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penalty for leaving a War Zone


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Time and time again i queue up for a War zone and enter it only to find the game nearly at the end and no time to even get 1 medal let alone 4. The only reason that happened is because someone LEFT the warzone EARLY ! They appearantly do this because there is NO PENALTY for doing so! There needs to be a small penalty for leaving a war zone! Such as having to wait 15 minutes before entering another warzone if you opt to leave early! :w_tongue:
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Time and time again i queue up for a War zone and enter it only to find the game nearly at the end and no time to even get 1 medal let alone 4. The only reason that happened is because someone LEFT the warzone EARLY ! They appearantly do this because there is NO PENALTY for doing so! There needs to be a small penalty for leaving a war zone! Such as having to wait 15 minutes before entering another warzone if you opt to leave early! :w_tongue:


They leave because it's against premades, the warzone started with uneven numbers, or the players are awful.


The first two things can and should be fixed before they dare to put in a warzone penalty.

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure about the rest, but lately I have been getting randomly sent back to the fleet or logged out of game completely. I am definitely a proponent of "finish what you start" but kind of hard to do that when a bug in their system removes me altogether.


It makes it really hard to get the last WZ commendations to get my Ranked Weapon when this bug is still removing people.


But, if they are just leaving because they don't want to lose, then..... well, they are stupid.



***Also, to the person that suggested there be a penalty. I was under the assumption this system is already in place. If you leave a WZ prematurely, it will deduct a small amount of WZ Commendations from your collected pool.

Edited by jwbaker
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15 min debuff so you can't queue again till over.


Warhammer online does it and works.


oh the 15mins is game time. so if you logout and come back, unless you spend 15 mins IN game, you still got the debuff.


Works great

Edited by Lysico
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15 min debuff so you can't queue again till over.


Warhammer online does it and works.


oh the 15mins is game time. so if you logout and come back, unless you spend 15 mins IN game, you still got the debuff.


Works great


LOL. Siting something warpamper did just show how stupid this post is. Warpapmper is a failure of a game. Just like this one.

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Honestly I'd rather have it like it is now. I play on a high pop server and when someone starts QQ and leaves usually another person joins and there's a good chance to recover from losing. If they place penalties in, people will just AFK or find another way to be unhelpful. That would suck much more than if they just leave.


This is of course if it's a pug vs pug match. Premades shouldn't be allowed to queue with pugs, period.

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Lol. It wont stop me from leaving. You ruin my game experience when you go full retard. You rambo death match things and dont even have the hutball icon on your toolbar.


See you get awards for achieving objectives and when you let the other team have these in the first 30 seconds and your off fighting away from them i am gone. That is the goal, achieve objectives not solo 1v1 in the pit.


You wreck my game experience. Nothing is better then a hard fought pvp match win or lose down to the wire. That is fun and why i keep going back. Idiots wasting my time is why i leave.


PS up till 2 days ago i never left a match but rerolled (new server) and started over and things are so bad you cant stick it out with morons and try to help them is out of the question.

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Lol. It wont stop me from leaving. You ruin my game experience when you go full retard. You rambo death match things and dont even have the hutball icon on your toolbar.


See you get awards for achieving objectives and when you let the other team have these in the first 30 seconds and your off fighting away from them i am gone. That is the goal, achieve objectives not solo 1v1 in the pit.


You wreck my game experience. Nothing is better then a hard fought pvp match win or lose down to the wire. That is fun and why i keep going back. Idiots wasting my time is why i leave.


PS up till 2 days ago i never left a match but rerolled (new server) and started over and things are so bad you cant stick it out with morons and try to help them is out of the question.


/Cheer !!!!!! Great reply. Why you should i have to carry a team that quite frankly sucks? I pay the same as you, ill quit if im not having fun. Instead of punishing people for leaving, how about we punish the poeple who suck? If somebody who sucks cant pvp for 30 minutes, all the sucky players will go away and the matchs will get good again...Oh wait, thats not fair...we cant punish people who CANT play, we only want to punish people who choose NOT to play.


