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  1. Account Creation Date: 12.06.08 #58272 I was in the betas and followed the game from when it was first announced. Was a vet from SWG looking for a new Star Wars home.
  2. QFT, I live in Texas and this is 100% true. The only ice we know how to handle here is in our sweet tea.
  3. Made me lol as well. Good tip.
  4. Actually I think making Polarity Shift a permanent buff would work better and make it the teir 6 ability switching places with Reverberating Force. It should also go to 5 points with each point giving 5% alacrity. Reverberating Force can go to 1 point for it's 50% increase to damage for affliction, CL & TB. I also think Lightning Spire should be changed to make Lightning Strike Instant Cast. For Madness make Death Field a targeted ability like CL instead of a area ground target to increase the mobility of the spec.
  5. I have to agree with this and all others who posted the same. You want to nerf abilities for your lack of "player skill". That player skill that you say is trumped by composition should also include situational awareness and not doing dumb things like give a ball carrying jumper a jump point or let sorc/sages position on your side for pulls. We all see it all the time, someone standing at the edge of the pit firing down as the ball carrier is just waiting for his leap to come off cooldown. Your side of the ramps covered with opposing players ready for pull/pass support of their ball carrier while half you team is playing deathmatch in the middle. The only way any of this has to do with composition is the ratio of dumb vs smart players not advanced class make up. So next time your in a game of huttball watching the above mentioned blunders, plus the many others I didn't take time to list, don't blame game mechanics and come to the forums for nerfs, blame the idiots your playing with for not learning to play the warzone properly.
  6. That's why we have the vote/kick system in place for people like you. So you can give an effort or just quit pvp all together as you will be constantly vote/kicked.
  7. The surest way to tell is that a speed hacker can not be snared or their speed altered in any way. The program they run sets their speed at a certain % that can't be altered by anyone but them. For some odd reason BW lets your client tell the server how fast you are moving. For example, when they have the huttball they will not be slowed. When they are hit with a sorc's lightning they will not slow. Normally when a snare debuff is applied to you your client will tell the server your speed in now X% however a speed hackers client tells the server it is still the same % they have it set for.
  8. Actually make the debuff only allow them to rejoin the match they left. So they can fight it out and gain something or just sit until its over and gain nothing. Let's see how precious that time is then. Most of the quitters I see on my server are the so called elite. They are awesome when they are steamrolling PUGs and undergear with their premade but the second they meet up with a better premade they are bailing left and right. And as for someone filling the spot instantly that is far from always true. I have fought whole warzones with only 3-4 people.
  9. What they are doing is making a dependency on crafters and crafting. Like others are pointing out you still need to get the pvp gear to get the high level mods out of it. Then you take those high level mods and place them in orange crit crafted gear to get your extra slot and most likely a look you are happy with instead of everyone running around looking the same as it is now. I'm taking your main complaint is the cost to the crafter. Easily solved, grind your own crafting and use the profit from your sales to finance your purchase of the things you can't craft. If you're to lazy for that then keep QQ until BW hands you what you want.
  10. Though it may not seem like it there are those of us that do see what you and others like you do for the match and appreciate it very much. If I see your name in green floating over my head with those incoming heals you can bet i'm looking for your name for that MVP at the end of the match.
  11. As do I. This guy is a shining example of everything that is wrong with this game. Everyone looks at WoW and wants to duplicate what they did. WoW didn't do anything special, it's a mediocre MMO at best. It has nothing in it that hasn't been done before. Most of the hardcore fanboys of WoW had never even played an MMO before and only have it to base an opinion on. The things that WoW did right was Make it run on any system Marketing - If someone buys a lawn mower at home depot make sure they get a free trial at the register Open it up to the asian market for inflated sub numbers to hand to marketing so it looks like "everyone" is playing your game and it's to new "cool" thing to be playing. Use all the above to attract people who never played an MMO before and let them experence the awe we all felt for our first MMO I relate developers trying to mimic WoW to all the cell phone makers trying to copy the IPhones and IPads.
  12. evhallion

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    What that ss really shows is 3 other Sorcs doing 187K, 124K, & 76K and next to no healing and what they did do was probally self healing in between combat. THAT is the norm in WZ for 90% of Sorcs, not you posting a screen of your all time personal best fluk you pulled out once under conditions we don't know.
  13. Just so we can make it clear for BW, is there a single PvP player who is in favor of the current RNG bag system currently in game? I have seen several threads with good suggestions for change, from medal quest objectives to straight Comm purchase of tokens. Honestly any of these would be a welcome change from what it is now. The system as it is now is NOT rewarding or fair by any stretch of the imagination. It's one thing to run the hamster grind wheel when you know the reward at the end, it is a complete different thing when the outcome is unknown. I know of no one who would consider such a grind FUN and isn't playing a game suspose to be FUN? Bioware you claim to listen to your playerbase and love to tell the media about your "player driven changes" Well here is a change the playerbase is screaming for, will you listen? A good start will be to post and acknowledge this issue. Then we can work on a solution. Players, let's do our part and give them the constructive feedback they claim helps them so much. Please post your ideas to this thread or just add your voice as one who wants change.
  14. The solution for all of this is simple. Don't just put in a medal for scoring but several that encourage team play. one for putting guard on the ball carrier one for healing ball carrier (or several for how much you heal the ball carrier) one for putting sheild on the ball carrier One for passing to a player in the endzone allowing a score one for pulling a ball carrier to the endzone (or out of the pit, up a ramp, over the fire, etc) one for passing the ball one for receiving the pass one for being in close proximity to the ball carrier and for how long (like guarding caps in alderan) These are just a few examples but you get the idea. It is within BW's power to reward playing the game and not just turning it into a deathmatch.
  15. I have a full set of this and I was thinking I got the pants from the Tat bonus series quest, can't remeber the name, but it's a group x4 to kill a ton of sand people for the mandos.
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