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Regarding server queues


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Aight...160 pages worth of posts now and I'm going to bed. Can't wait to see what this thread hits by the time I wake up. Keep the pressure on peeps.


406 pages altogether actually. Although they have replied once to it..

Edited by Silverrey
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When I am PAYING MONEY (REAL MONEY) to use a service, I except to be able to use that service! People have to right to ***** and moan and complain about this because they are paying big money to use it. It isn't outrageous that people are complaining about this.





BTW Bioware/EA... me and my three friends will transfer to a way less populated server if you give us the chance...

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This has been a very rough launch. The worst part is that the game hasn't even launched yet.


I've seen many MMO's launch going all the way back to EQ1, and been part of quite a few betas.


This is not a new genre. There is hard statistics to pull from that are known within the industry. The programmers and developers are aware of all of these statistics and have been very vague on solutions, customer communication and the like.


I'm not a fanboy or against the company here, I'm just stating the facts. I'm a realist.


There is an immense amount of money that this game has already generated due to the Star Wars franchise, BioWare and EA all being a part of this and frankly it surprises me that this prelaunch has gone so awry.


The terrible waits on the queues is unnecessary (I feel really bad for those of you that have had to wait upwards of 2 hours or longer, in some cases due to a random disconnect).


These problems are due to programming/planning errors and oversights and hopes that people will not log in to play the game all at once.


Impress us please Bioware and EA... you have built this up to be such a great experience and already many fans are becoming enraged at your lack of planning and customer care.


People will play another game when it comes right down to it, and you have plenty of competition. I myself am going to review whether I want to keep playing and giving you money for my subscription to this level of quality or lack thereof. I'm sure many others are feeling the same way.


On a positive note, the game is fun and the content is immense and interesting, so why not fix the server issues NOW, don't play dumb, you know what you need to do.

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Originally Posted by Dirtyshadow

why isnt there 2 server spots per pre-release game sold, not barely enough space. Double, triple, having the empty space, just means you will fill it.

And who says there isn't?.

The fact that this morning nearly all of them were listed as Full with at least 30+ minutes each.


1) Yes servers are full due to the connection of friends.

2) But they all seem to be full, some 10x times worse than others (due to reason 1)


They are expecting huge sales, and they are holding back. I cant see the reason. This sort of muddle footing around with servers and configurations is the stuff of Beta testing. Not the final days up to release.

Edited by Dirtyshadow
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The fact that this morning nearly all of them were listed as Full with at least 30+ minutes each.


1) Yes servers are full due to the connection of friends.

2) But they all seem to be full, some 10x times worse than others (due to reason 1)


They are expecting huge sales, and they are holding back. I cant see the reason. This sort of muddle footing around with servers and configurations is the stuff of Beta testing. Not the final days up to release.


Well Bioware is usually pretty good about their games, on the other hand, EA is involved...

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Well my server "The Swiftsure" is the Unofficial oceanic PvP server and most of the people i know have resorted to taping there movement keys down so that they run in a circle for 10 hours while they go to bed.

3-4 hour ques are completely unacceptable, add more room on the servers please and now not on the 20th, unless you like people canceling pre-orders then whatever man.

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Need more and/or better servers.


We need 100% free server transfers.


You cashed in with the release and pre-orders. Thats nothing compared to the money on the table to keep those subs. No one is going to pay a sub to sit in a queue for more then half the amount of time they have to play. Do not be reactive, be pre-active. Fix the problem NOW and give people the options to remedy this on his or her own with transfers.


It's way too early to have server transfers.


There will be queues right now because tons of people are playing, but there will be a TON of people quitting after the first few weeks as well, and that means queues will die down.

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If you dont like somethin about the game please stop trying to log in. A lot of us do like it, and youre killing us with these que times!

I like the game, I hate the damn queues... if I could log in and bypass the queue, I wouldnt have a complaint!


