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  1. Tell you something : **** you! I dont give **** about my spelling mr teacher!
  2. March them down is still bugged , for me atleast it is. Every day the same story i have to win about 5-6 games to complete 3/3 warzone wins. I have no time , energy , willpower or need of playing that much warzones! Im valor rank 64 and i dont really feel the need of grinding more of valor. All i want is just do my dailys asap. BW nerfed the droprate in the pvp bags and refuses to fix this bug just to compensate lack of content or *** is it, cant be that hard to fix 1 freaking quest is it??!? Just fix it already!
  3. I became a warzone quitter in this game becouse: Im *********** sick of constantly losing battles becouse alot of nerds come in with 11k hp. Ok, eveybody have to start somewhere but make your self atleas useful going to guard a spot and not try to zerg with a group just becouse you know you stink on your own and cant handle a ****. Then just dont join a warzone or get your self atleast some decent pve gear. I will be quitting and quitting and quitting as long as ****** BW wont FIX *********** March them down pvp daily. I simply dont have time , energy , willpower or need of spending half of my day playing boring warzone games just to complete my daily pvp quest becouse most of the wins dont count towards the quest. For ppl who say : then **** and stop playing or then wait half year till they fix the game i say this: **** you, and **** your self! And to BW i say : Then release the game when its ready to be released and not when it have to be fixed and fixed allover again. Its not 2005 when WoW came out and had o competition. This days the lvl lies way higher, i except the game to be released without major bugs. Could of invite way more ppl to the betas as well alright ,, but no .. why would they?
  4. 1. Over scheduling Maintenance. I agree on this 100%! While i want the game to be fixed, the mainetenances comming every fhew days are just to much. And patch the EU servers on EU friendly hours, ffs!! Many ppl asked for that, but still no effect. 5. Over pricing. While i dont think i pay to much for the game right now, i hope they will not charge us for things like: Character customization , faction change and / or server transfer. This should be free just becouse we pay monthly fees already. WoW ask money for the services and i think its just a pathetic way of making extra bucks.
  5. Hi, The game pusched my rage buttons today again.. Its already hard enough to win fhew warzones quickly and finish the daily. I think i lost about 4 games and won about 3 games as well, but the quest states; Warzone Battles Won 1/3. And its almost every day the same! Would be nice if they fix it already... this just freaking me out!
  6. Bloodo

    Champion Gear Bag

    What if i had only 3 or 4 hours time each day and got even less luck than i have right now? And what will prevent the real lucky ones from getting all the best gear in 2 WEEKS even if they play just 3 hours a day? Listen man i know there is no perfect system that will keep everyone happy but i dont think this one is the best aviable.
  7. Bloodo

    Champion Gear Bag

    Thats correct you can give the gear to your companion. But: 1. Im not playing pvp to gear my companion. 2.Companion's are pretty useless after you get to lvl 50 if you dont bother to do solo questing anymore.You will be using them only when doing solo stuff and for prfessions. 3. Im pretty sure you wont be so easy about it after you have tasted the system your self.Unless your the lucky one that is..
  8. Bloodo

    Champion Gear Bag

    Totally agree. Im Valor rank 53 , i have opened around 40 - 50 bags so far, Got earpiece, bracers, 1x inplant. And 3x boots...... It's just amezing how well this stupid system works for some ppl, and how horrible it is to others. Its totally unfair to spend so much time pvping and get rewarded with this crap while some ppl bearly know what the **** they doing in the warzone and run around fully epic geared. There are some stuff in this game that bother me at this momment but this issue is on the top of my list and its game breaking for me. I decided to give "my luck" more time, untill i ding valor rank 60 if i dont get more lucky .. then i might just give this game up. Dont wanna spend around 8 hours of my time each day on the game and get not rewarded.
  9. Is it comming or not? Im stuck on really bussy server aswell. But transfer should be aviable anyway to everyboday at all times. there can be 100 of reasons why somene would like to transfer his character.
  10. I would't except that. Not on sunday anyways
  11. What are you gonna do now? Wait again or start WoW? ;p
  12. No, im not saying spanish ppl is the whole problem but for sure they are part of the problem. They have been advertising on many other servers telling spanish ppl to make new characters on ToFN making it unofficial spanish server.
  13. Our guild was assigned to Chuundar server but when we came to know all the Russians going to play there we escaped to Tomb of freedon nadd. I actually start to regret this decission... we have dodged the Russians yes , but instead we got Spanish and now we have to wait from 3 to 6 hours to log in to the server. More servers woud be good idea, also some official servers : Spain, Russia , Italy would be good idea. Why do the Germans and French get always the privilege and you skip all the other big countrys who cant or dont want to use english.
  14. Playing on Tomb of Freedon nadd server. Im in que for +2h now , still +1h or so to go. Wich will bring me on total wait time of ~4h. Im not happy with it, but what can we do...
  15. Tbh i have all the faith in BW to handle the problem , just give them time. You can't except from them to do anything drastical right now. I guess we will have to wait till 20th or later, before they intervene.
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