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Should I Be Worried If They Ever Decide To Pull The Plug On TOR


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Do you have any idea how much money was spent on this game?


Pulling the plug based on a sour relationship would not only be fiscally irresponsible and financially devastating, it would rock the reputation of both entities to the absolute ground.


Think about these things, you know, like a company would.


LucasArts doesn't really have anything to lose except potential profits. It's not like they've made a good game in the last decade.

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this game is most likely on its last legs.



Funny stuff. Vanilla. "Last legs".


You do know that Age of Conan is still operating with 3 servers, right?


So much baseless doomsday BS.


Again, do you have any idea what it cost to develop this game? Do you have any idea how many jobs and reputations are on the line? Are you even aware that this is vanilla?


Unwitting bandwagon fearjunkies - a special breed.

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Well hey there guys pretty much anyone who ever wants to chill with me on the ebon hawk server will know that I am a super crazy fan boy of The Old Republic and thrilled we finally get to see how it went down in a galaxy far far away way back when. I'm not sure if someone or anyone made a thread like this yet and super duper please do not make this a hate or rage post because I want to try to be serious about it as I can. And Bioware I love you guys and god help me this game is so addictive XD.


Finally working on my first lvl 50 character and have 7 other ones at chapter 2 wanting to get them to lvl 50 some day however in the back of my mind I cant help but to wonder will they ever remove the game like Star Wars Galaxies. (Please dont get upset when I say that :o)


Thats why I was hoping for your guys opinion to say if maybe I should say what the heck dont worry about it so much and lvl all my guys to 50 one day or just keep one at 50.


The reason for this is theres still alot of un played games on steam and tons of achievements on some other games that have been meaning to get unlock and wouldint want to feel like if they ever do that there would be better times spent on steam :(


Anyways would love to hear from you guys and see how you all feel and thanks for the feed back! Long live TOR!


They won't pull the plug with people like you around who enjoy the game.

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Do you have any idea how much money was spent on this game?


None of us do. We have estimates from $100m to half a billion. Let's assume $200m as a reasonable guess.


The two million copies alone@$60 a pop generated $120m, not even counting the extra revenue from the Digital Deluxe and Collector's editions. Assuming a conservative million subs@$15/month, we're looking at around another $150m or so in revenue for the first year.


So when I say LA will have no problems pulling the plug on this game when the licensing expires IF their relationship sours with EA/Bio, I stand by it. LucasArts has a history of extremely aggressive behavior when it comes to protecting its brand, and will have no problems taking a slight revenue loss if it believes it to be in it's own best interests.

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I wouldn't worry about this game. Play it and enjoy it.


If you find it fun after several years, probably others will, too, and enough to keep it going.


After that it goes Free2play, or retires to that great Sony stable in the sky where it becomes one of many also-ran mmorpgs you can get for one monthly price.

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Then explain this.


Incidentally, I was playing Shining Force last night.


Does this "lifespan" you speak of only pertain to mmos, or...




I would say it pertains to paid MMOs. Going back to classic games will probably always be an option in some sort of emulator. And by "lifespan", I would suggest that once a game no longer receives "developer support" is when I feel it ends.

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I would say it pertains to paid MMOs. Going back to classic games will probably always be an option in some sort of emulator. And by "lifespan", I would suggest that once a game no longer receives "developer support" is when I feel it ends.

Fair enough.


Do you actually see an abandonment of SWTOR by the development staff in the near future?

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Fair enough.


Do you actually see an abandonment of SWTOR by the development staff in the near future?


Oh geezus...I sure as hell hope not. I'm enjoying the game, despite some serious flaws I see (PvP). I would be shocked if this game even slowed down for another 5 years.

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This is not something you should worry about. Just play the game and have fun.


This is something BW should be worried about... They have to do all they can to keep people in the game and happy if they do not want to be shut down.


This is the problem though. Happiness doesn't deliver an outstanding quarterly statement with huge profits. BW/EA or any other company (except Google, I really think they understand) for that matter give a darn about happiness. They want profit for least amount of work possible.


Look at how SWTOR released. Look how long it took to get SWTOR to "launch ready" staus which is what we have now in 1.2.


Look how many millions of people quit before 1.2 because they were disappointed, burned out before 1.2 arrived. it came too late to save the longevity of this game. We have about a year before they yoink the servers, format them and install the next money making scheme that EA will milk without putting any effort into it, force it out the door too soon etc.


I sold all my EA stock early. Cut my losses, except for SWTOR :D


It's fun now and will enjoy it while it lasts, which won't be long.

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I hope this game is not like the big expensive mmo Tabula Rasa. Tabula Rasa development team announced the game would cease operation on February 28, 2009. Lower than expected subscriber population was cited as the primary reason. Big bucks into a game does not mean it will suceed. BW is not the only company involved with SWTOR. Its a game that needs to make a profit. I hope they fix it. But if not yeah without any doubt they will pull the plug.
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Hello there, everyone! We recently had to remove or edit some posts in this thread. We wanted to take a moment and remind everyone of the Forum Rules and Guidelines.


We understand that our players will wish to use other games as comparisons, but please keep in mind that this discussion should be centered around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Any extended discussions about other games will be removed as off topic.


Also please remember that members are allowed to disagree with one another - making personal attacks are not something we permit. We understand that sometimes subjects can get heated, but we do ask that everyone is respectful and polite to each other while giving their opinions. Here are some quick examples to keep in mind when posting.

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I hope they fix it.

It isn't broken.


