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Anyone else feel like there is nothing to do in this game?


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I barely even play any more, I don't even see the point in it. My "game experience" involves logging in at 7:30GMT, doing a guild operation then logging out at !0:30GMT. 3 hours a day, I play the entire game for 3 measly hours a day. Why, you ask? The game doesn't have ANYTHING to keep a player hooked.


I have 2 alts as well, both in their 40's that I just don't want to play any more due to the repetitive crap =/

Bioware needs to add stuff to keep players playing and quickly before it's too late...

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Different people, different playstyle requirements.


I find myself tons of things to do, to the point where I've been working on characters since early access and still do not have a level 50.


If you find there's absolutely nothing to do and instead of finding things to do or suggesting things appropriate to your playstyle where you're saying there is zero content what so ever, you just raise your hands up, claim it's impossible and tell Bioware to address the problem.. then to be honest I am not sure what you expect to happen...


One persons zero content, is another persons ton of content to explore and challenges to set themselves.


But because people play games differently, just saying "There's nothing to do, fix it" is more likely to leave you lacking.


That said, you're getting 3 hours a day worth of gametime.... that isn't a insignificant amount of investment for something you're saying has nothing for you to do.... perhaps you're more used to MMOs with years worth of "Nothing to do" that have built up to finally be "Something to do for 9 hours straight every day"...


If that's the case, in my opinion that's slightly unreasonable.

Edited by Tikigit
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3 hours a day, every day is a lot as far as most people would be concerned.

Have you been playing since release? I'm interested in what your time /played is across all alts.


I also wonder do you do anything aside from PvE? Mostly because you find levelling repetitive, and I've been skipping whole planets full of quests (bar class storyline ones) so I know there's loads of stuff I can do on my alts.

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I barely even play any more, I don't even see the point in it. My "game experience" involves logging in at 7:30GMT, doing a guild operation then logging out at !0:30GMT. 3 hours a day, I play the entire game for 3 measly hours a day. Why, you ask? The game doesn't have ANYTHING to keep a player hooked.


I have 2 alts as well, both in their 40's that I just don't want to play any more due to the repetitive crap =/

Bioware needs to add stuff to keep players playing and quickly before it's too late...


It's just not a long term game to play like WoW used to be. There's no problem really, because the game was really fun for a month or 2. But it's just an MMO that caters to solo play. That's all there really is to it.


(I unsubbed, it was fun while it lasted)

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Different people, different playstyle requirements.


I find myself tons of things to do, to the point where I've been working on characters since early access and still do not have a level 50.


If you find there's absolutely nothing to do and instead of finding things to do or suggesting things appropriate to your playstyle where you're saying there is zero content what so ever, you just raise your hands up, claim it's impossible and tell Bioware to address the problem.. then to be honest I am not sure what you expect to happen...


One persons zero content, is another persons ton of content to explore and challenges to set themselves.


But because people play games differently, just saying "There's nothing to do, fix it" is more likely to leave you lacking.


Agreed. The only thing I'm really missing is the random encounter with Republic players since server population seems extremely low on Infinite Empire. Otherwise, I have 10 levels to go with my Assassin and three more class stories to experience. I've started all four Republic classes, with JK and JC in the upper 30's, Trooper and Smuggler in upper 20's. Still tons to do for me.



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3 hours a day, every day is a lot as far as most people would be concerned.

Have you been playing since release? I'm interested in what your time /played is across all alts.


I also wonder do you do anything aside from PvE? Mostly because you find levelling repetitive, and I've been skipping whole planets full of quests (bar class storyline ones) so I know there's loads of stuff I can do on my alts.


I used to PVP but it's just become so unbearable in this game now that I stay clear from it. That's a large chunk of the game play gone right there.

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I have a ton to do. I still have about 4 characters to get to 50 before I'm completely satisfied. I then have all the dailies to start that I've never done, endgame PvP, I could probably try doing an Operation, the Hard Mode Flashpoints, and then work on crafting things for my different characters. I'm actually overwhelmed with this amount of stuff that I have to do.




