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You should try carnage in WZ


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Although carnage lacks survivability and can be easily CCed to death compared to Annihilation, carnage is actually better for WZ matches and teamplays.


80% speed boost is insanely good and the difference between Annihilation's 50% predation is huge. Morever, anni marauder is busy using berserk and carnage's berserk is not as important, so they can frequently use predation to give speed/attack/defense bonus.


Carnage is very good when can constantly apply damage wihtout getting interrupted, thus by ginving the edge to your teammates using predation, you will have chances to let out your huge damage on enemies who are getting battered by your allies.



for example, in Huttball, you will send ball carriers 'flying' into enemy lines


in Alderan, you could send reinforcesment almost as fast as speeders


and it's very helpful in other WZ too.


If you haven't tried using carange, now is the time. try it out. it's realllly fun.


I'm actually thinking about respeccing to try this out. I've been annihilation all my 'life' but carnage gameplay seems a touch simpler, a bit more bursty but a bit less survivable.


Anyone have some specs for me to start out with?

Edited by islander
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Thank you for your input.


ps: The insane boost to Predation (which is the only point you bring up) does not make Carnage "better" than Annihilation or Rage for Warzones. It all depends on play style and/or who you play with.




i tried the tree specs a lot, was almost equaly effective with the 3 of them.

But my playstyle is anni, i enjoy it so much when a sniper cc me after me apliying every bleed and see em fall while im still cc ( w t f is with that looooooooooong cc of theirs).

The amount of CC in this game is insane, so i would always prefer the bleeds that let me do damage while incapasitated. Just for the feel of it, i know that when you are on target with carnage you explode dmg; is just the feeling " YOU WANNA CC ME PUS SY ??? DIE ANYWAY WHILE YOU HEAL ME !!" XD

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whaaaattt??? That is probably the most obscene thing i've seen posted here. Sorc/sage healers are sitting ducks, even with a guard on them, and please use your purge every 4 secs instead of worrying about healing yourself, i'll disrupt your heals every 6 secs, force charge you to interrupt your other channeled heal and then choke you out while i crit you for 1k bleeds... Merc healers can't outheal an annihilation marauder with trauma inflicted on them, seeing as even if they do purge, it's on an 8 second cd and your 12 sec of bubble can't sustain you through a full onslaught.


The best healers right now are ops/scoundrels and not b/c they have great heals but b/c they can cc more than the other two classes plus they can combat stealth to save their own skins as long as they aren't being bled to death. And even they can't last long without every single cc they have, so no, healers aren't op at all. They are a liability for pvp now, please come visit me on iron citadel as a healer and you can see for yourself how 'worthless' an annihilation marauder is.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not to mention that Anakin Skywalker was called Anni , of course cause he was Anni speced

Edited by darthmorbous
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Annihilation is just too ez to counter for good teams. Purge the dots and there goes 40% of your DPS. As carnage I;m finding it much easier to kill skilled healers. they simply can't out heal my dmg and can't kite me. With the new Op healer changes Anni is pretty much useless.


i loled at this so hard

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I am one of the top Sents on my server and I get focused all the time. Carnage is just too squishy even in a premade scenario.


More squishy than annhilation - yea because those heals do add up.


But too squishy? no, i'd have to disagree. A good healer can keep me up and i'm able to burst down targets faster than annhilation.


However - annhilation does have more over all dps the top damagers ( of the the mara/sents ) are almost always annhilation.


But carnage with out a doubt has a place on a team. The roots, and speed boost alone are great reasons to have one. especially in huttball.

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I think the squishiness of carnage is okay IF you came from playing another AC that has similar low survivability and high snares in pvp, such as 0/10/31 Pyro PT (yes Pyro's has quite low survivability despite the armor in terms of organised pvp because they have no escapes and no really effective defensive cooldowns).


When playing carnage you tended to learn to adjust to the lower survivability by being more aware of the target selections and be more careful about when you should get into a fight and when to force camo out.

Edited by aRtFuL
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Annihilation is just too ez to counter for good teams. Purge the dots and there goes 40% of your DPS. As carnage I;m finding it much easier to kill skilled healers. they simply can't out heal my dmg and can't kite me. With the new Op healer changes Anni is pretty much useless.


I play both an Operative healer and a Marauder and I couldn't disagree with you more.


