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Everything posted by Flyingcookie

  1. SWG was fine but they wanted wow's sucess and nge'd themself to death This Game wanted wow's sucess but this stall genre develops slowly past the hamster-wheel mmo's
  2. well theres a reason sandbox mmos like eve online hold their suscribers/get more suscribers (well theres a reason sandbox mmos like eve online hold their suscribers/steadily increasing them(https://www.eveger.de/page_serverstatus.php) instead of loosing half in 6 monthinstead of loosing half in 6 month
  3. more volume of sales, yes but not more profit. With the investions in developement and marketing in this game they probaly LOST money and my point, however was that this Game is loosing suscribers while eve steadily is increasing subs since launch!
  4. eve online suscribers should be pretty near the games CURRENT suscriber numbers oh and it's the only MMO that steadily increased suscriber numbers since it's launch in 2003
  5. Layoffs a few after 6 month subs ended? under 1million already
  6. nah were only good in huttball right now. and yes vs bad players healing 600-700k is easy but all i can do vs good players it hotting you cant do more then
  7. no... i play both sides and i can tell how easy it is to make a healer almost complete useless but on the other hand they WANTED healers to be useless because the dumb way they designed warzones = fights around objetives. well one thing they really screwed up in design because its even now almost always cap first = win
  8. indeed, healers should't be able to tank 2 dps but they should be able to do their job at least sometimes and you cant do that vs a good dd! a marauder for example interruts you all 6 seconds on top of the other cc like force choke so you often just die with 1-2 casted heals its pretty retarded
  9. yes it is useless it has lower dtanding dps than other and way less utility and no gapcloser why ever play operativee sniper/jugger is so much better
  10. yea but we can only heal vs scrubs 1 good marauder on you and you and you maybe get 1-2 casts done until youre dead even if you use all the cc you got so much fuuuuuuun. The only thing that you get as healer = a ton of mvp votes when youre not with a premade team that just gives itselfs the votes. But dd is juts so much more fun in this game, just because it's imba die already game
  11. They really just care for dps'ers. you even can get interrupted all the time with full resolve so you can be 100% useless what's supposed to get worked around with resolve. They just try to statisfy the majority all the time and this is why this games fails what i never would've said 1 Month ago but now i really hope it does Have fun with this dying game(like it should) i hold out way to long with my jugg/sniper because theyre so much more fun to play with in PvP exspecially. you just can chaincc wuhuuuuuuu so much fun for the dd gj devs
  12. $$$$$$$ Niedrigste Unternehmenssteuer in Europa any1? Deswegen sitzen die meisten Firmen die digitales Zeug verhökern in Irland
  13. Nicht so abfällig auf die Frage nach ISP ect reagieren sie wollen euch nur helfen! Warum nach den Informationen gefragt wird: Zur Primetime (auf die Uhr seh) verringern viele Anbieter gerne das Datenvolumen für Datenlastige Dienste und hoffen das es nicht so viele Kunden trifft/restvolumen ausreicht weil sie meistens keine Ahnung haben was sie da beschränken... so ist es mir z.B. passiert das ich Tagelang nicht EVE ONLINE spielen konnte weil sie das Datenvolumen zu stark reduziert hatten zum Server. Hier sind aber so viele betroffen das bei einer passenden Beschwerde sie die Beschränkung für swtor ganz rasch wieder aufheben würden^^. Heute solltet ihr in einem solchen Fall aber abhaken noch spielen zu können wenn dies das Problem darstellt.
  14. I play both on 50 with battlemaster gear and can say you must play poorly or letalithy(even thanyou can beat him to let his happen! marksman/engineer does have enought ways to get in distance and kite. If you get beaten by an operative you play bad. period.
  15. but they NEED it and theyre mobile healer ONLY under 30% health so stun him near 30% burst him down. they need to have it they're defense is a 3 min vanish 1 min 3 sec dodge vs White damage only and a 45s medium absorb shield: lets compare to sorcerers knockback, forcespeed, force pull (yes you can grab allies to help you out) + 20 sec on self + ALL OTHERS shield with HIGH damage absorbation! They would just die to easy without...
  16. Sie werden das Spiel nicht abschlalten sie werden es langsam sterben lassen; d.h. es kommt kein Content nach wie bei Warhammer online und die Restspieler gammeln vor sich hin!
  17. [quote=Ahebish;4295353 Oddly enough not so much jedi melee (I wonder why?) 4-8 maras/sentinels in every lowlevel pvp game FOTM reroller..
  18. On my sniper, juggernaut and operative the lvl 50's blue relics are GONE. GZ.
  19. Make him a Comanion like he was initially put in the first descriptions you can sent 5 max comanions out anyway so why not as companion with droid parts
  20. FINALLY A SNIPER FIX i could't stand the "unknown object result" anymore especially in PvP [Hey you want to use your deff cd's that require cover? no u cant go in cover because i'm poorly programmed huehuehue] hope it is this
  21. More Sandbox but with some theme park elements will be archage online *.* y, i think the 100% theme park doesn't work anymore
  22. well at least Sorcerers got knockback with skilled 2/5 sec root and 25s force speed and a huge amount absorbing shield with 20 sec on self cd Compared to other classes with 45s medium absorbing shield 3 sec dodge 1 min vs WHITE DMG ONLY and a 3 MINUTES VANISH AND NOTHING MORE
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