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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of Huttball


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Interesting the creator of this thread is a Shadow.

Shadow is a scoring machine with massive utility in Huttball.


They do and it's unfair that other classes do not have the advantage like mine does.

People defending this mode love their advantage.


It's not tactical.

It's a pathetic excuse for group play.

All Huttball is, is who has the better H-BALL classes.


Ever seen a Combat- transcendence ball run?

Oh please. There is no skill involved.

Edited by Xinika
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Huttball is terrible right now. Pass the ball? you kidding, BW?. Is run, jump, pull with the ball. Big fail.


But can be fixed very very easyly. Ball carrier just cant be pulled (Rescue..), jump enemy/ally, sprint etc. Just pass the ball or you die. It would be fun, not assassins running/scoring through fire, Sages rescuing ball carriers and scoring, tanks jumping etcetcetc. It is not fun, BW. Sucks.

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Huttball is terrible right now. Pass the ball? you kidding, BW?. Is run, jump, pull with the ball. Big fail.


But can be fixed very very easyly. Ball carrier just cant be pulled (Rescue..), jump enemy/ally, sprint etc. Just pass the ball or you die. It would be fun, not assassins running/scoring through fire, Sages rescuing ball carriers and scoring, tanks jumping etcetcetc. It is not fun, BW. Sucks.


Don't let the pullers get into position. It all can be countered by a bounty hunter/trooper who watches the ledges and plays defense. So many times I knocked down sages and grabbed the ball instead of them. All their plans get smashed with one knockback. They have to regroup etc. You're in position to take the ball from the carrier.

Less crying, more thinking. It's a team game. Get yourself similar team with nice additions like BH knocker or Operative who stuns/destroys the pullers to make it unique.



Ranked premade 8v8 will make huttball more awesome not less, because unlike other warzones huttball needs more team play ;)

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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I like huttball. I play a sorc, so maybe it's just a good class for it...? I get how maybe snipers don't have the most fun in a huttball match, but just about every other class I can think of seems to have no problems.


lolwut? sorcs and snipers dominate huttball.


for the record. i enjoy huttball. but i wouldnt enjoy it being rated. just keep it out of rated and leave it to when you queue for random wz's.

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As a Sage, I loathe huttball.

As a Guardian, I am always having a lot of fun on huttbal. So I'm kinda pulled in diffirent directions by this.


Agreed. I play a guardian as well. Certainly, my Guardian Leap and Force Jump give me a significant advantage (especially if I have a spare Force Push ready to activate a second Force Leap), but I'd still enjoy it even I didn't have that advantage.


I certainly understand where you're coming from though Xinika. It indeed caters to more mobile classes. But I think over time they are likely to add more Warzones and Warzone features, thus providing more variety anyway.

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Tier list for huttball


S-tier: Assassin (tank)

A-tier: Sorc (either), Jugg (tank), Mara (with obliterate), Merc (Arsenal), Jugg (non-tank, with obliterate), Powertech (pyro),

B-tier:Pyrotech (Tank) Assassin (non-tank), Operative (heal), Merc (any but Arsenal), Mara (without obliterate),

C-tier: Operative (dps)

D-tier: Sniper


I'd agree with all of this, but I think TBH Operative is at the very bottom, like another poster said they have REALLY good mid range control and huge dps and for controlling mid I've never seen it done so well by a couple of snipers on your team.


Operative you get knocked off its gg, no ranged attacks apart from a grenade and your normal rifle shot, but you can forget about those half the time due to LOS. No closers no nothing, we have to run the whole way around JUST for it to happen again, Since BH's , Sins, Sorcs and their mirrored classes all have knockbacks, then you go force push and grapple , there is just nothing we can do about it, personally if I go up against a pre made in huttball or even a half organised team with decent classes on their team its an absolute joke how much they beat us by and how useless I am in it as a class, I will not be leveling another character just because bioware cannot get balance right, I'll just quit the game (I've already unsubbed) lets see if they fix it in 6 weeks or less to make me reconsider.

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Huttball is definitely my favorite warzone. The thing i like most is that it's the warzone where Gear matters the least. It doesn't matter if your a full WH team if you can't learn to pass the ball or "go intercept that guy waiting for the pass over there instead of mindlessly trying to kill people in mid."


