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Why do fresh 50's have the same gear as me


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Define "quick" as this is an entirely subjective term.


As I demonstrated, it is basically the exact same pace to achieve BM now as it took to achieve Champion before and both were the middle of 3 tiers in their respective settings.


Also, the advantage your BM gear has over recruit gear is greater than the advantage it was giving you over Champion gear prior to 1.2. (4% increase rather than 0.6%, a significant improvement). You did not have to put in any additional time to receive that 3.4% increase in performance, it was handed to you over night in a patch.


If thats the case they should fix it. I honestly dont care as long as im progressing into WH. Getting WH will be even easier now with the WZ comm buff



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Define "quick" as this is an entirely subjective term.


As I demonstrated, it is basically the exact same pace to achieve BM now as it took to achieve Champion before and both were the middle of 3 tiers in their respective settings.


Also, the advantage your BM gear has over recruit gear is greater than the advantage it was giving you over Champion gear prior to 1.2. (4% increase rather than 0.6%, a significant improvement). You did not have to put in any additional time to receive that 3.4% increase in performance, it was handed to you over night in a patch.


Right, beat you to it. See my post above yours.


Personally regardless of speed I prefer the more linear route of gear now than the previously random token distribution. Now you can see clearly how many tokens you need and you can gauge roughly how long it till take you to get to that point. So this way you can set mini-milestones for yourself with character progression through gear. Were as before it was random so joe blow could have his BM set before you because he got lucky.

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Right, beat you to it. See my post above yours.


Personally regardless of speed I prefer the more linear route of gear now than the previously random token distribution. Now you can see clearly how many tokens you need and you can gauge roughly how long it till take you to get to that point. So this way you can set mini-milestones for yourself with character progression through gear. Were as before it was random so joe blow could have his BM set before you because he got lucky.


Yup, i can call it quits after XXX amount of rWZ comms obtained and know i only have XXX left to grind. Where in pre-1.2 i could go 1/20-1/30 with BM bags and just bang by head against the wall. Loved the feeling of being a few weeks into BM and having around ~6 comms and a fresh 60val gets 6 comms within his first 2 days. >.<



Edited by fuzzDONTEVENTRIP
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Right, beat you to it. See my post above yours.


Personally regardless of speed I prefer the more linear route of gear now than the previously random token distribution. Now you can see clearly how many tokens you need and you can gauge roughly how long it till take you to get to that point. So this way you can set mini-milestones for yourself with character progression through gear. Were as before it was random so joe blow could have his BM set before you because he got lucky.


I don't disagree at all, I loathe RNG reward systems with every fiber in my being :9.


Before, trying to gauge some kind of macro-economic average was a downright PitA.


Seeing as a bag was a supposed 25% chance for a token and a token cost the equivalent of 4000 WZ comms, a bag was therefore worth 1000 WZ comms over the long average. The aggregate effect of dailies on this very simplified idea was impossible to figure because it would be different based on how much you played beyond the required 3 wins (6 matches average over the total population). This is part of why I'm thankful that post-1.2 BM and pre-1.2 Champion are the the more proper comparisons, imo :9.

Edited by Syylara
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Having PvP be about the gear instead of the player is the biggest failure done to pvp by so many mmo's, and it will be the failure to swtor if they don't change it.


Bioware listen, gear is about customization and looks. The ability to customize your character to fit your exact play style and looks, your game is setup to do that with all the gear that is editable.


The second you introduce disparity in your gear with stats like Expertise, is the second you tell your players that it doesn't matter how well or poorly they play, it only matters how long they grind. That's just stupid and an insult to the people that want to actually play the game, not just have the power to faceroll newbies because their gear allows them to compensate for lack of any type of actual skill or effort.


Any real PvPer will tell you that they'd rather PvP stark-naked than allow a disparity gap be created from poorly implemented PvP gear!

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I have 2 War Hero pieces already and I support fresh 50's having equal gear. I'm confident enough in my skills to overcome their rotations... the gear is merely an aesthetic thing for me, personally.


Nah, the whiny snot nosed no lifers want to have full blown WH gear while their competition is in recruit or pve gear. The fact that they will have still have an easier time getting WH gear before a fresh 50 gets BM gear is beyond their comprehension. They want to steam roll and that is all there is to it, period. The only competition they want is which fully geared guy on their team is going to 1 shot the noob 50 first.

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


Based on their SEC filings the average player plays 4 hours at a time. Therefore it will take the average player more than 3 days to be in full battlemaster even if they are so good that their team wins a vast majority of WZ matches.


Now will there be more disciplined players that save up 2000 and play enough to hit on 3 days yes. Deal with it, it's not the average majority player however it's the exception and not the rule. Designing a game to maximize the benefit of 15 hour a day players isn't good for profits, thats why. They need to design so their average player has a gear horizon and advancement that keeps them playing.

