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4 player heroic quests need to go,


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Selfish much?!


Some people CAN do them. Some people WANT to do them.


If you cannot get people to assist you, and you cannot get them done, either stop taking them...or delete them.


Move on.


I agree completely with this. I think a lot of people online think MMO stands for "massivly Mine online" it's all about me and my experience and i want the game tailored to only what i like, and f -off everyone else. You want to play a single player Rpg then play a single player Rpg,


I personally like the heroics 2 and 4, they're fun, challenging, you can even sometimes get titles or codex entries from them, but they aren't necessary to complete the game. I've done as many as i've can but for various reasons i haven't done everysingle one.


Also like those above me if you don't seem to like the responses here then: This is not the game you are looking for- please move along

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I think that some gamers aren't meant to play mmos. There's nothing wrong about it but the moment you subscribe to a mmo, you're becoming part of that mmo community no matter if you like it or not. I always tell to myself that if I profoundly hate some mmo feature, there's another player who must have fallen in love with it.
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Has anyone brought up the power-leveling issue yet? A lot of the people you see on those middle planets are alts who just want to get to 50 so they can craft for their main/guild or fulfill a different support role, or just faceroll as FOTM in pvp (they won't, but they think they will).


And heroics just take too long. Making the group, waiting for everyone to travel to the start, potentially wiping because someone in the group is not a good player, etc. Much quicker to do solo quests and the occassional pvp to bolster your level if needed (you are going to need those comms anyway...)

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I just wanted to say I agree with the main poster. They need to go. I posted about this days ago in suggestion box and was railed on by the elites so I am glad that I was right and more people agree with me.


You were railed on by non-selfish, non-entitled people, not the elites.


Don't take the quest, or delete the quests off the system so no one can do them.


Either way YOU are not doing them so why ruin the fun for everyone else?


It amazes me that people actually think like this and convince themselves that they make any sense whatsoever.


And no, I personally do not do the group 4 quests, but that does not mean I am going to ask for them to be removed so others cannot enjoy them.

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I just wanted to say I agree with the main poster. They need to go. I posted about this days ago in suggestion box and was railed on by the elites so I am glad that I was right and more people agree with me.


Wait, so people criticizing you are being "elites"? You and the OP want to remove a completely optional part of the game that some people enjoy, and the only reason is that YOU can't find groups for these quests (which, are again, completely optional).


I personally don't enjoy PVP. I personally have trouble finding people to PvP with, since many of my friends don't like PvP. However, I don't come here saying "PvP needs to go", because I recognize it's an aspect of the game that many people enjoy, I recognize that PvP is optional. I also recognize the fact that other people who aren't me are PVPing has almost no impact on what I do or don't enjoy in the game. And I'm not arrogant or selfish enough to assume that game should be 100% built around what I want to do.


Yet, that is exactly what you and the OP are trying to do by asking for Heroic 4's to be removed, and then you have the unmitigated gall to say that people who disagree with you are "elites".


Again, HEROIC 4's ARE COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You don't need to do them. I'm sorry that you feel obligated to do every single last solitary mission on every single planet, but the solution isn't to remove them. What's next? "I want to do every mission on every planet. But I don't like the Tatoonie planet mission. Please get rid of that mission chain".

Edited by amantheil
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You can already 2 man them. I even 2 man the Blackhole 4m Heroic as it is with my Juggernaut tank, my friend and I just use healing companions and CC. It's not that hard.
^^^ QFT though I don't find them to be quite as easy prey as you do. :)


For me 2-manning level-appropriate H4s and FPs (still gearing up for the HMs) is quite challenging and fun. Playing two characters (essentially) by also microing the companion to cc, pull, kite, heal, move out of AoE stuff & special attack range, etc. in most of the boss fights (or against a large number of heroic mobs) is a cool feature of this game and separates it from other MMOs.


My playing partner & I are going back through the planet dailies, H4s and FPs from Belsavis, Voss & Corellia to gear up our toons & their companions for HMs and lvl 50 H4 dailies.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Don't listen to the fanboys here... You're right, there is a problem. 4-mans might be doable by two people IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT CLASSES. If you and a buddy are both Jedi Sentinels, and don't have Doc, then you're never going to be able to do it, ever.


