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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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Uh, as long as the guy raging doesn't break the TOS or EULA, he has every right to do w/e he wants. If a baddie wants to continue being a baddie, he has every right to be bad. And at the same time, we all have the right to call him out for being bad.


Uh, and I have the right to not reinforce that johnny lockerroom leader horsecrap. Talk like that to me or anyone else on your team i will stop immediately and farm medals on my butt at a turret. You must be one of the leetpros i cited in my original post.

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You think ppl care?


You should focus more about improving your gameplay, so people don't have to yell at you; rather than trying to figure out ways to force them to carry you. Nobody cares about any type of penalty they can come up with.


Not to mention anything they/you can come up with, will end up hurting "you" instead of the people you intend to. *points @ rewards for losing a WZ 1 quick patch ago*


But your missing the point thats its not always someones gameplay thats at fault.


You've said yourself that you've gone afk for 2min and raged at people , yet won't offer advice. You said its not your job to. Think of this tho , while your raging for 2min , the game can geet a turn around. I've joined Alderaan matches that were 500-200 enemy favor and we still pulled out a win , in less than 2 min.


Sometimes its these Elite Pvp'ers that will notice the enemy gets 2 turrents right at the begining of the match and then just afk yell at everyone. Thats 3 or 4 players yelling for 2 min and taking up a spot. The match could have been won.


And as new as the game is , i'm 100% sure that if they came out with a -1000 valor for leaving and -500 valor for a afk kick this kind of stuff would stop. It would take 4 matches and you'd be out of Valor to ware ranked gear. You'd drop from valor 60 to 59 real fast and then people might think.


I'd hate to tell you this , but you guys are gonna have the same problem in ranked matches , and sometimes even with 8man premades (unless its all guildmates) Mark my words , you'll see people complaining about this same stuff going on in ranked matches as soon as it comes out.


"If we lose , its cause u suxors , but if we win , its cause i carried u" <--- Leet way of thinking. Glad i'm a better person than that.

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I don't leave warzones, ever. I'm also 9/10 times the one taking either left or right since pugs will quite often rush mid and just ignore it - usually when this happens I ask them why nobody thought to go left and made the (usually only) healer do it. Especially when I call at the start of the game that I'm a healer so people know to peel - although thats maybe 1/10 games where this happens.


The tactical placement is not the point of my reply.


I also never get negativity, Ive had one case of someone backtalking me, and that was someone just telling me to shutup. He didnt have an arguement and apparently he doesnt know about the /ignore command. Also, you really think thats going to help your cause to sit on a spot and do nothing because someone had a go at someone? Have you ever been in the real world? When did 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' become irrelevant?


When did acting like you're entitled to take a huge **** on others become relevant? You've shown me you dispaly poor leadership in this game's context. People who "refuse to listen" and you justify that crap. I live and work in the real world like everyone else. You don't get far with that johnny lockerroom self appointed leader rhetoric and justifications for it. People that do in their careers are usually being buoyed by a spouse, relative or friend above them. People that treat others as you do, especially when unpleasant things occur, usually end up stagnating.


Well done trying to put me into a stereotype, I always help people if they ask for it, I just do it in an agressive and harsh manner after I can't get it through their head. I'm a Chef in real life, and manners don't really apply in hospitality, its not a career you have the time to spend being nice to people - rather you have to ram it into their head and fire them if they don't get you.


I've worked as a machinist in fiberoptics and coax manufacturing for over a decade, and I don't work in an environment where politeness is the order of the day, but the kind of rhetoric you endorse and practice here would get you nothing in my workplace but a fat stack of disciplinary action reports in your file.

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what? the people who completely ignore objectives carry me?


K, so to all the ppl who are fighting all game in the pit, while the enemy scores 4 times in 2 minutes, i thank you and sorry for being a burden on you.


Thank you for spliting in voidstar attack and not achieving anything.


Thank you for losing 6v3(enemies battles).


Thank you for over reacting and calling for help for 2 ppl when you are 5.


