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Just Bought Game 2 Days Ago and I'm not Liking it at All/Here is Why


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This game is essentially a single player game up until you hit level 50. Not because of the way it was designed, but because that's how the players play it. A lot of people don't seem to understand that you get more credits, more xp, and way better drops when you are in a group. And the bigger the group, the better it is. You also get social points, which not necessary for actual gameplay, do offer some amusing items and abilities. The heroics really are a bunch of fun and give you exceptional equipment for your level.


If you are having trouble with low population, you might try switching to another server, or making a character in the opposing faction on your server. There are very few servers with balanced factions. The one I'm playing on, Wall of Light, is packed on the Republic side, but the Imperial side is virtually desolate. You could also be playing off-peak hours. If you're in the west half of the continent, make sure you are playing on a west coast server. If you are in the east half, make sure you are on an east coast server.


Guilds are also helpful. It's not that the game's community is very clicky, but rather that with no global chat function, the only people who see your LFG comments are people on your planet. Also, try sending tells to people specifically. If their chat windows are set to the default setting, there is a lot of clutter and they might not see the LFG. Also the game makes a sound when you receive whispers or your name is mentioned which make people notice more. I've had times where I spend a half hour making LFG comments in general chat with no luck, but I send 1 tell and a group starts forming.

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This game is essentially a single player game up until you hit level 50. Not because of the way it was designed, but because that's how the players play it. A lot of people don't seem to understand that you get more credits, more xp, and way better drops when you are in a group. And the bigger the group, the better it is. You also get social points, which not necessary for actual gameplay, do offer some amusing items and abilities. The heroics really are a bunch of fun and give you exceptional equipment for your level.


The game isn't to blame, the attitudes of the current group of MMO players is why all these games seem to feel like single player games to people. They want the ability to do whatever they want on their own schedule so every MMO released in the past five years has been designed so players can solo all the way to max level.

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The game isn't to blame, the attitudes of the current group of MMO players is why all these games seem to feel like single player games to people. They want the ability to do whatever they want on their own schedule so every MMO released in the past five years has been designed so players can solo all the way to max level.


That's what I said!

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The game isn't to blame, the attitudes of the current group of MMO players is why all these games seem to feel like single player games to people. They want the ability to do whatever they want on their own schedule so every MMO released in the past five years has been designed so players can solo all the way to max level.


I'd have to partially disagree. The new games are insanely simple, have no 'downtime', no penalty for dying, and every class must be able to solo from 1-whatever is max. The players have gotten lazy, true, but you have to fault the publishers for not even attempting to put the 'multiplayer' back into MMO's.

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I'd have to partially disagree. The new games are insanely simple, have no 'downtime', no penalty for dying, and every class must be able to solo from 1-whatever is max. The players have gotten lazy, true, but you have to fault the publishers for not even attempting to put the 'multiplayer' back into MMO's.


There is a difference to multiplayer and forced multiplayer.

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There is a difference to multiplayer and forced multiplayer.


Yes, one is a solo game and the other is a multiplayer one.


It has to be 'forced' by game mechanics or else people won't do it. If people can solo, they will. It's that simple.

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You need to roll a new character on a server marked Heavy, trust me - I've rerolled onto Canderous Odo, never had a queue, and rarely have an issue finding people to do groups and flashpoints (dungeon runs).


Trust me, you will feel like it's a multiplayer game if you roll on Canderous or Fatman


Corellian Run has a healthy player population...

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Yes, one is a solo game and the other is a multiplayer one.


It has to be 'forced' by game mechanics or else people won't do it. If people can solo, they will. It's that simple.


No what will happen is that people will simply stop leveling, if people are forced to be in groups all the time and not just for heroic missions or when they feel like it there will be mass trolling and mass exodus of people from the game.


But please show me any mmo that has forced people to be grouped all the time and survived or even been developed and released. And i aint talking about heroic quests im talking about the game in its entirety.

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Didn't Daniel Erikson say in a recent interview that they just doubled the population cap of servers? That would certainly help out with the queue time problem.


To the OP, server pop status in the selection are misleading. "Standard" can be very high or very low. My server is often labeled as "standard" even though we're lucky to break 20 PEOPLE on fleet (on primetime). So at least try more populated server before uninstalling.