This. Hutball isn't a gear fest, it actually requires some level of skill which is why some people don't like it I suppose.

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Don't let the pullers get into position. It all can be countered by a bounty hunter/trooper who watches the ledges and plays defense. So many times I knocked down sages and grabbed the ball instead of them. All their plans get smashed with one knockback. They have to regroup etc. You're in position to take the ball from the carrier.

Less crying, more thinking. It's a team game. Get yourself similar team with nice additions like BH knocker or Operative who stuns/destroys the pullers to make it unique.



Ranked premade 8v8 will make huttball more awesome not less, because unlike other warzones huttball needs more team play ;)


LOL. First, you can't be EVERYWHERE, but you MUST, cause of pulling & charging & acceleration now. Second, play other classes or analyze gameplay.

You have a knockback? Sorc can knockback, root w/o resolve check, snare, speed-up, pull & run through fire with bubble. Your mercs/troopers are almost useless versus sorc in Hutball. :p

Yeah, i like to play hutball with my sent & can score 3 balls in 2 mins. Can walk through fire with saber ward or GbF, whatever on-line. But.. where is skill? it's just class abilities. :(

With my trooper it's just a headache...

Edited by MAOSPb
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Huttball is the only unique thing about this game. I wish there were more WZ maps like Huttball. In fact, this could be Huttball: The Old Republic and i would play it. Perhaps OP just isn't great at it?


-Merc healer: no sprint, no pull/jump, no interrupt.

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i would rather see civil war and voidstar go before huttball. those maps seem badly designed imo.


that being said i would also want to see leaps/friendly pulls taken away from the ball carrier. I would also like to see the hutball not spawn till 45-60 seconds after the match starts. would help balance teams that dont have a sprint / sentinel speed buff.

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Playing Civil War yesterday and was defending the Generator node, a zerg of 2 repubs attacked. A Consular and Guardian (these guys always top the dmg rankings so only brilliant players must be allowed to play these).


- No problem, I will crouch down and use that orang-ey little balloon looking thing - pulse cover is it, to knock them into a flame pit or acid pool. However, none were there.

- Ok, I will run around while getting the **** kicked out of me and throw the ball at the tank in front just as I'm about to die (of course I dont need heals because the tank will have it and thats the most important thing). But where was the tank?

- I died.


What a stupid warzone! Thankfully the next wz was hutball....no need to use 98% of my abilities....just throw the ball to the tank on the goal line!! Bliss!

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I love Huttball. It certainly is class biased, but the problem lies with class balancing, not Huttbal itself. IMO, operatives/soundrels should have Flash Bang replaced with a Dispel that works against stuns and sprints. The CC breaker should also make you immune to stuns/pulls for 4 seconds. Those are just two examples off the top of my head.


It's pretty unfair when my friend and I play as our Tanksin and Sorc, respectively. Between Force Pull, Spike, Electrocute, Overload, Extricate, Force Shroud, Force Shield, and Sprint... It's absolutely ludicrous how easily we can snag two points right at the beginning of the game with our well choreographed and practiced strategy. I'd tell you.. but I won't. ;)


Very true good sir, and thank you for your honesty, I mentioned a long time ago in a not very serious thread that force abilities being used while carrying the ball were equivalent to a scoundrel being able to stealth while carrying the ball. Of course some people thought I was serious. But i digress.


Classes hjave roles in All Star Huttball Wars I've come tor realise, and scoundrels like myself make great defenders, I've topped the medal charts in a 6-0 loss, yeah figure that one out, it would have been 12-0 if possible.


I agree fully and entirely you should be able to choose your warzone fomr the pathically low number we have, I for one hate Voidstar, I've only just figured out how to leave a Warzone and I now leave instantly on Voidstars pop.


Choosing not removing is the answer.


Huttball is the fond memory I will retain of Star Wars TOR I've had some great games, the Tortanic is sinking however and I shall treasure the last few ones I'll enjoy. We won't need to debate Warzones for very long.


I've said it before release All Star Hutball Wars and I'll buy it, "in a galaxy far away a young Huttball player makes his way through the Pro league dealing with aliens, action and adventure to make his name, his fortune and glory, and er..save the republic form the Empire even though they only seem to play Huttball together and not actually have a War."

