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Server population is dropping...


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I really don't see why they can't just cut 30 servers so it fills up the remaining portions of their servers. They can always expand servers later.


I think they are fearing that certain MMO rule of certainty:


Servers will merge and disappear but NEVER reappear.

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I think they are fearing that certain MMO rule of certainty:


Servers will merge and disappear but NEVER reappear.


Yeah that's probably why but they're forgetting half their subscriber-base is being subjected to long ques and wait times for finding groups and that'll be cause for reason to unsubscribe if they can't have fun within a 10-20 minute span of logging on. At least with server cuts, that'll give them a little more time to figure out what they want to do with this game.

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The fact are the facts. When you log in at 7:43 est on a thursday night, and take a look at the server list. The only server that shows heavy is "The Fatman" PVP. Only 5 other servers show standard, and all the other severs show light. That is the truth of how low the population is getting.


I know folks are going to say go re-roll on a better server, well ok what about legacy points then and having to regrind that back up.


Add on top of that the one idiot working for ea saying hey SWTOR is not in our top 5 list for development anymore did not help us either.


The need to do something quick, if not this is only going to get worse. The bs we have 1.3 million subs, well 30% of those might be playing, might the rest are waiting for their subs to run out.

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I rerolled when the Asia Pacific servers came out, as I didn't want to wait 3 months, by the time transfers came, I had levelled a second character.


The problem is, about a week after the rhakgoul plague event, server pop dropped heavily - and this is on a server that was still experiencing loading queues)


Last night, the fleet was at 120 people on Nar'Dala.


as soon as the diablo 3 servers went down, imperial fleet felt the lag of an extra 180 people...

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Nah server populations are not dropping, there are just less people logging in at the same times. ;)


LOL, yeah server populations arent dropping people.


Just because nobody logs in doesnt mean the population is dropping???????


Population is dropping to the floor like a 100 year old booby.

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LOL, yeah server populations arent dropping people.


Just because nobody logs in doesnt mean the population is dropping???????


Population is dropping to the floor like a 100 year old booby.


No seriously, look the band is still playing... this ship isn't sinking at all.

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Yeah that's probably why but they're forgetting half their subscriber-base is being subjected to long ques and wait times for finding groups and that'll be cause for reason to unsubscribe if they can't have fun within a 10-20 minute span of logging on. At least with server cuts, that'll give them a little more time to figure out what they want to do with this game.




They are scared to close servers when they know it has to be done because it would be admitting that their own forecasts were unrealistically rose-colored, yet as you say if they wait things will only get worse.


I think they are going to have to decide to either cut their losses short now to stop the bleeding and look long term or just wait until the limb rots and starts killing the rest of the body.


It's going to be a loss either way- either a big sacrifice now to help keep subscriptions or wait till the inevitable hits and all is lost.


I guess this is where they seem to have not learned from countless other MMOs or EX feels that this is the best way to turn a PROFIT for them. Whatever they feel nets them the biggest profit will be what EA decides to do whether that is merging servers or waiting it out.

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Quite possibly the saddest way to bury a pretty dammed good game. Got to 46 after coming BACK to this game after months, a few weeks ago. There is nothing to do, I like the game enough that I could entertain myself, I don't need bleeding edge content to be happy, but with not seeing a SINGLE REPUBLIC PLAYER FROM 1-46, 40 minute WZ queue times, a CRAP GTN and not a single person to group with (Only person ON VOSS) I'm out.


Not because of Diablo 3, not for another MMO. Bioware you SAW THIS COMING, maybe not as fast as it did, but you even SAID YOU KNEW...how could you not have a failsafe in place for this???? Man I'm pretty bummed, started BETA over a year ago, played every single build but one....sigh 120 something servers. Lame.

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Quite possibly the saddest way to bury a pretty dammed good game. Got to 46 after coming BACK to this game after months, a few weeks ago. There is nothing to do, I like the game enough that I could entertain myself, I don't need bleeding edge content to be happy, but with not seeing a SINGLE REPUBLIC PLAYER FROM 1-46, 40 minute WZ queue times, a CRAP GTN and not a single person to group with (Only person ON VOSS) I'm out.


Not because of Diablo 3, not for another MMO. Bioware you SAW THIS COMING, maybe not as fast as it did, but you even SAID YOU KNEW...how could you not have a failsafe in place for this???? Man I'm pretty bummed, started BETA over a year ago, played every single build but one....sigh 120 something servers. Lame.


