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  1. So, I've been playing my Bounty Hunter Mercenary for a week now and I'm really enjoying going healer. I've long since past legacy 20 and went and bought all the Exalted gear for this toon. I must say I like the look of it, I wasn't too sure of the colour at first but it's kinda grown on me. The reason I'm posting this is because I seem to be the only BH, if not only legacy, on my server with a full set of the Exalted gear to my name. I find the modifiable bracer's and belt to be pretty cool I'm thinking of just ripping out the mods for columni and sticking them into this gear when I hit 50. Anyone seen this gear? What do you reckon?
  2. No it's not. It's very easy to click a player. If you find you can't cause they move to much just don't bother buffing them. Buff others though. I could do a hell of a lot better with all the buffs at my aid.
  3. No not really. Takes some of the game out of it.
  4. Just want mention to people to buff up you and your fellow players whenever you need it or can. I've seen lots of people wandering around without their buffs on and asked many people to buff me and got nothing. It just seems that people don't use them. A single buff comes as standard for every character, such as coordination for the Imperial Agent, and the new legacy gives you multiple buffs. Most battles are made easier with your buff and a stim pack so stock up and use them both often.
  5. You press the one buff and it does both no?
  6. Not sure ops groups can join pvp.
  7. When you enter with a group it always gets disbanded. I'd like it to stay grouped.
  8. I'd like to see the groups stay together when you enter pvp.
  9. ErringTag

    Pvp Population

    Population is to low. When you get with a losing group you stick with a losing group.
  10. ErringTag

    MVP Rewards

    What's the bonus rewards for an MVP medal?
  11. Lol, suppose the Operative is a bit BS looking back. Having lots of fun with it. But I'm mainly healing .
  12. Really. My operative is ok. Not found them as bad as scoundrels though. The damage is amazing on scoundrels.
  13. You can't marry her, slapper.
  14. Smuggler, too overpowered. With the combo of stuns and 2.5k hits it seems yes. I have a IA sniper and they do a lot of damage but the stuns on that thing are amazing. 3-4 secs and I'm dead usually from scoundrels. I just don't like them. It's the scoundrel that's the boss.
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