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Server population is dropping...


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It's amazing how many people claim to be from this server.


Chozen - Level 50 Assassin in a 2 man guild called : Popcorn versus ****". (made for giggles as I Que for PvP)


Dead server, and I see many more following the trend.

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If you observe the 60 days, you would see that on average, the amount of ''standard pop moments'' decreased aroun 10-12%.


On the 60 days chart it looks, to me, that it started


10% Heavy, 45 Standard, 50 Light (approx, rounded) now its..


0% Heavy, 25 Standard, 75 Light


Still looks like more than a 'slight decline at best' unless we're looking at different charts.

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For gods sake Bioware, merge the servers. My server is now a ghost town. I have two level 50's and no inclination to play because its really no fun to sit for ages in a wz queue. I pay my hard earned money to play this game for fun, not to sit in a Q.


You need to bite the bullet and do this or you will lose the fan base. 25% less subs is just the tip of the iceberg. My guild has over 100 members, im the only one that plays now.


if you merge the servers, the people that are bored becasue of no population will start to filter back.

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Buggy... Bad Graphics... You must be one of those people with a computer that can run WoW right... A game made for yr 2000+ pc's. This game is not going to run on a computer just because it can run WoW. It takes a 2008+ to be able to really play this game, and the graphics in this game are AWESOME. Beats the hell out of any other MMO that i've seen a trailer for, or played.


My computer is an I7 16 GB ram 560 TI with a SSD.


These graphics are terrible and the engine is poorly optimized.

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I dropped $2000 upgrading my comp for this game. Between the bugs, graphic crashes and hanging out in the fleet for 2 hours with less than 50 people, none of which are interested in doing anything, I'm close to calling this game dead. At least for the majority. What a shame. Such high hopes. I'm sticking around till 1.3 and the transfers but if things aren't at least PLAYABLE by then I'm bidding a very sad farewell to what was supposed to be my permanent MMO.
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Cancelled my sub and got a survey mail.

Lets just say there were loads of "If the game were F2P" questions


That's just depressing. I mean, really depressing. This was supposed to be THE game, THE MMO. These seem like rookie mistakes too. Like I said, I'm waiting till 1.3 to make my decision. I want this game to be playable, it's already awesome. Hell, they could have sold each class as a stand alone solo-play game and I would have probably dropped the cash for them, they just don't seem to have a handle on the MMO aspect.


On another note,Goblin Works might just have something. I'll pray to the great PONG, god of all video games, that they manage to pull it off. It might just be what MMOs need so that we aren't disappointed 6 months after every launch.

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Canceled my sub Bio where ? they move to dam slow to maintain interest in this game and they cant even add content they say they will in time to save this game when a company loses 48% percent of its stock value in 6 mos and 400k clients in 2 months theres major issues that devs wont be able to fix. Edited by Brasen
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How is 1.3 million subscribers "dead"? Too spread out? Yes, definitely. But dead? Hardly.


It doesnt have 1.3 million playing they included people whom unsubbed but had actually time remaining, plus trials and freetime. The truth is this the game is already done for, the 400k is those whom left before even putting in a sub originally.

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Kinrath Spider has consistently never had more then 250 people (Imperial side) online at any given time. Primetime fleets of 25-45. I know my server is FAR from alone.


Here's the thing - Diablo 3 goes live tomorrow.


How much more empty can our servers get? :eek: I can't wait (from a 'look at that trainweck' standpoint) to check tomorrow night when I can do a who 1-50 and still not reach 100 people :/

Edited by islander
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Kinrath Spider has consistently never had more then 250 people (Imperial side) online at any given time. Primetime fleets of 25-45. I know my server is FAR from alone.


Here's the thing - Diablo 3 goes live tomorrow.


How much more empty can our servers get? :eek: I can't wait (from a 'look at that trainweck' standpoint) to check tomorrow night when I can do a who 1-50 and still not reach 100 people :/


Hmm, no idea. One prime problem here in Europe (where the vast majority of servers are pernanently 'Light' is that people are leaving and rerolling on the few European servers that consistently display as 'Standard'. (on a long list of EU servers, there are rarely more than 5 that display as even 'standard', which is not good at all) This deserting and rerolling just makes the problem worse on the servers they leave behind.


Personally I don't want to reroll, I have spent too much time getting my primary character to where she is now, not just the leveling to 50 but al the effort beyond that in climbing in valor, gaining gear crafting and modding equipment. That took months and I'm not keen to go through all that again from scratch.


So for me, and those like me left behind on such servers I think it's fair to say we are no longer getting value for our monthly subs.


Take tonight for example, where hours of queuing result in no PvP matches popping up at all (at any level) and the fleet population was below 20 for most of the later evening (from 9.30pm UK time) omwards, dropping even further, such that now at 12.30, there is only one person on the fleet and that's me. And this is pretty much becoming par for the course on this server.


No value at all in fact for that sub.

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