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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I understand and respect your desire to not participate in the event Lemming, but in my view the Rakghoul event was extremely well-done in that regard.


Really, getting the plague is the only thing that is ever "forced" on you, and its only effect is to kill you (with no repair bill) every 20 minutes or so. Sure, that death may be very slightly inconvenient, but as compensation you're given 5 tokens you can either spend, or sell to others for a decent amount of coin.


And if even *that* is too troublesome for you, you can pick up a vaccine that makes you immune to the plague.


Or even better, you could buy a vaccine, but only use it when the death would be *highly* inconvenient, picking up the free tokens when it's not.


Pretty mild as far as intrusive events are concerned.

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I understand and respect your desire to not participate in the event Lemming, but in my view the Rakghoul event was extremely well-done in that regard.


Really, getting the plague is the only thing that is ever "forced" on you, and its only effect is to kill you (with no repair bill) every 20 minutes or so. Sure, that death may be very slightly inconvenient, but as compensation you're given 5 tokens you can either spend, or sell to others for a decent amount of coin.


And if even *that* is too troublesome for you, you can pick up a vaccine that makes you immune to the plague.


Or even better, you could buy a vaccine, but only use it when the death would be *highly* inconvenient, picking up the free tokens when it's not.


Pretty mild as far as intrusive events are concerned.


add on to the fact that if you die you no longer become infected. there are pleanty of ways to not be bothered by the event..


that isnt the issue however.. the issue is that this one guy is really upset that something was forced on him that he didnt want....does that mean by his logic bioware is griefing us with the nerfs they have done to the game?:p

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the CDC has the power to quarantine people. Quarantining a space station or warship with a very finite number of entry points should be easy; it should be part of the standard safety protocols. The idea that the fleet wouldn't lock down entry after the disease was spotted and then follow up with a very strict quarantine of anyone who shows sign of infection is really far fetched.


The Fleet is trying to contain it. Containment guards spawn and attack you whenever you enter and try to leave your ship hangar.


I killed several such guards through the event. It's refreshing that the guards are not overpowered "WoW guards" that 3 shot you, but rather guards that the player can handle.


It's kind of absurd for you to make that unilateral claim. Clearly some of them ARE griefers.


There are no griefers. It is impossible to grief with this plague because anyone can buy a very cheap stim and be protected for 6 hours. If the player is level 30 and above, one daily would provide the stim.


No, losign a match is not insifnificant.

That doesn't actually prevent infection (unless they hot fixed it so that it's no longer transmitted in warzones).


Yes, losing an unrated match is insignificant. It may not feel that way to you, but from an objective perspective, losing a match that has no bearing on any sort of rating ladder - especially when the player can immediately re-queue for another match - makes it insignificant.


Again, if the rated warzones were implemented - this would be an entirely different debate.


I'd say that's an absurd stance...they should be playing the content they enjoy. If they enjoy pvp over everything else, they should be doing that, not playing the way that Raeln prefers just because Raeln prefers it that way.


It's not an absurd stance. For one, you need your ship to even get to other planets. Even if you PvP all the way to 50, you can't go to Ilum (for whatever that is worth now) without your ship. It also appears that crafting is going to be receiving some PvP schematics - since that is the case, players may need their companions as well - which are only gained by getting your ship and doing your class story.


Is it necessary to get your ship to PvP? No, of course not; yet, it makes common sense to get it.

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It is and will ever be a badly designed Kindergarten event. If we allow such to

continue SWTOR will turn out like WoW. Then we will get Christmas Trees and

Easter bunnies, and Halloween costumes..


For RP players, I insist, the game must be fun, but it also must keep up a standard higher then preschool.


Events..even daily ones ought to reflect lore. Since everyone above level 22 most likely has already achieved immunity on Tarus, to be reinfected is unlikely. Especially for Jedi characters.


People...demand quality. If you don't we all will end up with a junky game played by little kids before they rush

off to school.


Technically, I believe this outbreak was a mutated strain than what was on Taris. So while we were protected from the specific strain on Tairs, whatever was on the ship had mutated enough that our previous immunity did not work.


I think this was eluded to in one of the daily quest's dialogs.

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add on to the fact that if you die you no longer become infected. there are pleanty of ways to not be bothered by the event..


that isnt the issue however.. the issue is that this one guy is really upset that something was forced on him that he didnt want....does that mean by his logic bioware is griefing us with the nerfs they have done to the game?:p


If one dies or takes the vaccine, they are participating in the Event whether or not they wished to join.