Given the decreased TTK after 1.2, healers simply don't have the GCD to spend on purging an Annihilation Marauders bleeds... Even if they did - how hard is it to reapply them for the Marauder? Answer: not hard.


Healers (not just Operatives) in 1.2 have less time to try and make a difference, purging and dispelling is becoming increasingly difficult to justify the use of a GCD rather than Kolto Injection.


A Marauders bleeds hit for roughly the same as my Operatives HoTs (2x Kolto Probe + Recuperative Nanotech), this effectively negates either players benefit for previously stated spells. Now it comes down to direct damage and direct heals. Who has the advantage? The Marauder has Rupture, Annihilate, Force Scream, and Ravage at his disposal. The only thing he has to "cast" is Ravage. The Operative has Surgical Probe, Kolto Injection and both HoTs available to him. With a Marauder having a talented 6 second CD interrupt AND a zero distance Force Charge, a good Marauder will not let you cast. His DoTs, direct damage, interrupts > Operative's HoTs, Surgical Probe every time.


An Operative's only chance is getting a quality CC on the Marauder and hoping for something nearby to LOS his incoming Force Charge. A benefit an Operative has over another healer is the obvious Vanish ability. Just make sure to pop Evasion before cloaking to remove the bleeds.


I'm not saying a Marauder wins this fight and kills the Operative 100% of the time. But what DOES happen every time is that the Operative must focus solely on keeping himself alive, thus removing any benefit he is giving his team.


Conclusion: your statement that Anni Marauders are "useless" and healing is OP could not be further from the truth. This is coming from someone who has a perspective playing both classes.

Edited by HanfordBlows
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I forgot who said it but someone said berserk wasn't useful for carnage maras.


I would have to say my best combo killer is berserk, gore and spam the heck out of massacre. Even hardened targets go down. Especially if you don't spam ravage because that's what they are looking for. When u berserk and massacre all they see is a flurry of lightsabers they don't think it's just sabers.

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I'm not saying a Marauder wins this fight and kills the Operative 100% of the time. But what DOES happen every time is that the Operative must focus solely on keeping himself alive, thus removing any benefit he is giving his team.


Conclusion: your statement that Anni Marauders are "useless" and healing is OP could not be further from the truth. This is coming from someone who has a perspective playing both classes.


I COMPLETELY agree with this guy. I'm an anni marauder who makes his sole goal in warzones NOT putting up the highest possible DPS numbers, but being a royal thorn in the side of any healer I see.


If I'm given enough time (and yes, it takes a long time for a good healer), I can burn down almost anyone through patient interrupts, bleeds, and ravage/annihilates. It essentially takes someone else from their team to come peel me off of them. At that point, I tend to die as it's two on one - and contrary to popular belief, Mara's aren't immortal. Just to baddies who can't kite.


You see where this is going though. Eventually, if they are good, they assign a DPS to protect the healer. That means I'm now keeping two people occupied and providing a man advantage for the rest of my team for stretches of time.


Operatives provide a bit more trouble due to their ability to double stun combined with stealth escape. I'm persistent though. if I finish 5th on the DPS list but we win because I know their primary healer had his hands tied, I don't mind getting no MVP votes. I know I performed a valuable service for the team.

Edited by islander
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  • 3 weeks later...
Although carnage lacks survivability and can be easily CCed to death compared to Annihilation, carnage is actually better for WZ matches and teamplays.



I agree about teamplay. But how exactly is being anni going to prevent you from "being CCed to death". The only talent that provides a CC break is in carnage(snare break w/e). I mean unless you had like full dots stacked up while being cc'd, and they happen to crit, then they are gonna heal you for only 2%.. each. I'm gonna guess that you're referring to dying to the damage while CCed, and not actually being "CCed to death". In this case, the only talents that a mara has to provide pure damage reduction is Undying- (Rage spec), defensive forms, and defensive roll(carnage tier).

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I chukle every time dual wielders here brag about how good they are, being "best dps class", at killing squishy support classes. And some actually say they have trouble with little whelplings kiting! Oh boy. That's the idea then, to have -100% armor attack and others, and do them against healers? Pathetic.

Thought my personal favorite was guy who said Carnage is't to his liking because it requers to watch procs and timing attacks.

