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The whole reason I rolled PvP was to kill lowbies


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First rule of MMO's:


If something can be abused and exploited, it will be abused and exploited.


Most people won't do what's right, they'll do what they can get away with.

There is no such thing as "honor" in MMO's nor in real life, for that matter.


That's why we need 1000-page laws to cover all the loopholes in real life, and that's why every MMO has a horde of exploiters, hackers and cheaters searching for new abuses after every patch.


I love open-world PVP. I love the idea of huge, epic battles between Empire and Republic but I despise scum who hunts lowbies - but it seems I'm with a small minority here.

Edited by Totaltrash
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You want to be the "tattoine terror" more power to ya but lines shouldn't be crossed..example..three level 50s camping a level 38 at the med center for 20 mins...He didn't report it but he probably should have...I'm not even going to bother talking about how pathetic that is but I'm pretty sure that's bannable as it should be.
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This is just...


Looking back at Ultima Online, the best game ever made, the thrill of playing was that you could get attacked by murderers, thiefs, greifers EVERYWHERE outside the cities. They would corpse camp, take all your stuff, ******** you, ress-kill you.. But that was what made the game interesting, people would form alliances and go after the murderers. New players would hunting monsters/animals in groups because of the risk of being attacked by other players.


This is what creates thrill and excitement, never knowing when or where those pesky players will strike at you, contantly at your guard, because if you died, they took everything you brought with you, your new shiny armor, your new sword, all the loot you had farmed.


Sadly, players today dont care for this, they just want to be handed stuff on a silver plate.

RIP Entertainment...

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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


Later Addition:

In support of these activities I point to the movies. If they taught us anything they taught us that killing Younglings is a viable tactic. In fact, large portions of the 3rd prequel movie is whiny pre-Vader walking around 1-shotting ppl.


Scum. thats all i can say.

on wow i wouldnt level on a pvp server id happily pay money after leveling a character on a realm where i dont spend 90% of the time being ganked instead of actually leveling.

Same reason i didnt level pvp here except id rather not only pay for a transfer but wait until server moves are made available just to avoid morons like you.

i hope everybody who see's you on your server decides to repeatedly take you out for several hours ..preferably in a group so u know how it feels to be completely defenseless as the lowbies are to you.. then you'll see what its like to log on ready to play only to be farmed.

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All you carebears that think ganking lowbies is wrong need to re-evaluate your religious and lifestyle choices.



First of all, There are no PVP servers in this game, relative to any other MMO. They might be tagged as PVP servers, but they aren't. Bioware has gone well out of their way to build a world where you never actually see the other faction running around in separate zones, and most of the content is so well divided that at any point in time you would have absolutely no idea how many players of the enemy faction are in a given area at a time.


As a matter of fact, this division is so tragic that it hurts the game and creates an unnecessary strain on Bioware's creative assets- There are fundamentally 2 different games in SWTOR- each faction has its own world, and hardly ever confronts the other faction. Their world design includes content that you never actually see on any given character unless you go well out of your own way to look for it, and thousands of hours of design time are written off by the geographic barriers installed to keep players from meeting each other.


-Balmorra and Taris are both faction coded and Reps and Imps visit those worlds in completely different level brackets. You will never meet anyone of the enemy faction for any reason on either of these worlds.


-Tatooine and Hoth both have fiercely segregated leveling areas that you would never see, and quests for the opposing faction do not breadcrumb into them. These worlds only share their finale leveling area with both factions simultaneously. (Dune Sea and Starship Graveyard)


-Belsavis is a giant disorganized joke in terms of world design and anybody who can actually find anything on that planet, much less another player, should be given a medal. Both factions start on opposite sides of the map and then proceed to get lost in the labyrinth of ridiculous transport networks.


-Nar Shaddaa and Corellia are both designed with so much polar content that in order to stand a chance of running into the opposite faction, you would have to Bugs Bunny the hell out of the zone and take a serious wrong turn at Albuquerque. The only part of Corellia where you'd actually see enemy players is Blackhole, which is so small that you practically rub shoulders with other players, and even that has polar design.


-The only planet where you could actually feasibly run into other players is Voss. Voss is the only planet in the game that uses mutual quest hubs and flight points.


There is no PVP. Not even on a PVP server. Bioware has gone to great lengths to put a fence up around your backyard. There's no Stranglethorn Vale, there's no Hillsbrad, you could roll on a pvp server and never see an enemy player from 10-50.






Aside from the fact that you're paying Bioware/EA to design 2 completely separate games, and pay for both of them while only playing one? What could be as bad as that?


Well there's this- Antisocial behavior is still a social behavior.


Fighting the enemy faction encourages dialog. It builds community. Somebody ganks you- So you call your friends. Now you're ganking them. They call their friends. Now you have a fight. Remember, its called STAR WARS. You're supposed to kill the people who have different color lightsabers and pajamas than you, not just sit in fleet and queue up and wait for huttball to pop.


