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Everything posted by ColonelM

  1. Just wiped the spittle off my screen.
  2. I said as much. Thanks for the replies, folks. I was a sad Sith last night. I'm not one to jump on the "I'm gonna unsub if this isn't fixed" bandwagon, but the idea of big PVP battles is something I was looking forward to in TOR. I do hope it's something the CAN fix at some point. I'm having a good time doing PVE content but I do like to play saber pinata with some Pubs once in a while. Moal
  3. Last night on Jung Ma, people in the Fleet were announcing a Republic attack on Dorn Base on Hoth. About to log for the night, I figured I'd check it out before bed. I fly to Hoth, go up the elevator and head toward the base exit, only to be met with.... horrendous frame rates. Ok, granted, my comp is a couple years old. A certain capturable neutral base area in another fantasy-based MMORPG that will go unnamed consistently had at least two full raid groups of 40 on either side and the same computer still got 20+ fps at the worst times. It was at least playable. Last night, there were about 40-50 per side (that I could tell) but it wasn't even funny how bad the fps was. Is the Hero engine just that bad? Anyone with a new comp ever encounter that type of melee? Was the framerate really low for you too? One of the primary reasons I wanted to play this game, and the sole reason for going through three PVP servers was the idea of world Empire vs Republic PVP. I know people were complaining about Ilum but I haven't experienced it personally. Was this one of the main gripes? The Epic part was the fact that 100ish people were all killing one another. That part was beautiful. Well, what I could see of it anyway. Moal
  4. ColonelM

