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What would you add to the legacy system?


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Question of the week: What would you like to see added to the legacy system?


Rule#1 - The addition cannot break PVP warzone battles.

Rule#2 - The addition cannot break endgame PVE battles.


So Far for suggestions we have

  • Legacy of Travel
  • Instant teleport to any planet(after all class quest complete)
  • Instant Taxis(just teleport between taxi locations)
  • instant travel (no cool down for quicktravel)
  • Instant teleport to Illum and Tattoine open world pvp areas.
  • instant fleet pass
  • Legacy Speeder Speed Increase - Mount speed increased by 10%, 20%, 30%
  • Convenience Travel - "Board Ship" and "Home Point" bind options for quick travel ability
  • Summon Guildmate - to non - pvp area(cannot be used in combat)
  • Faster Quicktravel cooldown
  • Faster Fleetpass cooldown
  • Legacy Taxi Unlocks - once taxi's unlocked for one character, unlock them for all characters.
    Legacy of Sharing
  • Shared Legacy Social Level
  • Shared Legacy Valor(since it is now purely cosmetic and has no impact on stats)
  • Shared Legacy Titles
  • Shared Legacy Credits
  • Shared Legacy Achievements
  • Shared Legacy Companions - use all companions across all lvl 50 characters
  • Shared Legacy Bank - A bank tab that is shared by all characters
  • Shared Legacy Commendations
  • Shared Legacy Achievements
  • Shared Legacy Crew Skills - Send other character companions on crafting missions
  • Shared Legacy Ships - Borrow other character ships
  • Shared Legacy Mailbox - Check Mail on Other Characters
    Economic Legacy
  • Discount to unlocking legacy items - 10%,20%, 30%(maybe for higher legacy levels)
  • Discount for changing out mod's in armor - 25%,50%, 75%
  • Toggled Auction Houses - Switch between Neutral, Empire, Republic AH
  • Increase Days For Listing Auction House Items - 5 days, 7 days, 10 days
  • Increase Max number of Items for sale by 25, 50, and 100 per character
  • Discount for Credit Deposit on Item Sale - 10%, 20%, and 30%
    Family's Legacy(RP Stuff)
  • Legacy Storys/Missions - (ex. Rival Mission - Quest to fight other characters in legacy)
  • Character Heros - Summons alt character as a companion for 1 fight(maybe with a long cool down?)
  • Summon All Companions and/or Characters to Pose At Once(not for combat)
  • visible family trees on startship
  • Inspect people's Legacy Tree
  • More link options in family tree(master, apprentice, romance, married, adopted, sibling, slave, twin)
  • Legacy Storyboard - Ability to add story's about your legacy family to a story board for others to see
  • More companion RP abilities - (ex. /companion_hug /companion_high_five /companion_fist_bump)
  • Use alts for 4 man heroics(cant imagine the programming on this one, sounds tough lol)
  • Legacy Connections - Connect Family Tree to Other Characters family tree
  • Textbox to change character relationships(I can say my characters have whatever relationship i want)
    General Legacy Improvements
  • Legacy Character Slots unlocked as you reach lvl 50 on each character
  • Unlocked better appearance modifications(shader changers?)
  • Legacy Advanced Class - Level 1 advance class on character creation
  • More ship droid items being sold
  • Current Legacy Items Cost too much
  • Instant Companion Gifts(i know its already fast, but instant for certain legacy lvl)
  • Multi-Pet - Some people are just animal hoarders. Bring out more than 1 pet at a time.
  • Instant Light/Dark Side Switches(it can happen in real star wars) maybe restrictive to lvl 50 characters?
  • Move Character from Imperial Side of Server to Republic Side if class quest finished(could help to balance servers)
  • Change All Items from "bound" to "bound to legacy"
  • Legacy Rename
  • New Playable Species(WOOKIE)
    Other Suggestions
  • Companion Show Helm
  • Better looking armor
  • More efficient way to change out armor mods to change appearance and keep stats.
  • More modable bracers and belts
  • Ability to change moddable armor to medium or heavy armor
  • Ability to change appearance of armor - ie an appearance slot(just like armor, mods, enhancements)
  • Ability to add augment slots to any orange gear
  • Dual Specs
  • PVP Space Combat
  • Guild Capital Ships
  • Cross-server pvp/pve raiding/flashpoints/heroics
  • Way to Change Orange Moddable gear to "Heavy" or "Medium" Type armor from "Light"
  • Micro Companion Skill Trees




Feel free to comment on any already posted ideas as well

Edited by thomasmeadows
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Question of the week: What would you like to see added to the legacy system?