The majority of servers have about 40% of their population at max level, or 40% below level 15... On my main (now abandoned) server, I'm usually the only person on the planet I'm questing on at peak hours. I don't even bother picking them up anymore. What's the point? I'm never going to find anyone on the deserted planet to play with.


Shame, as they were fun whilst I was able to do them a couple of months back.



People who comment saying, 'The problem is with you', or 'they're easy, just two man them' are in denial that there are problems with the core mechanics of this games setup. Live in denial if you want, but be aware that's exactly where you are. They weren't designed to be two manned or skipped, they were designed to be done and enjoyed by any and all who wish to partake in them. If that can't happen, which evidently, it can't, then it's broken. Plain and simple.


The quests are not the problem, the server populations are. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


Also, consider making friends in this MMO and even if they out level you, perhaps friends will help you out. I know, it's an odd concept in today's MMO but it still works.

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I don't like PvP, so it needs to go. God forbid there's something in the game I can't or don't want to do. Also, I really like crafting, so it must give the best equipment in the game. Remove all raid loot from the game please.


More seriously, what the hell is wrong with the OP, and those that agree with him? Do you feel somehow incomplete because you can't achieve a 100% completion solo? What's next, do you want raids to be toned down so you and your buddy can complete them in green gear?


I can agree that it's often problematic to get a full group on a random planet, especially on lower population servers. However, this is no reason to remove that content, since evidently some players are still able to enjoy it.


If you want a game designed for easy 100% completion, go find a single-player game.

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I just wanted to say I agree with the main poster. They need to go. I posted about this days ago in suggestion box and was railed on by the elites so I am glad that I was right and more people agree with me.


You and 1 other person are in an elite club.


The less-than-1% club.

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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To be honest. If there were no group content (heroics or flashpoints) on the way to the level cap then I would have lost interest in the game. Combat while you do the "normal" quests is so ... how to say ... dull, boring, easy and predictable.


On the other hand I acknowledge that on some days it's harder to find groups. But still I wouldn't like group content to follow the way of the dodo.


I'm not much of a fan of racing to cap and mind numbingly farm end-game content. If I don't have fun and group content on the way to cap then there is no longer a reason for me to play a game which brands itself MMORPG.


Most heroics can be repeated and are optional. So skipping them occasionally isn't much of an issue. You can also skip other soloable quests if you think they don't fit with your alignment (light side, neutral, dark side).

Edited by ConanArthurLager
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Don't listen to the fanboys here... You're right, there is a problem. 4-mans might be doable by two people IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT CLASSES. If you and a buddy are both Jedi Sentinels, and don't have Doc, then you're never going to be able to do it, ever.


The majority of servers have about 40% of their population at max level, or 40% below level 15... On my main (now abandoned) server, I'm usually the only person on the planet I'm questing on at peak hours. I don't even bother picking them up anymore. What's the point? I'm never going to find anyone on the deserted planet to play with.


Shame, as they were fun whilst I was able to do them a couple of months back.



People who comment saying, 'The problem is with you', or 'they're easy, just two man them' are in denial that there are problems with the core mechanics of this games setup. Live in denial if you want, but be aware that's exactly where you are. They weren't designed to be two manned or skipped, they were designed to be done and enjoyed by any and all who wish to partake in them. If that can't happen, which evidently, it can't, then it's broken. Plain and simple.



Actually....they were designed to be skipped, as you can do a PVP match or Dungeon and get the same amount of experience for the most part as you would for that Heroic Quest. They are totally optional as are ALL the side story quests, which means 80% of the planets quests can just be skipped if you're willing to level through other means.

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Yes, by all means, PLEASE REMOVE ALL OPTIONAL GROUP CONTENT. Because the people who actually can get players to do this content are sploiters and need permabanned!!!


We need this game to be 100% solo carebear content.



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May be they need a bigger carrot to get people to do them instead of blowing past them.


Yeah I know people should want to do them just for fun, but what people should and actually do, don't always line up.


I alt a lot, and I love doing all the group quests a lot when I can. But I can understand why some people skip past them when the rewards are pretty lackluster or even pointless (you just got a reward better in the regular quest line that led you there for example).


Attach some nice looking unique looking custom gear to them. It doesn't need to be more powerful, heck it doesn't even need to have mods, just something different. Perhaps even several versions, so running them more than once is attractive.

