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Some players bail too easy in PvP


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came to that conclusion long ago.


its the old "its my 15 bucks a month, i can play how i want to!" argument.


well, that's fine. just don't ask me to also play the way you want to until you pay my 15 bucks a month.


Had that thrown at me too.


"Why don't you buy recruit gear? Not having any expertise only hurts you and your team."



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maybe if you, who call others ADD, checked back a page or two in this thread you'd notice my other posts.


ive said it very clearly.


i will give the same effort my team puts forth. if its a close match, even if it ends up a loss, i have zero problem with that and will stick around and do my best.


but if i get jammed in with a team that is so uncoordinated and/or clueless about the objectives that we're 3 capped within the first couple minutes of ald, or the score in huttball is 0-3 in less than 2 minutes...


you get what you give. you give me nothing, you'll get nothing in return.


and i take back what i said... i won't stop pvping. instead ill just sit and afk in a corner. chances are i won't get vote kicked that often because the teams i leave are so damn uncoordinated that i doubt they could even get enough votes together to boot me before the match ends.


you want to drag me down and force me to play on your level by putting in deserter debuffs, that's fine with me... i have a tv right next to my pc. i can watch a flick and still contribute more to a win than you. but, if possible, ill do everything i can to make sure you lose. not that it would take much effort, since if you had had a chance of winning in the first place i wouldn't have considered leaving the match.


i would have been content to let you suck on your own, but since you insist on dragging me down with you... you'll get the opportunity to reap what you sow. enjoy.


And I've said very clearly you should not be rewarded for this attitude. 30 minute penalty. You and players that think like you deserve it for leaving.

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this statment is way off. i can see maybe 13k but for the most part 16k is full BM gear. i play a Vig Gaurdian in full BM gear with 16.5k buffed HP. i guess there are a ton of people like you that no amount of HP is good enough for people to have for them. some people just think if you are not in max gear that you dont belong in the que. funny thing is you had to do the same grind as the these people and were once at 13 to 14k HP. not liek you join a PvP match for the first time with 20k. i dont get why you would give others a hard time when they are trying to grind out the gear.


one guy today said in chat that no one under 18k is worth a damn and he just would not shut up about it. blaming people for something they have no controll over is idiotic.


It does depend on class but the environment is changing. More and more people are in full or most WH gear, with a ton of people in augmented gear which increases their HP even moreso.


A week or two ago yeah BM gear was fine. Now though? If you're up against one of the premade groups, you probably need 16k+ to be competitive.

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Not gonna lie, I've been guilty of bailing out early in WZs as well. I never feel good doing it but it takes a lot of frustration to lead me to do this.


For example, last night while on a 9-10 game losing streak. Joined Civil War, WZ leader instructed two ppl head left, the rest zerg middle. WZ starts, I go to middle and gets killed in less than 3 seconds, ***? Then I realized 3-4 decided to go left and the rest went right; I was alone in mid. The opposing team (repubs) immediately caps mid and snow, and I leave WZ in disgust.


It takes a long losing streak or poor play to get me to bail like that. When it does, I usually have to take a break from PVP to relax.

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maybe if you, who call others ADD, checked back a page or two in this thread you'd notice my other posts.


ive said it very clearly.


i will give the same effort my team puts forth. if its a close match, even if it ends up a loss, i have zero problem with that and will stick around and do my best.


but if i get jammed in with a team that is so uncoordinated and/or clueless about the objectives that we're 3 capped within the first couple minutes of ald, or the score in huttball is 0-3 in less than 2 minutes...


you get what you give. you give me nothing, you'll get nothing in return.


and i take back what i said... i won't stop pvping. instead ill just sit and afk in a corner. chances are i won't get vote kicked that often because the teams i leave are so damn uncoordinated that i doubt they could even get enough votes together to boot me before the match ends.


you want to drag me down and force me to play on your level by putting in deserter debuffs, that's fine with me... i have a tv right next to my pc. i can watch a flick and still contribute more to a win than you. but, if possible, ill do everything i can to make sure you lose. not that it would take much effort, since if you had had a chance of winning in the first place i wouldn't have considered leaving the match.


i would have been content to let you suck on your own, but since you insist on dragging me down with you... you'll get the opportunity to reap what you sow. enjoy.