The thing is EVERYONE is dealing with the Queues, some worse than others *cough* Harbinger *cough* and the Sanitised PR blog piece does nothing and says nothing. Its empty words, we want action.


No one likes waiting for anything, patience is a virtue, but understanding is greater.

We dont understand why we have to wait in queues for 2 hours... for some they are in queue longer than they actually get to play. Thats unacceptable, to anyone and everyone, and being silent and accepting of it is the wrong thing to do. We want EA/Bioware to understand us, cause we the hell do not understand them.


We shouldnt be expecting queues in a game that is on the cusp of going public television right now, being released in a couple of days and under the Christmas tree in 5 days. More people are coming to this game... and atm the only way the servers are going to get better is if they fix it, and fix it soon, or people start leaving in droves.

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3-4 hour ques are completely unacceptable

Don't blame EA/Bioware for that. That's the fault of the idiots "taping their movement keys". They are attempting to circumvent the logout procedure so they can be special. In effect, they are killing the servers, NOT EA/Bioware

Next up:

You've been playing for a few hours, time to give someone else a chance.. Forced log off

I HATE to see it come to this, but that's what's going to happen if people keep abusing the system like that.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


So exactly how is this queue-nightmare ensuring a dynamic engaging community. For me it only make two things sure. 1) I can't play when I have time, the game dictates when you can play wich is a huge nono. 2) I wont continue to play if queues is still around when the question of paying the first monthly fee comes.


Managable and reasonable from whos viewpoint? Moneycounters? Server admins? Because its most certainly not managable and reasonable from a casual gamers viewpoint.


I just cant see how this will be any better when the game officially launches. On my server there is a lot of deployed guilds, my own included, and there will be a lot more friends coming in to play - with their friends on exactly that server. That will be the case on a lot of the servers.


Not taking advantage of your already implemented instancing system is a huge mistake. For a long lived dynamic community if would be better with fewer servers and more instances. Ideally it should be ONE server, but hey we do understand that this might be a bit too challenging with millions of subscribers instead of a couple hundred thousands like Eve... Its too late now and SWTOR will have to live with ghost servers and a heavily fragmented community.

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I'm beginning to have second thoughts about paying for a subscription for this game. Fortunately when I redeemed my retail code I decided to wait until AFTER release to actually pay for a subscription. I'm sure I'm not the only person in this boat; now waiting to see if this "reasonable" queue problem goes away. Others have given some good suggestions on how to alleviate this problem. If the team could actually SPEAK to us and keep us in the loop about what is being done to fix this and whether this is expected to become and on-going problem post release then I'm sure we'd have less people raging.


I can understand that getting new servers takes time and money but that's why you have OPEN beta to see how many people will play your game. Herp a derp.


I for one am not going to give one cent more to ea/bioware until this problem is resolved. Who's with me?

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I'm not entirely sure but it seems to me that the capacity of the servers have been going up with each wave.

I think what needs to be done (based on the numbers and queue times we're seeing at this pre-launch) is not so much just adding a bunch of servers, but making the servers that are up capable of hosting far more people.

Since I haven't seen any numbers released on this matter (capacity size, actual players on a given server at a time, etc) I don't know if I'm imagining something along the lines of impossible or not.

But from what I see in game there isn't such a huge overload of folks on the server (unless I happen to have picked a few servers with totally mismatched faction ratios).

Given all this, I really think if it isn't something out of the question, the server bandwidths should be expanded significantly.

I'm seeing an upwards of half of all the servers available to North America occupied around full every time I've launched the game to try and get into the game, with the lowest server load being at standard, and that load rating being a very miniscule minority.

I'm inclined to believe that the necessary bandwidth is what isn't being met here, and not just server count. This may have to do with guild distributing as well, but I'll assume that that matter has been made to be spread pretty evenly.


Just my two cents - again, I have no precise numbers backing this up as I haven't seen any numbers released on the matter of server size and player load per server on average. It's important not to completely overpopulate servers, but if there just isn't enough space on servers that's something else entirely.

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