Edited by Shadenuat
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I forgot who said it but someone said berserk wasn't useful for carnage maras.


I would have to say my best combo killer is berserk, gore and spam the heck out of massacre. Even hardened targets go down. Especially if you don't spam ravage because that's what they are looking for. When u berserk and massacre all they see is a flurry of lightsabers they don't think it's just sabers.


I said it wasn't AS useful. I know how much the 7 Massacre - Scream combo hurts, I use it plenty as well. But it's ONLY effective when you can actually land ALL 7 massacres one after the other. It's the speed with which they come that is the strength there. You can't recover from a whirlwind of death like than, UNLESS you can slow it down. Plus, it can be healed through quite easily. Predation is often the better pick due to the inherent advantages with giving everyone around you a speed/def boost.


Depending upon the situation, you might want to save Frenzy and Bloodthirst for a Berserk or for a Ravage-Scream. There really isn't a manual for it, you just gotta pray nobody has a KB.

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for teamplay - carnage's Gore softens up the designated target a lot while it is up

Just a clarification for newbies - it doesn't soften a target for OTHERS.


Ofcourse aRtFuL is not an idiot and knows that, it's just the way he said it - someone might get impression that armor is gone for your friends from your teamplay too, which is simply ridiculous.

Edited by Deviltreh
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i am thinking of going carnage on my mara alt, what would be a good build for carnage?


IMHO, Put points in Carnage bypass Narrow Hatred (accuracy talent completely not needed) and talenting in Battering Assault, and then spread your points in the other trees as you see fit

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i am thinking of going carnage on my mara alt, what would be a good build for carnage?




That's what I'm going to roll with. Some say Narrowed Hatred is possible to pass up, but I don't see anything else I would rather put points into. Stagger? Eh, not worth the points imo. Another point in Cloak of Carnage? Sure, but I'd rather have more freedom with gear modding and having to focus less on the accuracy stat.

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Most sentinals I face (maybe 90% of them) are carnage equivalent spec, I know because everytime they cast ravage I'm rooted and hit for alot (gore proc). Maraders on the other hand on my server, are often rage spec... /facepalm.


Annihilation - solo play

Carnage - team play

Rage - bleh


Uh wait, why is anni solo play? When you activate berserk you're healing your teammates.

Edited by Sookster
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That's what I'm going to roll with. Some say Narrowed Hatred is possible to pass up, but I don't see anything else I would rather put points into. Stagger? Eh, not worth the points imo. Another point in Cloak of Carnage? Sure, but I'd rather have more freedom with gear modding and having to focus less on the accuracy stat.


I run that exact build on my Sentinel, would reccomend.

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Always been a fan of carnage. I prefer to stack defense. The longer i can stay alive the better. ( well why not roll anni then) The utility that carnage provides is unmatched imo. I specifically target healers and casters. The two additional roots are amazing and basically negate kiting on their part.


The roots combined with the interrupts are a nightmare for healers and casters. I also try and use force choke strictly as an interrupt. Force camo's cc break is a huge help for your survivability as well. I prefer burst to dot to burn healers down they seem to panic and blow their cd's. Armor pen + ravage and crit force scream combined with your adrenals and relics can put out some high burst.


Im big on movement for pvp i always have been and the extra boost from predation fits my playstyle really well plus the extra defense since i stack defense anyways. And move with a purpose not like a chicken with its head cutoff. Predation helps me quickly circle strafe behind my target and with the root attached to ravage i can burst out some high dps without getting attacked back if i can position myself directly behind my opponent.



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My Carnage build when I go Carnage (I usually go Annihilation, but do other trees sometimes for fun)



Yes, I put 2 points to make Rupture a slow. Call me insane, but I actually really like using Rupture as a Carnage Marauder. It gives you some internal damage into your rotation, and it does the same thing as Crippling Slash in some cases (just lasts 6 seconds instead of 12). It also does a good amount of damage regardless, and some healers might cleanse it simply because they see a Rupture and think you're Annihilation.


With Crippling Slash AND Rupture giving -50% slows, you can have two targets slowed for 12 and 6 seconds respectively. Combine that with the two other 100% Snares from Carnage, and you have FOUR CC abilities that IGNORE RESOLVE. You can literally keep a ball carrier dead in his tracks forever on your own, and slow down the guys he's about to pass to.

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