, and they've reaped what they've sown.


Incompetent might be harsh, but unprepared might be correct. Sometimes good/great companies bite off more than they can chew believing they will be able to roll with the punches if/when they land. BW clearly was not ready for the backlash: nor did they think long term about how entertaining replaying the game might be.

Tough and costly lesson to learn.

Hate to echo what someone else said, but it would be nice for this game to tank completely so someone else has a shot at making a good/great SW MMO.

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here's something none of you will find surprising anymore - I WAS THE ONLY ONE IN CORELLIA in the The Swiftsure yesterday!!!! A couple of months ago there were so many of us in this server we had to wait in a queue of sorts to access a particular mob that was part of a quest chain (I didnt mind doing this - thats what being in a populated server means but the benefits far outweigh any other inconveniences that may arise now and then)


Population of ONE!! Just me!! Is this a MMORPG or a flippin joke! If I wanted to play a one player video game I would have purchased Skyrim instead and not deal with recurring subscription fees for a multi-player online role playing game. Wait?! Did I just say multi-player?! Someone at Bioware must have forgotten what the point of this exercise is!!



Edited by wairuakaha
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Feeling the drop on Mind Trick.


My 1st server was Nathema, I left the day I was alone on fleet to Mind Trick.

At first there were many instances of Imperial fleet over 200, with Pub over 150.


Now it's about 30 most of the times, and I am begginning to see the same signs as when Nathema was going dead. Except this time I got a legacy, and reaching level 50 soon with my Trooper... So I am not rerolling.


I'm letting my account lapse, and I did specify the reasons why so they know it was because of that.

I'm more than willing to resub to the game, but not before we get SuperServers. I am not a computer engineer, And I do not know, nor want to know how much it would cost, but something has to be done.


Still having a blast playing the game, for sure. Hope they fix that, and soon before I setle myself on another MMO ( thankfully nothing is catchng my mind right about now )

Edited by FrancoisTogruta
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this is to little to late once the free month ends subs will fall off the face of the earth, i highly doubt they will make enough to cover overhead I would not be shocked if EA pull the plug on the money train. the lack of dynamic content and far to many servers doomed tor to fail from the start EA/BW had time to fix it but didn't, I enjoyed this game but there's not enough end game pvp or pve, and what little there is was a joke, I would love nothing more than for this game to work but frankly I just don't see staying power if it keeps toddling on like it is now. i like many others are not bothering to resub after the free time runs out, I'll keep my eye on the game hoping that it will get its ducks in a row but frankly its not worth my or anyone's 15usd a month right now.
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I have been alone on my server (EU - Uthar Wynn) for two months now - is there any way how to get refund for the money I have paid? I was told that it is possible with call the support ... But when I did that (cancelled my secret code and only said my secret questions!!) it cost me more than monthly fee (from Czech republic). So again I am asking - Is there any way how to do refund besides calling support? Because beeing on server where I can NEVER do daily WZ quest or even weekly of flashpoint or multi-member quest or anything was not why I paid for it. Thank you.


Continuing from this topic which was closed: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472345

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I have been alone on my server (EU - Uthar Wynn) for two months now - is there any way how to get refund for the money I have paid? I was told that it is possible with call the support ... But when I did that (cancelled my secret code and only said my secret questions!!) it cost me more than monthly fee (from Czech republic). So again I am asking - Is there any way how to do refund besides calling support? Because beeing on server where I can NEVER do daily WZ quest or even weekly of flashpoint or multi-member quest or anything was not why I paid for it. Thank you.


Continuing from this topic which was closed: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472345


My fellow Uthar Wynn! I feel your pain. Our server is a complete and utter joke. I gave up trying ages ago, but I wish you all the best in trying to get some compensation for the utter travesty that is Uthar Wynn

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I think they just moved me here because it was kind of about population but i did not want to complain about that as was said I just want some compansation because my hardly worked lvl 50 took some time and I do not have time to play another on "for some time" more populated server. So I hope there will be some answer from developers or the man who locked my previous thread.
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Fatman PvP (east coast) - Full

Jedi Covenant PvE (east coast) - Very Heavy

Drooga's Pleasure Barge PvE (west coast) - Standard

The Harbinger PvE (west coast) - Standard

Jung Ma RP-PvP (east coast) - Standard

The Ebon Hawk RP (east coast) - Standard

Lord Adraas RP (east coast) - Standard

Canderous Ordo PvE (east coast) - Standard

All other servers are light.


This on a weekend really makes me concerned.

I was thinking of making a character on The Harbinger to see if being on a more populated server would make enough difference to abandon my present one, but if this is how it is looking I might just let my sub time run out and re-up when we get the transfers/mergers.


Sometimes being an altoholic is bad for you…

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I think they just moved me here because it was kind of about population but i did not want to complain about that as was said I just want some compansation because my hardly worked lvl 50 took some time and I do not have time to play another on "for some time" more populated server. So I hope there will be some answer from developers or the man who locked my previous thread.