And I do not appear to be the only one complaining of Griefing and exploited mechanics; not my posts in all those other threads. My complaints have pretty much stayed here, or on the Official Sticky; maybe a couple of exceptions, but that would be it.


lol - this is not even my thread!

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you do realize that it is easy to see if someone is about to explode..
Folks have mentioned several counterexamples to this. If I've got GTN windows covering my screen, it's not so easy to see. Likewise for the people dive-bombing from the vip lounge. Or the people who are standing at the fleet pass zone in, since people have gotten infected before the load screen goes away. Or the people clustered around the pvp terminals. Or when you have dozens of people clustered together.
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The Fleet is trying to contain it.
False. There is no believable attempt to prevent the plague from entering the fleet. We're talking a space station/warship with limited access points. Make the hangers unpressurized, for a start, so that they're only pressurized once everyone on board is tested, and then you might have a point.


There are no griefers.
No, dozens of examples of griefing have been made. There are plenty of griefers out there.


It is impossible to grief with this plague because anyone can buy a very cheap stim and be protected for 6 hours.
Forcing someone to spend money or suffer a different form of griefing is still griefing.




and, as several people have mentioned, it does not protect for 6 hours... it protects until death (which, while pvping, is generally < .5 hours)


Yes, losing an unrated match is insignificant.
False, just because it's insignificant to you does not make it insignificant to anyone else.


from an objective perspective,
From an objective perspective, if the loss is significant to the person who suffers it, it's significant, regardless of how you or I feel about it.


It's not an absurd stance.
Yes, it's an absurd stance. Someone who only cares about pvp is justified in pvping starting at level 10. It's absurd of you to insist that they do something that they don't want to do.


It's irrelevant whether you need your ship to get to other planets, because someone who's only going to do warzones doesn't need to go to them.


And even if you do decide to go to illum (which isn't necessarily going to be something a pvper is going to care about in it's current state) it makes plenty of sense for them to not bother to do their storyine stuff until they hit 50 and actually have a reason to go to illum, since that lets them spend the absolute minimum time doing non pvp content.

Edited by ferroz
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Deserve what? To not play as much and when I do avoid going to the Fleet? If the next event is designed this poorly, the one in the end who will suffer is not going to be me. If you can understand what that means. :cool:


You are the only one (or of the few) suffering, my friend. The rest of us are happily killing mobs. I killed all three event world bosses on Tatooine last night and not one person complained of being infected, getting infected or whatever.


Seen no complaints of it in guild for the entire duration. If anything, the only complaint was that it took too long to turn feverish.


My only complaint with the event is the companion customization box. I keep getting duplicates for companions that I don't even have.

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Can't you just enjoy a slight change to the game? You can buy the stim to cancel your infection at any point so dont blame bioware because you cant afford the stim. Plus you dont die for a while after you get infected which gives you ALOT of time to go complete a quest then go to pretty much ANY vendor and get the vaccine. Buy like 3 vaccines and keep them on you at all times so when one wears off you can just use another, you will then have enough to last for almost a week. Just quit complaining about one new event that everyone likes and try to enjoy the rest of the game!
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Can't you just enjoy a slight change to the game? You can buy the stim to cancel your infection at any point so dont blame bioware because you cant afford the stim. Plus you dont die for a while after you get infected which gives you ALOT of time to go complete a quest then go to pretty much ANY vendor and get the vaccine. Buy like 3 vaccines and keep them on you at all times so when one wears off you can just use another, you will then have enough to last for almost a week. Just quit complaining about one new event that everyone likes and try to enjoy the rest of the game!


Sure, but not this one; too much Griefing.


When another Player decides to force me into spending 2k a pop to prevent death, that is a lot of invested credits for lowbies. And if there is a bad outcome with an encounter with an Elite; no more immunity, and even more cost.


And dying for credits is not my choice.

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lol. i got almost the same thing. 2 corso and 2 of someone else. i didnt get any for the class i play, but it was fun


4 Vector, 2 Kira Carsen, 2 Mako, 1 Corso Riggs, 1 Malakai (sp?).


All of these were turned in on my Trooper, not one of them can be used by him. I'll get two more turn in chances tonight. I'm betting I'll get another Vector and Mako.

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Sure, but not this one; too much Griefing.