    Epic... then not

    Last night on Jung Ma, people in the Fleet were announcing a Republic attack on Dorn Base on Hoth. About to log for the night, I figured I'd check it out before bed. I fly to Hoth, go up the elevator and head toward the base exit, only to be met with.... horrendous frame rates. Ok, granted, my comp is a couple years old. A certain capturable neutral base area in another fantasy-based MMORPG that will go unnamed consistently had at least two full raid groups of 40 on either side and the same computer still got 20+ fps at the worst times. It was at least playable. Last night, there were about 40-50 per side (that I could tell) but it wasn't even funny how bad the fps was. Is the Hero engine just that bad? Anyone with a new comp ever encounter that type of melee? Was the framerate really low for you too? One of the primary reasons I wanted to play this game, and the sole reason for going through three PVP servers was the idea of world Empire vs Republic PVP. I know people were complaining about Ilum but I haven't experienced it personally. Was this one of the main gripes? The Epic part was the fact that 100ish people were all killing one another. That part was beautiful. Well, what I could see of it anyway. Moal
  5. Think YOU'RE one to buck the system? I've been playing at least 4 days a week, roughly 2 hours a day and still don't have a lvl 50. Beat that! Maybe that's why I'm enjoying the game so much. I've seen the 4 republic classes at least through level 20, Sith Inquisitor to 40 (before re-rolling on a higher-pop server - server number three for me) and BH to 13 so far. There's so much content during the leveling process with the class quests, I still find it funny that people "can't find a reason to stay subbed". -smh- Oh, and I'll take my logic elsewhere... Moal
  6. This is what some of us are talking about. How exactly do you know, for a fact, that they mean low pop servers? Maybe there's just as many people on The Fatman that are frustrated with queues at peak times as there are people on Infinite Empire frustrated with high WZ queue times. As for people getting aggravated about leaving a 50 on a low pop server, why not wait and see how things shake out when transfers open up. It just might be that your 50 will be on a server that lots of transfers target. You may find you want to move your current, re-rolled toon to the server your 50 is on. That's all I'm saying, along with other responders: wait and see before you start fussing over money that's still in your pocket. Moal
  7. I don't think you're alone in your thinking. The issue people have with this type of post is that most of what you've said is assumptive and not based on any facts we've seen yet. If BW handles this logically, and I seriously hope they will, there will be a small number of servers that will be unavailable as transfer targets. I'd be willing to bet, for example, that you will be able to transfer from The Fatman but not to The Fatman. Whether I'm right or wrong, most of the responses are saying this: wait and see before freaking out and posting assumptions that "you're sure is gonna happen". Moal
  8. "Han Solo of the Skywalker Legacy." This was actually one of the suggestions I had made in a server transfer/merge thread. It seems like a great idea IMO. It would not only add another layer to the Legacy idea, but would decrease the likelihood of conflicting character names when merging servers or transferring characters. Two mynocks with one blaster. Moal
  9. That's where the confusion comes in... What would you suggest as "content" to do now that you have "the gear"? And what would be the point of doing said content if not to get better gear? That was the point of endgame content in WoW... the gear. Moal
  10. I'll agree on the FP argument. PVP, however can still be fun just for the sake of competition. You *can* do warzones for the fun of it and not look for any reward other than squashing the weak. Just playing devil's advocate here, but what would be the point of doing the additional content? To upgrade the gear again? Seems like a vicious cycle of catch-22. The point of doing endgame content is to get endgame gear. The point of getting endgame gear is to do endgame content? Gets confusing IMO. Moal
  11. /Sign Methinks this is overdue. Moal
  12. Hey Bioware guys... any chance you can post what percentage of your subscribed players actually post forum threads? It'd be cool to see how many people are actually using the forums to provide feedback, useful or not. Moal
  13. After reading the info somewhat buried in the APAC transfer thread, it looks like they ARE working on the process, so I'm hopeful we'll hear more about it "soon". I re-rolled on a higher-pop server and am enjoying the MMO experience again. I seriously doubt the initial transfers will cost us any extra. Bioware does know the meaning of MMO, I just don't think the execution was all that great. They have a quality product in many aspects that just needs tweaking. I waited about six months before starting WoW when it launched mainly for this reason: to let them work the major bugs out. Bioware will get there. We just need to be patient. As for those players that are bored with the current content, how many of you have actually leveled more than one class to 50? More than 2? Did you take your time to enjoy the ride or did you rush through, hitting space bar through each conversation? Maybe my 2-3 hours a night, 4-5 nights a week is too "casual" to have made much progress, but I'm still finding lots to do to keep me busy while I wait for transfers to open up. I do have a bit of goodies I'd like to move to my "new home" on Jung Ma, including my Legacy. Moal
  14. I can run around with a double-sided lightsaber and shoot lightning out of my hands. What's not to like? Moal
  15. Just curious where you're seeing the numbers. I'd like to check those out for myself. Moal
  16. My sole reason for rolling on a PVP server. The first two servers I rolled on (rep on one, imp on another with friends) are seeing dwindling populations. I managed to get my sith assassin to 40 before moving to Jung Ma to start anew again. The reason I moved to another server was to add to my Star Wars experience by running into the opposing faction out in the world. I played WoW on an RP server and flagged once in a while when guildies would raid Tarren Mill or Crossroads or Oggrimar's gate. When TOR was announced, my thinking was, "Would a Sith honestly just run by a Jedi? Hell no, he'd slice him up." To me, it adds to the MMO feel. As for people that don't want to PVP posting here, why bother? If you absolutely hate PVP, there's a ton of servers out there where you'll be safe from harassment, if that's what you call it. Moal
  17. So when you pay your employees on the first and fifteenth or on Friday and they're not there to pick up a check, are they SOL? Or maybe you give them the check but they can't cash it if they wait until Saturday morning. Silly analogy? Maybe. Point is, leaving the vendor in doesn't hurt anyone and potentially helps many. Why is it "whining" or "entitlement" for someone to ask for this? I'm no democrat, so I don't believe anyone is entitled to anything they don't work for. In this case, no matter how easy the "work" was, people worked to get the samples and didn't get a chance to turn them in. I just don't see why it's so hard to understand that they're a little upset. (For the record, I have no samples as I sold them all for credits.) Moal
  18. Congrats on the protodrake. I traveled his flightpath for weeks and only ever saw him dead once. (Damn that Tauren) I get that that's part of playing an MMO. The fact that someone didn't get to the vendor in time doesn't mean he/she didn't put in the effort to get the item they wanted. As a WoW player, you know that Bliz left the special-currency vendors in game pretty much indefinitely. Did that take away from the MMO experience. I don't think so. They've gone downhill in many other aspects but I don't count this as one of the issues with WoW since TBC. As I and several others have said, sometimes life gets in the way. Asking for the vendor to be put back in isn't the typical QQ request. If the OP was asking for the containment set to be purchasable via credits, that'd be a totally different story and I'd likely post against it. Moal
  19. I think in most cases, I'd bet it's not entitlement. It's more about PR and catering to the entire player base when possible. To argue that the sole reason for taking the vendor away is to reward those folks that were able to play through the entire event and cash in is bad PR and caters to, what I believe, is the minority. As for this type of request "ruining the game" I think you need to step away from the forums as well. Plainly and simply, adding the vendor would not hurt anyone except those wanting to profit or to be the "cool kid on the block". BTW, dense has a few meanings. You might want to clarify the context you were aiming for there... or pick a different word. Moal
  20. This is the part that really irks me with these "QQ more noob" posts. I wonder how many of these "I got mine" crowd would have changed their toon if Mama and Daddy had yanked their Internet privileges for the weekend or the boss called them into the office for some urgent task or weather knocked out power just before they were able to buy that one last item they wanted. Would they still argue that "I should have bought that yesterday"? Somehow I doubt it. Moal
  21. ^This. I'm pretty sure there was a little note in there to the tune of "you will receive your free 30 days after the next billing cycle." Moal
  22. Fixed that for you, champ. It's your opinion the OP is in the minority but I'd bet a year's worth of subscription fees you've got that backwards. Moal
  23. Another perfect RP solution. I still say the greedy Jawa should have stuck around to get a few more samples. Moal
  24. Let's look at this from an RP angle: (This is an mmoRPG, isn't it?) Jeelvic knows the Rakghoul plague isn't a threat anymore but still wants to collect the DNA samples so he sticks around for anyone that might be holding on to a few. I honestly don't see a good reason for him to disappear with the plague. The only benefit I see is for two types of players: 1. "I'm gonna get rich on these things I collected" 2. "I'm cooler than you because you don't play as often and/or stay up to date on the news so I'm gonna flame you in the forums." I just don't see the harm in leaving him around for a while. I think it pleases a small portion of the TOR community and displeases the majority. Moal
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