A feature where you can add a shuttle to your ship. Your ship's droid can then fly your ship's shuttle down to a planet and pick you up. Kind of like a quick travel to your ship. Put it on a cooldown similar to the emergency fleet pass.

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1. Companion show helm off

2. armor that actually looks cool and the ability to put augment slots on it without having to recraft the gear/find the recipe!

3. swg's JTL space combat, i want to be able to fly from one planet to the next without ever going into hyperspace!

4. 12-16 character slots as you get more characters to 50!

5. make pvp/pve belts/bracers fully moddable from the start! or the ability to buy empty armoring from the pvp/pve vendors for our own belts/bracers!

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A feature where you can add a shuttle to your ship. Your ship's droid can then fly your ship's shuttle down to a planet and pick you up. Kind of like a quick travel to your ship. Put it on a cooldown similar to the emergency fleet pass.


You could also do Instant Travel to planet surfaces.


Instant Taxi's


Instant Travel to Open World PVP areas.


Instant teleport (it really should be instant, not reduced cooldown)

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1.Guild Wars alowed you to use your first toon as a companion "hero" for next your toon. It costed money but was worth it. I would love to roll two of my toons on a alt. Even if they added credits in game or micro transactions. Even if I had to complete the story first with the class before I can roll it again with one of my other toons.

example: my 50 gunslinger can be my ranged dps.


2. A legacy story arc of somehow. If any of you have played Champions online, it would be similar to the nemesis system. In my opinion the best feature of that mmo.

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Family / legacy tree and portraits visible in personal ships would be a nice non-combat addition. If they could have an option as to which members of the legacy to include, even better (since allies / enemies may not suit a "family" portrait). Similarly, a holoprojection of the legacy, like the CE holodancer could be good.


Beyond fluff, I'm not sure what I'd add, since there already seems to be a lot of ability upgrades; I guess I'd need to see how it all unfolds to know what else I'd want to add.

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1. Companion show helm off

2. armor that actually looks cool and the ability to put augment slots on it without having to recraft the gear/find the recipe!

3. swg's JTL space combat, i want to be able to fly from one planet to the next without ever going into hyperspace!

4. 12-16 character slots as you get more characters to 50!

5. make pvp/pve belts/bracers fully moddable from the start! or the ability to buy empty armoring from the pvp/pve vendors for our own belts/bracers!


They've said they plan on having a way to add augment slots to existing items in 1.3, so that solves 2 and 5 for you.


As for me:


1: Legacy Bank! Let me just throw stuff in and not have to mail it.

2: Conversion of endgame armor sets (preferably not raid, just flashpoint drop) to be bound to legacy. I have tons of Tionese and Columi commendations and absolutely nothing to spend them on. Alternatively, make our currency tabs Legacy-linked.


Other than that, I'm ok with what we have and what is coming in 1.3.

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Id like the ability to obtain the appearances of some medium/heavy armor for my light armor inquisitor.. Appearance only, I dont need the armor ratings. Medium armor has some of the better looking sith gear imo, while light armor is stuck to cheap wow sorcerer ripoffs.
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Achievement System - This would make the most sense out of all things, to have achievements shared across your legacy.


I would also increase roleplay functions and combine it with some form of Guild Legacy; for example, the Guild would unlock the Capital Ship, which is a work-in-progress as far as I know, and you would receive your own, personal section in the Guild Capital Ship after reaching a certain level in your personal legacy, where you would be able to display your trophies, accolades, achievements, feats, titles and artifacts, similar to the Hall of Monuments in Guild Wars 1.


Legacy has so much more potential than just being another pointless grind for XP-buffs, I hope BioWare doesn't spoil it, these kinds of game systems are a part of the kind of creativity that this genre desperately needs.

Edited by Dako
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Legacy bank would be awesome, I want to be able to share all my bound items between characters rather than having the vendor them


I'd love to see a Legacy bank. I'd vote no on the sharing bound items though as it would be way to easy to have a set of full Rakata gear waiting for your char when they ding 50. That isn't legacy, that is OP.