If I tried to match the effort dudes too cheap to buy their recruit gear and who zerg mindlessly put out I'd never get anything done in WZs. Better to work around them and use them as a distraction so you get something out of the drop.

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Had to bail from civil war myself. Before the match leader instructed 2 go to our left, 1 cap the other intercept any that come along. The rest go mid, optional for 1 to go to our right. At that point I spoke up and said that I would go right.


I then walk over to the right speeded because it is faster and will need every advantage I can get if I want to stop the other teams quick cap. I am first out the gate and head over to our right side. About the same time I notice that there are 4 on the other team going to cap, a sage sprints past me. We are not going to slow down 4 pepole with 2 enough to be meaningfull so I take a look at the map to see where we may need help.


Mid gets capped right about that time and I see every single other person went to the middle. I had to count them all to make sure, thinking maybe someone went left and got swarmed and was on their way back but no. All 6 of them were sitting in the middle.


A few seconds later our left side gets capped because the other 4 opponents went to our left. This means that of the other 7 players, 1 of them did not follow the plan to send just 1 to the right. And the other 6 did not have the sence to realize that maybe they should be going somewhere else instead of standing around capping while no one attacked them.


I am in customer service and I get paid to deal with stupid people, I am not about to do it in my free time as well.


You know when you are trying to cap a door or turret (not the new one) and you are about half way into it and there are 3 other team members against 1 or 2 of the other team? You know how much you want to strangle the person that runs up to the door at that point and tries to cap as well instead of trying to stop everyone else from hitting you? That times 7.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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i truly dislike the internet.


if 8 strangers were sitting in a room together playing a huttball match they would be less likely, when the enemy gets the upper hand, to storm out raging about what baddies the others were.


behave how you would if you were face to face.


which means suppress your selfish and immature nature for the benefit of the community.

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for the most part im pretty sure the people who leave have no problem with spending time in a close match, even if its a loss.


its just that experience allows many of us to judge pretty early in the match, based off of the actions of our randomly selected teammates, the odds of it being a close match or a pure and simple curb stomping.


an example: did a novare last night. i stuck around. about 3 minutes into it we were holding 1 bunker, we'd get 2, but instantly lose the second one as my team was doing nothing but zerging and letting the repubs just take the bunker we left undefended.


i went ahead and decided to try and defend. when someone yelled about me "not fighting", i couldn't help it. i told him that "this match is already lost, i might as well get some coms out of it by defending."


his reply was that "its not over till the end"


at the end, when the final score was 0-96... i mentioned that id been right earlier, he just didn't know it.


experience counts for alot. sometimes my instincts are wrong, but more often than not, when i know the match is lost early on, but stick around anyways, im proven right in the end.


Your experience in NC is one I've had frequently and is a textbook example of the 'others' on your team not understanding the objectives of the match. Had this person understood, he wouldn't have criticized you for defending to prevent a back-cap. I've actually gotten several MVP votes by being the one person who solo defends a point in CW or NC and the rest of the team recognized my 'sacrifice'. In such cases, I usually have the lowest dps/heals but have plenty of objective points and related medals.

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I welcome quitters. If it only takes one fast touchdown or objective capture to make you quit please queue more; I could really use the free gear.




For some reason, even though everyone is clearly quitting in the first 30 seconds, the games where my team is ahead we still see the same enemy team.

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And I've said very clearly you should not be rewarded for this attitude. 30 minute penalty. You and players that think like you deserve it for leaving.


well then, to make it fair...


we should go back to giving out zero rewards for losing.


you know, like they tried to do a couple weeks back.


after all, if im going to be punished for not "being a teamplayer" shouldn't you be punished for the same thing?


because lets face it... there's more to being a teamplayer than simply showing up to practice. if you aren't going to put in the effort to get better, then you should be punished for wasting my time.


you say im not a teamplayer because i leave you behind, and want to punish me for it. ok. but that means you need to be punished for when im forced to stick around and you continue to underperform.


you want to punish me for leaving, i won't leave, so long as you get punished for playing badly match after match after match.


after all... fair is fair, right? or are you one of those people who only see selfishness in others but refuse to take responsibility for your own faults?