The reason it seems like the pvp is getting worse is because most (not all) of the good pvpers have already dropped their subs...Those that havent are banding together in premades to get away from the scrub surg, that never follow directions, run around like they are on fire, and generally cause players to get fed up and leave.


Up until 2 weeks ago, i had never left a match...PvP was so bad yesterday, i dropped my sub and uninstalled today.


Like it, dont like it, really doesnt matter...requardless on what anybody posts on here nothing in this game is going to change anytime soon. Tough out the poeple leaving matchs and move on...get fed up on the crappy pvp and unsub like me. This game will will be dead to all but the causual player in the near future.


I checked these boards daily praying for some glint of hope...A hope that BW is going to start listening to its player base and implement some meaningfull changes. Instead they give us group finders. I dont recall seeing many posts asking for group finders...I saw lots of posts asking for better pvp, bug repais, hacker bans, improved quest lines, ect. Your are getting group finder because they finally got it ready from its intended release back in december and are trying to pass it off as a game improvement now. Honostly, i (yes i said I) think they are way behind in their fixs and coding and you wont see anything meaningful for a long time. That is why this game will die is slow death to the causal ezmode players (. So Sad...Really hope im wrong.

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Honestly, since the low pop started on my server hardly anyone has left a warzone. Having said that, last night was the worst warzone ever. CIvil war, we started with 4 people,inc myself versus 8 pubs......we stuck it out lost terribly....and had anyone left..I wouldnt have blamed them at all...even in chat the pubs were surprised we only had 4. Come on Bioware this has got to end. No surprise after that there was no one willing to sign up for PvP after that debacle. Penalizing players for not wanting to be farmed for medals on low pop servers is retarded. Lets get the pop situation resolved first. ie server transfers, server mergers, cross server and some serious class reworking and then I think you'll see players staying in warzones of their own accord. Everyone is so intent on seeing players punished for not wanting to be farmed...and lets face it thats what this is really about. Games like that one I participated in are killing the game and if you suddenly made it so we are punished for not wanting to be in that game, well all that will do is drive even more players away from trying warzones and then you will see 4 man teams all the time and weeklies will be guaranteed to be impossilbe to complete.
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I will start by stating, I don't leave warzones. Now...if you want to leave them...whatever. I love when someone leaves cause we lost and no chance of winning...and we come back and win the match anyway. Even better when you see that player in fleet and tell them you won :p Anyway...my biggest thing with this, is when i get thrown into a match that is already decided...civil war 250ish to 30 or voidstar round 2, minute to go first room, ect... It is hard to get a medal at that point and just bumped you out of your rotation for the que. So...yeah, that sucks!


I don't know how to fix it...but is very frustrating

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Time and time again i queue up for a War zone and enter it only to find the game nearly at the end and no time to even get 1 medal let alone 4. The only reason that happened is because someone LEFT the warzone EARLY ! They appearantly do this because there is NO PENALTY for doing so! There needs to be a small penalty for leaving a war zone! Such as having to wait 15 minutes before entering another warzone if you opt to leave early! :w_tongue:




If you subbed into a warzone with <1 minute left, its because SWTOR crashes to desktop/loses connection, as do people's internet. Frequently.


This has -0- to do with quitting, and 100% to do with a buggy crappy client which has memory leaks.

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I did forget that i have tried to help them, explain strat, encourage and give them heads up. All i get is grief and told to shut up.--- You dont call inc, leave a captured turret vacant and open ect.


I know its not your fault you limited brain capacity but please stop asking why we leave and why you lose every game.

There are very good resources out there that can be utilized use them. (i do all time to try and get better). I am not that great i know that but until there is an arena kill or be killed (retard objective) stop it.

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Until they figure out a way to curb the speed hacks and no clip/teleport hacks, along with fixing the imbalance there will be no penalty for leaving a warzone. Right now the stuff that I just mentions is more then likely their top priority, and likely the main reason why there aren't any rated warzones yet.
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This is becoming a huge problem with the level 50 matches. Something needs to be done!


Easiest fix would be to lower the retarded gear curve at 50, there is no reason why they need 3 (going on 4) tiers of PvP gear less then 6 months into the game.

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