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PVP fixed today? No.


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Before you flame me, I understand that YOUR experience will vary depending on level, gear, faction and server.


That being said, today I saw that the patch included a reduction of medal requirements and increase in loser awards, so I logged in to my first level 50 warzone in several days, due to the broken nature of it after 1.2. This is what happened to my Level 50 Jedi Sentinel.


1. Entered Voidstar with under 5 minutes remaining, my team on defense, most dead and in the starting gate with me and two people short.


2. Upon hitting the battleground, I don't even reach the doors before 3 enemies pounce on me and I am dead in the blink of an eye.


3. Next attempt, I live a little longer. I run toward the door and see a wounded enemy on an ally. I help my teammate kill it, he gets the killing blow, no medal.


4. I start recognizing the members on the opposite team by name and realize that this is either a premade, or a chance gathering of the best geared players on the other side, players who, during the recent debacle, geared way up. This team includes Animosity, the best Empire Healer on my server. When this Sith Inquisitor is playing, the likelihood of killing anyon near her is slim to none.


5. My pug is disorganized, partly because none of us live very long, after all, we are undermanned and nop one is healing, because most of the good healers on my server went DPS after the healing nerf.


6. Game ends and the scoreboard shows everyone on their team higher up in every configuration, with 12 to 15 emblems apiece, and my team having zero to four each. After that frustrating battle, which I almost quit several times, I got nothing.


This is typical of what I faced between 1.2 and today, and for me, it isn't any better. It's not that I am a poor player, though I am admittedly not a superstar. It's the unbalance.


I don't see Bioware removing the medal requirement, as too many players seem to like it. I feel that it is an unfair mechanic designed to punish afkers that isn't working anyway.


The disparity in gear is a ship that has sailed. The gap between the haves and have nots cannot be breachjed because my faction can't beat the other team in order to get the rewards in order to do so. The PVP system is simply too gear dependent. New players are getting a boost, the veterans are over geared, and us champions prepatch are stuck in the middle.


The team population issue has not been fixed. We almost always start with fewer players, giving the team that doesn't need a head start, a big one. This perpetuates the quitting on my side, which puts us in an endless cycle of frustration and loss. Since patch 1.2, I have not increased my gear nor gained a valor level, whereas prior to 1.2, I had steady progress on both fronts.


This game offers neither server changes nor faction changes, and so I have three choices:

1. Reroll on the other faction: I have already been spending more time leveling alts on that side, as there is little for my level 50 to do other than PVP, due to the inability to locate a raiding guild that needs another sentinel and without a LFG tool, I am unable to do flashpoints, as my current guild has gone the way of all the others I have tried: dying due to players leaving the server/faction/game.


2. Start all over on another server, which invalidates the hard work I put into my 50 over the past four months and is no guaranty of a new experience.


3. Stop PVPing, as the new environment is just not for me. This is what I have done, but I fear it is the first step towards quitting the game altogether. I can't even level my alts through PVP as I did before, because the XP just isn't there anymore. For now, the world event is keeping my bounty hunter busy while my Jedi sits on a bird's nest hoping for the spawn of a vanity pet.


It makes me sad that a game I was a huge advocate for, that has given me so much fun is suddenly in chaos, as my server shrinks and the things I did enjoy are no longer enjoyable. As you can see, there is no single problem and no single fix.

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Welcome to the new era of MMOs. All that matters is gear.


New era? I'm pretty sure it's been gear based since...well...forever...once you hit the level cap there only means of progression are via gear. The system has been in place for as long as I can remember and not many MMOs have really tried to break away from it. What else are you going to do to keep players interested? Me, personally, I just like to PVP and could care less about gear progression. In fact, the most fun I've had in PVP on online games, had no gear progression. ;)

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Your solutions to your problem seem silly. Real solutions:


1: Join a guild with focus on PvP and group with them. Use VOIP and co-ordinate your efforts.


2: Take note of good players from warzones, they are on the same server as you. Talk to them, ask advice and ask to que with them.


3: Tough it out. Cheat the system. You can get a medal for sneezing in a warzone these days. It sounds like you joined into a failing game in the example you gave and that is never a good situation. But if you have at least 3-5 minutes of time in the warzone there is no reason you can't earn 1 medal.


By cheating the system, I mean...for example on my sorcerer I can use consumption and hit my big heal until i crit, that will give me a medal. If your not an sorc you can probably hit your cooldowns and trinkets and pop some one for over 2.5k damage to get a medal ASAP.

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i think the gear disparity is a very very valid problem. A full BM team will 100% steamroll facepalm a centurion or champion equivalent geared team for that matter.


The way i see it there are a few ways Bioware can fix this.


1. Introduce a team expertise cap. Meaning each side has a maximum amount of expertise which is a sum of the whole teams expertise. This will ensure that you don't have superly overpowered teams. This will ensure that a team will have no more than a certain amount of super geared players.


2. Tier the warzones by expertise. BMs queue against BMs and so on. Say for example 0-500 expertise will be in 1 queue 501-1000 in another queue. This will ensure that everyone's gear disparity is that exaggerated as to a 1.2k expertise dude beating someone down.


That being said, with the new recruits gear and 2k commendations @ level 50, you can get 900 expertise easy so its really not that bad anymore as compared to pre 1.2, although when you get a full team of BM/WH dudes its really frustrating.

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Interesting. OP is playing a level 50 Sentinel. FOTM post 1.2 and find it hard to get a medal.

BTW, I played a Guardian and still managed to get at least 3 medals if not more. I either do defending or go after healers. They seem a lot squishy post 1.2.

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Did you know, if you queued in a group of Four players you stand a much lower chance of being put into a losing Warzone?


Just another reason, in a list of many, that you are not meant to play team sports without coordination and by yourself.


u mirin' my logic bro?

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Did you know, if you queued in a group of Four players you stand a much lower chance of being put into a losing Warzone?


Just another reason, in a list of many, that you are not meant to play team sports without coordination and by yourself.


u mirin' my logic bro?


are you aware

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So you were grossly outmatched by the other team in both skill and numbers. That's not something BW can fix with a quick patch, it requires the massive computational power to count to eight (or 16/2 rather), and routine 8-checks as a requisite for a team. Check back after quantum computing is made available.


There, I fixed it for you. No charge.


One shiny day, we will have computational devices with advanced adding capabilities

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I hope you're right.


Every MMO has had gear grinds. But not every MMO was a soulless shell of a game designed solely to keep the gear carrot dangling.


He is right, those of us that have tested know he's right. Gear progression has no place in any competitive sport (by competitive sport I mean game). If you are rewarding players with anything but vanity emotes, armor, etc. for pvp you are doing something horribly wrong.


PvP grind should be a skill grind by which I mean practice makes better. Gear progression creates a handicap and is antithetical to competition.

Edited by portichae
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No gear grind but instead you get laggy combat, crap interface, and lag teleporting better than any Video game i have seen, in the Closed beta mind you but ya enjoy the hotmess!


We're discussing PvP mechanics and you throw in a redharring. Goob job, nice bridge you have there.

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