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Multiple healers still have pvp broken.


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3 good healers working together is virtually unkillable, but their team usually won't be killing anybody either if you got at least one good healer.


One time I had a game of Huttball where both sides are heal heavy and we won 6-3. There was 1 death on our team and 7 death on the losing team. But someone still had to win the game.

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*Rolls eyes* Please tell me you're a troll.


Healers have been balanced down to where having a third healer in a group can be a liability as much as an asset. There are many ways to focus a healer, or pull them away from a group. Coordinate with your team, Mark healers, and if worse comes to worse, use a PT/Vanguard to pull the 3rd healer into clear view of your idiot team, and shout loudly.


I play 3 level 50's, all 3 roles, and on my healer I can still heal my team fairly well, but two good dps is enough to pressure me into survival, and then I'm not healing. 3 dps is enough to burst me down before someone else can heal me.


Healing is a reactionary skill, it reacts to damage and seeing someone's health bar drop. Kill me before anyone see's my health bar drop, and you're golden. It's really not that hard.


<.< In short, L2p.

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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*Rolls eyes* Please tell me you're a troll.


Healers have been balanced down to where having a third healer in a group can be a liability as much as an asset. There are many ways to focus a healer, or pull them away from a group. Coordinate with your team, Mark healers, and if worse comes to worse, use a PT/Vanguard to pull the 3rd healer into clear view of your idiot team, and shout loudly.


I play 3 level 50's, all 3 roles, and on my healer I can still heal my team fairly well, but two good dps is enough to pressure me into survival, and then I'm not healing. 3 dps is enough to burst me down before someone else can heal me.


Healing is a reactionary skill, it reacts to damage and seeing someone's health bar drop. Kill me before anyone see's my health bar drop, and you're golden. It's really not that hard.


<.< In short, L2p.


Looking at 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 is silly. Any class should get smoked with 3 guys beating the crap out of him and no help


If your going to look at fight 3 dps you have to use 3 healers as well. Or at the very least. 2 DPS helping the healer with the abilites to peel and CC people to negate pressure.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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*Rolls eyes* Please tell me you're a troll.


Healers have been balanced down to where having a third healer in a group can be a liability as much as an asset. There are many ways to focus a healer, or pull them away from a group. Coordinate with your team, Mark healers, and if worse comes to worse, use a PT/Vanguard to pull the 3rd healer into clear view of your idiot team, and shout loudly.


I play 3 level 50's, all 3 roles, and on my healer I can still heal my team fairly well, but two good dps is enough to pressure me into survival, and then I'm not healing. 3 dps is enough to burst me down before someone else can heal me.


Healing is a reactionary skill, it reacts to damage and seeing someone's health bar drop. Kill me before anyone see's my health bar drop, and you're golden. It's really not that hard.


<.< In short, L2p.

People always seem to forget the other team can coordinate too. Saw something very funny today for the first time.


3 healers - 1 sage, 1 merc, 1 ops

5tanks-4 shadow tanks +1 powertech


All healers were guarded, 2 and 1 on each door, with 2 more coming to help (1 tank 1 healer) if we focused a door. Everyone attacking a healer was taunted, healer was guarded, had other healers healing the healers while the tanks burst 1 target at a time down. We had 2 healers so we stayed alive decently enough, but could NOT wipe them.


Even organized CC was only enough to drop 1 tank and maybe 2 healers at most, but never to wipe a door.


Needless to say we didn't get the arm. Their turn. We had a very good premade, full BM w/ some WH gear. Our set up was 1 guardian (me), 1 dps sage, 1 commando healer and 1 sentinel. So CC was going to be an issue, especially when 4 members of the other team can be immune for 5 seconds.


All 8 of them went for the arm. All 8. AOE's (most) only hit up to 5 targets, not to mention they used CC properly as well. Within 4 minutes of me click targeting striking / force sweeping while my entire premade was dropping Aoe's, they got the door.


I was the only knight and commanding awe is on a 45 second cooldown. Not to mention we were all utilizing CC one at a time so some of their resolves filled before commanding awe had to be used.