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Let me ask you another question since so many people bash me for supposedly choosing the wrong server. I actually did some research before just choosing a server and I read all the fatman threads and multiple others in an effort to find one that was in the medium pop range. I was scared of rolling on a server with long ques as when my vacation is over I only get 1-2 hours a day to play. Right now I'm playing 8+ hours but that's because I took some time off work and still have several days of vacation left.


For people that can only play 1-2 hours a day a 40+ minute que would kill us. I thought I had chosen well and maybe the game does as many of you suggest start at level 50. In response to that I say how are you going to keep other new players like myself interested long enough to reach that goal? I could live with the fact that I can't find anyone to group with but not even seeing people talking or using chat is disheartening in itself. In most games I've played I often am entertained by the colorful chat of others while I'm out questing but it's not so in this game or at least on my server.


People tell me to reroll on this ir that server but honestly I already put 20 hours into my toon and that is a lot for me to dedicate to one thing as my time in real life is precious so I can't afford to just waste 20+ hours. I am low enough level that I am considering it but at the same time I don't understand why I'm being punished for just buying a game and playing it like any normal person.


Most people don't research servers before choosing and I thin they just look at the list that is given at the time and choose PvE, PvP, or RP, depending on their playstyle. It does list which servers are hevay or light and which ones are medium. i chose medium but honestly if this is medium I'd hate to see lightly populated.

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No what will happen is that people will simply stop leveling, if people are forced to be in groups all the time and not just for heroic missions or when they feel like it there will be mass trolling and mass exodus of people from the game.


But please show me any mmo that has forced people to be grouped all the time and survived or even been developed and released. And i aint talking about heroic quests im talking about the game in its entirety.


Every game that came before WoW was heavily group-centered.


Everquest being the most notable and probably the most group-centric. Also, by far the most profitable game till WoW.


Every game that has come after WoW has been a solo game wrapped in MMO clothing. Most have been massive failures. None but WoW have ever matched EQ's numbers or longevity.


I'm not saying there isn't a place for the 'solo' WoW-esque MMO, but there's more than enough room for true multiplayer ones as well.

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Maybe a year from now this game might be ready and Bioware will have a plan for it. But right now they implement untested features, remove those features, give some worthless item to say "Im sorry you wasted your time doing this", rinse, and repeat. They will run out of people to piss off by Summer and maybe there will be some server mergers where those who enjoy getting kicked in the teeth can congregate. My account runs out in a week and I won't be renewing =(


no you can't have my stuff, its been deleted.

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Why haven't you guys laughed this dude off the internet yet? He bought the game 2 days ago and immediately ran to the forums to complain before he even saw 1/1000th of the game.


This is a troll post and he even told you it was before he posted.



P.S. roll on Veela

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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Let me ask you another question since so many people bash me for supposedly choosing the wrong server. I actually did some research before just choosing a server and I read all the fatman threads and multiple others in an effort to find one that was in the medium pop range. I was scared of rolling on a server with long ques as when my vacation is over I only get 1-2 hours a day to play. Right now I'm playing 8+ hours but that's because I took some time off work and still have several days of vacation left.


For people that can only play 1-2 hours a day a 40+ minute que would kill us. I thought I had chosen well and maybe the game does as many of you suggest start at level 50. In response to that I say how are you going to keep other new players like myself interested long enough to reach that goal? I could live with the fact that I can't find anyone to group with but not even seeing people talking or using chat is disheartening in itself. In most games I've played I often am entertained by the colorful chat of others while I'm out questing but it's not so in this game or at least on my server.


People tell me to re-roll on this ir that server but honestly I already put 20 hours into my toon and that is a lot for me to dedicate to one thing as my time in real life is precious so I can't afford to just waste 20+ hours. I am low enough level that I am considering it but at the same time I don't understand why I'm being punished for just buying a game and playing it like any normal person.


Most people don't research servers before choosing and I thin they just look at the list that is given at the time and choose PvE, PvP, or RP, depending on their play style. It does list which servers are heavy or light and which ones are medium. i chose medium but honestly if this is medium I'd hate to see lightly populated.