Edited by Deyjarl
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Lots of people not seeing the problem...


Group content and the community.


Group content is just inflated stats for enemies, trudge through it and get some reward at the end.

Heroic 4's in my history has never been that much better in terms of rewarding players for their efforts. Rarely do you get unique skins for gear and usually just more commendations than you'd care and some credits to go along with it.


Better incentives for doing heroic 4's would be an improvement, something SWTOR still hasn't implemented is the class item box they promised for the game. If they were rewarded for Heroic 4's I'd see more people at least having some interest in obtaining something different and possibly better for their class for completion each time instead of the same single piece of gear.


Heroic 4's don't need to go, but they need to improve it somehow. Better incentives, easier to acquire group, track effort and reward accordingly, something to improve it to the point where people will want to come back to it at least a second time. It is optional content, but it is still content made for the original intent of challenge and more importantly, fun. If people don't see it as neither due to any constraint then the design is flawed and needs to be improved.

Edited by Talorya
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its to the point you will never get a group...ever. ive recently decided to level a new character atm its level 36. i sat on balmorra for 3 days just to see about a group for 1 of the 8 quests that required 4 players..i didnt get a single person to join finally after convincing 3 players that they wanted to do these they asked me to share...none of the quests were sharable. im asking please nerf these to needing only 2 players or even better make them soloable. but sitting in my quest log until there grey isnt working.


One would think a game company with tons of mmo experience would realize the issues with placing group quests in remote areas, without the questgiver nearby, and no way to share it.


One would think.


One would.

Edited by Gorgor
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You can already 2 man them. I even 2 man the Blackhole 4m Heroic as it is with my Juggernaut tank, my friend and I just use healing companions and CC. It's not that hard.


BS. Depends on your abilities, experiences, and especially which classes you're playing.


I duo'd almost every 4 man heroic in the game with a friend on our first pair of toons, knight/tank and consular healer. On later duos that didn't have a tank it just wasn't happening.


Four man heroics are great when a game is new and there are players around you can do them with. After that initial rush, they are a waste of content. You would think, since other games have had similar content with the exact same flow and problem, that BW would've seen how it goes, but BW exists in a vacuum and seems to have learned nothing from MMORPG history in general.


Those 4 man heroics should be bound to a switch the devs can flip after initial release to downgrade them and their rewards to 2's after the initial rush.

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You wasted 3 days on a planet for an entirely optional quest? That sounds more like a problem with you than the game.


Maybe he wanted to actually, you know, complete all the quests? I know, hard concept to get your arms around for those that routinely skip quests but there it is eh? Not everyone is like you.

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Maybe he wanted to actually, you know, complete all the quests? I know, hard concept to get your arms around for those that routinely skip quests but there it is eh? Not everyone is like you.


so we should get rid of a large amount of content a lot of people enjoy because a few people like the OP have OCD?

Edited by Liquidacid
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They shouldn't be removed, but it's certainly not optional when you want to do them and can't get people to do it because of poor server population. A player shouldn't be compelled at all to switch servers at a certain point just because they went to a low pop server. Some of these Heroics drop some nice orange gear so it's worth doing them. I think a good solution would be a switch much like operations to set the Heroic to solo or two man - maybe for reduced experience and reduced credits reward but keep the armor reward options the same.


I am sorry, but this is a MMO game, not a single player game (although sometimes it feels like it). heroic 4's are just fine the way they are, if you can't get a group that is basically your problem, not the entire communities. So it is pretty selfish to try and make the majority have to deal with the issues of the minority.


I mean what is next to be complained about here? Sometimes I think a minority in this game will not be happy until they totally destroy it, just like...you guessed it....SWG. Completely destroyed by forum QQrs.

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I agree to the point that it is sometimes hard to get a group together for these, especially somewhere between lvl 40-47-ish where the majority the guild-related group activities are mostly flashpoints or ops groups. Most don't seem to want to bother with lower lvled heroics (same with lower lvled flashpoints)


The only other annoying thing is having these stack in my quest log, and I'm hesitant to abandon them since I'll likely forget about them entirely or who the quest giver is


However, remove them? Why? They are 100% optional. They are essentially multiplayer dailies mostly useful just as another way to grind credits and xp. Just shelve them for later.

Edited by Lord_Epping
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