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Why do you play a MMO if you don't have enough time?


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Loads of people are complaining in forums about no LFG tool, cross servers, credit sinks and such. Why do people play this genre of games if they don't have enough time? every MMO in history needed a good amount of time to accomplish the best equipment, the best ranks, etc... if you couldn't afford that, because u had priorities, no one would whine about that "there are people that has time, and they used to be the best top players". For instance: It's like you like playing football but u wanna become a professional football player, u should leave all your RL priorities to invest time playing football trying to become the best or at least a professional level. You can't expect to obtain the best equipment or top ranks if you play 1/3 than other player, it's as simple as that.


So before whining reconsider what type of game are u playing, and enjoy ur achievements. This game can be fun in multiple ways. I've friends that don't have time for raiding or hardcore pvp, and they just enjoy leveling different classes and doing all the storylines, exploring the world, finding the best look for their chars, etc...


MMOs are not like shooters, console rpgs or casual gaming in general (xbox/playstation), this is a different genre with different requirements.

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Would you allow me to ask a question in return?


Why should it be mandatory for a MMO to waste your time?


It's not about that games take time (my first Fallout 3 playthrough with all DLC's was over 130 hours) it's, for me at least, specifically about not finding groups for FP's but still wasting 2 hours.


What's the point in that? Please elaborate.

Edited by BoneEater
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Would you allow me to ask a question in return?


Why should it be mandatory for a MMO to waste your time?


It's not about that games take time (my first Fallout 3 playthrough with all DLC's was over 130 hours) it's, for me at least, specifically about not finding groups for FP's but still wasting 2 hours.


What's the point in that? Please elaborate.


MMO's are MEANT to waste time. It's their primary function. That's why they exist: to waste your time.


If you are playing an MMO when you have something important to do, you're doing it wrong.

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MMO's are MEANT to waste time. It's their primary function. That's why they exist: to waste your time.


If you are playing an MMO when you have something important to do, you're doing it wrong.


I fail to understand your post. Maybe you can explain it differently?


Surely games in particular are "wasting time" so to speak, but there is a difference in progression in "normal" games and MMORPG's. Even if there is grind, you usually should be able to do it for today, start again tomorrow (FP dailys, weeklys, ect.).


I also fail to see why anybody would play games when they have something "important" to do, so what's your point?

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I fail to understand your post. Maybe you can explain it differently?


Surely games in particular are "wasting time" so to speak, but there is a difference in progression in "normal" games and MMORPG's. Even if there is grind, you usually should be able to do it for today, start again tomorrow (FP dailys, weeklys, ect.).


I also fail to see why anybody would play games when they have something "important" to do, so what's your point?


If you do not have time to waste, you should not play MMOs.


That's the point.

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The question assumes all MMOs should take the same amount of time.


The correct answer is: I play those MMOs that are casual enough to fit into my schedule.


That's why I don't play Vanguard..and why I stopped playing EQ1.


I can play DDO, or LOTRO, or SWTOR which allow me to log on and play for short periods of time.

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MMO's are MEANT to waste time. It's their primary function. That's why they exist: to waste your time.


If you are playing an MMO when you have something important to do, you're doing it wrong.

I'm sorry, I play MMO to have fun.

I waste time looking at a wall for hours, and it's not funny.


The primary function of a videogame is to have fun. If you play it for something else, you should stop playing this game, and/or get a life. There is something more you are wasting than time.

Well, except money if you are making a job of it.

Edited by erei
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Define enough time. This is a silly question anyway. You should also ask BW why do they want to make more money by making their game more fun and accessible. Which is a equally silly question.


Yeah you are totally right.


Giving people more access to the game brings in more subs and is good for business.


Its like asking Bioware, "Why do you want money?"

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Keeping people busy over an extended time period is not the same as wasting time. Any entertainment could be seen as a waste of time but then anything in life we do can be seen as such.


What people want is to enjoy the game. And there are different ways of going about filling that time.


People who say it's just about wasting time are proven wrong by 1.2 already which allows things to save time. Previous annoyances are taken away. For example we now get Sprint at level 1, we can use speeders in space ports and we can go directly to our ship from the planet side shuttle.


Sure, a MMO needs to keep people busy and so there are a lot of time sinks but if people don't enjoy their time online and are just standing around trying to find a group to play with, then they will quit playing. Actually MMO makers want to make money, just like any other business. So it's not as simple as just wasting time.


I am seeing that it gets annoying to find decent people to play with. Even within a relatively big guild. Honestly, if you think spending two hours to get a 4 or 8 man group together is normal and fun, you're the one with some screws loose.

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I fail to understand your post. Maybe you can explain it differently?


Surely games in particular are "wasting time" so to speak, but there is a difference in progression in "normal" games and MMORPG's. Even if there is grind, you usually should be able to do it for today, start again tomorrow (FP dailys, weeklys, ect.).


I also fail to see why anybody would play games when they have something "important" to do, so what's your point?


