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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to destroy Mar/Sents.


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I have done a lot of studying to figure out how to beat these classes. I have video and stats to back it up. I did this NFL style watching game tape. Steps are below!


1. Kite!


2. Kite more!


3. More kiting!


There use to be skill in this game. Stop requesting the removal of that skill. Learn your class before you destroy the game.


Battlemaster Sorc



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Sorry but when was there skill in this game?


No class is hard to play, they are all very generic and mundane.


Yes there are some great skillful team mechanics to pull off, but individual skill in swtor im sorry to say is really lacking. Classes are just too generic. Im sure in time as abilities are added it will add some "flare" to classes. But the current state of the game just doesnt scream "he was too skilled for me". IMHO of course.

Edited by Swidgin
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Sorry but when was there skill in this game?


No class is hard to play, they are all very generic and mundane.


Yes there are some great skillful team mechanics to pull off, but individual skill in swtor im sorry to say is really lacking. Classes are just too generic. Im sure in time as abilities are added it will add some "flare" to classes. But the current state of the game just doesnt scream "he was too skilled for me". IMHO of course.


There is plenty of individual skill in this game. It's been my experience that those who say "this game takes no skill" are more often than not people who posses very little of it themselves.

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Roll Sniper/GS




I loooove Mara's and Jugg's on my GS in particular the new ones who dossent know that i cant be jumped to in cover.... The Way they stand there jumping up n down trying to figure out why they cant leap up and rock my World is alot of fun.

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Just fresh out from novare coast playing against a team with 6 sents. We kited them so well that they exploded to little bits 1 sec after they jumped off the base and god of kiting descended from the sky and gave us a golden kiting medals and made the rep sentinels delete their acccounts.
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You people are so full of it.


I'd give 5 million credits to anyone who can successfully kite me, other than a sniper.


We have just as many anti-kiting tools as you have kiting tools. The only class that can negate this, as I said, are snipers, because we can't leap to them.



15% permanent movement speed increase

Spammable snare at no focus cost

Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed

80% speed increase through transcendence

Master strike which roots

Crippling throw which roots

Force stasis

CC breaker

Awe with no focus cost


Yeah, you aren't kiting me liars.

Edited by BiggDirty
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You people are so full of it.


I'd give 5 million credits to anyone who can successfully kite me, other than a sniper.


We have just as many anti-kiting tools as you have kiting tools. The only class that can negate this, as I said, are snipers, because we can't leap to them.



15% permanent movement speed increase

Spammable snare at no focus cost

Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed

80% speed increase through transcendence

Master strike which roots

Crippling throw which roots

Force stasis

CC breaker

Awe with no focus cost


Yeah, you aren't kiting me liars.


Yeah ataru form is the anti- kiting spec though. An in order to get those tools you make yourself weaker against other melee.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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You people are so full of it.


I'd give 5 million credits to anyone who can successfully kite me, other than a sniper.


We have just as many anti-kiting tools as you have kiting tools. The only class that can negate this, as I said, are snipers, because we can't leap to them.



15% permanent movement speed increase

Spammable snare at no focus cost

Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed

80% speed increase through transcendence

Master strike which roots

Crippling throw which roots

Force stasis

CC breaker

Awe with no focus cost


Yeah, you aren't kiting me liars.


I like you. You get it.


I don't understand why everyone is Watchman/Annihilation with Combat/Carnage is just soooo much better for pvp.

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Yeah ataru form is the anti- kiting spec though. An in order to get those tools you make yourself weaker against other melee.


In order to kite you need to be able to do dmg at range, which means you are talking about sorcs, commandos and gunslingers ONLY. So you're then "just kite them" argument fails already based on not applying to 66% of classes, but more so ...


The TTK on my Sent vs an Inq is so laughable they are hardly worth mentioning. Leap, sweep, chock, toss, leap, master, sweep is my opener vs. their opener of stand there mezed and bleed. So I'm full heath and they are either dead or at less then 20% heath and bleeding ... how are they kitting?


Sent vs mercenary? Ummm ... you should play that class a bit and get back to us all about how well they do while trying to be mobile. Between their zero ways to increase their own speed and zero ways to decrees mine, they don't kite all that well.


The ONLY paper to my rock is sniper and ONLY because I can't jump to them. If they get to start the fight at 35 meters and force me to close it's over before it starts. But If they are not in cover when I find them, just like the sorc, they can not recover from my opener.