Thank you for not interupping caps.


Thank you for farming medals and ignoring objectives.


etc etc, i dont have all day to fill 2 pages with examples of extremely bad pvp gameplay, not to mention i already posted tons, and more


You srs dude? naga please.


IDK man , maybe its your sever that sucks and your just a subpar player that others make look good , cause IDK about the others here, but i don't have these problems on my server. The problems i run across is the ones who sit there and afk cause we didn't cap 2 or all 3 right off the bat and then yell at everyone. Then when we do turn it around , they've already been sitting there afk yelling at people for 3 min and then claim we couldn't have won if it wasn't for them.


It seems to me that your not much of a team player , and thats by your own words. Your more of a selfish player. Your the kind that was probably doing your own thing to make yourself better and didn't pay attention to what someone else was saying needed to be done and was probably your fault the match was lost.


Thats what i've sermised from your own posts. You have said yourself that you'll afk rage at people for a few min , but that few min could have turned the battle. You have said yourself that you'll leave the que (which i and others have no probs with) , yet you don't know if the match was won or lost. I'm bettering tho that 75% of the time a new player with less gear/valor/expertise came in and helped win the match. Thats got to say something right there. LOL

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The tactical placement is not the point of my reply.




When did acting like you're entitled to take a huge **** on others become relevant? You've shown me you dispaly poor leadership in this game's context. People who "refuse to listen" and you justify that crap. I live and work in the real world like everyone else. You don't get far with that johnny lockerroom self appointed leader rhetoric and justifications for it. People that do in their careers are usually being buoyed by a spouse, relative or friend above them. People that treat others as you do, especially when unpleasant things occur, usually end up stagnating.




I've worked as a machinist in fiberoptics and coax manufacturing for over a decade, and I don't work in an environment where politeness is the order of the day, but the kind of rhetoric you endorse and practice here would get you nothing in my workplace but a fat stack of disciplinary action reports in your file.


Here , Here my friend. Best post i've seen so far.


Even brought up an important point someone keeps trying to point out in their favor. "Be the best you can be in everything you do" or whats the point. Well , doesn't that mean being the best person too? The best leader? If your so good , share that knowledge or just quit. Don't waste my time in a match with your yelling at people because the match didn't go your way. Carry your own weight as a human being and forget there is a interweb and monitor protecting you. Act as if the person is right in front of you and i'm pretty sure your way of talking would change (or maybe not , some people are just born to be interweb bullies and thats all their good at)

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I roll my eyes at ragers as hard as the next person, but I can't help but agree with a lot of them. The percentage of people who play this game who have no idea what they're doing is ASTOUNDING. From class spec to gameplay to simple situational awareness, a LOT of people running around boasting top-end PvP gear are simply bad.




Now, the ragers on my server usually fall into that category, but they're still right, in a sort of backwards way.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


Although, I completely agree with the orginal post, the devils advocate in me agrees with these opposite reasons for complaining, because many post valor 70 people have seen both sides. The know it al jerk that does nothing and the team that is either too under geared or knows how to play the map to make you shrug.

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From my experience these guys are pretty rare at lvl50.


On the other hand, in 10-49WZs i frequently saw level 15s or lower spamming "u guyz suk" in Ops chat whilst allowing their nodes to be stealthcapped.


I see lots of them on weekends, but they're rare during the weekday evenings.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


I don't like you, but this is true.

Luckily I don't solo q :).


Watchmen premades 100% win ratio.


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There is no valid justification or excuse for acting like a spoilt brat and abusing or insulting another person in a videogame. Never!


Doesn't matter how bad they are at PVP. No-one has right to be rude and ignorant.


Eula > Made up rules. I can do whatever i want ingame as long as i don't break the eula.

If i have a problem with someone in game, i make sure they know about it and that's about it. I do not go complain to a higher authority (Bioware) to force other players to do something. ie: carry me in wz.


Asking that the game mechanics be changed so that everybody plays according to their made up rules and preconceptions is strictly a bad player agenda.