I'll answer his question to a certain extent. You consider the things that you don't like to do 'wasting time' when they have been and are part of the genre. But then the i want it nao generation doesn't do well with delayed gratification.

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The fact of the matter is, the majority of players of any mmo are normally casual gamers. If you alienate the majority of players, then they'll likely leave, and whether you like it or not, they tend to be the guys paying the majority of the bills!
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The fact of the matter is, the majority of players of any mmo are normally casual gamers. If you alienate the majority of players, then they'll likely leave, and whether you like it or not, they tend to be the guys paying the majority of the bills!


This isn't true at all. WoW at the beginning didn't have those casual players, now it does because it has lost the MMO title, it could be called an action/rpg game.

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Loads of people are complaining in forums about no LFG tool, cross servers, credit sinks and such. Why do people play this genre of games if they don't have enough time? every MMO in history needed a good amount of time to accomplish the best equipment, the best ranks, etc... if you couldn't afford that, because u had priorities, no one would whine about that "there are people that has time, and they used to be the best top players". For instance: It's like you like playing football but u wanna become a professional football player, u should leave all your RL priorities to invest time playing football trying to become the best or at least a professional level. You can't expect to obtain the best equipment or top ranks if you play 1/3 than other player, it's as simple as that.


So before whining reconsider what type of game are u playing, and enjoy ur achievements. This game can be fun in multiple ways. I've friends that don't have time for raiding or hardcore pvp, and they just enjoy leveling different classes and doing all the storylines, exploring the world, finding the best look for their chars, etc...


MMOs are not like shooters, console rpgs or casual gaming in general (xbox/playstation), this is a different genre with different requirements.

I'm not sure it's a question of having or not having time to play a game. I feel it has more to do with approach and attitude. If the game is fun for a player even though they never complete everything ... who cares? It's not a competition. If the game is fun for a player even though they complete everything a zillion times over ... who cares? It's not a competition. If the game isn't fun for the player ... who cares? It's not a competition. All three scenarios can apply to pretty much any game regardless of genre. An exception might be PvP because that IS a competition. :)


What an MMO does offer is the opportunity to play together with a large number of other people. Just because a player takes their time doesn't mean they are playing it wrong, just like the player who power levels past the majority of content isn't playing it wrong. What is wrong is when either side bashes the game and/or its community because the game - or the way other people play it - doesn't "conform" to their play style. That is merely narcissism.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The answer is simple:

Before WoW (sorry lol) the gaming community was a small, pretty tight knit, group of gamers who were pretty dedicated to gaming. WoW gave gaming to the masses. Every one from 5 year old kids to 95 year old grammas play them now.


These people in no way shape or form play like that original group of gamers did. They want things easy. And they want them now. Can you imagine what would happen if it took a year or more just to reach cap lvl only to have to spend another year or more to fully develop that char like we used to have to do back when it all started?


Games were HARD. You actually lost your stuff when you died, and lost xp, and had to work to get it back. There were no summons, you RAN to where you wanted to go. And if you died? You HAD to run back to get your gear back. Most of the gamers today have no idea what hard is, yet they want it EASIER.


The players changed, simple as that.



Edited by hippiechick
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This is an oddly misconceived thread. Even if you have loads of time to play, why would anyone enjoy the feeling that this time is being wasted with poorly designed dynamics?


The relative importance of time when there is a lot of it or only a little, is something personal and hardly relevant to the criticisms raised about time-wasting dynamics.


Running on foot through orbital stations with no real purpose or content other than satisfying some form of "logic", is a waste of time. In particular held against up against the fact that you can power around on speeders on Fleet. They fixed it and the game is now better for it - regardless of how much time you have to play per day.


Going through the extra-long Corellia planet load twice to do the Black Hole dailies, feels like a waste of time no less on days where I have several hours to play. :wea_03:

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Loads of people are complaining in forums about no LFG tool, cross servers, credit sinks and such. Why do people play this genre of games if they don't have enough time? every MMO in history needed a good amount of time to accomplish the best equipment, the best ranks, etc... if you couldn't afford that, because u had priorities, no one would whine about that "there are people that has time, and they used to be the best top players". For instance: It's like you like playing football but u wanna become a professional football player, u should leave all your RL priorities to invest time playing football trying to become the best or at least a professional level. You can't expect to obtain the best equipment or top ranks if you play 1/3 than other player, it's as simple as that.


So before whining reconsider what type of game are u playing, and enjoy ur achievements. This game can be fun in multiple ways. I've friends that don't have time for raiding or hardcore pvp, and they just enjoy leveling different classes and doing all the storylines, exploring the world, finding the best look for their chars, etc...


MMOs are not like shooters, console rpgs or casual gaming in general (xbox/playstation), this is a different genre with different requirements.