When another Player decides to force me into spending 2k a pop to prevent death, that is a lot of invested credits for lowbies. And if there is a bad outcome with an encounter with an Elite; no more immunity, and even more cost.


And dying for credits is not my choice.


It's called enjoy the event. Have fun withe the plague it doesn't hurt your pocketbook if you die from it.

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Sure, but not this one; too much Griefing.


When another Player decides to force me into spending 2k a pop to prevent death, that is a lot of invested credits for lowbies. And if there is a bad outcome with an encounter with an Elite; no more immunity, and even more cost.


And dying for credits is not my choice.


You.. spent 2k ONCE according to your earlier discussions and even then the vaccine is easy to get, and are also dispersed without any particular requirements. Seriously, you are freaking out about things happening once, and only once. Instead of learning and moving on you've stuck your heels into the ground yelling "No! No! No! No! No!" You aren't having to pay 2k a pop for the vaccine. The infection is easy to avoid (you STILL... STILL fail to make your case that it is impossible to avoid), and death has no repercussions outside of having to wait 5 seconds to revive on the spot with a Medical Probe.

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This is still going, huh?



Well for me, I ended up with a Crimson Rakling pet, 4 or 5 different companion customization, a full containment officers armor outfit, about 200K credits and also I went from level 36-38!



So, over all, I loved the event! Thank Bioware!!

Edited by Galbatorrix
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You.. spent 2k ONCE according to your earlier discussions and even then the vaccine is easy to get, and are also dispersed without any particular requirements. Seriously, you are freaking out about things happening once, and only once. Instead of learning and moving on you've stuck your heels into the ground yelling "No! No! No! No! No!" You aren't having to pay 2k a pop for the vaccine. The infection is easy to avoid (you STILL... STILL fail to make your case that it is impossible to avoid), and death has no repercussions outside of having to wait 5 seconds to revive on the spot with a Medical Probe.


Not freaking out; have some serum for walks thru the Fleet in order to make purchases. But for more than that, my characters will remain in quarantine aboard their ships, and stay out of the way of crowds and the infected.


And Griefers; they are also a Plague. ;)

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Not freaking out; have some serum for walks thru the Fleet in order to make purchases. But for more than that, my characters will remain in quarantine aboard their ships, and stay out of the way of crowds and the infected.


And Griefers; they are also a Plague. ;)


Did you grief yourself again by standing next to someone with glowing eyes for 15 minutes until they exploded? You should really stop doing that you.... you griefer.

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This is still going, huh?


Well for me, I ended up with a Crimson Rakling pet, 4 or 5 different companion customization, a full containment officers armor outfit, about 200L credits and also I went from level 36-38!


So, over all, I loved the event! Thank Bioware!!


Congrats! It is nice to see some Light armor stuff appear; hope this means some Grey aligned gear will make it in game soon.


But I do wonder about some that piled on folks here for companining will take being a piece or two short when the Event concludes; will they whine, QQ, or simply enjoy the parts of the Event thay were able to play?

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Congrats! It is nice to see some Light armor stuff appear; hope this means some Grey aligned gear will make it in game soon.


But I do wonder about some that piled on folks here for companining will take being a piece or two short when the Event concludes; will they whine, QQ, or simply enjoy the parts of the Event thay were able to play?



They'll complain. People always complain... about everything... all the time.. forever... until the end of days... and probably in the afterlife.

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False. There is no believable attempt to prevent the plague from entering the fleet. We're talking a space station/warship with limited access points. Make the hangers unpressurized, for a start, so that they're only pressurized once everyone on board is tested, and then you might have a point.


It's a temporary world event, not a permanent game addition.


I thought it was a nice touch to have containment guards spawn. They spawn to match your player level so it's not an automatic death. That was done intentionally by Bioware. Had they wanted it contained, those guards would be uber guards that 3-shot even well geared dudes like me.


Bioware most certainly did not. They wanted the "appearance" that guards were trying to contain it but also to let players play out the spread of infection.


No, dozens of examples of griefing have been made. There are plenty of griefers out there.


The only griefing possible with this event is the possibility of turning someone PvP flag on a PvE server. Other than that, this entire event can be toggled off with a 6 hour stim.


