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10 Good
  1. Grants buff, I've gored tanks on my way to squishies before, the buff is only for yourself, and for any target.
  2. I like to watch videos of players better than me, took me less than 15 seconds into your video, that you're not. Clicking is a no no, trying to justify it just makes it more obvious. Foxcolt is being nice just to even take the time to explain why.
  3. I play both pretty effectively, it's just do I want a 5k hit medal or a 75k healing medal?
  4. Don't use the Crit/surge relic use the power one, the Diminishing returns make crit/surge pretty useless. Power has no DR. Properly geared out you should be hitting a softish cap on crit/surge.
  5. When you want to win games, you don't really pvp. You get nothing for losing now. Before 1.2 I'd lose all the time for the sake of good pvp (kind of like your screen shot you just farmed some people who just took the speeder to the point over and over you obviously could of capped the point but its so much more fun to kill them 50 times). Bioware is rewarding objective based pvp, and with how fast people die know you can't really fluff you're numbers because people die so fast.
  6. Phantom is the only "real" nerf here. And let's be honest it was a bit ridiculous. The nerf only affected our strongest spec. Now the other spec's are being brought more in line. Good changes imo, kind of concerned about overbuffing Rage tree though.
  7. Global Cooldowns are precious Crippling Slash does **** damage, if you're trying to burst someone down you're going to do it slower if you have to throw crippling slash in there too.
  8. You're right about the charge interupts and the lower cooldown on interupt+range and the fury building. I spec every single thing in Annihilation minus Cloak of Annihilation which is arguably useful, the tree is just /that/ good. In fact I'd go far as to say it's almost broken with how useful every single feat point is.
  9. I still find it hilarious that none of you have pointed out Carnage's biggest strength. The talented roots are not affected by Resolve. Overwhelm works on people with full Resolve and so does displacement. Carnage will be the spec for competitive pvp. As it is now I play Anni because I like to win games while pugging. Anni Marauder should carry teams in huttball. The 90% predation is perfect for it. The 100% damage reduction on force camo is also amazing for escaping when you don't have a pocket healer. But carnage definitely has the burst needed and on demand. Adding that to being able to root people with full resolve bars I can totally see Carnage Marauders being very wanted. We don't have ranked games yet, but resolve bars will matter you can't have people throwing out cc's willy nilly.
  10. LOL wow if people think this is a bad talent they must think subjugation is bad too. Ever wonder why you're having problems with healers?
  11. Rage is jut too awkward for me, I don't like obliterate and trying to buff up smash is just meh. It does do a lot of damage though. I leveled up carnage and was very disappointed when I hit 50 because it looked like the tree that would be best for pvp. Since hitting 50 I've been anni most of the time. I just switched back to carnage now that I'm geared out and i would definitely say it's viable. The most damage I've done so far in a game was as carnage spec.
  12. Love that a thread titled evidence has none.
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