You want to gank. And you want to get ganked. You want to right wrongs and pvp and feel like you're doing something that has an impact in your server community, because guess what- Winning Voidstar doesn't mean crap. People win Voidstar dozens of times a day on your server, it has no relevance to anything. Farming the enemy faction back to their respawn and kicking them back to their spaceport? That has impact. That's part of the community.


And do you have any idea how that starts? With one jerk like OP, who thought it would be fun to murder someone 25 levels below him.


You need that in your game. Its part of the fabric of MMO social behavior, and it does more good for the community than it does bad.


Have you ever had a giant guild-vs-guild conflict on Tatooine? Everybody with one tag fighting everybody with another, for bragging rights, to see who has the better players? To assert dominance? Does that sound like fun to you?


Well it was. It was one of the best times I ever had playing this game. Guess how it started- We found a Rep trying to do his rakghoul dailies, and we kicked his teeth in.

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I won't quote due to length but in UO it took very little time to have a formidable character..in a week you could hold your own so it's quite a bit different and since the world was one instance chances are if you griefed then someone not so new would be coming shortly and you ran the risk of getting your *** kIcked and stuff taken...I miss that game.


The Rackghoul quest has been my favorite part of this game the PVP was Lively in that area for a long time and I smacked more than a few low levels during the quest but to me it's different..I certainly didn't go looking for low level players and avoid the higher levels etc like most grief player...if it was red it was dead or I died trying :).

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First rule of MMO's:


If something can be abused and exploited, it will be abused and exploited.


Most people won't do what's right, they'll do what they can get away with.

There is no such thing as "honor" in MMO's nor in real life, for that matter.


That's why we need 1000-page laws to cover all the loopholes in real life, and that's why every MMO has a horde of exploiters, hackers and cheaters searching for new abuses after every patch.


I love open-world PVP. I love the idea of huge, epic battles between Empire and Republic but I despise scum who hunts lowbies - but it seems I'm with a small minority here.


Picking a fight with lowbies is a time-honored "call to battle" against pvpers from the other side. If you had played on a PVP server in any other MMO, you would know this.


I used to gank lowbies all over in WoW in an effort to draw out high levels to hunt me down. I'd then put in a call to my guild and we'd have some localized pvp going.


Getting ganked as a lowbie is a simple matter - there are no penalties for death in this game. I could see your point if we could loot items off each other (it's a crime that we can't, frankly), but there is literally nothing but a minor time inconvenience when you get ganked.


Get off your high horse.

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Picking a fight with lowbies is a time-honored "call to battle" against pvpers from the other side. If you had played on a PVP server in any other MMO, you would know this.


I used to gank lowbies all over in WoW in an effort to draw out high levels to hunt me down. I'd then put in a call to my guild and we'd have some localized pvp going.


Getting ganked as a lowbie is a simple matter - there are no penalties for death in this game. I could see your point if we could loot items off each other (it's a crime that we can't, frankly), but there is literally nothing but a minor time inconvenience when you get ganked.


Get off your high horse.


Ok, you validated everything I said.

Because of people like you, MMO's (and the world in general) can be crappy place - thanks for that.


Strict roleplay aside, there is no valid reason why anyone would want hunt lowbies - spite doesn't count!

I play MMO's since the late 1980's - text-based MUDs first, then games like Meridian 59, UO, Anarchy Online and Eve, Astro Empires, and more recently, PvP-only games such as LoL. Notably, I skipped playing WoW - mostly because it seemed to attract your kind in large numbers, but I probably PvPed longer online than you are alive. :D


Your "time honored tradition" is balony - such behavior wouldn't be tolerated by the community and most likely would have gotten you kicked out of your own guild.

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You want to be the "tattoine terror" more power to ya but lines shouldn't be crossed..example..three level 50s camping a level 38 at the med center for 20 mins...He didn't report it but he probably should have...I'm not even going to bother talking about how pathetic that is but I'm pretty sure that's bannable as it should be.

Except its not bannable and shouldn't be since the level 38 can pick these options: take it as a challenge and screw around fighting them/trash talking back, can call for help from his friends list or guild list if applicable (assuming friends and/or social group), he could use his fleet pass, he could use his quick travel, he could use his speeder upon reviving and run, he could stay safe near the guards, or he could have chosen a PvE server.

Scum. thats all i can say.

on wow i wouldnt level on a pvp server id happily pay money after leveling a character on a realm where i dont spend 90% of the time being ganked instead of actually leveling.

Same reason i didnt level pvp here except id rather not only pay for a transfer but wait until server moves are made available just to avoid morons like you.

i hope everybody who see's you on your server decides to repeatedly take you out for several hours ..preferably in a group so u know how it feels to be completely defenseless as the lowbies are to you.. then you'll see what its like to log on ready to play only to be farmed.