I am on one of the heaviest servers Jedi Covenant and I have experienced only one queue in the last 2 months and it was only for 3 minutes. I am not sure where you are getting 40 minute queues at. Seriously though, reroll on a higher population server and your problems will almost go away instantly. You have only been at this two days so your not that far into the game.


By the way, reading these forums is not a good way to research what server to roll on. The forums are full of disgruntled players that will post anything negative they can to try and discourage newer players. Good luck to you DeathGiggle and enjoy the game. My guild has nearly 130 people in it and we always have groups going. Raids, Flashpoints, World Boss nights, Lowbie dungeon runs etc. Reroll on a higher pop server, find a good guild and have fun.

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Let me ask you another question since so many people bash me for supposedly choosing the wrong server. I actually did some research before just choosing a server and I read all the fatman threads and multiple others in an effort to find one that was in the medium pop range. I was scared of rolling on a server with long ques as when my vacation is over I only get 1-2 hours a day to play. Right now I'm playing 8+ hours but that's because I took some time off work and still have several days of vacation left.


For people that can only play 1-2 hours a day a 40+ minute que would kill us. I thought I had chosen well and maybe the game does as many of you suggest start at level 50. In response to that I say how are you going to keep other new players like myself interested long enough to reach that goal? I could live with the fact that I can't find anyone to group with but not even seeing people talking or using chat is disheartening in itself. In most games I've played I often am entertained by the colorful chat of others while I'm out questing but it's not so in this game or at least on my server.


People tell me to reroll on this ir that server but honestly I already put 20 hours into my toon and that is a lot for me to dedicate to one thing as my time in real life is precious so I can't afford to just waste 20+ hours. I am low enough level that I am considering it but at the same time I don't understand why I'm being punished for just buying a game and playing it like any normal person.


Most people don't research servers before choosing and I thin they just look at the list that is given at the time and choose PvE, PvP, or RP, depending on their playstyle. It does list which servers are hevay or light and which ones are medium. i chose medium but honestly if this is medium I'd hate to see lightly populated.


The people who are bashing you for rolling on the wrong server and suggesting you just start over on a new one, have a unique perspective since playing this game is their job. Bioware and its fanbois need to realize its not the individual players fault they ended up on a dead server. Even if BW had tools available to us that detailed population, times, player time zones, all the information that could be useful in picking a server it would be impossible to predict where a particular server would be a year from now. If they truly want to help the player they would implement server transfer and I think they could even get away with charging people a little bit for it. I am quite sure they could use the extra money. Supposedly there is something in the works for that but given BW's track record, I'll believe it when I see it.

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Every game that came before WoW was heavily group-centered.


Everquest being the most notable and probably the most group-centric. Also, by far the most profitable game till WoW.


Every game that has come after WoW has been a solo game wrapped in MMO clothing. Most have been massive failures. None but WoW have ever matched EQ's numbers or longevity.


I'm not saying there isn't a place for the 'solo' WoW-esque MMO, but there's more than enough room for true multiplayer ones as well.


too many falsehoods in this post to address, but let me try. There have been a number of games after WoW that have tried to focus on Group play. You can play them today if you like. Vanguard to name one. Go there.


LOTRO has matched EQs numbers in the past, and came out after WoW. Of course it can't match EQ longevity, but as long as EQ doesn't close down, only three other MMOs CAN match EQ longevity because it's been around the longest, lol. There are others that have been highly successful.

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It's been said, but just reroll. I accidentally chose a aest coast server for my first toon. When I saw how few people were on during my play times I bit the bullet and rerolled.


I am a VERY slow player. It took me about 8 hours of game time to finish the starter planet, but my second go around on the new server only took a couple hours. It is well worth it.

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Quit, the game is not, nor will it really ever be worth the price of the sub.


They designed the game from a single player design standpoint and that's why it plays like one.


You could reroll to Fatman so you can do FPs and Heroics, but you'll have cleared all content in about a month anyway.

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Your problem is trying to do the heroics. They can be fun, but in reality they are kind of worthless and people just skip them and do PVP, space battles or flashpoints. So that is why no one responds, even when there are like 40-50 people in the zone, a lot of people won't reply to the heroic quests. I'm one of those people who doesn't reply, well some times i do, but mostly, I really don't want to do the heroics.
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