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Eve Online vs SWTOR


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Well, as an EVE player myself, I know you can't compare the two. It's new york vs. L.A... one has nicer weather, but we know which place is really better, don't we? ;) We'll probably never see large fleet fights in TOR, but, what the devs could do, is try to emulate some of the largeness of EVE's space. Exploration, natural phenomena/effects that affect your ship, wormholes, guild stations(attackable, of course), guild vs. guild wars and so on. there's a lot that could be done that would be amazing.


But, after attempting a couple of missions in my X-70 Phantom last night, and seeing how such a beautiful ship(inside, and while docked) was transformed into a flat, 2-D pancake visually, I don't think bioware has an effin' clue when it comes to space combat, and how much it would enrich the game if they took it seriously, and integrated it into the game properly. They SAY they're doing something about space; but, I'll believe it when I see it.


what they put in at launch is, frankly, a slap in the face.

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EVE isn't even in the same dimension as SW:TOR. You're talking about two totally different games with completely different mechanics.


For you "people" that are saying EVE has a horrid story line, you're wrong. Plain and simple. EVE has so much back story, plus what the players do, you could make at least 10 movies and have a continuous TV series and have no shortage of material. EVE came from nothing, is completely original and has lived since 2003.


Games based on Star Wars have the entire Star Wars history to feed off of. Meanwhile, independent games like EVE have to make it up. I'm not saying that there's just some pile of Star Wars story line just sitting around somewhere but give credit where it is due and don't just bash a game's story because YOU think it's bad.

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Lets takea step back here...


All I am saying is Eve has a great SPACE COMBAT system. And the size of the Eve Universe is huge. Does the story line for Eve suck? yes..


I am just talking about Space Combat and Space "interaction" (for use of a better term). Thats all..


Eve does not have a great space combat system. I've been playing it for years, I like the game, but would not call it's space combat great.

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Sorry to pop the bubble but eve is junk i have played from launch i have 3 chars with 127, 84 and 72 m sp respectively the constant excuses and fixes about lag dont work its not an mmo its a second job eve was fun pre rmr after that it lost its apeal
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They created a simplified mini-game to give you something esle to do with your ship besides move from planet to planet and to give you alternate methods of earnng xp.


It's fine for now. The last thing we need is Bioware following a player induced tangent to go try to make space combat the center focus of the game. This is what EVE exists for and it is not the focus of SWTOR.


If you want realistic space combat, play EVE. Of course you will be stuck with a PvP centric gank the noob fest in the player base too. But hey, that's some peoples cup of tea.


I guess you never SWG? Nothing was better than server planned dogfights.

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Swtor will never ever in a million years be able to do anything close to EvE when it comes to space based combat.


Mostly just by the fact that EvE is a massive sandbox MMO and Swtor is.. Well its not really a MMO. Its a single player game with some multiplayer components.


Swtor might see some 1v1 combat in the future between guilds, but I doubt it will go beyond that just by the technical limitations of the engine and servers they use.


The Tranquility server in EvE is a work of art and even that had problems with the old nullsec battles. Though I doubt CCP ever expected battles of 1500+ in the same zone when they first designed the game.


I mean I still like Swtor, but the game is very very limited when it comes to player interaction and what made the space combat in EvE so great is that there is true consequence, conquest and not to mention the fights can get REALLY huge and that is just things I doubt Swtor will ever have because Bioware decided not to focus on it from day 1.

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Overall, they both are great games.. with huge differences. Bioware really needs to revamp the space aspect of the game because, let's face it, it is what "Sci-Fi" is all about, and this running on rails and not really "flying" your ship anywhere might work as a filler, but isn't what an MMO of this caliber should be stuck with. Note to Bioware: Check out the old Freelancer game.. THAT is what space combat should be like.


Yes, if space combat was like Freelancer, I would literally play this game forever.

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I want to know how many people in this thread have ever played EVE, currently play EVE, and what ship they pilot. For me it's have played, not playing now, and piloted the Tengu.