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As a fairly new PVP'er I can say...man does it suck hopping in at fresh 50 without PVP gear and getting squashed in 10 seconds. It took days of grinding out wins with gear that seemed to be great until starting PVP on teams that would have to put up with me not because of skill or tactics but because of my gear. I would like to see a PVP WZ where all gear stats are leveled and you get bonuses depending on your class but I don't know if I would want all WZ's to be the same. I would like the matches to be more dependent on skill than gear but I can understand having different levels of gear too, it is an RPG after all, there needs to be something rewarding for all of those WZ accommodations.


Both sides of the fence I guess.

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You are all wrong.


PvP is about marauders and sents.


Soon it will be 8 maras vs 8 sents.


As funny as this is I think this is scary and close to truth.


I would however like to see a 8 man operative group with 3 healers and 5 concealment ops. I think that would be pretty epic.


I also think a 8 man merc team will wreck.


As powerful as marauder and sents are... they can be shutdown. On my sniper I am less scared of the marauder than I am of the Juggernaut or Tankassin.

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I also think a 8 man merc team will wreck.

I've seen something close to this in a huttball once. 6 mercs Tracer Missile spec and 2 snipers. All I knew was that I was alive with full health hitting the air vents on the side of middle and was dead before reaching the top of the boost.

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Wrong. Tons of gamers play for competition. Just because you want to be casual doesnt mean we should have to lower our standards to fit your needs




Actually, Bioware's actions disagree with you. You seem to be playing a wrong game, I guess.

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Actually, Bioware's actions disagree with you. You seem to be playing a wrong game, I guess.

How so? By making the gear not insanely difficult to attain PvP can become truly competitive because everyone has comparable gear. It is only then that we can truly have competitive PvP where the deciding factor is skill not gear.

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How so? By making the gear not insanely difficult to attain PvP can become truly competitive because everyone has comparable gear. It is only then that we can truly have competitive PvP where the deciding factor is skill not gear.


I agree. But that's the opposite of what fuzzDONTEVENTRIP was talking about.

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Oh, the "work for" "argument" again. Hello - games are not supposed to be work, but fun.


Plus, PvP is suppose to be about skill. How many geared PvPers do you see who don't even know they have an interrupt? Or don't guard their healer? Or just run around slaughtering the lowbies and not focusing on playing the warzone?


The problem with gear as imbalanced as it is in the game, is no one really has to learn to PvP, play a warzone or use their skills. With such a huge gear gap, if you have endgame gear, all you pretty much have to learn to do is use your mouse and mash two or three buttons.


I think more people would have more fun if PvP was more skill-based. They'd actually be thinking more, winning would mean more and SWTOR would be seen as a fun PvP game. Oh, and people wouldn't be looking down the road to GW2.

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


3 days and full BM? rofl um FOS much? if your having issues with ppl with the same gear then you should probbly L2P champ...

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A guildie was just in an 8-man pug voidstar where his whole team were Snipers. It was utterly amazing. The other team could not get anywhere near the doors and the whole game was constant Orbital Strikes.


LOL that would so own.. We had a ops/smugglers fest in a match it was just insane.

Edited by LordbishopX
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You should be able to defeat a fresh 50 because of your experience and skill, not because of some gear advantage. This is PvP, not PvE. Ideally, all would have the same gear, allowing for fair matches.


This is PVP not dueling, you can't expect everything to be, ready set go.


I mean come on, what kind of world do you live in where that's what you're after?

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Yup, i can call it quits after XXX amount of rWZ comms obtained and know i only have XXX left to grind. Where in pre-1.2 i could go 1/20-1/30 with BM bags and just bang by head against the wall. Loved the feeling of being a few weeks into BM and having around ~6 comms and a fresh 60val gets 6 comms within his first 2 days. >.<




You're right! Continuing to punish players with obscene gear grinds and RNG is the best thing they can do to retain customers, and draw in new ones!


o wait...

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Actually, Bioware's actions disagree with you. You seem to be playing a wrong game, I guess.


A lot of people have left because of these changes, thats why WZ's are longer queues, because no one wants to play your carebear game. Thats why you' casuals are crying for server merges because your 'view' of the game and how it should be pushed all the good players to other games. Wonder why the GTN sucks now? No high end players farming or crafting gear for the masses because they're gone.


My account expires the 21st I believe, I actually only came back to play around with a few friends because of the plague event. Nineteen of my friends accounts will expire this week (my guild) because of these changes, so enjoy what you have left to play, looks like all the players who can do anything have gone Galt =).

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I wish BM gear was that quick and easy to get so that I didn't have to try and keep any more 13k HP team members alive. Today the republic queues on my server were swarmed with undergeared players, it made it a nightmare. I'm happy with decent gear being quick to get while really good gear (WH with customised mods in augmented oranges) is slow and expensive.
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This is PVP not dueling, you can't expect everything to be, ready set go.


I mean come on, what kind of world do you live in where that's what you're after?

You have any idea how you sound? This IS PvP and to have truly competitive PvP the gear should be of the same level. When you have one group vastly outgearing the other it is no longer PvP.

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