Edited by Dmasterr
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I can sometimes be seen abusing idiots.. but only when they ARE being idiots.


Example: if you let the other team get 4 points in 2 minutes in huttball by letting them leap up to you on the goal line and you are STILL STANDING ON THE GO DAMN LINE? I am going to call you stupid. Because you ARE.


If I'm sneakily ninjaing a point in CW with two enemy standing feet away but not looking, and you decide to run over and attack them and THEN run over to stand next to me whilst fighting, guaranteeing they turn and see me? Well yeah. Same thing.


But yes. There are plenty of situations where you all do your best but the other team wins anyway. Big deal. There's one guy on my server in particular who will NEVER stick around in a game unless it's a steamroll win. Even if we're down by a tiny tiny bit he will abuse everyone and leave. Every time. Those people suck.

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I think quitting is okay while we cannot choose our warzones. Once you choose and choose to pug, it's game on. Let peeps know if there are doing something wrong in a cordial manner it's only a video game.


Once somebody ignorant starts cussing all over chat I shut them down straight off. I really doubt they'd say boo if it wasn't from behind a keyboard.

Edited by Elmuerto
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Eula > Made up rules. I can do whatever i want ingame as long as i don't break the eula.

If i have a problem with someone in game, i make sure they know about it and that's about it. I do not go complain to a higher authority (Bioware) to force other players to do something. ie: carry me in wz.


Asking that the game mechanics be changed so that everybody plays according to their made up rules and preconceptions is strictly a bad player agenda.


Go for it big guy. if you insist on being rude and abusive, because you feel somehow your are "entitled" that's up to you. In my book that makes you a coward.


Of course, I'll bet you woun't dare to do it to someones face would you.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


HAHA, well said man. i feel you 100% I cant wait till there is some sort of matchmaking in this game, because i hate to leave matches, and i hate to be the one to inform the rest of the team that they are in fact noobs, but sometimes it is inevitable. btw, that voidstar example you described excactly. it is SOOOOOOO easy to interrupt them from getting the door. but ppl never do, they get lured to the middle, and fight trash while the door is capped. i have never seen a door I was guarding ever get capped, and have been in so many 1v3's at "my" door while somehow the rest of my team cant handle the other one. "just fight at doors!! ***!!!" and when i go over there too see none of my teammates even died, they just didnt care about the door cause they are busy attacking a tank who is being healed for 10 minutes. and they have the nerve to call me a bad guy for leaving or talking ****? gear is important, but it wont cover the door for you, and premades are nice, but if you all know what to do ryou can still win with a thrown together group.

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I do comment on raidchat sometimes but only if people are not trying or they are trying to play solo superhero without helping our team. If people don't call help for nodes, watch doors etc. I do say something, nothing insulting like "idiots" but more likely "why didnt you call for help?"
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The simple fact is a LOT of people suck at this game, and most games I assume. Statistically every now and then you will get an over abundance of bads in one WZ. As a healer it is VERY obvious. The larger the population of a server, the more bads thee are, which ups your odds. Anyone one who thinks differently is obviously one of the bads. End of story. The first step is admitting you're bad. Now go L2P already. This isn't some local community kids soccer league that doesn't keep score.
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No, usually it is the PvP Hero who gets mad. It is very often the same person and they're very predictable because;

1. If they win, they carried everyone.

2. If they lose, it is everyone else's fault.


It can be frustrating, of course, but these PvP heroes should also entertain the idea that they were just outplayed by the opponent.


Then there is the psychological aspect of getting a group of people to do what you want them to do. Aggressive behaviour is a really really dumb way of doing it. No one cares about an internet tough guy because you're sitting behind a computer screen acting like you're Sir Awesome, Superhero of the Warzones. Polite suggestions is what works because then you are not creating resistance by hurting their PvP-pride(the pvp heroes are surely not alone with having a big ego).