That being said, my OPness is overstated. We don't have a win button you can spam and kill anything and everyone sorcs and mercs did for almost 4 months. I'm still losing one on one to a few classes all the time and a few others some of the time. But any argument that starts with "Oh no, you can counter them easy, just ..." is wrong. I have no counter on the field right now apart from flat out being outplayed. As this isn't true for any other class, I honestly think a re-balance is coming and I wont whine about it.

Edited by lexiekaboom
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As a Scoundrel, I have to open up on them, then it becomes a fight of whether or no I can get behind him enough times.


Its a pretty good fight sometimes.


They arent that bad, though I have to burn almost every defensive CD (not my vanish) to beat one in a reasonable time. PVP isnt a 1v1 game either.


I just wish their heal debuff was dispellable. It will cost me a 4 sec cooldown and a global. Thats enough to hinder anyone that even notices it with the terrible buff sizing.


Let's be honest, the influx of Sent/Mara with this debuff has lead to fewer people being healers.

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This is true. I can destroy bad sentinals and marauders a good one is nigh unbeatable.


You people are so full of it.


I'd give 5 million credits to anyone who can successfully kite me, other than a sniper.


We have just as many anti-kiting tools as you have kiting tools. The only class that can negate this, as I said, are snipers, because we can't leap to them.



15% permanent movement speed increase

Spammable snare at no focus cost

Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed

80% speed increase through transcendence

Master strike which roots

Crippling throw which roots

Force stasis

CC breaker

Awe with no focus cost


Yeah, you aren't kiting me liars.

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I have done a lot of studying to figure out how to beat these classes. I have video and stats to back it up. I did this NFL style watching game tape. Steps are below!


1. Kite!


2. Kite more!


3. More kiting!


There use to be skill in this game. Stop requesting the removal of that skill. Learn your class before you destroy the game.


Battlemaster Sorc




You say this as if you have ever successfully kited a marauder, who wasn't completely incompetent, as a sorc.


You haven't.


A sorc doesn't have the tools to kite anyone for any decent amount of time unless that person is severely incompetent. Kiting does not exist in this game beyond early level warriors who have no decent abilities. And even then only if they leap in as an opener and get knocked back and snared.


In the old days of EQ the classes that kite could do so bacause they were extremely squishy. It was balance to the hardy warrior who could take a beating and dish it at close range. A warrior would make quick work of them if they couldn't kite. In SWTOR the warrior has means to negate kiting attempts, but the def vs dmg hasn't been balanced in the case of marauder vs sorc. So the EQ wizards, in this example, are just SOL. Warriors can now root and snare the casters.. FROM RANGE in some instances. If a sorc snares and a marauder pops their root or snare(which they would do 1st), the effect cancels each other out. That is the problem with TOR. It isn't balanced. Everyone can do everything. Kite and anti-kite. It all just cancels itself out and then you're left who who can deliver the most damage in the shortest amount of time.


This is why a competent marauder will ALWAYS beat a competent sorcs. The sorc has to be stationary to maximize DPS. Getting any range can only be achieved early in the fight and only if the warrior opens with a leap. Sadly, what early range advantage you get isn't enough to make up for the beating you're going to get when they do reach you. And they will. You have nothing in your arsenal that can hold them off for long. The marauder can run around and never stop moving while dishing out tons of damage and negating the would be kiter with his own snares and roots (or anti CC buffs). As a juggernaut the first thing I do is snare. Good luck kiting me. I usually don't open with leap just so that opponents will waste their kb.

Edited by Dayshadow
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I like you. You get it.


I don't understand why everyone is Watchman/Annihilation with Combat/Carnage is just soooo much better for pvp.


While I agree- annihilation is still better than any other AC's best spec... and, anni is amazing for fighting melee classes, not to mention it's still good enough at facing anyone who tries to kite me.


Fact is- we have two specs that are still the best two pvp specs in the game- while most other classes might have one that's decent.



Not to mention kiting takes a lot of skill, an be easily interrupted by anyone else, is nigh impossible when I can leap you any time you're in kiting range, and if you mess up once I will destroy you in seconds... compare that to a sorc- limited time you can keep me snared, very limited time you can keep me rooted- you get one stun, a very short range knockback- your mez breaks on your main damage- dots. And, while you're kiting you are limited in the damage you can do to two weak dots and a weak shock- if you want to do real damage you need crushing and FL- the moment you stand still you're done.


Good luck kiting a marauder for a minute to get a kill though- you can, though, kite a marauder pretty easily with two or three madness sorcs.... which is lovely, needing multiple characters to take on a marauder.


