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Today's patch, a few hours later............


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I replied allready in another thread but once again, thx Bioware, you listened to a big part of the community and changed things again.



Few hours after patch I can say that :


- I notice an enormous decreasement of players leaving WZ, almost none besides a possible dc.


- When the game turns in favor to the opponents after the first minut(s), people keep trying again and again sometimes even turning the game completely instead of giving up and farm a few defense medals only.


- Winning team get's more rewards losers aswell,. Depending final results well played there is still a differense from about 60 commendations between winners and losers wich is nice for the winning team. The increasement for the losing team players is still very rewarding if you did the best you could for your team.


f;e; : Ended up losing a match but was second on medals earning in the result list and had 86 medals. Same faction game and the winner had 124 (close game end ). So both sides were very happy.


- Lots of guildies, server players I team up with or know from pvp'ing being satisfied with the changes.



So, once more, thx for listening to us.



p.s. : for those complaining again (and yes, you are the minority) you might concider to just stay away from the game since you're obviously never satisfied anyway.

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I replied allready in another thread but once again, thx Bioware, you listened to a big part of the community and changed things again.



Few hours after patch I can say that :


- I notice an enormous decreasement of players leaving WZ, almost none besides a possible dc.


- When the game turns in favor to the opponents after the first minut(s), people keep trying again and again sometimes even turning the game completely instead of giving up and farm a few defense medals only.


- Winning team get's more rewards losers aswell,. Depending final results well played there is still a differense from about 60 commendations between winners and losers wich is nice for the winning team. The increasement for the losing team players is still very rewarding if you did the best you could for your team.


f;e; : Ended up losing a match but was second on medals earning in the result list and had 86 medals. Same faction game and the winner had 124 (close game end ). So both sides were very happy.


- Lots of guildies, server players I team up with or know from pvp'ing being satisfied with the changes.



So, once more, thx for listening to us.



p.s. : for those complaining again (and yes, you are the minority) you might concider to just stay away from the game since you're obviously never satisfied anyway.


To your last point: I'd say No feedback is actually worse than complaining. This is especially true when BW doesn't play the game themselves.

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Thanks for the update. I'm stuck at work so I can't experience these changes.


I personally took a break from PVP to do PVE dailies as I could just not stand doing well on a team full of n00bs in WZ's only to get rewarded with next to nothing at the end. This at least gives me incentive to keep trying...

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To your last point: I'd say No feedback is actually worse than complaining. This is especially true when BW doesn't play the game themselves.


I think you know better then that, don't you ?

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I think you know better then that, don't you ?


No feedback = BW assumes everything is fine.


Complaints = BW (hopefully) investigates if there is any merit to the claim.


If this is not the case then again, its BW own fault.

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It's not just that the changes are GOOD, it's also the SPEED at wich they were put into effect that impresses me.




They did put it in pretty fast. But im sure they could've saved themself a lot of QQ and Unsubbing by reaching out to the community via responding to some of the threads regarding ie ''Is this TTK intended'' and all the other posts about rewards.


And yes I am aware of the Daniel post which was unfulfilled and only in concern to some of the issues. + Blamed ranked WZ for the 4v8's instead of taking responsibility. Classy.

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I'm at work so I'm yet to be able to play today, so I'll just ask you: have they increased the amount of credits awarded? I've had many strange values of credits awarded to me since 1.2 ranging from 6500 down to 0 (despite always having more than 3 medals for the match) for WINS + top performance and 0-2800 for losses + high-end performance. I've noticed a trend that winning faster tends to net more credits for the winners (based on time) and losing slower (i.e. forcing the games to stretch out to their maximum length) yields more credits to the losing team. However, I've also had quite a few matches' rewards completely throw all possible comprehension of the reward formula out the window - I've been top performer, most damage/kills, 0 deaths, with most healing/objectives/medals (about 3 medals over everyone else - I get between 16-22 medals) on wins (both quick and full duration) and seen credit reward values that are very low.
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There's a difference between complaining just to complain and constructive criticism. There will always be those of the former, Just look at the forums for that other MMO 6 years later there are still people complaining. But the latter is necessary community feedback. This patch just shows that at least BW is paying some attention.
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Welp this will speed up the gear grind for sure... then what thou... ?


Im all for balance and working on my personal player skill but, can we get

funny hats or cool pets or something to spend our pvp time on, I hate to say it

but I like having something to work for... Im excited to work on the WH gear but...

then what...

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There's a difference between complaining just to complain and constructive criticism. There will always be those of the former, Just look at the forums for that other MMO 6 years later there are still people complaining. But the latter is necessary community feedback. This patch just shows that at least BW is paying some attention.


agreeing 100% :)


Its BW job to sort out QQ and constructive criticism.


My actual point to OP was, that anyone who questions a class' abilities via constructive criticism or not gets called a QQ and a whiner.

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Welp this will speed up the gear grind for sure... then what thou... ?


Im all for balance and working on my personal player skill but, can we get

funny hats or cool pets or something to spend our pvp time on, I hate to say it

but I like having something to work for... Im excited to work on the WH gear but...

then what...


Then the next tier, assuming they have no intention to break their current model.

Edited by Sugarray
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There's a difference between complaining just to complain and constructive criticism. There will always be those of the former, Just look at the forums for that other MMO 6 years later there are still people complaining. But the latter is necessary community feedback. This patch just shows that at least BW is paying some attention.


agree 100%


The people I spoke of are those that complain no matter what changes are done to the game, it's never ok.

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credits are what needed to be adjusted not comms. the 100 comms cap on wins was fine....maybe bump it a bit for losses but it was in the ball park......credits was the real issue. did they adjust credit rewards at all? especially on voidstar
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