Trying saying, for example, "Fight at turrets, otherwise they'll ninja cap" instead of putting random words of verbal abuse in there. I can pretty much guarantee a positive reaction. What you achieved with that short sentence was;

1. Told them where to fight.

2. Told them why.

Knowing both where and why you're doing something is what makes you learn. Not getting crushed in the ops channel.


So yeah, if you want them to L2P then give em a chance, just saying...



Troll successful 8/10 internets

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IDK man , maybe its your sever that sucks and your just a subpar player that others make look good , cause IDK about the others here, but i don't have these problems on my server. The problems i run across is the ones who sit there and afk cause we didn't cap 2 or all 3 right off the bat and then yell at everyone. Then when we do turn it around , they've already been sitting there afk yelling at people for 3 min and then claim we couldn't have won if it wasn't for them.


It seems to me that your not much of a team player , and thats by your own words. Your more of a selfish player. Your the kind that was probably doing your own thing to make yourself better and didn't pay attention to what someone else was saying needed to be done and was probably your fault the match was lost.


Thats what i've sermised from your own posts. You have said yourself that you'll afk rage at people for a few min , but that few min could have turned the battle. You have said yourself that you'll leave the que (which i and others have no probs with) , yet you don't know if the match was won or lost. I'm bettering tho that 75% of the time a new player with less gear/valor/expertise came in and helped win the match. Thats got to say something right there. LOL

Although he does seem a tad bit hostile I can understand his frustration. Sometimes you just get crappy people. I would open my map to see 5 people on the eastern side of Alderaan map but none of them are at the turret. I would say "Guys fight at the turret. Don't let them bait you away from the turret." 20seconds later the enemy caps the eastern turret.


Stuff like this happens. I've had 10 game losing streaks and other times I win all day long. The only thing I ever top in a warzone is protection or healing depending on what class I'm playing. DPS is a means to an end and unless someone is at a door, turret, controls or is the enemy ball carrier or healer healing said ball carrier I see no point in going to look for someone to up my DPS score. I play for the win not for the medals even when having more medals was OP.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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i know rite? wanna be my fanboy #xxxxxxxxxxx ? got plenty especially after i won blizz tournaments.

im not whining about the players, because their just ppl......... "ppl" dont know how bad they actually are and hate when someone points it out... so i just afk/leave that wz.


I'm all for schooling the n00bs (i.e. you teaching me -- as I am a n00b), justdo it in a productive way rather than spewing hate. E.g. you could park your toon somewhere with a good view and then simply coach in chat. you are still effectively AFK (no attacking) but perhaps your coaching will reach 5% - 10% of the bad players and make the situation better.


You could also /whisper coaching to specific players. Sure, the level you will have to coach at will be boringly basic but you can focus on improving your coaching skill (i.e. the coaching mini-game). What basics are missing that are easiest to teach? Can you learn to spot which n00bs are most receptive to suggestions? Are you using expert lingo that prevents your message from getting across?


You could also whisper invites for players to get on your TS/vent and group with you for an even better coaching experience. Every player you coach up from terribad to meh makes your game experience better.

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I disagree... Why do people assume that when someone else rages its a long winded thing that goes on all match? usually its just something along the lines of;


"Oi *******, notice how the carrier just leapt to you because you were standing on the edge? Dont do that."

"Are you all that stupid? I marked the fking healers for you now kill them"

Though that is usually followed by

"(insert gutter trash persons name) why are you trying to kill that assassin... notice the guy next to you with the big flame on him?"

"Why are you fighting in the middle of nowhere? L2Objectives" usually on NC or Alderaan

"Why are you mezing the ball carrier... dont do that.."


Those are just the more common ones... But when I see fail I cant help but point it out.


would that all "rage chat" were so helpful. Although I will point out that:


"Why are you fighting in the middle of nowhere? L2Objectives"


If the person your talking about doesn't know this already then you probably need to spell out your desire more explicitly like


"Why are you fighting in the middle of nowhere? Always fight near a turret <optional insult of choice>!"


If the person knows "L2..." slang he probably already knows what he should be doing.

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