This set up absolutely will not die. It's perfect for defending nodes, especially at the rate of reinforcement. With 4 tank assassins and 1 sorc, they would most likely would have won in Huttball as well. Not dying quickly is the best way to hold nodes and mid in huttball, this set up is beastly and incredibly lucky the 2 premades met up.

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People always seem to forget the other team can coordinate too. Saw something very funny today for the first time.


3 healers - 1 sage, 1 merc, 1 ops

5tanks-4 shadow tanks +1 powertech


All healers were guarded, 2 and 1 on each door, with 2 more coming to help (1 tank 1 healer) if we focused a door. Everyone attacking a healer was taunted, healer was guarded, had other healers healing the healers while the tanks burst 1 target at a time down. We had 2 healers so we stayed alive decently enough, but could NOT wipe them.


Even organized CC was only enough to drop 1 tank and maybe 2 healers at most, but never to wipe a door.


Needless to say we didn't get the arm. Their turn. We had a very good premade, full BM w/ some WH gear. Our set up was 1 guardian (me), 1 dps sage, 1 commando healer and 1 sentinel. So CC was going to be an issue, especially when 4 members of the other team can be immune for 5 seconds.


All 8 of them went for the arm. All 8. AOE's (most) only hit up to 5 targets, not to mention they used CC properly as well. Within 4 minutes of me click targeting striking / force sweeping while my entire premade was dropping Aoe's, they got the door.


I was the only knight and commanding awe is on a 45 second cooldown. Not to mention we were all utilizing CC one at a time so some of their resolves filled before commanding awe had to be used.


This set up absolutely will not die. It's perfect for defending nodes, especially at the rate of reinforcement. With 4 tank assassins and 1 sorc, they would most likely would have won in Huttball as well. Not dying quickly is the best way to hold nodes and mid in huttball, this set up is beastly and incredibly lucky the 2 premades met up.


That is indeed funny, and unfortunate, but also a rare set up I'm sure. In that case, it was not their multiple healers, but rather multiple tanks+healers, and well coordinated heals/taunts/guards. (This may be a valid point, but as to the OP's statement, he focusses blame only on the healers.)


That being said, it would appear it was a close match, as it took them nearly 4 minutes out of 7 to breach a door. Believe me when I applaud both teams in their efforts, even on the losing side I would love to have played in this match.


In the end, it appears skill was the deciding factor.

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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I don't see how 8 guys with a billion HP could win a Voidstar if all they do is trying to click on the door and hope one of them manages to cap it successfully.


Having 4 Tankasins allows you to get guard and yet still have DPS, which addresses the one weakness of having a heal strong team. If the heal strong team is guarded by non Tankasins, they'd never be able to have the DPS to break through anything. Games like that would end up in a virtual stalemate.

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If you let a team with too many healers cap more nodes than you or open a door or kill your ball carrier, you failed. Healer heavy teams can't kill anything. I was in a NC pug with 5 pure healers, 1 dps and 2 corruption/x sorcs. You know how many deaths between both teams combined was? Seven. Seven deaths in the entire warzone. Totally OP.


Hint: you generally have to kill people to accomplish anything in warzones. If you can't kill people, you generally can't accomplish anything.


If you lose to a healer heavy team, especially after 1.2, you were less coordinated or worse players than they were. It's easy to focus down a healer. It's easy to remove a target from LOS/range of a crosshealer to kill them. If only people bothered to realize they had these abilities outside of Huttball.

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If you let a team with too many healers cap more nodes than you or open a door or kill your ball carrier, you failed. Healer heavy teams can't kill anything. I was in a NC pug with 5 pure healers, 1 dps and 2 corruption/x sorcs. You know how many deaths between both teams combined was? Seven. Seven deaths in the entire warzone. Totally OP.


Hint: you generally have to kill people to accomplish anything in warzones. If you can't kill people, you generally can't accomplish anything.


If you lose to a healer heavy team, especially after 1.2, you were less coordinated or worse players than they were. It's easy to focus down a healer. It's easy to remove a target from LOS/range of a crosshealer to kill them. If only people bothered to realize they had these abilities outside of Huttball.


The problem is that when you play against good players, having 3 healers and 5 tanks IS overpowered because they CAN do damage while protecting each other and staying alive. Pull / push a healer away? Rescued. Pull push a healer away? Tanks pull the players attacking him.