As annihilation- I've lost to sentinels, I've lost to an ops who got a lot of lucky crit strings, I've lost to assassins from time to time, and to pyrotechs with lucky crit strings, and pretty much to any sniper when I have no LoS nearby- losing to a sorc though is almost impossible as a marauder, heck, I can charge a sorc when I'm at 50% health and still never lose to them.

Edited by fungihoujo
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There use to be skill in this game. Stop requesting the removal of that skill. Learn your class before you destroy the game.


There has never been skill in this game, especially in PvP. Its been, and continues to be, GEAR and the luck of the draw on who's CDs are up or not.


This combat is acceptable (not great) for PvP .... it is a total fricking joke for PvP. The ONLY possible skill you can bring into play is moving around, and almost every class has auto-targeting spells to defeat that.


Gear and CDs. You got em, you win, you aint got em, you lose.

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I have done a lot of studying to figure out how to beat these classes. I have video and stats to back it up. I did this NFL style watching game tape. Steps are below!


1. Kite!


2. Kite more!


3. More kiting!


There use to be skill in this game. Stop requesting the removal of that skill. Learn your class before you destroy the game.


Battlemaster Sorc




I have 1 more tactic, as smart as yours...


1. Kill him before he kills you!


2. Kill him before he kills you again..!


3. More Kill him before he kills you...!


--> "Insert some lie here to make ppl think u are smart, with the classic L2p line"


Battlemaster Mara



Edited by unicornfive
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You people are so full of it.


I'd give 5 million credits to anyone who can successfully kite me, other than a sniper.


We have just as many anti-kiting tools as you have kiting tools. The only class that can negate this, as I said, are snipers, because we can't leap to them.



15% permanent movement speed increase

Spammable snare at no focus cost

Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed

80% speed increase through transcendence

Master strike which roots

Crippling throw which roots

Force stasis

CC breaker

Awe with no focus cost


Yeah, you aren't kiting me liars.


Wow this is the first time I have actually seen a Sent/Mara making up stuff to try to get thermselves nerfed. Makes me think you are not really a Sent/Mara player...


Leap - Yeah we can do that. The one gap closer for a class that needs to be right next to someone to hurt them

15% permanent movement increase - Um no.

Spammable snare at no focus cost - Um no.

Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed - Doesn't break roots post 1.2

80% speed increase through transcendence - 50% actually

Master strike which roots - Doesn't root.

Crippling throw which roots - Doesn't root.

CC breaker - Just like every other class

Force Stasis - Yes we have that ability, doesn't stop someone from kiting however

Awe with no focus cost - Definitely not a kite defense since it stuns people within like 6 feet of the Sent/Mara


Congrats, you have obviously never even played a Sent/Mara.

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Wow this is the first time I have actually seen a Sent/Mara making up stuff to try to get thermselves nerfed. Makes me think you are not really a Sent/Mara player...


Leap - Yeah we can do that. The one gap closer for a class that needs to be right next to someone to hurt them

15% permanent movement increase - Um no.

Spammable snare at no focus cost - Um no.

Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed - Doesn't break roots post 1.2

80% speed increase through transcendence - 50% actually

Master strike which roots - Doesn't root.

Crippling throw which roots - Doesn't root.

CC breaker - Just like every other class

Force Stasis - Yes we have that ability, doesn't stop someone from kiting however

Awe with no focus cost - Definitely not a kite defense since it stuns people within like 6 feet of the Sent/Mara


Congrats, you have obviously never even played a Sent/Mara.





you should read up on the skill trees before saying others dont know the class.

As a Combat Spec-

Yes, you have a 15% passive speed boost

Yes, camo still breaks roots

Yes, Transendance is 80% move speed

Yes, Master Strike and Crippling Throw both root


I wont even nitpick the rest of the stuff you are off on.

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you should read up on the skill trees before saying others dont know the class.

As a Combat Spec-

Yes, you have a 15% passive speed boost

Yes, camo still breaks roots

Yes, Transendance is 80% move speed

Yes, Master Strike and Crippling Throw both root


I wont even nitpick the rest of the stuff you are off on.


I got a question for you. How long can you keep up transcendance?


There is this sentinel on my server who is constantly sprinting around in EVERY fight. Not every WZ, but every single time I see this chick she is sprinting in combat. That seems ridiculously OP'd to me. Thing is, she is the only one I've seen do this all the time. Can you always have 30 stacks of centering at all times? I mean, she comes of the speeder and starts bolting.


I'm just checking because I am under the impression she has some kinfd of transcendance/centering hack.

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