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Explain to me why I should heal you....


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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?

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...? Seriously?


You could always just not heal and get no medals? Why do you care about MVP votes? Personally I only ever bother to vote when I am actually impressed with someone (typically for more than just playing their role).

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With all respect, try to win a match with no healers. Gimped, buffed, or whatever they are at this moment in life, they are necessary. When I am consistently the only healer in the 10-49's on Kaas City Republic side, a bit of love would be nice.


And if I am playing an offensive self-healing healer, I can just as easily double my medals as opposed to only caring about healing my team. This is in fact why I brought it up at all. I want to be a team player, and when providing one of the most necessary positions a team can have in this dumbed-down game, be it known that healing is more difficult than DPS spamming.

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I share it occasionally. Heck, I have a similar frustration on my Sniper when I dominate the scoreboard and only get 1 MVP vote. That's how MVP votes are. (I usually chalk it up to other people voting for their friends or noticing some great accomplishment that I somehow missed.)


I was expecting this thread to be about the most frustrating situation I find myself in when playing my Combat Medic:


One of my teammates is in a fight and about to die. I heal him, expecting him to kill his opponent. Instead, he just stands there and does nothing (or does less damage than a wet noodle). Eventually, I run out of ammo keeping him alive, he dies, and his opponent comes after me. Then I die because I ran out of ammo trying to heal my incompetent teammate (when I could have instead just let him die and killed his opponent myself from the start).

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With all respect, try to win a match with no healers. Gimped, buffed, or whatever they are at this moment in life, they are necessary. When I am consistently the only healer in the 10-49's on Kaas City Republic side, a bit of love would be nice.


And if I am playing an offensive self-healing healer, I can just as easily double my medals as opposed to only caring about healing my team. This is in fact why I brought it up at all. I want to be a team player, and when providing one of the most necessary positions a team can have in this dumbed-down game, be it known that healing is more difficult than DPS spamming.


Win matches w/o healers all the time. I think that you think too highly of yourself.

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And if I am playing an offensive self-healing healer, I can just as easily double my medals as opposed to only caring about healing my team. This is in fact why I brought it up at all. I want to be a team player, and when providing one of the most necessary positions a team can have in this dumbed-down game, be it known that healing is more difficult than DPS spamming.

I'd argue this point really, healing isn't particularly difficult in this game, nor (obviously) is DPS. Coordinating well and using effective strategies is really the only challenge in MMO PvP. I'm sure you're pretty good at your healing job, but really unless people notice it doesn't matter how good at your job you are. Since I've switched to DPS I do vote for a healer when I see that their heals really helped the team (or me) out of some tight spots, just like I do with tanks I notice pro-actively protecting people or DPS focusing the right targets. But to be frank its really easy to not notice how much your teammates are contributing. Also post 1.2 I've won plenty of matches with 0 healers, and I personally dread seeing 4 marauders way more than 4 healers (regardless of the class).


Mostly my MVP vote goes to someone who coordinated our efforts though (often this means the OPS channel loud-mouth) since coordination more than any level of individual performance is what leads to victory. One thing I never do is vote by the numbers, you're already getting rewarded for your top DPS or top HPS.

Edited by SWImara
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mvp votes aside I specced dps because I got tired of people not helping. So many people tunnel dps they don't see the one healer on their team being trained by other team. People don't realise healers need support now. So no point to healing on pugs anymore. Premade is a different story. And no I am not a bad or a l2p issue. Just isn't fun to run around healing myself the whole match because a mara/sentinel has it out for healer blood. Minus the super geared ones I can tank one just fine. People need to learn to support healers now with ttk so short. If I am focused on healing myself it means I can't heal you or billy bob. And it doesn't take much for a dps to peel.
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lol healers always get tons of MVP votes even when they play really bad, I would know my main is a healer.


Also if there is a choice between which healers to MvP usually the sorc will not get the vote because their numbers are always heavily padded by AOE healing.

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Win matches w/o healers all the time. I think that you think too highly of yourself.


People who say try to win matches without healers should try to win matches with ALL healers.


The only bad matchup for the no healer team is against the 1 healer team. It's actually okay to fight a heal-heavy team because by definition they'd be limited in DPS which negates your lack of heals, and with 8 DPS you can certainly lock down any non Op healers quite easily..

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My operative ninja's all 3 doors and planted the bombs, extended the bridge and grabbed the data core solo in voidstar the other day leading us to victory without receiving a single heal, yet the healer got MVP votes ***! gimme my MVP!


true story, but I could care less about the MVP votes, i liked the comms better for winning then some MVP votes and in a lose.

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I play (healingtouch) on davik estate strictly as a healer. I'm in a guild and heal across the board. If I pvp solo I vote for the highest damage dealing player. If I group pvp with my guild I vote for the highest damage dealing guild member. Personally I feel since I'm not providing much in the damage dealing area. Those pvp players that do the opposite roles than I do and are the best performer. Then they should be rewarded accordingly.
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My operative ninja's all 3 doors and planted the bombs, extended the bridge and grabbed the data core solo in voidstar the other day leading us to victory without receiving a single heal, yet the healer got MVP votes ***! gimme my MVP!


true story, but I could care less about the MVP votes, i liked the comms better for winning then some MVP votes and in a lose.


FYI: If you were able to ninja-cap like that, someone else was doing an incredible job of keeping the defenders occupied elsewhere.

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1) Good luck finding a healer in a 1-49 WZ on my server.


2) Lvl 50 pvp healers typically get all the MVP votes on my server (rightfully so IMO)


MVP votes typically go first to fellow guildies and then personal preference. Sometimes I'll throw a vote to the low guy just because. Why does it matter anyway? A lot of people don't even vote. You should also look at your kill count because healers get credit for kills while they're healing people. If you're a good healer but not getting medals then something is amiss. A good healer on a winning team should be getting 8+ medals per match and maxing out rewards. If this is the case, then what's to complain about??

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I thought this thread would be about the 0 expertise PVE geared players coming into the WZs... my heals are wasted on them vs someone even in recruit gear.

As a healer I typically get between 2-6 MVP votes per match, and I usually feel they should go elsewhere. I'm doing what the character I picked is supposed to do, same as the DPS. Why would I be special for doing what I rolled a character to do? I usually give my votes to the person at the bottom of the stats that guarded the unattacked turret, or spent the whole time at the bunker that had 0 enemies. If a tank guarded me the whole match, he gets my vote, regardless of stats. Amount healed and DPSd is a poor indicator of performance.

I had a match where I was at a bunker, and had 0 damage, 9k heals. Yet I was doing what our team needed because someone had to watch for the incoming assault (which never happened).

Plus, 1 comm and some valor per vote? really worth ************ about (or is this about a digital ego that needs to feel good through MVP votes)?

Edited by artillerybait
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1st - its only 1 comm if you get a vote, so its really just an ego stroke anymore.


2ndly - I personally like to see votes given out to all, especially if they stuck through the whole match, even if they sucked. They at least tried and got some exposure and experience, god knows the queues are sometimes slow enough. Now if the healer is not getting any MVP love, I definately try to give them a vote.

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