It's honestly not even necessarily a measure of skill. The more healers = the more room for error. You can play poorly and run to your healer, because there is no way in a premade of 4 you can hope to focus down one when they are guarded and healed by another. Especially because 1 of those slots is a healer of your own.

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The problem is that when you play against good players, having 3 healers and 5 tanks IS overpowered because they CAN do damage while protecting each other and staying alive. Pull / push a healer away? Rescued. Pull push a healer away? Tanks pull the players attacking him.


It's honestly not even necessarily a measure of skill. The more healers = the more room for error. You can play poorly and run to your healer, because there is no way in a premade of 4 you can hope to focus down one when they are guarded and healed by another. Especially because 1 of those slots is a healer of your own.


Good players don't break math. Sorry.

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3 good healers working together is virtually unkillable.


That is untrue if you have 6 to 7 as good dps as the healers are (1). But you need to focus fire (2) and use interrupts. Even for several healers working together (3) it's quite hard to survive a focus fire, and it is impossible with a tank's protection.


So it would necessite 3 healers and 3 tanks to have a "virtually unkillable" team ? I don't see how you one can think it as an issue. Of course you cannot kill a team with only healers and tanks, nor should you be able to!


(1) Most of the time this "as good" is the only issue. If the healers outplay you, then you would see them as unkillable.


(2) I'm a healer myself and sometime I feel ignored by the opposite team to a point making me wonder if humankind is or is not beyong any hope of salvation...

In such case I go in the middle of the fight, not hiding me in the slicest and tell the opposite team using /say command : "Focus me you idiots, I'm a healer!"... and I still get ignored.


(3) Even 3 healers working together cannot be everywhere. There is 2 doors at voidstar, 3 points at CW and novare, unless the opposite team got 6 to 9 healers (and as much tanks? ^^) they cannot be unkillable everywhere all the time.

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That is indeed funny, and unfortunate, but also a rare set up I'm sure. In that case, it was not their multiple healers, but rather multiple tanks+healers, and well coordinated heals/taunts/guards. (This may be a valid point, but as to the OP's statement, he focusses blame only on the healers.)


That being said, it would appear it was a close match, as it took them nearly 4 minutes out of 7 to breach a door. Believe me when I applaud both teams in their efforts, even on the losing side I would love to have played in this match.


In the end, it appears skill was the deciding factor.


Not sure what server you're on, but I'd faced the same exact tactic the other day. There were 4 healers on their team. Needless to say, we could never get a door. And when it was their turn, all 8 went for the same door and got it after a few min. I don't think we made the 4 min mark since we had a few nooblets on the team...


Bottom line, there's still an issue IMO, at least in one WZ.

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HEALERS break games: if you cant figure out how to smash a target no one should hold your hands and give you an alternative. If you want a realistic MMO you would do away with healers. It makes no sense, it bogs down games and produces faulty mechanics, In short, healers make no sense and should be removed from all MMOS
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I've had 3 Healers struggle to stay up against me solo on my Powertech..... I pretty much kept them in the same area cause if they left to go heal anyone else it would mean the other 2 healers would die horribly.


You have 2 Powertech's or a Marauder/Powertech and nothing lives..There is no healer in this game while being healed without guard that can stand vs that DPS... you honestly need 3 Healers and a Tank just to survive it.

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Look at other skill based games: there are NO healers in FPS. There are no healers in chess, there are no healers in risk.. The healing class was invented by nerds who needed an EZ-mode class to place their frumpy girl friends into. I'm sorry but anyone who says healers are of necessity are also saying that their game is no longer skill based,
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I've had 3 Healers struggle to stay up against me solo on my Powertech..... I pretty much kept them in the same area cause if they left to go heal anyone else it would mean the other 2 healers would die horribly.


You have 2 Powertech's or a Marauder/Powertech and nothing lives..There is no healer in this game while being healed without guard that can stand vs that DPS... you honestly need 3 Healers and a Tank just to survive it.


OK, Powertechs should be nerfed as well, if you insist :)

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3 healers in a WZ just now...all were marked only one or two of us were focusing them. You cannot fix stupid with a patch....stop ruining the game and unscrew CM please. The good teams will still be able to focus healers and the bads will continue to whine.
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