Uhhhhh, people play because its fun. Just because some of us actually take a break to go outside and work a real job doesn't mean we should suffer because we don't fully engross ourselves in a video game. A MMO should be made to make ALL players happy. Doesn't matter if you play 1 day out of the week or all 7. Fact is, we pay this company to make the thing we like fun and enjoyable. If it isn't then ppl will complain. Sounds like to me that you are an ignorant fool if you don't understand why ppl feel the need to complain. Not everyone is as lucky as you. Willing to bet your in high school w/o a job mooching off your parents, so its obvious you don't understand the plight of the casual MMO player.

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I fail to understand your post. Maybe you can explain it differently?


Surely games in particular are "wasting time" so to speak, but there is a difference in progression in "normal" games and MMORPG's. Even if there is grind, you usually should be able to do it for today, start again tomorrow (FP dailys, weeklys, ect.).


I also fail to see why anybody would play games when they have something "important" to do, so what's your point?


MMOs put in time sinks to make money. But also because you're supposed to socialize during that time. There is a chatbox for a reason, while you're doing other things that take time or while looking for a group the point is you become a part of the world. As you may have noticed this thread is in the "Community" section.


Without those timesinks and down periods you'd have much less chance to socialize. When you play FPS or RTS or other games where you're dumped into the game quickly there's really no time to talk. You play, maybe if there's a chatroom you say a few things, but then you log off and that's that. MMOs are supposed to be a living world that changes however and immerses you.

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OP, personally I don't care about the "best" gear, ranks etc. I play to have fun. Regarding time sinks, money sinks, the legacy grind, etc., they are just in place to keep you playing the game, and voraciously, like a hamster hitting the food pellet bar. I choose to not play that way because I don't have the time. I would much rather quest and craft and play in a leisurely style. As a result, "the best" often does not come my way and I'm totally ok with that..


I am almost 40- years old. I have 2 dogs, 2 kids, a husband, a house to look after, food to cook, errands to run, hobbies outside of swtor and rl friends. I don't have the time to devote to MMOs like I used to. We all have to grow up at some point but that doesn't mean we have to give up one of our favorite things.


Regarding having everything handed to you, I agree. Games these days cater to that mentality. Leveling is ridiculously fast in this game (so endgame is handed to you). Gear is handed out like candy. I would rather those things be MORE difficult. However, these useless sinks- 600k for a guild bank, for example, or the prices of switching mods or training for skills-- that I find to be a relatively new invention in the mmo and I am not a fan.

Edited by Lunazen
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Loads of people are complaining in forums about no LFG tool, cross servers, credit sinks and such. Why do people play this genre of games if they don't have enough time? every MMO in history needed a good amount of time to accomplish the best equipment, the best ranks, etc... if you couldn't afford that, because u had priorities, no one would whine about that "there are people that has time, and they used to be the best top players". For instance: It's like you like playing football but u wanna become a professional football player, u should leave all your RL priorities to invest time playing football trying to become the best or at least a professional level. You can't expect to obtain the best equipment or top ranks if you play 1/3 than other player, it's as simple as that.


So before whining reconsider what type of game are u playing, and enjoy ur achievements. This game can be fun in multiple ways. I've friends that don't have time for raiding or hardcore pvp, and they just enjoy leveling different classes and doing all the storylines, exploring the world, finding the best look for their chars, etc...


MMOs are not like shooters, console rpgs or casual gaming in general (xbox/playstation), this is a different genre with different requirements.


Your analogies are all wrong. It isn't a how much time is spend, it is about what is done during that time.


If I am able to log in for 2 hours a day and I spend 1.5 hours of that time trying to find a group, then I am wasting time.


If I am able to log in for only 1 hour a day, and I spend that full hour running quests, flashpoints, or operations, then I would expect to be better geared, and have more fun.


The only person "wasting time" is the user that is stuck trying to find a group for 1.5 hours.


If you turned your tv on and picked a channel/show to watch, would you be willing to wait 45 minutes for XXX number of people to also tune into that show before it starts?


If I have 2 hours a day to play the game, I do not want to "waste" my time by sitting around fleet trying to find/get a group to run a FP or OP for 1.5 hours of that time.


A proper, workable, LFG tool would allow more people to play by pugging groups together from across the server.


I could quest on Corellia while waiting on a Pug group, enjoying the content, instead of sitting in Fleet spamming General Chat with "LFG for XXXX" every 3 minutes trying to find enough people in Fleet who want to go.

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A simple observation and my opinion on the life cycle of newer MMOs vs expectations.


Any triple A MMO that launches typically will attract your harder-core gamers. Those are the players that finish the content first, create dungeon and raid guides. These are the players/guilds that get the endgame mats and recipies in the the action houses.


When you lose these players due to lack of content or bad /simplistic design, typically you have a trickle down effect that will and does effect the casual player.


Minus the Hard Core gamers, when the metrics of new patches come in and no groups (or not collectively many of them) are moving through the content, the content is nerfed. If you repeat this process over the span of a year, you end up with a very easy game with very little interest from the current players due to a lack of reward system as everyone is clearing the content. Again, just an observation.

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