To me there is to much to do. Everyday I have limited play time. I'm always backed up in my brain to what I want to accomplish. The plague put most of my plans on hold for a week.


Same here. This new event has put all my stuff on hold. Now I have to go do all these extra missions instead of my class story stuff for my Commando so she can get all the limited-time crystals and companion skins. I was hoping to hit 50 this week with my Commando, but that's doubtful. At least the rakghoul missions scale to your level.

Edited by flyersfan
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Running my alternate character now, and yes the missions do seem repetative. Frankly, what keeps me playing is the ability to play cooperatively with my wife - and we really like Star Wars, so WOW and others are not viable alternatives (she tried it and was not interested). Edited by GreySix
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I used to PVP but it's just become so unbearable in this game now that I stay clear from it. That's a large chunk of the game play gone right there.


What aspects of PvP did you find put you off continuing to do it?


Lack of open world PvP options?


Or some dislike with some aspects of Warzones?


I can see how you would have significantly less developer outlined things to do if you're not doing any PvP at all, and instead are just focusing on operations.

Edited by Tikigit
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What aspects of PvP did you find put you off continuing to do it?


Lack of open world PvP options?


Or some dislike with some aspects of Warzones?


Some form of open world would be nice but it's pretty much absent from this game.


Also yeah it's warzone aspects. Lots of them. Badly designed maps, bugs, major balancing issues, the way the game starts with a team with 3 less people than the other, the list is big.

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I barely even play any more, I don't even see the point in it. My "game experience" involves logging in at 7:30GMT, doing a guild operation then logging out at !0:30GMT. 3 hours a day, I play the entire game for 3 measly hours a day. Why, you ask? The game doesn't have ANYTHING to keep a player hooked.


I have 2 alts as well, both in their 40's that I just don't want to play any more due to the repetitive crap =/

Bioware needs to add stuff to keep players playing and quickly before it's too late...


Don't agree with you at all.


In my guild there is always a ton of stuff to do. We do normal or hardmodes flashpoints depending if we are with our 50s or with alts. During weekends we do Operations. All week we organize pvp premades, dailies, etc.


A huge part of enjoying an mmo is to find a good guild and be able to play with them and have fun, regardless of what you are doing.

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Don't agree with you at all.


In my guild there is always a ton of stuff to do. We do normal or hardmodes flashpoints depending if we are with our 50s or with alts. During weekends we do Operations. All week we organize pvp premades, dailies, etc.


A huge part of enjoying an mmo is to find a good guild and be able to play with them and have fun, regardless of what you are doing.


I have to agree with you on that. I think my guild has made all of the difference in what keeps me occupied in the game. I still do my dailies and stuff solo, as well as a good chunk of my alt leveling experience, but there's usually a few people in chat wanting to do HMs. Even if I don't need anything from them it's still fun to just get together and do stuff.

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Problem with new games is they've tried to eliminate the grind and made games too easy...now think back...way back....remeber Vanilla / BC Wow? Remember why you always had something to do? It's because you were leveling and grinding your *** off for months and months and months. 4 months into WoW most ppl had what? a lvl 20-25 toon if they didnt alt-ho themselves out.


Sorry but we gamers didnt like the grind, devs have been trying to elimintate it for a few years now and all it brings is cries that the power gamers are bored.


On a side note im not 20 years old anymore and dont have 10 hours to waste in the dorm room doing a lan eating ramen and hot pockets while playing a game like did in 2005. So theres so many things to do in TOR for ppl like me that mabey gets 1-2 hours every other day to do that im kinda overwhelmed.

Edited by TKMaster
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Problem with new games is they've tried to eliminate the grind and made games too easy...now think back...way back....remeber Vanilla / BC Wow? Remember why you always had something to do? It's because you were leveling and grinding your *** off for months and months and months. 4 months into WoW most ppl had what? a lvl 20-25 toon if they didnt alt-ho themselves out.


Sorry but we gamers didnt like the grind, devs have been trying to elimintate it for a few years now and all it brings is cries that the power gamers are bored.