Anyone who plays a >game< differently than you is scum? On another note, I DO hope everyone tries to gank me on my server because thats...FUN. Also I've been hunted by groups of 3+ level 50's and managed to kill all of them through tactics/separation techniques. Learn to have fun instead of be over-emotional.

Ok, you validated everything I said.

Because of people like you, MMO's (and the world in general) can be crappy place - thanks for that.


Strict roleplay aside, there is no valid reason why anyone would want hunt lowbies - spite doesn't count!

I play MMO's since the late 1980's - text-based MUDs first, then games like Meridian 59, UO, Anarchy Online and Eve, Astro Empires, and more recently, PvP-only games such as LoL. Notably, I skipped playing WoW - mostly because it seemed to attract your kind in large numbers, but I probably PvPed longer online than you are alive. :D


Your "time honored tradition" is balony - such behavior wouldn't be tolerated by the community and most likely would have gotten you kicked out of your own guild.

So spite DOES count, me getting killed as a lower level makes me hunt THAT faction as a higher level, its fun and the point of a war. And how you played games such as Eve or UO and not pick up that fighting/messing with other players is ALL THE FUN in MMO's and how you managed to miss that fact for 30 years is a sign of your learning curve. By the way, games are not even close to real world, so making that comparison shows you are way out of touch with reality.

Edited by Ellvaan
Removed per age of post - Rude
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  • 4 weeks later...
Obviously this man is a major RPer. When his character was a child, the low levels must have killed his father and taken his mother! He's just getting revenge!! All he is guilty of is loving this game to darn much!
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Don't like it don't play on a pvp server.


My main reason I avoid pvp servers now days, is because they tend to be a refugee for trolls and butthats.


In most mmo's now days there is no point to even having pvp servers. Other then ganking and killing npc in towns,

you almost never see any real open world pvp battles.

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The possibility of sneaking onto the republic fleet by stealing a cargo ship and then wreaking havoc makes me salivate.


God I hope they implement that one day. It would be glorious. They could send out messages on the intercom on the fleets telling people where the invasion is and they could contact level 50 players all over via holocom to come join the fight.


Man wouldn't that be awesome to see, boy I would love if this was ever implimented on PvP servers. Imagine the havoc and fun that would bring to game. Fantastic Idea.


Also it could be a drop ship invasion mission that happens ever 12 hours or so.

Edited by Asturias
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I would call into question following the same low level player around killing them repeatedly, but just popping a random lowbie and moving on? Eh so what.


You don't even lose anything here for it, it's probably a 30 second walk back to where you were.

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In his example of going back to a lowbie area to SHUT DOWN questing. That is griefing. It does not allow a player to play the game their way. This is not just ganking. His ADMiTTED INTENT was to interupt play to force people to change their behanvior.




****, everyone knows what a PvP server is all about and if you can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen :eek:

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The OP made me laugh, he reminds me of the guys I used to work with as a contractor to a local council. They used to go to local bars looking for things like groups of 18 year olds out having birthday parties, pick out the scrawniest member of the party and beat him up. Monday morning was usually spent with me being bombarded with tales of this heroic act and over loud laughter.


Funny thing was if they ended up being the ones beaten, or cops caught them, they suddenly became victims, and not normal victims, I mean they were nearly in tears about the 'dirty' tactics of someone calling the police or god forbid having tougher friends.


They taught me 2 things, some people can justify anything and you can never convince them they are wrong and bullies cry loudest when they get a taste of their own medicine.

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Yeah, too bad it's not Lineage 2... There the OP would be instantly PKed the moment he leaves the fleet, then it's clanwar and your clan can't get anywhere, because they get ganked, then they kick you, cuz you caused it and then you re-roll. Ah... good times.
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And people wonder why I have this opinion of "open world PvPers".


I have never played on a PvP server that ganking and griefing has not happened.


I have never been attacked ONE on ONE by someone near my level. I have not even been attacked by a PACK of people near my level.


I have however been "surprised ganked" by Characters at LEVEL CAP and PACKS of Characters at level cap.


So from my imperiacal experience in the 3 games I have tried "open world PvP" on PvP servers (L2, WoW and SWTOR) the experience that I have described above is the norm.


This leads me to believe that the MAJORITY PVP servers are actually populated by people that just like to make a game miserable for others.


I went to Jung Ma at the invite of some people and found this behavior to be true.


Every time I say "ok I will give a PvP server a try" the same thing happens. GANKED by people compensating for being fragged on by someone else that they can't retaliate against, be it irl or in game. Thats called transference.


I feel sorry for you all that engage in this behavior.


On the PvP server I just rolled on I always see level 50's in full PvP gear eyeing up the lowbies leaving base. I understand some might be there for datacrons or whatever but other than that there's no reason why they should be on a low level planet.


I think BW should add a system where if you kill a player of too low a level (bar in warzones) you lose valor and it deranks for your valor rank.

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