You have a legitimate gripe here. The problem is they would go bankrupt if they refunded all the players who have level 50s on dead servers. Just give us transfers and the problem goes away. They need to be working on transfers 24/7 and release them as soon as humanly possible. Would be months late but they should try to rush it out by Tuesday. **** start doing manual transfers if you are too incompetent to figure out how to xfer characters. BW is *********** killing this game and it sucks because this is really a great game. NO POPULATION MAKES THIS GAME UNPLAYABLE

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Cancelled my sub primarily because of extremely low server pop and refusal to start everything over. Maybe I'll check back in a few months down the road, but Bioware has seriously left a bad taste in my mouth over this server debacle. A server that I was pushed to move to during the staggered release.


May the farce be with you all!

Edited by AGSThomas
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I have been alone on my server (EU - Uthar Wynn) for two months now - is there any way how to get refund for the money I have paid? I was told that it is possible with call the support ... But when I did that (cancelled my secret code and only said my secret questions!!) it cost me more than monthly fee (from Czech republic). So again I am asking - Is there any way how to do refund besides calling support? Because beeing on server where I can NEVER do daily WZ quest or even weekly of flashpoint or multi-member quest or anything was not why I paid for it. Thank you.


Continuing from this topic which was closed: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472345


Refunds for your subscription? Hell no. I never heard of any ever doing that. If they did..I would apply for a refund for TOR in a heartbeat.

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Refunds for your subscription? Hell no. I never heard of any ever doing that. If they did..I would apply for a refund for TOR in a heartbeat.


Here I will quote official mail I got:

Thank you for contacting us regarding your refund request.


I understand your frustration right now regarding the possible server transfer. We greatly apologize for this as we do not have this service available right now.


I understand that you want to have your money back because you are unable to enjoy the game that much because of the low population in the server you are at right now. I am really sorry about this.


For refund request, please contact our Account and Billing support team directly through the following phone numbers:


• USA: 1-855-GO-SWTOR (1-855-467-9867)

• UK, Germany, France: 00800 0246 9273 (008000 BIOWARE)

•(Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore: +800 0246 9273 (+8000 BIOWARE)


Please note: Calls made from landlines are toll-free, while those made from mobile devices may be subject to charges from your provider.


For calls originating from countries not listed above, please call the following number: +442035642555


Please replace the ‘+’at the beginning of the number with the international call prefix for your country (for example, the prefix for European Union countries is ‘00’, so the number to call would be 0044 2035642555.) If you are unsure of the international call prefix for the country you are calling from, we recommend contacting your telecommunications service provider. Please note that you may be charged by your provider for making an international phone call, and charges may be based on the country from which you place the call.


Customer support will be provided in English, French, and German only.


If you would like to know more about subscription methods, please visit our Help Center Subscription Page which you can find at this address: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/4119.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.


If you require further assistance with this or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again.




Czarina Joyce

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


Now you can invite your friends to try out Star Wars: The Old Republic for free. Visit http://www.swtor.com/info/friends for more information, and help them get started today!


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invited you to fill out the following survey which will us to continually improve our support!


So yes I think it is possible but not with calling support for like 20 euros/minute

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Hate to echo what someone else said, but it would be nice for this game to tank completely so someone else has a shot at making a good/great SW MMO.


I doubt we will ever see any other company or investor even touch a Star Wars themed mmo, if ToR should tank in less then a year of release. Lets be fair as much as people love SWG and I was one of them before they ruined the game, it was no great success. Not when you consider the IP it carries with it.


Only person making a killing, has been old Lucas and the fat licensing fee he got from them using his cash cow.

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Fixing this problem needs to be the absolute #1 priority for Bioware right now. If they don't get on top of the need for server merges/transfers/cross-server instances in the next month, this game will die.


Even people who really like the game (and I'm one of them) will not continue to play an MMO when server population is so low it feels like nobody else is playing.

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Title is 100% correct.


Waiting hours for one PvP match.


The definition of dead.


Wow, you guys who have to wait hours for a PvP match are lucky. On the Roworrookooro (lol, sp, no idea) server, you can wait forever, you will never get into a PvP match. This is because instead of what I'm hearing from most servers, that you might have as few as 5-10 people in a zone on at a time, our whole SERVER might have 5-10 people on it at one time.


I have literally, for over a month now, hit "Join Solo PvP" the moment I log on, played the game for hours, and have never (as in never) gotten into a PvP match. Flashpoints are obviously useless too. There are no guilds on the server that are active. THIS is the definition of a dead server. Just wanted to put things into perspective. ;)


I still really like the game. Enjoying the solo experience, although of course for what I've gotten over the last few months, the $59.99 price of the game itself would have been enough. The monthly fee is terribly unjustified, at least in the case of my server. Still, I've got 2 level 50's and one in the 30's, and I'm obviously quite anxious for the character transfer.

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Fixing this problem needs to be the absolute #1 priority for Bioware right now. If they don't get on top of the need for server merges/transfers/cross-server instances in the next month, this game will die.


Even people who really like the game (and I'm one of them) will not continue to play an MMO when server population is so low it feels like nobody else is playing.


And that's why server transfers + population cap increases are coming in 13 days.

They already told us that lfg will be single servers.

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