On a side note im not 20 years old anymore and dont have 10 hours to waste in the dorm room doing a lan eating ramen and hot pockets while playing a game like did in 2005. So theres so many things to do in TOR for ppl like me that mabey gets 1-2 hours every other day to do that im kinda overwhelmed.


Well said!


After 5 months since the game came out i only have 1 lvl 50 and a couple of alts with decent lvl. Why? Because i have a job, a future wife, friends, etc... and i only play they game for 1 or 2 hours during the week.


Most of my guild shares the same amount of free time, and that's why we have only done 1 of the 4 operations available, so we are looking forward to them!


A lot of people needs to realize that not everyone has all day free to play videogames (i wish i had), so for me there is still plenty of stuff to do.

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I barely even play any more, I don't even see the point in it. My "game experience" involves logging in at 7:30GMT, doing a guild operation then logging out at !0:30GMT. 3 hours a day, I play the entire game for 3 measly hours a day. Why, you ask? The game doesn't have ANYTHING to keep a player hooked.


I have 2 alts as well, both in their 40's that I just don't want to play any more due to the repetitive crap =/

Bioware needs to add stuff to keep players playing and quickly before it's too late...


Yep, nothing to do in game and nothing to see here. Move along.

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There is too much to do.


Everyday I do one hard mode flashpoint, corellia dailies, and the rakghoul dailies. That is enough to take up all my time. I cannot even do the Belsavis and Ilum dailies anymore. Can't even go back to my bonus series, create an alt, get all datacrons, etc. I haven't done all hardmode FPS yet, and I haven't even touched operations.


There is not enough time to do everything.

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Ahh this thread again. Not much to do.


I presume, perhaps wrongly, that you're single and unemployed, thus giving you a lot of time to sit around playing ToR?


For me:


  • The Space Daily that gives 20 comms plus 2 Daily comms.
  • The PVP daily (win three matches).
  • Grind WZ comms for the WH hero gear.
  • Do the Belsavis Dailies.



  • Do the Ilum Dailies.
  • Run the Daily HM.
  • Holocron exploration.
  • Operations.


TBH after a day at work and getting my daughter into bed, I tend to get down to the Belsavis Dailies. I wish I had more time in the day to do the Ilum Dailies, let alone Operations.


let alone playing with my Sith Warrior alt.


Nothing to do? It is what you make of it.

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People need to get something straight..


there is a difference between..


having nothing to do, and having nothing you WANT to do in the game.


My 5 year old son tells me all the time he has nothing to do.. So I point out all of the things he has he can do. games, playing etc.. and he realizes quickly that those things are not things that hes in the mood to do right now...


Not wanting to do something is fine. But it is incorrect to say he has nothing to do. There is pleanty of things to do in the game. If some of those things do not intrest you that is fine, but it is not biowares job to entertain JUST you, and what you find boring others may really enjoy..



there is pleanty to do, if you dont want to do it or be part of it that is fine. but i think part of the communities problem is that there is a large grouping of people here who believe that bioware built this game specifically for them. and should cater only to them, which is silly...


remember for everything you dislike , it could be someones favourite feature in game.

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Nope, i play a couple of hours each day at least... often more than that.

I play flashpoints, storylines ive missed, bonus series on planets, i help lowbies finish heroics on planets, i go back and solo heroics sometimes too, just to make sure i havent missed any orange gear.

I also play with my alts of course, and im well into the dailies on tattooine now that the event is going strong...



Naah, i dont find myself with nothing to do...


And when i do get bored, i just pop into a warzone for some PvP or i work on my crafting.



Also... what the guy above me said.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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3 hours a day, I play the entire game for 3 measly hours a day. Why, you ask? The game doesn't have ANYTHING to keep a player hooked..


That's 21 hours a week... more than a half-time job.


I agree with you that the game has some lacking draw at level 50, but I don't think it's reasonable to expect 15 dollars a month to provide you with more than 21 hours a week of fun. Maybe I'm the only one who feels that way :o


It sounds like you aren't getting your money's worth out of this game. That's okay! If you don't enjoy it, perhaps remove your subscription for a while and come back later - perhaps the time passed will give some time for content to build up that you enjoy.

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