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Just started PVP 2 about weeks ago, on solo que.


I have never left a match in progress. I never intend to but ... I am now a little wiser. I have had I guess 25+ games of Huttball. I don't think I have ever been on the winning team for any of them. Pretty much lose 0-6 every game. I am now sick of Huttball. I don't mind losing but the total one sided-ness of it is depressing and I see no improvement.


I suppose if i was on the otherside winning 6-0 really easily and smashing them to bits, this would be great fun and I guess I would be upset if the opposition left, much better if they stayed to let our team pulp them eh.


I started a new policy this week, when I get forced into a Huttball map - I hit the leave WZ button immediately, hopefully this is before the match has started. Better to give my slot to someone who wants to be there.

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i truly dislike the internet.


if 8 strangers were sitting in a room together playing a huttball match they would be less likely, when the enemy gets the upper hand, to storm out raging about what baddies the others were.


behave how you would if you were face to face.


which means suppress your selfish and immature nature for the benefit of the community.


not quite true. im not pvping for the community. no more than any athlete plays a sport for the community. ask any athlete who has seen a championship and he'll tell you he plays for himself and his team.


but here's the rub... he plays for his team because he respects them. he respects them because he knows they are just as dedicated to improving themselves and winning the championship as he is.


but when you get random people thrown together, there is no respect, and it won't be earned until those randoms show each other that they have some level of ability. if they never show that ability, they will never be respected.


which means that pro will never play for his team... he'll only play for himself at that point.


is it any wonder why the pro players, who get stuck with these special olympics rejects, get disgusted with their "teammates" during the championship matches?

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I started a new policy this week, when I get forced into a Huttball map - I hit the leave WZ button immediately, hopefully this is before the match has started. Better to give my slot to someone who wants to be there.


this is why i love the people saying "30 minute penalty for leaving"


with a penalty... they just get me sitting in a corner watching tv while waiting out the loss, instead of simply leaving and opening up a spot for either a sadomasochist who likes losing or a pro player with the patience of a saint.


if its not worth my time and effort to try and carry them without the penalty... what in heaven makes them think that adding a deserter penalty will suddenly change my mind and make me think its worthwhile for me to start propping them up?

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I never left a warzone prior to hitting L50. Even though you win and loose some, you can still have fun and contribute to the match in most cases.


Since hitting L50 and seeing the huge difference in inbalance resulting from the gear vs gear system in place, I have started leaving warzones. Personally, I will still try it out for a while to see if we have a decent match but as soon as I find I am not able to kill anyone or get rolled in a few seconds to death then I consider that no fun and I leave. Win or loose isnt the main issue as you can get reasonable rewards in loosing, but if I am simply unable to compete with the opposition then where is the fun in that?


A penalty for deserters will not help the issue, all it would mean for me is that I don't queue again for an extended period and I do something else or as the previous post suggested to just sit it out till the match is over but go watch TV or browse the web etc.


People leaving the warzones will not be an issue if there was better balance in the matches. People having fun will not leave and putting a 'law' in place to address this doesnt address the root cause of the issues with PVP.


My view on this is they need to remove Expertise, rebalance the items between PVE and PVP and address the CC issues around the Resolve system so players arent feeling like its a waste of time to say and fight.

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i truly dislike the internet.


if 8 strangers were sitting in a room together playing a huttball match they would be less likely, when the enemy gets the upper hand, to storm out raging about what baddies the others were.


behave how you would if you were face to face.


which means suppress your selfish and immature nature for the benefit of the community.


Er, if you have 8 random people together, and there are people in the group who are obnoxious, stupid and/or incompetent, most intelligent and capable people are just going to leave.