A legacy bank to store crafting mats would be incredible and rid us of the tedious logging alts in/out to transfer mats and unbound crafted items around.

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I'd love to see a Legacy bank. I'd vote no on the sharing bound items though as it would be way to easy to have a set of full Rakata gear waiting for your char when they ding 50. That isn't legacy, that is OP.


A legacy bank to store crafting mats would be incredible and rid us of the tedious logging alts in/out to transfer mats and unbound crafted items around.


in a pve progression guild, it's the best way to gear up an alt you wish to be ur main without hurting your guild...

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I'd love to see a Legacy bank. I'd vote no on the sharing bound items though as it would be way to easy to have a set of full Rakata gear waiting for your char when they ding 50. That isn't legacy, that is OP.


A legacy bank to store crafting mats would be incredible and rid us of the tedious logging alts in/out to transfer mats and unbound crafted items around.


I personally don't think that would be OP. I think you deserve some kind of reward for leveling multiple level 50 characters. This would keep playing the game more. Which keeps subscriptions up

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2. A legacy story arc of somehow. If any of you have played Champions online, it would be similar to the nemesis system. In my opinion the best feature of that mmo.


Something like this would be awesome. You can already set an alt to be a "rival" of someone else... what if there were legacy missions that pitted said rivals against each other (while you take control of the one of your choosing?)


That would be so much win :)

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More link options on the family tree. I am thinking about expanding on the Ally (keep that there still) and giving a Master/Apprentice link. Ability to add Romance/Married companions as part of the tree. Can only be linked to the character that has that companion.


Maybe even allow other characters to be "companions" for alts and other characters. This could expanded on the ally and master/apprentice link. Or even to allow you to run around with your spouse/child. Rivals could be allowed as a "Helping each other to fight a shared enemy".

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Unlocked companions. I don't know about the other story lines, but for Consular, Hallowed Voice and the Voss mystic would have made great companions.


Thats an awesome idea. You vould use characters from the story lines like sith and jedi counsolers you could use as companions. Since their already part of the story line we wouldn't need bonus companion story. So they would be easy to programers to put them into the game as bonus unlocks

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Some ideas:


Legacy Crew Skills - So for example you could send out your Smuggler's Corso Riggs to do some underworld trading while you're leveling up your Sith Warrior. The benefit is obvious, but it would also encourage alt-playing since crafters won't be thinking "Well I don't want to level an alt because I won't be able to craft if I'm not on my main character".


Legacy Codex Sharing - So any datacron entries you have will be applied to all of your characters (but don't stack) along with the associated stat bonuses. Saves you the trouble of obtaining every single datacron again. Especially since they're designed to encourage exploration... if you've already explored it before, why encourage us to do it again? Encourages alt-playing because there's a lot of people out there that loathe the idea of facing the infamous balloon-ride a second time and see that as a big reason to stick to their main character.


Legacy Character Companions - Use your Smuggler as a companion on your Sith Warrior. It could mess up the companion system a tad, and they'd need to record lines for when you're exploring and come into an area that triggers your companion to say something. But if they could pull it off without detracting from the existing companions, it would be a great expansion for the companion system.


Legacy Companions - Summon Blizz on your Inquisitor. Summon T7 on your Trooper. Summon Forex on your Agent. etc. They'd probably need to have their gear capped to the level your current character is at, but it would be a nice feature. Encourages alt-playing two fold. The simply joy of being able to use companions you already unlocked as you level through a new character. And gives you the goal of unlocking a much-desired companion for your main character.


Legacy Advanced Class Choice on Character Creation - Unlock not just a lightsabre at level 1, but the ability to dual-wield them with your level 1 Marauder. Making you the envy of the Korriban academy. Encourages alt-playing since it's a nice toy/perk, and you can get through the content a lot quicker. Also has a show-off factor.


Convenience - BOARD SHIP - Adds a "Board Ship" icon to your Quick Travel map so you can recall to your ship from anywhere.


Convenience - HOME POINTS - Interact with any Quick Travel bind point on any planet you'd like to set as your home point. And then a "Home Point" icon appears on your Quick Travel map, allowing you to Quick Travel to any pre-determined location in the galaxy. Can only set one Home Point. So if you like to do your Belsavis dailies often, you can set a homepoint at the Broadcast Station.

Edited by Ashyel
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