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Don't let the pullers get into position. It all can be countered by a bounty hunter/trooper who watches the ledges and plays defense. So many times I knocked down sages and grabbed the ball instead of them. All their plans get smashed with one knockback. They have to regroup etc. You're in position to take the ball from the carrier.

Less crying, more thinking. It's a team game. Get yourself similar team with nice additions like BH knocker or Operative who stuns/destroys the pullers to make it unique.



Ranked premade 8v8 will make huttball more awesome not less, because unlike other warzones huttball needs more team play ;)


Dont make me laugh. A ball Carrier just jumping, running, being pulled etcetc is a piece of crap. It gives an OP advantages to certain classes. Huttball is a tiny warzone, not more room there. I have a Sage and i hate Huttball. I should NOT be able to rescue a ball carrier, or run with it. It is not fun.


Just think about an Scoundrel grabbing the ball and getting stealthed with the ball if the game allowed it. Is OP, right?. But that guy might throw some stupid arguments about: "no mate, is not OP. If you see a Scoundrel getting stealthed with a ball, just fill up the entire warzone with aoes, so you would expose him and kill. So L2P and pick a good team. I do."


Just think about World of Warcraft in WSG. If a Pally uses bubble when carrying the flag, it drops. At least it happened when i played that game. You know why? cos that skill is OP in that case. Here is the same. And it should be fixed. Huttball would be much better and fun.

Edited by Nyaara
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no, huttball is the only warzone, where non-geared little people can win.


1)KB, Push, Pull take no gear requirements so a team of fresh 50's that know how to play huttball can win.


It is refreshing to play huttball but it gets old after 10 times so its more of a pace yourself

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Why cant we just tick some boxes and Queue for the maps we want and if they want to have a minimum amount of randomness still just make us tick 3 out of 4 or 2 out of 4 or something.

Its really silly right now that I have to play Huttball as a Sniper. I understand my role is to just sit mid and sink damage into people going for/carrying the ball but 99% of the game of huttball is beyond my grasp as Sniper.

A LARGE problem with Huttball is also that premades with correct class choice just utterly dominate Huttball. So many games against a premade end in 3 minutes at 6-0 and thats not fun for anyone.

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Huttball is the only WZ that requires tactical teamwork to win. That is the main reason some people dislike it, they want to be Master Chief and run into the fray, guns ablaze, with no regard for themselves or the other members of their team.


You can actually get away with that kind of nonsense in the other WZs as they all reward zerging. Huttball punishes that kind of "strategy".

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Here is the same. And it should be fixed. Huttball would be much better and fun.


No it would certainly not be much more fun. It would be boring, slow and it would turn into another voidstar damage fest. People who destroy others score in huttball in matter of minutes are good players who meet BAD(hint, hint) players or PUGs.


We need premade bracket and pug bracket - that's for sure.


Huttball stays if you like it or not.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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No it would certainly not be much more fun. It would be boring, slow and it would turn into another voidstar damage fest. People who destroy others score in huttball in matter of minutes are good players who meet BAD(hint, hint) players or PUGs.


We need premade bracket and pug bracket - that's for sure.


Huttball stays if you like it or not.


Rock on dude.


OP is just a player that needs to "L2P".

* Here is a hint OP, "You can't just run the ball by your-self".

That is not the concept of the game, your suppose to rely on teamwork.


Teamwork is not needed at all of the other 3 maps, Its just a zerg fest of who can heal,tank,dps better.

* No skill involved, just gear.

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As per many others here, I LOVE hutball! it's the one warzone that's actually based mostly on skill and teamwork than pure brute power like the other warzones. Oh, I should mention that I'm playing a commando, so, no, it's not one of your clasees that's supposedly "made" for huttball.

It took me a while, but you've got to understand that huttball is not about spamming massive damage/heals. It's about running after the ball and doing your best (through passes and such) to get the ball to the goal line. I still see a lot of people hanging around the middle of the field killing one another - there's just no use for it.

By the way, I've also played huttball with my sniper and it was great. Again, concentrate on the ball handler, you've got enough CC's to stop him, and enough damage to drop him fast....


But that's just me

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