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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]


There's only one reasonable here, and that is "nonexisting". It's starting to get on my nerves.

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Part science and part art.....U have qs in most servers but some are like 5-6 hours q ,it is EGA so u can open free migration to these 2-3 server and let ppl to balance the servers by them selves !Where is the science in that???free migrations to the 3 - 4 servers which have 5+hours q and see what happens till 20th ...but no u dont do anything and the reason is i think "let them wait 5+ hours in q so ppl who log at 20th will see the q and go to other servers and we deal with problem after few weeks" You are not going to have problem in few weeks cos ppl would leave in few weeks ....if u care about costumers u act fast or at least u explain what are u doing ,your explaination post was a joke.


BTW u send us a mail "YOUR WAIT IS OVER" to say about game's official launch day ...........your wait is over ...........lololololololololol



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Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch.


The queues are far too long right now. I couldn't get near the server my guild and my friends are on last night, so I gave up.

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2hours here and don´t let me rejoin now

Great work


I feel your pain. Was queued for around 2 and a half. Just got to 20 or so in the queue and had an error 1003...


I've now rolled on a new server. To hell with queues (and stupid friends for picking a server that was bound to be popular)

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Just putting my reply with the sea of others: queue times are unacceptably long in some cases. Please do whatever makes sense to alleviate - be that deploying more servers, increasing pop cap on existing, or some combination of the both (or other solution).


My friends and I are getting frustrated with not being able to get onto a server together at the same time.

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What's the point if even wanting to log on if every time you do there's a 3hr queue.


I queued 3 hrs last night to get into the game, and now I'm stuck in a larger queue.


Stop treating Early Access players like guinea pigs. It's no longer beta.


And the, "you're getting free days to play" argument is BS. Early Access players should be your loyal consumer base, stop trying to turn then away.


I've been in many, many game releases before, and these are the worst queues I've encountered.

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I understand they want to make sure the servers are stable and smooth for people to play on but this server needs serious attention. It's fine to ask individuals to reroll on another server but you can't expect friends/guilds/allies all to up sticks and reroll after they were allocated this server. Kinda defeats the purpose of the pre-launch guild program.


I feel like bio ware are using the 'early access' to run stress tests, it seems that with the thousands of upset players out there if they don't fix the problem very soon (within 24hrs) then they will loose a great deal of players who won't bother sub'ing the game when their 30 day expires.


Seriously guys, you have the biggest star wars mmo, I haven't seen such bad server management since SOE messed up SWG. Sort the server queues out and move forward. After all if you say you are raising the cap on the servers, how do you know how much more they can handle?? What is the max limit on each server anyway?? Like 250 players? These servers should be able to handle 1000's of players especially with today's technology and that some of the action is instances. I along with most players posting here am very disappointed with the queue. I have never had to queue for a game before in my life.


If we are constantly faced with a 2-4hr wait to play on the servers, will bio ware consider refunding the cost of the game to players who aren't satisfied with the service??


Questions need answering and implement the server cap increase before too many players are disillusioned by the promises

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