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Do You want cross server LFG tool?


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To have access to content that is so dumbed down that you dont even need to play your char, I would not call "content".

The easy raid mode or the dungeons are a joke and I dont know anyone that actually has fun doing those. You can pretty much go afk for 30 min and then loot, fun? Not for me and I doubt that the majority really has fun like that.


The days at vanilla and tbc when you had to use CC, pots, kiting, positioning, intercepts etc. were still the best, to think about what you do - does make the game fun. If you dont want to think you can just watch the dungeon on YT, its kinda the same effect :(.


Even the Blizz guys did say that their LFG was a failure, not the idea of it - but the execution.


You can see how much of a success their tool is, by opening your browser and checking the forum over there. Its full of complaints regarding the tool.


You know there is a option of not doing them? They still have normal and heroic modes. It is not hurting the dedicated raiders. Most of the complaints on the forums is how the roll system works now in LFR. That is being changed in MOP and for the better. Can you have a perfect cross server LFG feature? No..but it sure beats not being able to experence some end game content which otherwise you would never see. It is very...very successul overall and no smart company would continue to do and improve a feature which is'nt. And no matter if you dislike Blizzard or not..they are smart IMO.

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Several changes will be needed in the loot system, something like : Main spec item>Off spec item>comp item>creds/disassembly. - won't get deep into this matter as sometimes common/good sense is needed too much, even in a well stabilished loot system. And talking about random, this plays a big role.. but lets continue.


Keep the difficulty as is, its not because of some random johnnys that dont care about teamplay that a specific instance should be nerfed. And that's it.


Douches are everywhere, your server, other servers, your workplace, the random shop you visit to buy something, just can't get rid of them.

SWTOR-wise, if you know good people you can play with group with them and voila! Good group with good people! But sometimes (or about most of them) even in guilds there's a preference to that standard group, or those standard groups, making it difficult to find a group even being part of a guild, even if you're a nice person and know the basics of teamwork.


Why not give a chance to those that arent bad and cant find a group for hours because the server is dead? Or because the few there are unwilling to invite you?


I've been thru the good and bad moments of DF in WoW, but I must say, it was rare a moment I stumbled in a complete douche party going, though individuals were quite often, but there was a kick option for them.

What if you're a nice person and get kicked because of a douche group? You wouldnt stay there to begin with now, would you? Rejoin queue, you find another group, odds are you'll find a better one now.

"Oh but I gotta wait until another party! Oh but I gotta wait for a replacement for the douche!" sum up all the time you wait for that and it wont reach the hours you have to spend in your MAIN location to find a glimpse of a group for a FP. Even at 50.


"So what? I don't care I don't want douches, I'll party with my friends/guildies" - Do so, thats the way to go. But some don't have the privilege of a party handed to them whenever they wish, and cross-server grouping wont really change the life of those that have, why bother?


A splt option of server only and cross-server finder? Splitting even more those in a pinch to find a group? Debatable, but not really an option for empty servers.

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Cross-server LFG tool?


Not just "Yes" but an emphatic "Yes."


Also with teleport in and out of the instance. I'm not spending 10 minutes dealing with trash mobs trying to get to the entrance and have group members messaging, "WHERE R U? We're starting now!"


As for bad behavior by ninjas or jerks, hey, peeps, welcome to the world.

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I hate to say no, but I will for reasons already posted. I will support a SERVER based LFG tool. Servers maybe really low on population, but that would work the best for people against a cross realm one.


WoW tried that...same as Rift did...they both finally went to cross server ones. Why?..because the player base wanted one which had a high chance of them getting a grp in a timely manner when they had other RL issues to deal with and could not afford to stay in the game for hours on end waiting for a group.

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I believe that not matter if it will be serverwide or cross server, it is a good thing.



There are people who misbehave in groups serverwide as we speak, they will continue to do so post-LFG tool, but atleast we will get the chance to group and if we find certain players doing a bad job or trolling we can always votekick. It will NOT ruin the community, the lot that stands around the fleet (if this is what you call community then so be it) now will most likely continue do the same post-LFG tool.


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WoW tried that...same as Rift did...they both finally went to cross server ones. Why?..because the player base wanted one which had a high chance of them getting a grp in a timely manner when they had other RL issues to deal with and could not afford to stay in the game for hours on end waiting for a group.


That is why I want cross-server LFD instead of a server-based one. Plus there are only so many people at lower levels that want to run flashpoints and it'll get harder and harder to find a group for low lvl stuff as more and more people reach max lvl. I like how I can level mostly through dungeons in WoW, it's my favorite part of the game.