And that's on the imp side. The repub side on Anchrohead is even worse.

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I spent 6 years building a model Sailboat once. I worked on it day and night. It was my pride and joy.

When it was finished, I sailed it 3 times, then I took a **** on it, lit it on fire, and then sold it on ebay.


This is how all articles written about Bioware should start out from this day foreward.

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And that's on the imp side. The repub side on Anchrohead is even worse.


If Bioware would hire a single person from these forums these problems would be fixed.


Simple tasklist:

-Prioritize: As much as people love new content, we would much rather play with ACTUAL people. We don't want early summer, we want now. You have the tech, you proved that with Asia transfers.

-WE THE PEOPLE ARE ASKING FOR THINGS. Listen or you lose money. We want to be able to move into a populated server. If you are going to have server transfers, you can't make us pay unless we want to go from one not populated server to another.

-Star Wars Galaxies has a significance in memory. Nostalgia comes from the very words. I remember a time where there were renown crafters, warriors to look up to, the best of their trade. People would come from different planets all-round to buy their craft or challenge them to a battle. THAT ISN'T HERE. The community is lacking because people don't want to play a game that they are paying to play with other people, but are alone. People want large servers with many people to group up with, fight that boss, adventure.


I love this game. Don't let it die. :sy_republic:

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They are scared to close servers when they know it has to be done because it would be admitting that their own forecasts were unrealistically rose-colored, yet as you say if they wait things will only get worse.


I think they are going to have to decide to either cut their losses short now to stop the bleeding and look long term or just wait until the limb rots and starts killing the rest of the body.


It's going to be a loss either way- either a big sacrifice now to help keep subscriptions or wait till the inevitable hits and all is lost.


I guess this is where they seem to have not learned from countless other MMOs or EX feels that this is the best way to turn a PROFIT for them. Whatever they feel nets them the biggest profit will be what EA decides to do whether that is merging servers or waiting it out.


This is exactly right. If they don't cut their losses now, the game is finished. Might as well stop playing now.

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What bugs me about this is even if they manage to square way bug related issues quickly the time between now and when they start server transfers is going to drive more people away, even if only temporarily…I have given up on any group content as both servers I have characters on no longer have the active playerbase to find and run any group quests…so I am having a single player RPG experience instead of an MMO one…the problem is that seems to be part of what is pushing people away so it just ends up self-perpetuating.


I don’t have a problem leveling without group quests, but the “ghost town” feeling of all the planets I go to is sometimes a little disquieting.


I agree completely. I believe I had a MUCH better time playing the original KOTOR. I expected a single player game, I played one where there were lots of NPC's, there was story, there were memories I will never forget.

NOT. HAPPENING. ON. SWTOR. Merges must happen with high pop servers or we are doomed.

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This is the first time i have posted on server population issues, but it must be done! First i want to say i love SW:TOR and would love to see the game succeed and expand. At the moment, i get the feeling the game is losing sub's and upsetting current players. Bioware/EA needs to push out something ASAP to fix this problem. Otherwise things will just get worst. I can only hope they heed our calls and see our fustration on this matter and actaully do something or at least tell us they how they plan on fixing the problem. I understand it takes time to implement these changes, but Management can at lest tell us what they plan to do and how.
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I know this is a highly talked about topic, but it is peak time on republic side on Sith Meditation Sphere right now, its 8:29 server time, and on republic side there are 77 people online...


Bioware, I really really love this game. I can't stress that enough.

One point I would like to make is that this is the first single player game I have ever played a subscription for.


I really want to explore the content, but I haven't even done a pre 50 flashpoint since early access.

Getting into Operations now is pure luck. Please hurry up and prioritize!


You need to realize that in order for players to continue to pay for your game, this is the number one issue!

Step 1: implement a LFG tool.

Step 2: place low pop servers on top of other low pop servers, or medium pop. servers.

Step 3: ranked warzones

step 4: NOW you can do new content.


New content doesn't matter if there aren't other players to do it with.

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Right, and by that definition torstatus.net is not anecdotal evidence.


- It is clearly not personal observation, it is a continuous, periodic sampling from SWTOR's server status

- It is not a case study: It covers all servers and goes back 60 days in time

- It is not random, it is a systematic sample of server load (Light/Standard/Heavy/Very Heavy/Full)


You buried himtrololol

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