Have played, probably gonna go back (I’m getting the itch) Two accounts, Hulk on one, and was training up combat ships. An Orca on the other and was training towards an Obelisk.

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I have been playing EVE for almost 2 years now and never really quit the cool part of the story in eve is that you forge that story yourself no scriptwriters. if you are part of the great war then your name will be remembered. That's the cool part about EVE you are the story.


To put in SWTOR players perspective imagine that you can carve out your own story and be like darth vader or obi-wan and be heroes forever!!!


Just like all the cool espionage stories you hear from eve that brought great alliances down well you can be part of it too..


in other words..


The Universe Is Yours!!!

Edited by MaxChee
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Have played, probably gonna go back (I’m getting the itch) Two accounts, Hulk on one, and was training up combat ships. An Orca on the other and was training towards an Obelisk.


lol I know what you mean I too am having that itch agn and thankfully I have a plex which I can use any time obviously I am taking a rbeak for SWTOR and the 79 games I have on steam that I haven't really touch at all


Which is why everyone who playes eve for a certain amount of time knows that you never really quit eve, for oyu only take breaks before the abyss calls you back in agn. I


I am PVPer and have joined all the big alliance in the game for fame really but it's a tough life in null sec money is hard to come by and when you get invaded by those goons you ahve no choice but to run.


INFO: Goons are real players who likes to troll the internet and likes to play eve so they get troll us even more

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Comparing EVE Online and SWTOR is comparing apples and oranges. They're both sci-fi about all they have in common. Sandbox vs Themepark makes a huge difference.


Well both have one thing in common, their space flight models suck. Button pushing flight and rails. Yuck.

Edited by Cooltrip
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Comparing EVE Online and SWTOR is comparing apples and oranges. They're both sci-fi about all they have in common. Sandbox vs Themepark makes a huge difference.


Well both have one thing in common, their space flight models suck. Button putting flight and rails. Yuck.


Except in SWTOR blasters are actually good trollface.jpg

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I want to know how many people in this thread have ever played EVE, currently play EVE, and what ship they pilot. For me it's have played, not playing now, and piloted the Tengu.


Been playing 5.5 years, flown everything from an atron to a jump freighter and everything in between. Thanatos, proteus. Lack of story is keeping me away at the moment while I enjoy the BioWare touch in SWTOR. :)

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Sandbox vs Theme Park MMO's cannot be compared, eve would win this in every category but Story, Voice Overs, and typical limiting everything theme park type features/level systems.


You say they cannot be compared, and then you compare them. This is why our community sucks.

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Been playing 5.5 years, flown everything from an atron to a jump freighter and everything in between. Thanatos, proteus. Lack of story is keeping me away at the moment while I enjoy the BioWare touch in SWTOR. :)


yeah me too taking a break to experience another galaxy far far away however there is no denying that we'll end up falling back into our matriarch's arms :p

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yeah me too taking a break to experience another galaxy far far away however there is no denying that we'll end up falling back into our matriarch's arms :p


Yep my little corp will need the help. Hopefully CCP will keep things coming in the light of the crucible expansion...and not keep expansions so long of time between. Or I might be taking a longer break until the next one actually hits. :)

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Yep my little corp will need the help. Hopefully CCP will keep things coming in the light of the crucible expansion...and not keep expansions so long of time between. Or I might be taking a longer break until the next one actually hits. :)


yeah don't worry I know what you mean, I only go back once I figure out what I am gonna do for fun in eve otherwise it'll be light sabre for me for the time being

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I currently play EVE, playing for 2 and a half years and have three separate accounts. Currently part of a null sec alliance that holds a number of systems. Can fly carriers, dreads, black ops, command ships, etc. The PVE in EVE is simple, no real storyline, just straight forward. Its the reason I play SWTOR, because I loved KOTOR and I really enjoy the storyline so far in SWTOR and the PVE setup for the most part. The PVP is lacking severly which is why I don't really bother with it. If I want PVP, I'll go play EVE since PVP in EVE is a lot better and much more fun because it forces you to think since dieing in EVE means you lose you ship. Its a much more complicated system than many people realize.
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