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2 months ago i was on the No train...after spending 2 weeks doing nothing due to lack of being able to group im starting to lean the other way. I've spend prolly dozens and dozens of hours i dont really have begging for groups...no ones doing anything anymore. I wouldnt mind a planet heroic LFG, and if they clustered the pvp / pve / rp servers to gether with thier own kind i think X-Server LFG would be much more improved.....nothing like watching an RP healer with green gear spend an hour arguing with a tank with pvp gear on wich leads to a broken group and too much time wasted.
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Every person who says "no" to this issue says the same thing, it will ruin the game community....but my question is.....what community are they talking about?


Right now if you are not part of a big guild and running at night you have an almost impossible task of being able to experience the endgame content. The vast majority of the sever community does not belong to the big guilds and many like me do not have the ability to play at night so do players like me count as part of the community?


It seems to me the only real reason these people say "no" is they are the super elitists who feel being able to experience the endgame content is a "right of passage" where if you are not just like them then you don't qualify to play.



The real question is pretty clear:


Do all players paying their $15 a month have the same right to experience the endgame content as everyone else or is that content restricted to those who join the big guilds and play at night?

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Of course yes, the good easily outweighs the bad with the pop issues in this game, everyone saying no probably has a good guild or lucked out on a decent server, some could just be weird too. I don't care about some nebulous community when there's 20-30 people on imp fleet it doesn't exist anyway.


Just make it so gear is locked tightly to your class no sniper looting blaster rifles, marauders looting willpower lightsabers and it's fine.

Even with server transfers and merges FPs on demand is a good idea, and who's to say we won't lose even more people later. It still took me like an hour at launch to find groups for some FPs if it can be made to take just minutes I'm all for that, I don't care about adding people to friends list that happened oh like three times for me I just want to spam FPs even while levelling up.

Edited by zuile
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Yes, definitely. Couldn't find a group for 2 weeks. This is a multiplayer game, is it? And it was released at the end of 2011? So where's the modern grouping system, like it is standard these days?


When this game came out I was on the "no" train. But at that point I had enough solo-content to do. Now it's time for the multiplayer part, and the means to actually properly use it.


So fix that, asap.

Edited by BoneEater
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Fix the number of servers first and that will fix alot of the issues with a lack of grouping.


I doubt so i am in harbringer server lfg for any HM for 2 hours with 150 ppl online in fleet but still lack of a tank or healer or worse anyone. A high populated server might not guarantee you a party. And i am still lfg for EOT :(.

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As a former FFXI player, I understand the utterly pain of trying to get a group together. However, a cross server LFG tool would kill the social interaction part of this game.


Why talk and get to know people, form up a party and take on challenges when you can click a button and have all that done for you, without any social interaction which should normally occur in an MMORPG!?


I'll compromise with In-server LFG (And it isn't because I'm from one of the Big 4 in the east either. I'm on the Razor, and we barely hit Standard on the weekends).


Otherwise, I'm fine with Cross-Server PVP. Makes sense actually.

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Well it would be better than spamming general forever just to get a group of 4, only 4 is needed and still takes forever. Really?!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL


Here is the ultimate fix, get rid of the tank and healer class and watch how easy it would be to get groups.

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Why talk and get to know people, form up a party and take on challenges when you can click a button and have all that done for you, without any social interaction which should normally occur in an MMORPG!?





Social interaction should normally occur in an MMORPG? I'm sorry, where does it say that? Maybe it was like that 10 (!!) years ago in the first MMORPG's, but we have 2012. I, for once, couldn't care less about random people in a game. They are not my friends, nor do I want them to be.


What I do want, is being able to play the game for which I paid, and am still paying for. That, should be normal.

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Cross server, no way, for the usual reasons. I think it's pretty much common knowledge by now that it can completely destroy communities. Some people don't really care much for that, but I do.


Within the same server, sure. This game actually needs such a thing.


What communitys? lol

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WoW tried that...same as Rift did...they both finally went to cross server ones. Why?..because the player base wanted one which had a high chance of them getting a grp in a timely manner when they had other RL issues to deal with and could not afford to stay in the game for hours on end waiting for a group.


I heard server populations in Rift are so bad that even with cross-server LFG tool low-level dungeons never pop. So any problems that cross-server LFG introduced took care of themselves! :D



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No. This will kill definitely the game like did with WoW.


Funny, because after introducing the LFG, WoW active sub's actually went to a new high. So, I dare say it was quite the opposite, wouldn't you agree?


So let's take a look at things for a minute:


No LFG = "good" community, can't play the game I'm paying a monthly fee for, mostly play alone


LFG = "bad" community, can actually play the game as it was intented, with different people at all times


People seem to forget that every community is sh*t. In WoW it's just more apparent because it's larger.

Also, people are prone to remember bad situations more, so yeah, LFG destroying communitys, thats a delusion.

Edited by BoneEater
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