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Today's patch, a few hours later............


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I replied allready in another thread but once again, thx Bioware, you listened to a big part of the community and changed things again.



Few hours after patch I can say that :


- I notice an enormous decreasement of players leaving WZ, almost none besides a possible dc.


- When the game turns in favor to the opponents after the first minut(s), people keep trying again and again sometimes even turning the game completely instead of giving up and farm a few defense medals only.


- Winning team get's more rewards losers aswell,. Depending final results well played there is still a differense from about 60 commendations between winners and losers wich is nice for the winning team. The increasement for the losing team players is still very rewarding if you did the best you could for your team.


f;e; : Ended up losing a match but was second on medals earning in the result list and had 86 medals. Same faction game and the winner had 124 (close game end ). So both sides were very happy.


- Lots of guildies, server players I team up with or know from pvp'ing being satisfied with the changes.



So, once more, thx for listening to us.



p.s. : for those complaining again (and yes, you are the minority) you might concider to just stay away from the game since you're obviously never satisfied anyway.


Do you get payed for this ?

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Do you get payed for this ?


I think it's refreshing to type something positive on a forum like this. I don't blame anyone for doing so when they see fit.

So what you're saying is that we should only use these boards to complain? No wonder so many people hate official MMO forums.

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I think it's refreshing to type something positive on a forum like this. I don't blame anyone for doing so when they see fit.

So what you're saying is that we should only use these boards to complain? No wonder so many people hate official MMO forums.


He's the kind of guy that likes to flame, screw up threads and make people look stupid. Sad thing is they even don't notice they're making a complete joke out of themselves in the end. I always wonder how those kind of people act irl. Probably big mouth behind the pc, small personality when u face them.


Anyway, thanks to those that share my feelings and appreciate what's done by BW today. Means we still have kind and decent players around aswell.

Edited by Hedge
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I replied allready in another thread but once again, thx Bioware, you listened to a big part of the community and changed things again.



Few hours after patch I can say that :


- I notice an enormous decreasement of players leaving WZ, almost none besides a possible dc.


- When the game turns in favor to the opponents after the first minut(s), people keep trying again and again sometimes even turning the game completely instead of giving up and farm a few defense medals only.


- Winning team get's more rewards losers aswell,. Depending final results well played there is still a differense from about 60 commendations between winners and losers wich is nice for the winning team. The increasement for the losing team players is still very rewarding if you did the best you could for your team.


f;e; : Ended up losing a match but was second on medals earning in the result list and had 86 medals. Same faction game and the winner had 124 (close game end ). So both sides were very happy.


- Lots of guildies, server players I team up with or know from pvp'ing being satisfied with the changes.



So, once more, thx for listening to us.



p.s. : for those complaining again (and yes, you are the minority) you might concider to just stay away from the game since you're obviously never satisfied anyway.


wow im stuck at work and saw the notes but didnt believe them, after reading this im very very happy!!!!! i might actually enjoy getting my 3 wins tonight before i go play tera for a few hours :D

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imo, credit rewards should be something based on solo performance, mainly.

the idea of career pvp'rs who sort of pvp for credits something similar to a modern day boxer or mma fighter is very interesting.


i'd like to see alot of credits reward for alot of medals.

gives a new aspect to the mercenary, pvp'ng for the credits and becoming rich from it.. or the greedy outlaw type.


say 10k credits for every medal 10 and above? dunno, something like that.


i don't see why pvp shouldn't be very profitable.


(and yes i realize the whole thing about "it ruins team pvp and so and so forth".. that's an interesting experiment, however.. teamplay vs solo gain.. would be an interesting experiment to watch unfold)

Edited by teambff
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I've been out here cheerleading BW for a while now. I really appreciate all the hard work they are putting into PVP and I think things are looking delicious so far.


Plus the new Wz is so cool, I'd be happy just for that, let alone you throw in the Rakghoul plague, class balance, (Im also that guy that likes fast TTK so..) . personally, Im super excited.


glad to hear others are happy too.


We should ask for a larger Wz, like 64 on 64 or whatever the client will allow.

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Hard work? They rolled back 2 changes that had the community up in arms and you're thanking them? Pretty much the same complaints that were on the PTS for weeks before they pushed the changes live while ignoring them? I guess sticking your fingers in your ears going LALALALA WE KNOW BEST must get paid well at bw.


I'll say it again too... increasing comms rewards for both sides does nothing to alleviate the inevitable overpopulated faction dominance through faster gear acquisition. Comms rewards should reflect time invested, and performance can be rewarded with xp valour and credits, and while that STILL favours the overpop faction because they get more games against themsevles, it would at least slow it.

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Reinstating the WZ Abort Sequence for imbalanced teams as promised would have been even better.


It worked for me this morning but didn't show the announcement until about 15 seconds in to the match. The two of us that stayed got rewards, the three that left missed out.

Edited by unixbomber
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