The stim can be purchased for pennies or acquired free from dailies. There are also several friendly players that would love to unload their cache of stims on people. I have at least a full stack of 10 on me as of last night when I logged. As of last night, I have never had a person ask or heard of them asking, in game for a stim to protect them. I would give them freely as they are just occupying my inventory space. The only time I would use them is just before my raid on Tues/Wed.


Forcing someone to spend money or suffer a different form of griefing is still griefing.


No one is forcing anyone to spend credits. There is almost no penalty at all for letting the sickness play out. In fact, it's a financial boon to do so. It's too bad this event wasn't going on during early access. :D


and, as several people have mentioned, it does not protect for 6 hours... it protects until death (which, while pvping, is generally < .5 hours)


Again, with unrated warzones - you don't need stims in PvP warzones. Most are dying far before they explode naturally.


Outside of PvP, there is no reason to be dying to normal story/side mission mobs - thus, immunity stims should be lasting the full 6 hours.


False, just because it's insignificant to you does not make it insignificant to anyone else.


I'm no special snowflake. I guarantee there is a plethora of players that are more wealthy than I am.


From an objective perspective, if the loss is significant to the person who suffers it, it's significant, regardless of how you or I feel about it.


Compared to other world events that I have experienced in other MMOs, the "penalties" or "loss" suffered by players due to this event is so insignificant as to not even register as a "penalty" or "loss" in the first place. There is no game or universe where any alternate entity of mine (to quote Sheldon), would agree that 30 seconds of downtime one time every 20 to 45 minutes is significant to me. If that is the case, then I do not understand how the players complaining about this for the last week can possibly have survived the extremely long load times some planets require just to get in the game - where they can easily spend 3 minutes twiddling their fingers while staring at a single jpg image representing the planet.


Yes, it's an absurd stance. Someone who only cares about pvp is justified in pvping starting at level 10. It's absurd of you to insist that they do something that they don't want to do.


If you are only interested in PvP, then you don't the freebie credits you get from PvP'ing for anything else since your armor doesn't take durability loss in PvP. Buy that one to two stims you need to get your PvP daily and go back to PvP.


It's irrelevant whether you need your ship to get to other planets, because someone who's only going to do warzones doesn't need to go to them.


Then it sounds like you don't need immunity stims either.


And even if you do decide to go to illum (which isn't necessarily going to be something a pvper is going to care about in it's current state) it makes plenty of sense for them to not bother to do their storyine stuff until they hit 50 and actually have a reason to go to illum, since that lets them spend the absolute minimum time doing non pvp content.


Personal choice. Much like you deciding you don't even need your ship.

Edited by Raeln
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Not freaking out; have some serum for walks thru the Fleet in order to make purchases. But for more than that, my characters will remain in quarantine aboard their ships, and stay out of the way of crowds and the infected.


And Griefers; they are also a Plague. ;)


You play a great victim btw. I ALMOST feel bad for you. Actually I do feel bad for you. I feel bad that you can't enjoy or even accept life in MMO's. Lots of real griefers out there that really do ruin gameplay(ramghoul plaque isnt griefing but i think deep down even you know that by now) that's life in MMO's sometimes. Just like real life. I wonder though if someone inconveniences you in RL do you start a petition or something around the neighborhood and hold rallys calling for his head?

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You play a great victim btw. I ALMOST feel bad for you. Actually I do feel bad for you. I feel bad that you can't enjoy or even accept life in MMO's. Lots of real griefers out there that really do ruin gameplay(ramghoul plaque isnt griefing but i think deep down even you know that by now) that's life in MMO's sometimes. Just like real life. I wonder though if someone inconveniences you in RL do you start a petition or something around the neighborhood and hold rallys calling for his head?


I am disabled and homebound, so I really do not get out enough to infect others as I should. And I try to limit my complaints to matters of great concern, such as Griefing in RL or gaming.


Your concern is appreciated!

Edited by Elhanan
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You play a great victim btw. I ALMOST feel bad for you. Actually I do feel bad for you. I feel bad that you can't enjoy or even accept life in MMO's. Lots of real griefers out there that really do ruin gameplay(ramghoul plaque isnt griefing but i think deep down even you know that by now) that's life in MMO's sometimes. Just like real life. I wonder though if someone inconveniences you in RL do you start a petition or something around the neighborhood and hold rallys calling for his head?


I don't start a petition when some moron pisses me in real life, I put the hurt on that moron. But with their online counterpart I cant do nothing thus the griefing. I would bet those griefers in real life are too scared to confront anyone.

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