Ranked Warzones were delayed in order to make sure that when they go live, they function properly. Server merges haven't started yet, but BW is aware of the population issue on some servers (there are always 4 in the red and many in the yellow). As for PvP and PvE endgame options, you're in vanilla. There is only so much content that can be made available right away. The rest is all bugs and personal gripes about giving loyal, heavy players a free month and how the Rakghoul Plague is "ruining my experience".


Again, it isn't broken. It's an mmo with issues just like every other mmo. It will change over time.


And if you feel differently, then I suggest you stop wasting time here and play... uh... Vessel?



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Heres a link to the struggling stocks in january now imagine what it like now considering so many more have unsubed and they are pulling out the give free stuff card hoping people stay.


This was said in 2010 by a ex eomployee from EA whom spoke out about how SWTOR would end up.




How much longer are people going to go into denial that this game is dying, you do realise that free subs count for the sub count technically and companys do it to raise sub figures for estimates for finanical reports technically it not lying even if it is decieving.

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How much longer are people going to go into denial that this game is dying

As long as there are people who know how MMOs work, there will always be people in "denial".


MMOs begin dying the day they launch, some faster than others, but they rarely pass on, because once the community stabilizes, boosts come from new patches and expansions. As long as the original investment was covered (which is the case with SWTOR) and people are still playing, there will be a game.


I cite every previous mmo that is still alive despite decreasing populations as my examples, including Age of Conan, World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Everquest, Ultima Online and many, many others.

Edited by Blistrich
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People are so negative nowadays, as well as impatient. I'm sure at least one SWTOR game developer has had a look at this forum and seen all of the whiners and thought to themselves "Why do I bother?"


Negativity aside, I do think Bioware need to interact more with the community on this one and keep us informed on what they're actually doing with their time. I haven't seen a dev post on these forums yet(I'm sure one has somewhere) but then I can understand that if they did, they would probably get torn to shreds by certain people. Bioware could really learn something from CCP on this one and something similar to the CSM(If you play eve, you know what this is) could really help.

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As long as there are people who know how MMOs work, there will always be people in "denial".


MMOs begin dying the day they launch, some faster than others, but they rarely pass on, because once the community stabilizes, boosts come from new patches and expansions. As long as the original investment was covered (which is the case with SWTOR) and people are still playing, there will be a game.


I cite every previous mmo that is still alive despite decreasing populations as my examples, including Age of Conan, World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Everquest, Ultima Online and many, many others.


You really dont know what taking place in the actually markets right now withe EA stocks over this game do you? I am telling you this they do not have 1.7 million paying subscribers, most of it is free trials and 30days free offer. It isnt at 1.7 anymore and that figure was in january and even then stock value had droped.


The damage that SWTOR has done to name Starwars itself will see LA soon get involved if it doesnt change direction soon because it actually is affecting peoples perception on the Starwars universe. It is now predicted that if EA continues to support this game as it dying their stocks will plumet, investors are actually calling it a bad investment and this was all forseen by employee whom worked on project whom spoke out about it in 2010.


The cover costs of producing the game have not been covered for game was over 300million in production, alot of that is because of the name Starwars and also money into producing the in game voice acting and the videos for advertising. They have not covered the costs yet so were you got that idea I dont know.

Edited by unseenmaji
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People are so negative nowadays, as well as impatient. I'm sure at least one SWTOR game developer has had a look at this forum and seen all of the whiners and thought to themselves "Why do I bother?"


Negativity aside, I do think Bioware need to interact more with the community on this one and keep us informed on what they're actually doing with their time. I haven't seen a dev post on these forums yet(I'm sure one has somewhere) but then I can understand that if they did, they would probably get torn to shreds by certain people. Bioware could really learn something from CCP on this one and something similar to the CSM(If you play eve, you know what this is) could really help.


You would have to venture out past general discussion. If I was the devs I wouldn't post in general.

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This is the problem though. Happiness doesn't deliver an outstanding quarterly statement with huge profits. BW/EA or any other company (except Google, I really think they understand) for that matter give a darn about happiness. They want profit for least amount of work possible.


Look at how SWTOR released. Look how long it took to get SWTOR to "launch ready" staus which is what we have now in 1.2.


Look how many millions of people quit before 1.2 because they were disappointed, burned out before 1.2 arrived. it came too late to save the longevity of this game. We have about a year before they yoink the servers, format them and install the next money making scheme that EA will milk without putting any effort into it, force it out the door too soon etc.


I sold all my EA stock early. Cut my losses, except for SWTOR :D


It's fun now and will enjoy it while it lasts, which won't be long.


Holy hyperballs Batman!


"Millions have left... Gone by next year...."


Lol. Laughing so hard I can't stay in my seat.

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How much longer are people going to go into denial that this game is dying, you do realise that free subs count for the sub count technically and companys do it to raise sub figures for estimates for finanical reports technically it not lying even if it is decieving.


Yeah a disgruntled ex-employees who refuses to provide his real name is a very accurate way to get an unbiased analysis.

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The damage that SWTOR has done to name Starwars itself will see LA soon get involved if it doesnt change direction soon because it actually is affecting peoples perception on the Starwars universe.

Yeah sure. They'll complain about SWTOR giving the SW Universe a bad name, but they're ok with this:


They'll greenlight anything. They've already slapped the "Star Wars" logo on a ton of horrible books, comics, video games, and merchandise. Even if SWTOR turns out mediocre, they won't really care. They'll just move on to the next cash cow.

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