The only way you'd think otherwise is if...you've never actually done anything in a group in your life. Even when you have great groups of people, if someone is just having an off day or doesn't feel like being there, they're going to leave. And those are people that are good friends that know each other. People that don't know each other have much less incentive to stick around.


There are a lot of obnoxious people that play this game. While you'd think that they wouldn't be as annoying in person, that does not mirror reality. People do stupid things and say stupid things. Most obnoxious people know that you can't beat them up or else you get thrown in jail, so they can act freely.

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Bioware both encourages and rewards people the quit out of warzones on their teammates, until that changes it is and will continue to get worse.


Make leaving a warzone be like dying in world pvp, charge the repair costs and in addition add a short 15 min or so debuff to the player so that they can't join any other match except a short window to rejoin the match that they just left in case of a disconnect.


Actually make the debuff only allow them to rejoin the match they left. So they can fight it out and gain something or just sit until its over and gain nothing. Let's see how precious that time is then.


Most of the quitters I see on my server are the so called elite. They are awesome when they are steamrolling PUGs and undergear with their premade but the second they meet up with a better premade they are bailing left and right. And as for someone filling the spot instantly that is far from always true. I have fought whole warzones with only 3-4 people.

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I don't get why people leave straight away actually. If I can get a couple of badges within the first minute I will almost certainly stay and farm badges at least. Especially Huttball.


Huttball is probably the EASIEST place to farm badges because people get left behind a lot amid all these fast movements and if you are good at 1v1 and escape when getting gang on you can get a lot of badges. I can easily come out with also as much comms as someone who won with medicore amount of badges.


But I guess not everyone who pvp is actually any good at killing or healing or tanking, that's probably the reason why those people leave - they know they won't get many badges anyways because what they do won't count as contributing.


I have been in a lot of games where a losing-but-farm-killing which turned into a win at the end because when you kill enough of their guys repeatedly they get mad and want to try to hunt you down, which makes their team lose focus of the objective and allows your team in.


And when you do that enough in all the WZs, you become pretty much hunted on sight, which in effect helps your team even more because they are not paying attention to others, lol.

Edited by aRtFuL
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this is why i love the people saying "30 minute penalty for leaving"


with a penalty... they just get me sitting in a corner watching tv while waiting out the loss, instead of simply leaving and opening up a spot for either a sadomasochist who likes losing or a pro player with the patience of a saint.


Good point.


Obviously you've now opened up the need for a vote-kick penalty coupled with a deserter penalty, in which those who have been vote-kicked shall also be penalized in the same manner as a deserter.



...if its not worth my time and effort to try and carry them without the penalty... what in heaven makes them think that adding a deserter penalty will suddenly change my mind and make me think its worthwhile for me to start propping them up?


If you're not willing to commit time and effort to every game you join (...in which the very process of joining a game presupposes that kind of time and commitment from each indiviual) then honestly the game really doesn't need to cater for opportunistic bottom feeding scum of a deserter IMO.


You're not worthwhile to be considered as a gamer in the first place, so what you think is worthwhile or not, we couldn't care about less.

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this is why i love the people saying "30 minute penalty for leaving"


with a penalty... they just get me sitting in a corner watching tv while waiting out the loss, instead of simply leaving and opening up a spot for either a sadomasochist who likes losing or a pro player with the patience of a saint.


if its not worth my time and effort to try and carry them without the penalty... what in heaven makes them think that adding a deserter penalty will suddenly change my mind and make me think its worthwhile for me to start propping them up?


That's why we have the vote/kick system in place for people like you. ;) So you can give an effort or just quit pvp all together as you will be constantly vote/kicked.

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That's why we have the vote/kick system in place for people like you. ;) So you can give an effort or just quit pvp all together as you will be constantly vote/kicked.


...which is actually less than deserter scum deserve.


We should do it like how League of Legend handles game-dropping scum.

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yeah its bad if I am on the losing team i notice many leave or AFK.


there needs to be greater reward for staying . I say this because blizzard just penalized people for leaving and penalites dont work in my Oppinion. there needs to be an extra 50 commendations for staying in a warzone the whole time even if you lose.

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